Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Watching the Fountain

In the end, Lin Beixiu had no choice but to carry her, his heart beating fast.

“Look, isn’t this fake?” Qin Muxue turned her head and saw the brat holding a skull in his hand, with fake blood on it, looking quite scary.

“Ah, put it away, bad guy, I hate you.”

“Oh, don’t hit me, I’ll throw it away.” Lin Beixiu put down the thing and chuckled, patting her back.

After a while, Lin Beixiu asked again, “Feeling better now?”

Qin Muxue was stunned for a moment, only then realizing that they had arrived in a room.

Lin Beixiu patted her, “Come down, it’s safe here, the puzzle is solved.”

On the table, a note indicated the password to the door, following the hints would lead to the next level.

Both of them being top students, they easily solved it and proceeded to the next level.

“You, just say if you’re scared earlier, always so timid and playful.”

“I just… haven’t reacted yet.” Lin Beixiu smiled helplessly, “Relax, we’ll speed up the decryption and then get out quickly.”

“This time, I’ll go ahead.”

“Huh?” Lin Beixiu couldn’t believe it, “Scared silly?”

Qin Muxue stomped her foot in anger, “I’ll prove it to you.”

Well, let her be. Lin Beixiu followed behind her, and suddenly, a ghost jumped out in front of them. Qin Muxue screamed and kicked.

“Ouch.” Hearing the sound in front of her, Qin Muxue realized she had kicked a person.

“Sorry, are you okay?” Qin Muxue hurried to help him up.

“Used to it, Miss has a strong kick.” The worker tidied up and after chatting with the two for a while, he hid again, planning to scare others.

“You’ve improved, but if you kick at ghosts….”

Qin Muxue blushed, “You’re not protecting me.”

“I am, let’s go.” The two entered another room to find clues. As they opened the door, a staff member holding a bloody chainsaw appeared in front of them.

Qin Muxue was about to kick instinctively, but Lin Beixiu reacted faster, seeing the small white shoes on the ground, he realized the person was a staff member and quickly picked up Qin Muxue.

“Calm down, this is a person.” Feeling her waist being held, Qin Muxue blushed, feeling flustered and a bit joyful.

Lin Beixiu was also stunned; it was his first time holding Qin Muxue, especially since she was so light with a slender waist.

“Let’s decrypt quickly.” Lin Beixiu said somewhat awkwardly.

“Mm.” The two cleared the level together, encountering ghosts along the way. Whenever Qin Muxue made a move, Lin Beixiu would pull her back to prevent her from hurting anyone.

“We cleared it.” They finally made it outside, and Qin Muxue finally relaxed.

Lin Beixiu watched her with a smile. Qin Muxue turned to look at him, blushing, then turned her head away.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to see some books and relax.”

“Okay.” The two bought two bottles of water from the store and then headed to a library further away.

On the way, Lin Beixiu couldn’t resist teasing her, and they arrived at the library, a tall building with not just books but also a restaurant. The lower floors were filled with philosophical books for successful people and bosses, while the upper floors housed novels.

“In this era of smartphones and the internet, physical books are rarely valued, so the library is mostly visited by parents with children selecting study materials.” Qin Muxue casually picked a novel and sat by the window, overlooking the street below.

Lin Beixiu found the book he wanted to read and sat across from her.

“Let’s pass the time like this, and in the evening, I’ll take you out for a walk.”


Night fell, and the mall was brightly lit with various neon lights. The two had left the library early, with Qin Muxue buying two books. Lin Beixiu wanted to ask, but she kept it a secret, leaving him shaking his head in resignation.

Qin Muxue was already starving.

“Little Bei, I’m hungry.”

Lin Beixiu nodded and took her to the third floor, the dining area.

“Eat noodles?”

“Mm.” Lin Beixiu explained with a smile, “There are even tastier stalls outside, so let’s eat a little here first.”

“You decide.” Lin Beixiu ordered a bowl of noodles for her and a bowl of rice noodles for himself, along with a plate of dumplings.

While eating, Lin Beixiu handed most of the dumplings to her.

“Eat more if you’re hungry.” “Okay.”

During the meal, Qin Muxue received greetings from her family, with Qin Han reminding her to be safe while playing outside. Qin Muxue replied briefly.

At the company, Qin Han looked at Qin Muxue’s perfunctory message and didn’t know what to say, feeling helpless.

Feeling a bit relieved, since she had to work anyway, she decided to go out and have fun with this girl.

“Are you full?” Qin Muxue nodded, wiping her mouth, “Can we go see the fountain now?”

“It’s still early.” Lin Beixiu checked the time.

The fountains here only started at specific times, so there was nothing to see at the moment.

“Let’s go, we can head over first.” After paying, Lin Beixiu led the way out of the noodle shop towards the square. By nightfall, the place was bustling, with many street stalls set up.

Lin Beixiu, familiar with the area, led them to a familiar place. In front of them was a large artificial pool with various glowing tubes installed underground, reflecting colorful patterns on the water’s surface.

There was a staircase on the side, with lights installed in the gaps below, and neon lights inside the handrails’ walls, creating beautiful halos wherever they walked.

This place was indeed well-designed. Qin Muxue couldn’t help but take out her phone to take photos.

“It’s so beautiful.”

As the beautiful music played, the fountain in front of them sprayed high, rhythmically forming various shapes with the music.

Qin Muxue was seeing it for the first time, her eyes widening.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Looking at her amazed expression, Lin Beixiu said casually.

“Mm.” Then, Qin Muxue saw the fountain even forming a heart-shaped water column.

After seeing it, Qin Muxue felt like her horizons had been broadened and took many photos.

“The music is nice too, thank you for bringing me here, Little Bei.”

“Are you so easily satisfied?”

Lin Beixiu looked at her tenderly, “It’s nothing.”

Suddenly, Qin Muxue pulled him, “Let’s go, take photos in another place.”

“Slow down, don’t get too close, or you’ll get splashed.” The two ran around the fountain, with Qin Muxue excited like a child, and Lin Beixiu followed her, playing along.

“Muxue, look over there.” Qin Muxue followed his finger and saw a water lily blooming in the center of the pool, shining brightly under the lights. She took a picture of it.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”


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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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