After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO
After the Breakup, I Joined a Marriage Reality Show with a CEO | Chapter 9

In the Star Entertainment office, Yu Heyan stared blankly at the red exclamation mark on the screen, his eyes wide with disbelief, unable to believe that the person who used to comfort him with a soft voice whenever he acted pitiful had actually deleted him.

His hands trembling, he typed two words and sent them: [Yi Ge?]

Unsurprisingly, the red exclamation mark was the first thing to pop up.

Yu Heyan’s eyes, already full of shock, were further pricked by the glaring red exclamation mark, making him feel extremely aggrieved. The corners of his eyes began to redden.

Before he could even gather his thoughts and prepare himself to cry, the office door opened.

Yu Heyan looked up.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yu who had come in, he lowered his head again.

Zhou Yu noticed his dejected appearance and walked over with concern, asking, “What’s wrong? Why are you like this?”

Yu Heyan spoke with a trembling voice, “Yi Ge deleted me from WeChat.”

Hearing this, Zhou Yu was no longer worried: “Deleting someone from WeChat is pretty normal. If it were me, I’d have slapped you.”

Yu Heyan didn’t bother to respond.

Seeing that he didn’t argue back, Zhou Yu realized that he was genuinely upset. After a moment, she said, “Do you know why Mr. Ji deleted you?”

Yu Heyan remained silent.

He knew why—he had angered Yi Ge, and Yi Ge didn’t want to deal with him right now.

But it was okay; once Yi Ge cooled down in a few days, he could smooth things over…

“It’s because Mr. Ji is getting married,” Zhou Yu told him.

In that moment, Yu Heyan felt like his ears were ringing, and he couldn’t immediately understand what Zhou Yu was saying.

He looked up in confusion, his eyes red, and asked, “What did you say?”

“Mr. Ji is getting married,” Zhou Yu repeated, “to Lin Jindu from Shengda.”

The words hung in the air for a long time before Yu Heyan spoke, as if he didn’t understand or was trying to grasp the meaning of what he had heard.

The room was very quiet.

After about two minutes, Yu Heyan finally reacted. He stood up from the sofa in shock and anger, “Impossible! How could Yi Ge be marrying someone named Lin? He’s never even met that person before!”

Zhou Yu, leaning against the sofa with her arms crossed, looked at him and said, “What’s impossible about it? Do you know how much market value and tax revenue a power couple like them can generate?”

“Even so, it’s impossible!” Yu Heyan continued to deny it vehemently. “Yi Ge is someone who longs for love! He wouldn’t marry someone he doesn’t like! Where did you hear such a rumor?”

Zhou Yu ignored his question and simply said, “You don’t need to worry about that. If you want to find out more, you can go on this show and see for yourself.”

Yu Heyan’s gaze followed Zhou Yu’s, falling on the contract on the coffee table.

He hesitated, picked it up to glance at it, and became even more irate. “What’s this supposed to mean? You want me to bring a newcomer to a wedding reality show? Zhou Yu, are you out of your mind?”

Zhou Yu, irritated by his disrespectful tone, threw a pillow at him. “What’s with your attitude?”

Yu Heyan dodged and threw the contract back onto the coffee table. “I’m not going! Find someone else!”

He then tried to leave the office.

Just as he was about to step out, Zhou Yu called after him, “I heard Mr. Ji will be on this show. Are you really not going?”

After learning about Ji Chengyi’s marriage to Lin Jindu, Zhou Yu knew that Yu Heyan had no chance anymore.

The reason he still had to appear on the wedding reality show was, of course, because Ji Chengyi was involved.

Zhou Yu hoped that Yu Heyan might still give it a try, hoping that perhaps the two could find an opportunity to reconcile.

After all, arranged marriages lack a foundation of affection, and once the benefits are exhausted, they fall apart.

“Yi Ge is going on a variety show?” Yu Heyan asked in disbelief, turning around with a look of incredulity. “How could Yi Ge possibly go on a variety show?”

Zhou Yu explained, “The producer of the show is Lin Jindu’s aunt. She probably wants to use the two CEOs to attract attention. After all, it’s a real-life version of a double CEO, love after marriage.”

Yu Heyan scowled and snorted lightly, “Nonsense about love after marriage! Yi Ge will definitely come back to me!”

He walked back to his seat and picked up the contract on the coffee table again. “When does the show start recording?”


The variety show starts recording on Friday.

By Tuesday, Song Luoyun had informed Lin Jindu to prepare in advance, as the production team would be coming to their home the next day to film a pilot episode.

Lin Jindu still didn’t fully understand the show’s process and asked, “Do we need to record all day?”

Song Luoyun explained, “Pretty much. Tomorrow, the staff will first ask you a few questions, and then set up a few cameras in non-intrusive corners.”

Lin Jindu responded, “And then?”

Song Luoyun knew that her little scheme couldn’t fool her sneaky nephew, and she chuckled, “Then I’d like you to take my niece out to a supermarket and maybe cook dinner in the evening. This way, the show will have more material to edit.”

The pilot episode is filmed at the guests’ homes, aiming to capture their genuine and natural state.

However, if a household’s lifestyle is too mundane, the production team might give some tasks to make the pilot episode less boring and more engaging for the audience.

Lin Jindu found these details tedious and was about to refuse, “I don’t have time…”

Before he could finish, the door to the study was knocked.

Lin Jindu told Song Luoyun, “Wait a moment.”

He got up to open the door.

When the door opened, it revealed Ji Chengyi, who had just returned from work.

Ji Chengyi had attended a party and had a few drinks, his fair face slightly flushed with a hint of intoxication, resembling a peach blossom just beginning to bloom in the snow.

Quite eye-catching.

Lin Jindu had never seen Ji Chengyi like this before, and he was momentarily stunned, forgetting to speak.

Ji Chengyi, holding a folder, extended it towards Lin Jindu and said, “Lin Jindu, this document needs your… Sorry, are you on the phone? I’ll come back later.”

As Ji Chengyi turned to leave, Lin Jindu suddenly called out, “Ji Chengyi.”

“Hmm?” Ji Chengyi brought his lifted foot back down.

Having called out to him, Lin Jindu suddenly found himself at a loss for words.

Ji Chengyi, still with that slightly tipsy look on his face, quietly waited for him to speak.

Despite Ji Chengyi’s gaze being gentle rather than piercing, Lin Jindu felt an inexplicable sense of nervousness.

Unable to maintain eye contact, Lin Jindu awkwardly tried to make conversation, “Ji Chengyi, have you been drinking?”

Aside from questions about meals, it was Lin Jindu’s first time asking Ji Chengyi such a personal question.

Ji Chengyi assumed Lin Jindu could smell the alcohol and might dislike it, so he subtly took a step back.

Then he answered, “Yes, I attended a party this evening and had a bit of red wine.”

Noticing Ji Chengyi’s small gesture, Lin Jindu found it amusing, and his nervousness quickly dissipated.

He returned his gaze to Ji Chengyi and naturally shifted the topic back, “It’s my aunt’s call.”

Then, almost on a whim, he added, “She suggested that we go to the supermarket while recording for the show to provide her with more material. Do you want to go?”

Ji Chengyi didn’t express his own desire but simply blinked and asked, “Is it part of the show’s tasks?”

Though it wasn’t officially a task but rather what Song Luoyun wanted, Lin Jindu nodded and said, “Yes, it is.”

When it was framed as a show task, Ji Chengyi, adhering to his principle of working well, nodded in agreement, “Sure.”

On the other end of the phone, Song Luoyun was secretly delighted.

This kid is something else.


The next morning at eight o’clock.

The production team, led by Song Luoyun, Lin Jindu’s assistant, and the security team, arrived punctually at the front door and rang the doorbell.

Lin Jindu was the one who answered the door.

As Song Luoyun had previously reminded him, the pilot episode was all about authenticity and naturalness, so Lin Jindu was not to dress in haute couture.

Thus, when the exquisite and luxurious wooden door opened, the camera revealed Lin Jindu in deep-colored loungewear, exuding a powerful presence even in casual attire.

The production team knew who the two guests residing in this villa were and had mentally prepared themselves. However, when faced with Lin Jindu’s commanding aura, several staff members found themselves instinctively holding their breath.

Lin Jindu, oblivious to the impact he had made, focused his attention on Song Luoyun, “Aunt.”

Not surprised that his aunt had come to oversee the work personally, he turned his gaze to the visitors.

Song Luoyun nodded and stepped forward to introduce, “This is Li Mu, the chief director of ‘Romantic Journey.’”

“Hello, Mr. Lin,” Director Li greeted nervously. This was the first time he was working with someone of Lin Jindu’s stature, and his respectful demeanor was evident as he extended his hand.

“Hello,” Lin Jindu shook hands with Director Li and then fully opened the door, “Please, come in.”

As the staff members began to enter, Lin Jindu remembered something and added, “Please keep the noise down. Mr. Ji might still be asleep.”

The staff was about to respond when light footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

Everyone instinctively looked up, their gazes freezing in place.

Only the cameraman swiftly adjusted the camera to capture the figure descending from the stairs.

On camera, Ji Chengyi appeared in a light gray casual outfit. His black hair, perfectly groomed, framed a face with precise and exquisite features. His eyes, looking towards the camera, were gently illuminated by the morning light, adding a warm and soft glow.

“Is recording starting so early?” he asked, his voice smooth and slightly rising at the end, reminiscent of an autumn coconut latte.


The staff members, especially the female ones, were instantly charmed by Ji Chengyi’s pleasant demeanor.

Seeing this, Song Luoyun, looking proud, spoke in a much warmer tone than before, “I’m sorry for disturbing Mr. Ji’s rest.”

Just a few days ago, Song Luoyun had addressed him as Mr. Ji, but now, she was calling him by his first name, reflecting a more personal connection.

Ji Chengyi was a bit uncomfortable with the shift but maintained a gentle smile, “It’s no trouble; I was up early.”

He then asked, “So what’s the schedule now?”

Song Luoyun replied, “There isn’t much of a schedule right now. Feel free to go about your day. Oh, and you haven’t had breakfast yet, have you? You can start with breakfast, and after that, we’ll have an interview to conduct.”

“Alright,” Ji Chengyi nodded and looked at Lin Jindu.

Lin Jindu approached with a natural demeanor, showing no discomfort despite the presence of cameras and strangers, “Breakfast has already been served. Mr. Ji, please join me.”

“Sure,” Ji Chengyi agreed.

Song Luoyun had instructed Lin Jindu to interact with Ji Chengyi on camera as much as possible during the shoot. She wanted to make the most of the sponsorship and appearance fees.

However, Song Luoyun frowned slightly. It seemed odd that the couple was still addressing each other with formal titles even in their own home.

But she didn’t point it out right away.

For one, it would be awkward and stiff to correct them now. And secondly, she hoped they would naturally adjust their terms of address, experiencing the shift from “married for business” to “married for love.”

While Ji Chengyi and Lin Jindu were having breakfast together, the staff, under the supervision of Lin Jindu’s assistant, were setting up cameras.

To ensure the guests’ privacy, cameras were mostly installed in the living room, kitchen, and at the stairway and hallway on the second floor.

One staff member, unfamiliar with Lin Jindu’s home layout, attempted to place a microphone near the study. However, this was firmly blocked by Lin Jindu’s assistant and bodyguards.

The staff member apologized awkwardly and went off to find the director with the equipment.

Ji Chengyi heard the commotion upstairs and thought to himself that Lin Jindu truly deserved the title of the industry’s most ruthless capitalist. Even on a weekend, he had his assistants and bodyguards working overtime.

However, Ji Chengyi didn’t show any signs of discontent, as he had also asked Guan Yun to come over last night.

The reason Guan Yun hadn’t arrived yet was that Ji Chengyi had asked him to make a detour to collect clothes from home.

The first stop of the show was at the seaside, and Ji Chengyi hadn’t brought summer clothes when he moved in last time.

So, both he and Lin Jindu were equally guilty of making their staff work overtime on weekends.

While he was thinking about this, Ji Chengyi heard a stiff cough.

He looked up and met Song Luoyun’s gaze.

“You two can chat a bit; no need to be so quiet,” Song Luoyun said with a smile.

Ji Chengyi wasn’t accustomed to talking while eating, but he nodded in agreement after hearing Song Luoyun’s suggestion, “Oh, okay.”

He then turned to Lin Jindu and said, “Lin, the samples from the factory have come in. If you have time, you might want to take a look.”

Song Luoyun: “………”

I didn’t ask you to discuss work!

Although Lin Jindu didn’t look at Song Luoyun, he could sense his aunt’s frustration and couldn’t help but find it amusing.

He realized there was something endearingly calm about Ji Chengyi.

This was the case this time.

It was the same when they discussed the cat avatar before.

Lin Jindu, not understanding what it meant to define a man as endearing, simply replied, “I won’t go see them. I’m just an investor, not a supervisor. It’s enough that Mr. Ji oversees the product.”

Ji Chengyi nodded, “Mm.”

Noticing Song Luoyun’s expression of wanting to roll her eyes, he added two more words, “Alright.”

Song Luoyun: “………”

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