Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 12

Chapter 12: A Familiar Taste”

Surprisingly, Qin Muxue really had something to offer, explaining things in a simple and understandable way.

“I understand.”

Qin Muxue looked at him, tested him with a few questions, and Lin Beixiu answered them all, confirming that he had understood.

“Thank you,” Lin Beixiu expressed his gratitude.


Qin Muxue continued to look up at the lecture.

During the next class, which was their teacher Li Yuwei’s, Lin Beixiu also took the opportunity to visit the restroom, where he happened to meet Hu Feng, who slapped him on the shoulder with a mischievous grin.

Lin Beixiu was accustomed to Hu Feng’s physical familiarity; the guy was a natural at socializing, effortlessly mingling with everyone.

“Lin Beixiu, you’re really not honest, are you? Who told me yesterday that they wouldn’t date, and then the next day, you’re entering the campus with the school beauty?”

“And you two were whispering in class?”

Lin Beixiu twitched his mouth, visibly troubled, and responded expressionlessly.

“You’re not paying attention to class but these matters?”

Sensing the displeasure in his tone, Hu Feng hurriedly explained.

“Really, it’s not just me; the whole class is watching you guys.”

Lin Beixiu ignored him, entered a stall, and Hu Feng also went into the next one to relieve himself.

When they came out again, Lin Beixiu was followed by Hu Feng, who buzzed around him like a fly, incessantly asking about their progress. Lin Beixiu felt like punching him.

Fortunately, when they returned to the classroom, because teacher Li Yuwei was present, Hu Feng returned to his seat, saved by the teacher.

Lin Beixiu sat back down and saw Qin Muxue rummaging in her bag, then she took out her earphones, plugged them into her phone, and started listening to music.

Lin Beixiu was secretly shocked; was she planning not to listen to the lecture?

However, Lin Beixiu didn’t meddle further and continued to listen attentively to the lecture.

Qin Muxue, listening to music through her earphones, had her thoughts drift far away, staring out the window in a daze, unable to hide the longing in her eyes.

During the class, Li Yuwei started calling on students for questions. As the class president, Lin Beixiu was the first to be called upon and easily answered since he had been paying attention.

Li Yuwei nodded in approval and then called on Qin Muxue, drawing the attention of everyone in the class to her.

However, Qin Muxue hadn’t noticed until Lin Beixiu nudged her arm. Only then did she turn her head, remove her earphones, and realize the entire class’s gaze was on her.

Her look towards Lin Beixiu seemed to ask: What’s happening?

“The teacher is asking you a question.”

Qin Muxue stood up, looked at the question on the blackboard, and after a dozen seconds, started speaking coherently and logically, surprising Li Yuwei, who then smiled in satisfaction.

“Mm, you can sit down now.”

Qin Muxue sat down and then continued listening to music.


After class, Qin Muxue was packing up her things and glanced at Lin Beixiu next to her.

“What shall we eat later?”

Lin Beixiu said casually.

“Anything’s fine.”

He didn’t notice Qin Muxue’s slightly reddened eyes.

Qin Muxue’s voice was a bit low, seemingly lost.

“That, I want to eat fish. Can you make it?”

Lin Beixiu walked out, with Qin Muxue following behind.

“Can do.”


The two parted ways on the road, Qin Muxue went home, and Lin Beixiu went alone to the market to pick out fish. He could tell something was off with Qin Muxue’s mood since the class.

Lin Beixiu felt it wasn’t his place to pry into her secrets and didn’t ask further.

When he returned with the groceries, the living room was quiet. Lin Beixiu went into the kitchen to start cooking. When he finished, he knocked on the door to call Qin Muxue out to eat.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Qin Muxue staring blankly at the steamed fish.

Then he saw Qin Muxue carefully place a piece of fish meat into her mouth, her eyes widening as she looked at Lin Beixiu.

“Doesn’t it taste good?”

Lin Beixiu, thinking he had cooked poorly, tasted a piece himself, finding it delicious.

“It’s not that, it’s very good.”

Lin Beixiu nodded, somewhat puzzled, and both were silent for a moment, focusing on their meal, with Qin Muxue finishing all the fish.

After dinner, Qin Muxue went into her room without a word, and Lin Beixiu was left to clean up.

Inside her room, Qin Muxue sat on the bed, tears welling up in her eyes, unable to hold back any longer, she began to cry softly.

It was too similar, the taste was too similar.

“Dad, I miss you so much…..”

Lin Beixiu was unaware that a dish he made had plunged Qin Muxue back into deep memories.


In the afternoon, when it was time for class, Lin Beixiu got ready and left his room, thinking she would have gone ahead, and then he too left.

After he left, Qin Muxue came out of her room, her eyes still red and swollen, looking somewhat haggard, clearly having not slept well.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up, looking a bit better, then set off for school.

In the afternoon, it was another class by Li Yuwei, who before starting, mentioned that the school had many club activities, inviting interested students to participate.

Lin Beixiu frowned, not taking it seriously, feeling busy enough as class president and preferring to focus on earning money over extra activities.

After Li Yuwei finished speaking, she continued with the lesson, but Lin Beixiu silently observed his deskmate. He had thought Qin Muxue would have arrived early, but she was late and seemed to be in poor spirits, now dozing off on the desk.

Just then, Li Yuwei noticed Qin Muxue sleeping in the back row and walked down from the podium with a concerned look.

Lin Beixiu, seeing the teacher approaching, quickly nudged Qin Muxue.

“Wake up, the teacher’s coming.”

Qin Muxue then lifted her head, opening her bleary eyes to see Li Yuwei standing in front of her, looking at her with concern.

“Muxue, what’s wrong, are you not feeling well?”

Qin Muxue shook her head, embarrassedly saying, “Sorry teacher, I’ll adjust myself quickly.”

Li Yuwei expressed her concern and advised Qin Muxue to come to her if she felt unwell, then continued back to the podium to teach.

After class, Lin Beixiu packed up his backpack and looked at Qin Muxue.

“I found out about the part-time job you asked me to look for. Do you want to check it out?”

Qin Muxue looked at him, slightly excited.

“Really? Is it that milk tea shop?”


Lin Beixiu shook his head, “The manager doesn’t need people anymore, but I found you a cashier job at the convenience store next door. Do you want it?”

“As long as it’s work, I’m not picky.”

“Alright, I’ll take you to see it.”

The two walked side by side out of the school to the convenience store Lin Beixiu mentioned, located next to the milk tea shop, meaning their workplaces were very close.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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