Chatty Lady
Chatty Lady | Chapter 9

Tu Ming really handed over the task of coordinating the training to Lumi.

Lumi, who had accepted the task, looked at the documents on her screen. The people in the documents were all wild in their own ways, unlike traditional training teachers. She casually searched for them online, and sure enough, they were all extraordinary individuals.

She sent one of them to Shang Zhi Tao: “Take a look, does he resemble a stubborn donkey?”

Shang Zhi Tao opened it and saw a man with a face full of anger. To be honest, he did resemble one a bit, and she chuckled: “He does.”

“Will sent all these men to me, asking me to work with the training department to organize these people for everyone’s training. He said it’s to broaden aesthetic boundaries and horizons. Tsk tsk, this man, he looks quite formidable.” Lumi was talking nonsense again: “Will is like this, but his friends are all quite formidable.”

“You’re single now, free to sleep with whoever you want.” Shang Zhi Tao played along with her nonsense. Good friends could talk about anything and could tell which statements were true and which were false.

“Don’t try to cheer me up, I’m fine.” Lumi was stubborn. After being together for several years, how could she be fine just like that? But she could keep things to herself; no matter how upset she was, she would act as if nothing was wrong during the day. As Lu Guoqing would say, “Love? Just keep dating, it’s interesting!” Lumi thought Lu Guoqing was right. Live and date until old age; who could stop her?

She chatted nonsense with Shang Zhi Tao, and then Tu Ming called: “Lumi, let’s join the video conference in Room 501.”

“Got it, I’ll be there in a flash.” Lumi hung up the phone and winked at Shang Zhi Tao: “Isn’t this man coming?” She quickly touched up her makeup, applied lipstick, and walked to Room 501 in high heels. When she entered, she saw that Tracy was already there, and the secretary was organizing the video link. Lumi plopped down next to Tracy, and the two women exchanged a glance. Tu Ming actually discovered a strange tacit understanding in their gaze. He sent a message to Luke: “Are Tracy and Lumi close?”

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you in person later.”


The video conference connected, and Lumi saw the “wild” man named Yao Luan, who was by the sea with wet hair, greeting everyone: “Hello.” Lumi

The others also greeted him.

Tu Ming advocated agility and interrupted the pleasantries: “Thank you all for your support for this series of sharing sessions. I have just sent the materials to my colleagues, so I won’t introduce you all. Let me introduce the participants from our company: Tracy, the head of human resources, also responsible for the training module; Lucy, the senior training manager with many years of experience; Lumi, the market department contact person, a senior market manager. Next, please let Lucy quickly introduce LM’s(Lengmei) needs.”

Yao Luan smiled first: “I’ll listen to Will’s.” He was very familiar with Tu Ming’s style.

Lumi carefully looked at Yao Luan in the video. This man had a really good appearance; his waterproof jacket clung to his body, showing a clear outline of his chest muscles, and when he smiled, there were dimples in his cheeks. Lumi suddenly felt that her recently divorced cousin Lu Qing should be with such a man to change her mindset.

Lumi sat there listening to the meeting without taking any notes. Tu Ming, seeing her indifferent manner, sent her a message: “Please prepare the meeting minutes after the meeting.”

“Sure.” Lumi replied, but still made no move to take notes.

Tu Ming had dealt with Lumi many times and by this day had also grasped a bit of her rhythm. Knowing that she had a sense of propriety, he stopped worrying about her. Sure enough, within five minutes after the meeting ended, Lumi sent a set of concise meeting minutes to the group, clearly outlining everything.

Tu Ming thanked her in the training group: “Thank you, Lumi.”

Lumi sent an emoji: It’s nothing.

Lumi had a good memory and was too lazy to write down meeting minutes unless absolutely necessary. In her eyes, people who typed away on their computers during meetings or took photos with their phones would never look at them again. That was just silly!

“Remember to add each other as friends. The teacher’s phone number has been shared, so it’ll be easier to communicate.”

“Got it!”

Lumi was the first to add Yao Luan. She was a bit curious about this “wild” man. After adding him, she casually opened his Moments, which were filled with travelogues from around the world, with stunning landscape and cultural photos. Occasionally, there were a few photos of himself, which were also quite striking.

Lumi said seriously to Shang Zhi Tao: “Wait for me to find out if this man is single. If he is, I’ll bring him to you as an offering. If you don’t like him, I’ll take him to Lu Qing.”

Lumi guessed that Shang Zhi Tao liked this type of man and thought of her first when she encountered him. No matter what, the men her sisters slept with had to be the best!

Shang Zhi Tao was amused by her and pulled her to the restroom, joking as they walked: “You don’t enjoy good men yourself; you give them to me first. True sisterhood!”

“That’s what you think!” Lumi put her arm around her shoulder. Hearing a cold voice behind them: “Excuse me.”

They turned around and saw Luke’s face, cold as ever. Lumi smiled at him and then turned to Shang Zhi Tao: “I think that man would look like our Luke when he’s angry.”

“Eight out of ten, he would.” Shang Zhi Tao nodded matter-of-factly.

After they came out of the restroom, Lumi took out her lipstick, applied it, and made a kissing sound at the mirror. Then she handed the lipstick to Shang Zhi Tao.

“Do you have plans for tonight?”

“It’s Lu Qing. She just got divorced and plays around in different ways every day. The day before yesterday, she called me in the middle of the night to come over and do flower arranging with her.” Lumi’s cousin was also a remarkable person. She divorced cleanly and would rather heal alone than go back. She was tough for life, and this time, she was tough to the end.

“Sister Lu Qing is really amazing.” Shang Zhi Tao sincerely praised.

Lumi didn’t make it to Lu Qing’s place.

Human resources moved quickly and came up with a plan within a few hours, scheduling a meeting after work to discuss it. Seeing the meeting time, Lumi said to Shang Zhi Tao: “We dare not mess with Tracy’s people.”

“Is there anyone you’re afraid to mess with? You’re just giving Tracy face.”

Lumi chuckled. Tracy had been good to her. In the past, there were bosses who thought Lumi was difficult to manage and wanted to get rid of her, but Tracy thought it was unreasonable. Lumi felt that Tracy was a good person, at least relatively fair.

The meeting lasted a long time. Initially, they talked about scheduling to avoid the exhibition tour, but they found that no matter how they scheduled it, they were missing a few core members.

“What if we do it together with the exhibition tour? The day after the exhibition. Other colleagues can go to the location.” Tu Ming suggested.

“What about the budget? Where will it come from?” Tracy asked him.

“There’s still about 20% of the team-building budget left, which is enough.”

“Alright, then thank you, Will.” Tracy thanked Will.

The meeting went on until almost 9 p.m., and Tu Ming, seeing everyone a bit tired, suggested: “Shall we have a late-night snack together?”

Tracy was the first to respond: “Sure, let’s go.”

Lumi asked Lu Qing: “Will you be okay alone?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I ran into Uncle Er downstairs at your place, and he dragged me to his house for drinks. There’s a whole room full of people, it’s lively. Also, I just saw Zhang Qing smoking downstairs from your place. Be careful when you come back.”

“Alright, I got it.”

Tu Ming’s car was quite ordinary, but he was generous when it came to treating people to meals. They went to a Japanese restaurant that had been open for many years near the company, choosing the most expensive set menu and ordering just before they stopped serving. It was strange that after being there for so long, he had never organized a department dinner, unlike other bosses who would arrange a meal on their first day to integrate into the team. Lumi thought he was a real oddball, baffling.

She sat across from Tu Ming, with Tracy and Lucy beside her. Lumi had a fear of the name Lucy, always feeling like Li Lei and Han Meimei were following. She was amused by her own dated imagination. When others looked at her, she shook her head: “It’s nothing, I’m just being crazy.”

After laughing, she focused on eating. She liked sashimi, and Tu Ming ate less, very gentlemanly, taking care of the three ladies.

During the meal, Tracy asked Tu Ming: “There are two headcount slots in the market department, have you started the recruitment process?”

“I’ve asked HR to screen resumes.”

“If you have employees you used to work well with, you can consider them too. There’s no need to be so cautious. What’s important is team cohesion.” The implication was that he should also have his own people, and they all understood.

“There’s one suitable candidate; I’ve sent their resume to HR for screening.”

“That’s good.”

Hearing this, Lumi suddenly realized something. Over the past two years, LM had tightened its hiring. The ratio of outgoing to incoming employees was one-to-one. If there were two headcount slots, it probably meant that two people would be eliminated, as there had been no talk of the company adding headcount. This was interesting.

She, who had been quietly eating, finally looked up and glanced at Tu Ming.

“Boss, you’ve been here for so long and haven’t organized a dinner yet!” she said: “Are you planning to wait until the team is reshuffled?”

No one expected her to suddenly blurt out such a sentence after a quiet meal, so they all looked at her. Tracy, of course, understood Lumi’s meaning, but she didn’t take the bait, watching the show with interest.


To Tracy’s surprise, Tu Ming didn’t beat around the bush or evade the question diplomatically. He simply answered Lumi with a single “yes.” This was quite interesting. When Luke wanted to hire Tu Ming, Tracy had discussed with him: Tu Ming’s resume is clean, he’s upright and has worked on many major projects, but he doesn’t seem like a typical marketer. Why not find someone more in line with LM’s style?

Luke’s original words were: After being influenced by you for the past few years, I no longer know what LM’s style is. I only know that Tu Ming is like a low-alcohol liquor, to be savored. Drinking too much gets you drunk, which is quite nice.

Today, Tracy savored that “yes,” and indeed, it was intoxicating, threatening people without showing any emotion.

“So who will be eliminated?” Lumi asked, tilting her head.

“HR will talk to them.”

Tracy was the one who got the ball. In fact, these two positions were specially approved by the company for Tu Ming to hire two people he worked well with, and the matter of team elimination would be discussed a year later. Seeing Lumi looking at her, Tracy had no choice but to cooperate with Tu Ming: “Yes, HR will talk to them.”

After saying that, she suddenly laughed.

Lumi suddenly realized she had been tricked and snorted.

Tu Ming didn’t show any smugness after succeeding and continued chatting with Tracy. He asked about some organizational structure issues within LM. Tracy and he had a good back-and-forth, which was quite interesting. When it was time to leave, Lumi joked: “I’m going to brag to everyone that Will’s first company dinner was with me.”

“I suggest you don’t.”


“Because when you were on leave, we already ate together. It was a spontaneous lunch one day.” Tu Ming smiled at her: “Everyone was afraid you’d be upset, so we didn’t discuss it in the group.”

Damn it.

Lumi cursed in her heart. How was this guy like a spy in a war movie! She sent a message to Daisy asking if this was true, and Daisy replied quickly: “Yes. It was after a meeting one day, and we just went to eat.”

“… Lumi sent back an ellipsis.

“By the way, is it confirmed that you’re taking on the training job?” Daisy asked her.


“It’s good. Serena told me today that she wanted to take it on and asked me if it was confirmed. I just wanted to ask you.”

The workplace dialogue was one sentence after another, but Lumi was more direct: “Tell Serena that if she wants to take on this job, she should go to the boss. I don’t know why the boss decided to give it to me!”

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