Crossflow chapter 21

Feng Hui spent half the day trying to smooth things over, finally resolving the matter. However, the current development was something she had never anticipated—Cai Hong, with a face swollen like a pig’s head, reluctantly admitted his mistake. Tao Fengche, who had struck him, begrudgingly accepted the apology, and Cai Hong’s mother, who had previously been arrogant and overbearing, now humbled herself and smiled humbly at the Tao family members.

It was a bizarre comedy filled with dark humor.

Fortunately, before the end of the third period, the issue was settled. Cai Hong was taken home by his mother to see a doctor, Xu Song excused himself, and Yan Yi returned to class with Tao Fengche, both displaying the demeanor of victors.

The moment they stepped out of the office, Yan Yi began to feel restless.

The events of the morning had completely changed her perception of Tao Fengche. In her memory, Tao Fengche had always been the epitome of a good student: coming from a well-off family, excelling academically, and possessing striking looks—perfectly embodying the term “school idol.” However, there was always something unreal about him.

She never expected that he could fight, and fight so cleanly and effectively, making it a spectacle to watch.

He was the perfect combination of a top student and a school bully, like a protagonist from a school romance novel come to life, the dream lover of all beta and omega girls.

Yan Yi was blushing and had to hold back for a long time, wanting to tell Tao Fengche how handsome he looked today. But just as she made up her mind and turned to him, she saw his cold and stern face.

Tao Fengche looked… very unhappy. Like a recently erupted volcano still emitting black smoke, his anger lingered, and no one knew when he might explode again.

Yan Yi shrank back. Although she didn’t want to admit it, after seeing Tao Fengche fight, she felt a clear sense of fear mixed with her admiration. She understood that Tao Fengche wouldn’t hit her, an omega, but the fear of a powerful alpha was ingrained in her, beyond her control.

Reluctantly, she kept quiet, and they walked back to class in silence.

In fact, most of the students in Class 2-1 felt the same way as Yan Yi. Even Wang Yuan didn’t dare to joke with Tao Fengche that day, fearing he might inadvertently anger him. Everyone stayed quietly in their seats, giving Tao Fengche space to calm down.

But when the morning classes ended, Tao Fengche unexpectedly walked up to Wang Yuan’s desk. “Want to go for lunch?”

“Huh?” Wang Yuan, still dazed from Tao Fengche’s earlier intimidating presence, was surprised by his invitation.

Fortunately, he quickly recovered, grabbed his wallet, and stood up. “Sure!”

Tao Fengche seemed as normal as ever, as if the chaotic morning had never happened. By the afternoon gym class, he even arranged a basketball game with Wang Yuan and some other alphas, drawing a crowd of beta and omega students to watch. His smooth three-step layup elicited gasps of admiration.

Wang Yuan, full of envy but good-natured, thought to himself—Tao is truly impressive! Such strong mental resilience, adjusting so quickly. No wonder the betas and omegas like him; he’s a real man!

But the reality was entirely different from what Wang Yuan imagined.

Tao Fengche only appeared indifferent. After school, the Tao family’s Maybach was parked at the main gate as usual. Tao Fengche silently got in the car, pulled a Coke from the cooler in the backseat, and drank most of it in one go.

Remembering Xu Song’s instructions, the driver wanted to advise him that drinking so quickly was bad for his health, but Tao Fengche was already gazing out the window, his face expressionless, his eyes deep.

Sensing the mood, the driver raised the partition between the front and back seats.

Tao Fengche remained silent for a long time. After returning home, he followed his usual routine of dining, doing homework, going downstairs to exercise, and going to bed at eleven o’clock sharp, everything seemingly normal.

But he hadn’t spoken a single word all evening and even spent a long time alone in Tao Zhixing’s study.

Although the servants didn’t know what had happened during the day, they could tell he was in a bad mood. To avoid trouble, the Tao house was eerily quiet all night. Only after the lights in Tao Fengche’s room went out did they collectively breathe a sigh of relief.

—What happened? Who made the young master this angry?

As the clock’s hands moved from “2” to “3,” a pitch-black Karlmann King slowly parked at the entrance of the Tao family’s main residence. The vehicle, almost blending with the dark night, had sharp, distinctive lines, resembling the Batmobile.

Xu Song, standing at the entrance, walked up and opened the rear door. Sui Yuesheng, looking exhausted, stepped out of the car, slightly bending over.

“Why did Young Master Sui come back suddenly today?” Xu Song asked.

Sui Yuesheng’s arrival was completely unexpected; even Xu Song only learned about it when the car was spotted at the base of the mountain by the bodyguards.

“I was a bit worried,” Sui Yuesheng replied, loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. The feeling of constraint lessened, and he stretched his stiff neck, letting out a sigh.

As Tao Fengche’s guardian, the call from Feng Hui to notify the parents was initially made to him.

However, he was on the other side of Jingpu at the time, dealing with a cleanup operation for one of the Tao family’s subordinates and couldn’t answer the phone. Even the call was handled by his assistant, Zhou. Around nine in the evening, with the task temporarily completed and the area in disarray, he instructed his men to clean up the bloodstains and took the tea Zhou handed him, drinking it in one go. “Did anyone try to contact me?”

He casually asked, planning to return to the hotel to wash up, but didn’t expect Zhou to answer that Tao Fengche’s class teacher had called.

“What did you say?!”

Sui Yuesheng’s heart skipped a beat. His first thought was that something had happened to Tao Fengche, and countless unwanted outcomes flashed through his mind.

Fortunately, reality was much gentler than he imagined.

Assistant Zhou, though not knowing much about Sui Yuesheng’s past, understood his agitation and quickly explained that Tao Fengche had been in a fight at school. After informing the teacher that Sui Yuesheng was unavailable, the teacher had contacted Xu Song to handle it.

Sui Yuesheng was silent for a moment. “From now on, any news regarding Tao Fengche, inform me immediately.”

Assistant Zhou nodded quickly.

Even after ten years without seeing each other, Sui Yuesheng still had confidence in Tao Fengche’s combat abilities—apart from losing to a goose when they were young, peers at school, even the Alphas were no match against this young master of the Tao family.

Although it was just a fight among children and not a big deal, Sui Yuesheng couldn’t help but be restless and worried by this matter.

Kyushu(nine provinces) was vast, and Jingpu City covered a wide area. Even though he immediately had his subordinates drive to the airport and then took the Tao family’s private jet to rush back, speeding all the way to the Tao family ancestral home, it was already this late when he arrived.

He signaled the driver and Assistant Zhou to leave first and then walked into the house while asking Xu Song, “What exactly happened?”

Feng Hui had only mentioned over the phone that “Tao Fengche got into a fight with a classmate at school,” without elaborating on the cause or details. Assistant Zhou naturally couldn’t provide more information. Sui Yuesheng understood Tao Fengche’s character well; he was not the type to be arrogant and fight at school, so there had to be more to the story.

Unable to grasp the situation over the phone, Sui Yuesheng flew back directly, both to understand the situation from Xu Song and to check on Tao Fengche’s condition.

Xu Song, aware of his intentions, detailed the events of the morning, but even though he repeatedly emphasized “the young master wasn’t injured,” the expression on Sui Yuesheng’s face grew increasingly worse.

He hurriedly changed into slippers, his steps becoming faster and faster, until he was practically running up the stairs. But when he finally stood before Tao Fengche’s tightly closed bedroom door, he suddenly stopped.

He reached out his hand, as if to grasp the doorknob, but halted half a centimeter away, hanging it there for a moment.

Xu Song watched as Sui Yuesheng, like a whirlwind, rushed away, but being older, he couldn’t keep up with Sui Yuesheng’s pace. He thought Sui Yuesheng must have already entered the room in one go, but when he hurriedly arrived, he was surprised to see him standing still at the door.

—Like a silent statue.

Xu Song even thought he might stand there forever, but moments later, Sui Yuesheng seemed to suddenly make a decision, placing his right hand on the doorknob and gently pressing down.


The door opened.

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