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May 22, Sunny
Today, he gave me an apple. The apple was a bit sour, so Fu Fu didn’t eat it, but I did.
I spent the whole day reporting to Officer Xu, and by the time I went to the canteen in the evening, there was no food left.
Gu Nanfeng was waiting for me at the dormitory entrance, and when he heard I hadn’t eaten, he brought me some steamed buns from the canteen.
He asked if I was tired today. I said I wasn’t.
When he left, he seemed to be in a really good mood. Tomorrow, I’ll ask the Sentinel group if something happened.
May 23, Sunny
Today is Wednesday, the fixed day for Sentinel combat training. They leave the base before dawn.
By evening, they had returned, and everyone seemed exhausted. His Cougar looked in pretty bad shape.
I wasn’t sure if Gu Nanfeng wanted me to help guide him, so I asked Madam Anna to assist him.
Later in the evening, he came to the dormitory entrance. Fu Fu saw him and, when Fu Fu flew back, it brought a banana with it.
There was also a note that said, “Can I book you for guidance next time?” I agreed.
(His handwriting is so ugly, not good-looking at all.)
May 24, Cloudy
Today feels stifling, and Fu Fu is in a bad mood. It flew out in the morning and didn’t return for the entire day.
While I was helping John with his guidance session, he asked me if I knew Gu Nanfeng.
I didn’t know what to say.
In the evening, Fu Fu finally came back, but its belly was swollen and it looked alarming. After reading Fu Fu’s memory, I found out that Gu Nanfeng had fed it an entire watermelon.
Tomorrow is Friday’s whistle joint combat exercise. When I see him, I must tell him not to feed Fu Fu like that.
(I’m so nervous. Will he pick me as his partner?)
May 25, Sunny
He’s incredible!
He broke the record for the simulated mission on GooGoo Planet in the simulation room!
An S-class!
Everyone was so surprised when the results came out.
I was too! My name is recorded alongside his on the leaderboard! I took a picture to keep as a memory, and on Saturday, I’ll go print it out.
Gu Nanfeng picked me as his partner as soon as he came in, and he even said that partnering with me last time felt great! When he came out of the simulation room, he thanked me and said that I was amazing, and that it was because of me he could break the record.
So happy.
But he’s still a bit more amazing.
His predictions were so accurate. My mental tendrils could barely keep up with his pace, but I couldn’t help him make predictions.
(Red underline) I still need to work on my strategic planning. I need more training in this area. (Red underline)
Today’s fruit was a sugar orange, so sweet. Fu Fu and I each had one.
Gu Nanfeng doesn’t talk as rudely as he used to, but he also doesn’t talk as much as before.
He looked especially handsome during today’s simulated battle. (He looks really good in the Independent Regiment combat uniform.)
By the way, although he’s different from what I imagined, I still want to be his exclusive guide.
Chapter 5
Si Yu has returned to being a little fanboy, while Gu Nanfeng is still completely clueless.
Si Yu’s attitude toward him doesn’t seem to have changed, and it’s hard to tell whether he’s angry or not.
But Gu Nanfeng didn’t dare ask directly, remembering the terrible impression he had left before. Instead, he thought he needed to do something to earn some good favor, so every day he started sending him fruit in different ways. Even though he wanted to ask him out, he didn’t dare to.
He was nothing like the arrogant jerk from before.
One day, Gu Nanfeng passed by the imaging room and saw Si Yu hurrying downstairs, his steps light but quick. But when Si Yu saw him, he immediately hid his happiness and put on a more reserved expression.
Gu Nanfeng got nervous, thinking: “Great, he still doesn’t like me.”
He had no idea that Si Yu was just trying to keep calm and appear graceful, holding back his excitement at seeing his idol.
The Cougar tilted its head, looking at Si Yu, and rubbed its head against Si Yu’s hand.
Just as Si Yu was about to lift his hand, Gu Nanfeng hurriedly pulled the Cougar back to prevent it from jumping on Si Yu.
The three of them awkwardly stood at the entrance, staring at each other.
Gu Nanfeng was the first to speak: “Good morning. Are you going upstairs for something?” Si Yu nodded, subconsciously tightening his grip on the envelope containing the photos in his hand.
Seeing Si Yu subtle expression and actions, Gu Nanfeng thought he didn’t want to see him, so he said, “You go ahead, I’ll leave now.”
Si Yu had just finished preparing his emotions and was about to ask Gu Nanfeng what his plans were for the day, but Gu Nanfeng had already walked off.
At lunch, Gu Nanfeng passed by Si Yu’s table and stuffed two peaches into his hands. The water peaches had thin skins and were so juicy that just their scent made one’s mouth water.
Gu Nanfeng noticed Si Yu seemed like he wanted to say something but was holding back and asked, “You don’t like peaches?”
Si Yu quickly waved his hand and started to prepare to sign.
Gu Nanfeng said, “You can lip-read, right? I can, too.”
Si Yu: “Do you want to eat together?”
Gu Nanfeng glanced at the sentinels he had trained with earlier in the morning. The truth was, he was worried they’d tease him if they saw him eating with Si Yu. But he was overthinking it—his daily habit of bringing fruit for Si Yu had already clued them all in on what was happening.
This behavior was basically a public announcement that he was pursuing Lieutenant Qiao from the Independent Regiment.
Si Yu added: “If you’ve made plans with them, then don’t worry about it. I’ve already eaten.”
Gu Nanfeng: “Oh, okay, then see you later.”
As he sat down to eat with the other sentinels, Gu Nanfeng couldn’t hold it in anymore and asked one of them, “Lieutenant Qiao just asked me to eat with him…”
The sentinel: “Yoooooo, then why didn’t you go?”
Gu Nanfeng: “But he said he’d already eaten, so what was the point?”
The sentinel: “…You’re really single by your own skill, aren’t you?”
Being told that he was single “by skill,” Gu Nanfeng felt like he was starting to understand things.
At dinner,Gu Nanfeng prepared his meal early and waited without eating, hoping to run into Si Yu and sit across from him as soon as he arrived.
Gu Nanfeng: “Together?”
Seeing that Si Yu looked quite happy, Gu Nanfeng finally relaxed.
The two of them ate quietly, with only the sound of utensils clinking against the plates.
After finishing, Gu Nanfeng stared at his empty plate for a long time before finally blurting out, “Was the peach good?”
Si Yu: “It was delicious.”
Gu Nanfeng couldn’t think of what else to say. He always felt a bit nervous around Si Yu, wanting to talk but remembering his bad habit of saying the wrong things. He tried to carefully pick his words, but he still didn’t know how to have a normal conversation with him.
To all my lock translations, 1 chapter will be unlocked every sunday. Weekly update for all my ongoing translations. Support me in Ko-fi: If you have concerned in all my translations, DM me in Discord: Lhaozi(I'm a member in Shanghai Fantasy discord)