Crossflow chapter 24

Tao Fengche had never liked having someone follow him around, unless absolutely necessary. He had always been clear in refusing personal bodyguards. Xu Song, fearing his anger, dared not act against his will. Considering Tao Fengche’s current arrangement of being driven to and from school by the Tao family’s driver, he thought there wouldn’t be any trouble at school, so he didn’t send anyone.

But this time, someone managed to exploit the gap.

The moment these people appeared in front of him, Tao Fengche’s first reaction was to reach for his gun, only to find it wasn’t there.

Damn. He cursed inwardly.

It wasn’t that he forgot or didn’t want to carry a gun. In order to prevent school shootings, Kyushu’s law explicitly prohibited carrying firearms to school. Even the son of the president had to comply with this law, let alone Tao Fengche.

Since he didn’t have his gun, hand-to-hand combat was the only option. Tao Fengche squinted slightly, sizing up the group of people before him, calculating in his mind.

Things were much better than he expected.

Although this group looked intimidating, he believed they had nothing to do with the Red Gang that he was concerned about.

After all, they didn’t even have guns; their only weapon was the wooden stick held by their leader, which didn’t seem very impressive. However, they all wore knuckle dusters on their fingers, making them not easy opponents.

A group of idle hoodlums. Tao Fengche concluded in his mind.

They were now in a narrow alley, with both ends blocked by this group, making it impossible to escape. But Tao Fengche had no intention of fleeing.

Coincidentally, he was in a bad mood today, and someone had come to him to vent his frustration. How could he refuse such a good opportunity?

He stretched his neck from side to side.

The one holding the stick was a young alpha male who looked barely in his twenties. His hair, like straw, was dyed a dry yellow. He wore a vocational school uniform that was crooked and twisted, paired with jeans that had several large holes in them. He tilted his chin slightly and spoke arrogantly, “Are you Tao Fengche?”

Tao Fengche: “…”

It had been years since he had seen such a dress style reminiscent of the gangsters from the last century. After observing for a while, he noticed that the holes in the jeans were deliberately cut by the owner himself. Looking at the yellow-haired guy, he couldn’t help feeling a bit of pity.

Life seemed quite miserable for these guys, but… what conflict did they have with him?!

“What are you looking at! Our boss is talking to you!” shouted a fashionable gray-haired guy behind the yellow-haired one.

Tao Fengche shifted his gaze towards him.

Ever since he saw the photo of Sui Yuesheng and Jiang Jingyun circulating online, sparking much discussion among netizens, wondering if Sui Yuesheng’s hair was dyed, commenting unexpectedly on how fashionable the new chairman of the Tao Group is, Tao Fengche sneered upon seeing this dynamic, finding it absurd.

Now, seeing this artificially gray-haired person in front of him, with hair like straw and slightly faded ends, could he even be compared to Sui Yuesheng’s silky curls?

But those alphas and omegas who would boast in the comments, “I can match General Sui!” probably wouldn’t see Sui Yuesheng in their lifetime. Comparing this small-time rogue in front of him to Sui Yuesheng was simply an insult to the latter.

Wait a minute.

Tao Fengche, why the hell are you still thinking about Sui Yuesheng now?! Are you stupid?

Tao Fengche’s mood worsened. He frowned and remained silent, but the others mistakenly took his silence as fear of them, feeling proud: “See, he’s scared stiff.”

Yellow Hair guy looked disdainful, acting all mighty: “Kid, let me tell you, don’t be too arrogant in life, it’s easy to crash.”

“Hmm?” Tao Fengche raised an eyebrow in mild curiosity.

“Don’t pretend to be clueless!” Yellow Hair tapped his wooden stick on the ground a few times. “Let me advise you, learn to behave in the future. Don’t mess with people you shouldn’t mess with. Today, I’ll teach you how to behave!”

Tao Fengche: “…”

He thought it was going to be a big deal, but was this it? Tao Fengche rubbed his temples which were starting to ache.

To be honest, he found these people rather idiotic.

“Did Cai Hong send you?” he asked, sounding confident.

Yellow Hair raised his chin arrogantly. “Huh! Looks like you know who you’ve offended. Stay away from our Boss Cai in the future. He’s not someone you can mess with.”

Yellow Hair had met Cai Hong while skipping class one day to play video games at the arcade. Seeing how generous Cai Hong was, he intentionally struck up a conversation. They hit it off quickly, becoming friends soon after. Whenever they went out for food or drinks, Cai Hong always footed the bill.

Yellow Hair knew many people, and the school was full of idle troublemakers. After Cai Hong got beaten up, he secretly gave Yellow Hair some money, instructing him to teach Tao Fengche a serious lesson. Cai Hong had warned him beforehand that Tao Fengche was strong in fights, but to Yellow Hair, that meant nothing.

Just a pampered alpha who could only beat up Cai Hong, he had brought along his group of friends, knowing that they could easily take down Tao Fengche bare-handed.

Cai Hong’s request was for him to beat Tao Fengche half to death, but they had been waiting here for nearly a week just to find Tao Fengche. The petty amount Cai Hong gave didn’t seem worth it to Yellow Hair, who thought to himself that after scaring Tao Fengche a bit, he could make him pay to make it all go away.

Yellow Hair’s mind was set on the idea, envisioning countless bills beckoning to him.

Tao Fengche sighed. He couldn’t believe it was still Cai Hong; he thought that guy would still be lying in the hospital, maybe having learned a lesson. But no, the guy’s villainy persisted, sending hired thugs after him. But the people he had sent…

Tao Fengche sized up the skinny, almost doubtful-looking thugs. Why did Cai Hong think this bunch could take him down? 

“What a joke,” he interrupted. “Come at me together, I’m in a hurry. I haven’t even had lunch.”

“So cocky?” Yellow Hair smirked. “Brothers, let’s get him!”

He grabbed a stick and charged, aiming to smash Tao Fengche’s face. But Tao Fengche agilely dodged to the left, leaving the stick to swing empty. Then, he grabbed the stick, causing Yellow Hair to stumble forward, unexpectedly within his reach!

Damn it! This alpha wasn’t some pampered young master at all! Yellow Hair’s eyes widened in shock.

In the next moment, Tao Fengche used his hand like a blade, viciously striking at Yellow Hair’s neck.

Yellow Hair winced in pain, his grip loosened, and Tao Fengche quickly took the stick. With a swift swing backward, he knocked down another guy who rushed forward. Then, with one hand, he grabbed Yellow Hair’s arm, flipped him over, and slammed him to the ground!

A loud thud kicked up a cloud of dust on the ground.

His speed was too fast; many of the thugs hadn’t even reacted before he closed in. One by one, they lost their fighting spirit, ready to flee when the opportunity arose.

But Tao Fengche wouldn’t give them that chance.

They had come looking for trouble, and now they were his punching bags. He fought ferociously, not letting even one go easily.

In less than five minutes, a row of bodies lay scattered on the ground. Amid the chaos, Tao Fengche had inevitably been scratched on the neck by a brass knuckle, a wound that bled slightly.

It wasn’t deep, but it looked intimidating.

He wiped his face, unconcerned, lifting his shirt to wipe away the sweat from his intense exertion. He squinted, searching among the “corpses” on the ground until he found Yellow Hair. Then, he knelt on one knee on Yellow Hair’s stomach and lightly tapped his face.

“Tell me again, how were you planning to do this?”

His tone dripped with disdain and arrogance.

After that display, Yellow Hair no longer looked as arrogant as before. Knowing when to yield was a mark of intelligence. He smiled apologetically, “Sir, it was our mistake. You’ve had your revenge. How about…”

Damn, Cai Hong never said this kid could fight! Even outnumbered, he managed to overpower nearly a dozen of them, leaving them defenseless.

“No, I don’t need idiotic lackeys like you.” Tao Fengche furrowed his brow.

In a nearby residential building within ten meters of the group, a male beta was frantically dialing a phone.

“Officer, I’m really sorry. I just called to report a fight, but it turns out it was just a misunderstanding. If you haven’t dispatched anyone yet…”

He had seen a group of thugs surrounding a student in a school uniform, which he recognized as from a nearby international school. Thinking it was a mugging, he, a weak beta whose only hobby was gaming, had called the police in a panic, unable to help himself.

As a powerless beta who only enjoyed gaming at home, he couldn’t do much to help without risking getting beaten up himself. He nervously called the police, lost his appetite, and stood by the window, anxiously watching the situation unfold.

But who would have thought that the student in school uniform, even outnumbered, showed no signs of weakness, single-handedly knocking down the gang members!

Since it was a student fighting back against thugs, there was no need to call the police!

“What? They’ve already arrived?” The beta was stunned.

In the distance, police sirens wailed.

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