Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Unfamiliar Coldness

“What are you afraid of?”

It was because of the darkness that Lin Beixiu didn’t see the disdainful look Qin Muxue gave him.

“You, this stinky straight guy, don’t even know how to seize opportunities when they’re right in front of you. You still talk about getting physical, but every time we sleep together, it’s always me taking the initiative.”

And you’re still not satisfied, you even push me.

The more Qin Muxue thought about it, the angrier she became, unable to hold back, she kicked him.

“We were having a good conversation, why did you kick me?”

“I want to ask you, am I not beautiful?”

“You’re beautiful,” Lin Beixiu said without hesitation.

“Then why don’t you have any thoughts about me?” Qin Muxue asked instinctively.

There was no response, only silence.

Qin Muxue became anxious and was about to ask again.

Lin Beixiu turned over and said, “Go to sleep.”

Qin Muxue fell silent, feeling a growing sense of unease in her heart.

What is he afraid of?

Qin Muxue wanted to reach out and ask, but looking at Lin Beixiu’s back, he seemed so distant to her. She turned over and fell asleep with a heavy heart.

The next day, when the alarm clock on the bed rang.

Lin Beixiu got up, turned off the alarm clock, and glanced at Qin Muxue still sleeping beside him, not wanting to disturb her. He quietly got up.

After washing up, he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He heard the sound of water behind him, knowing that Qin Muxue had already gotten up.

On the dining table, Lin Beixiu placed the steamed buns he had prepared and poured two cups of milk.

“Why did you wake up so early?”

Qin Muxue just shook her head, not saying anything. It seemed like she didn’t sleep well.

Lin Beixiu was fine because he had to go to the dormitory to get their books from Hu Feng, so he got up a little earlier.

“You go to the classroom first, I’ll go get the books for you.”

Qin Muxue nodded.

After breakfast, the two of them walked to school side by side. The once deserted place during the vacation became lively again with the start of the new semester.

They separated halfway, with Lin Beixiu heading towards the boys’ dormitory.

He knocked on the door of the dormitory, and Liu Jin opened it.


“Liu Jin, I’m looking for Hu Feng.”

Liu Jin pointed to the bed inside and continued packing his books, getting ready for class.

Lin Beixiu went to the bed and saw that there were only a few minutes left before class, but this guy was still sound asleep.

“Hu Feng, you’re late, why aren’t you getting up?”


Hu Feng responded with a grunt, reluctantly opening his eyes a crack. “It’s fine, it’s a general education class, they won’t take attendance.”

“Oh, the books are on the table.”

After saying that, he continued to close his eyes and go back to sleep.

Lin Beixiu: ……..

Impressive, he’s really slacking off?

Another roommate said, “Don’t mind him, we’re going to be late, let’s go.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head helplessly, took the two books, and left.

Back in the classroom, Qin Muxue had already found a seat for him in the back row. Lin Beixiu sat next to her and handed her the book. “Here’s your book.”

“Thanks,” Qin Muxue said calmly.

Lin Beixiu had a complicated expression, thinking about what happened yesterday, and he was also feeling a bit troubled.

The morning classes quickly passed, and Qin Muxue only said that she had something to do, so she asked Lin Beixiu to go ahead.

Lin Beixiu agreed and left first.

When he returned home to prepare lunch, it was only about ten minutes later that Qin Muxue came back with a box of fruit, followed by the aroma coming from the kitchen.

“It smells so good.”

“Yeah, it’s not ready yet, wait a bit.”

Qin Muxue sat in the living room, eating the fruit.

After the dishes were cooked, Qin Muxue helped to serve the food, and the two of them sat together to eat.

It was different from usual, they were both quiet, and Lin Beixiu felt a bit uncomfortable.

Usually, it was Qin Muxue who would initiate conversations, and Lin Beixiu wouldn’t know what to say. In the end, they finished their meal in silence.

Lin Beixiu wanted to wash the dishes, but Qin Muxue took the initiative.

“Let me do it.”

Lin Beixiu agreed and went to his room. He lay on the bed and waited for a while, but Qin Muxue didn’t come in. He felt a bit disappointed.

On the other side, Qin Muxue sat in her room, still on the phone with Zhang Tingting.

“Tingting, is this really going to work? I feel like you’re giving me bad advice.”

Zhang Tingting on the other end of the phone hurriedly said, “Sister, take it easy. Do you still want to pursue him or not?”

“Of course I do,” Qin Muxue said without hesitation.

“Then listen to me, just do this for now, observe him, understand? Then find a time later, and I’ll accompany you.”


“That’s settled then, be careful.”

Zhang Tingting hung up the phone and pounded her thigh.

Ah, her best friend, always in such a hurry, she had to rely on her at critical moments.

Qin Muxue was still sitting on the bed, following Zhang Tingting’s advice, she wanted to see if Lin Beixiu had any feelings for her. So she was playing hard to get.

Zhang Tingting didn’t know that they were living together, so she told her to be a bit cold towards Lin Beixiu, not as enthusiastic as before.

There’s a saying, you only cherish what you’ve lost.

Qin Muxue didn’t really want to do this, but Lin Beixiu’s silence earlier made her think that he really didn’t have any feelings for her. So she was anxious, she really liked Lin Beixiu.

In the end, she had no choice but to seek help from her strategist best friend.


In the evening, Lin Beixiu was also absent-minded at work.

“Boss, I see another job posting at the entrance of our shop?”

Zhang Qingmin nodded. “Yes, I’m planning to hire someone to work during the day.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t have any other thoughts, sometimes when he didn’t have classes during the day, he would choose to laze around at home. Anyway, he was very content with his current life.


After work~

Lin Beixiu went to the neighboring shop to wait for her. A few minutes later, Qin Muxue finished packing up and walked out, holding Mantou in her arms.

This was the first time she brought Mantou over, and every customer who came to buy things couldn’t help but touch it. The number of customers increased, even the boss’s wife loved the little guy.

“Mantou, you’re too fat, walk by yourself.”

Qin Muxue put it on the ground, ignoring the resentful look from the little guy.

Its head was almost bald from being rubbed so much, and it also had to walk back on its own..

Lin Beixiu helplessly picked it up. “Let me carry it.”

Qin Muxue didn’t say anything, just nodded.

Mantou happily snuggled in Lin Beixiu’s arms as they walked side by side in silence.

After returning home, they let it around freely since it was smart enough to know where to go to the bathroom.

Qin Muxue went to take a shower, and Lin Beixiu locked himself in his room, smoking in silence.

He felt a bit uncomfortable, his heart felt blocked, and his mind was filled with thoughts of Qin Muxue.

Without her constant chatter in his ear, it was quiet, but he was also not used to it.

After finishing a cigarette, Lin Beixiu still stood by the window.

On the other side, Qin Muxue sat on the bed in her room, still on the phone with Zhang Tingting.

“Tingting, this is torture.”

Qin Muxue complained while lying on the bed, covering herself with the blanket, forcing herself to sleep.


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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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