Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Premium

Qin Muxue stood in front of him, sniffed him, and then started to playfully pinch his face.

“Soft, so fun,” she said.

Lin Beixiu was speechless, grabbing her hand. “Go take a shower.”

Qin Muxue sneakily kissed his face before leaving.

Lin Beixiu shook his head helplessly. She confessed just a moment ago, and now she was acting carefree. Lin Beixiu had to admire Sister Mu. It was clear she had been planning this for a while. Indeed, boys needed to protect themselves outside.

After Qin Muxue finished washing up, she walked out in her pajamas. Lin Beixiu had been waiting on the sofa to blow-dry her hair.

Qin Muxue, with a smile on her face, sat down as Lin Beixiu picked up the hairdryer to blow-dry her hair.

After finishing, she said, “Carry me back.”

Lin Beixiu reached out, lifted her horizontally, and walked towards the bedroom.

After setting her down, he covered her with a blanket and lay down himself.

“Goodnight, go to sleep,” he said.

Qin Muxue pouted and snuggled closer, hugging his waist.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Beixiu turned over and embraced her soft body.

“You didn’t give me a goodnight kiss,” she said.

Lin Beixiu chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, my little princess.”

Satisfied, Qin Muxue closed her eyes and held him tighter.

“Goodnight to you too,” she replied.

The next morning.

“Wake up, Little Bei,” Qin Muxue got up from his embrace. She had wanted to sleep a bit longer but checked her phone and realized she had to get up.

As everyone knew, during high school, waking up early was for morning reading at six. In college, if you didn’t wake up before seven, you’d be late for the eight o’clock class. Sometimes, the biological clock worked mysteriously.

Lin Beixiu was still sound asleep, showing no signs of waking up. Qin Muxue had to resort to pinching his face to rouse him.

“You’re such a pig,” she remarked.

Qin Muxue, feeling helpless, got up and went to freshen up. Since there was no instant food at home, she had to make breakfast.

Two steaming bowls of noodles were soon served.

Qin Muxue returned to the bedroom and pounced on Lin Beixiu.

“Little Bei, wake up, you lazy bum,” she scolded.

“Ouch,” he groaned.

Finally, under Qin Muxue’s persistence, Lin Beixiu woke up. He looked at Qin Muxue lying on him and, under the covers, reached out to hug her.

“Good morning,” he greeted.

“Good morning, you big sleepyhead. Get up and freshen up,” she replied, playfully pinching his face. Lin Beixiu grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

“Right away,” he said, playfully tossing her back into bed before quickly escaping the room.

“Stinky Little Bei,” Qin Muxue grumbled as she sat on the bed.

Lin Beixiu passed by the dining room and saw the steaming noodles on the table. He paused for a moment, then smiled faintly.

After freshening up, Lin Beixiu and Qin Muxue sat down to eat.

“Delicious,” he commented.

“Your cooking skills have improved,” he praised.

Qin Muxue chuckled, “If you like it, eat more. There’s more inside.”

“After several kitchen disasters during winter break, you finally made this delicious bowl of noodles?” Lin Beixiu teased.

Qin Muxue held the chopsticks tightly, smiling mischievously. “Little Bei, do you know the consequences of speaking ill of a girl?”

Feeling the threatening aura around her, Lin Beixiu stopped eating and trembled.


“It’s too late now. Accept my righteous punishment,” she said.


On the street, Lin Beixiu rubbed his waist, which had turned blue from her earlier actions. He couldn’t help but acknowledge that pinching people was indeed a talent of girls, along with stepping on feet.

“Stop pretending. It’s been a while, and it still hurts,” he complained.

“You’re going to be late,” she reminded him.

The two of them arrived at the classroom, sitting in the back row.

During class, Qin Muxue lifted his shirt and saw the bruise on his waist, trying hard not to laugh.

“You’re still laughing,” he said, annoyed. “And this is in the classroom, mind your manners.”

“I was going to massage it for you, but since you refused, forget it,” she retorted.

Lin Beixiu was left speechless, regretting his decision. He was already suffering, and now he had missed out on her care. He wanted to smack himself.

Lin Beixiu listened to the lecture with a pained expression, feeling a sense of melancholy.

Qin Muxue rolled her eyes, playing along with his act. She reached out to massage his waist, and Lin Beixiu felt the cool touch of her hand, showing a contented expression.

“You’re the best,” he said.

Qin Muxue smiled, realizing she had been too harsh. If Lin Beixiu hadn’t been so irritating, she wouldn’t have acted that way.

After the massage, Qin Muxue withdrew her hand and took out her earphones to listen to music.

Lin Beixiu leaned in, “Can I have one?”

Qin Muxue pushed him away with a hint of disdain. “No.”

Lin Beixiu was speechless, wondering why he was being rejected again.

As he watched her listen to music and read, he muttered under his breath, “Who else would want you besides me?”

Unaware of Qin Muxue’s slight twitch of the mouth, he continued, “You have to endure it since you chose me.”

Bored, Lin Beixiu rested his head on the desk and fell asleep. He was truly exhausted from the previous day.

After class, Hu Feng took Lin Beixiu out for a break.

“Lin, how does it feel to be confessed to? Have you kissed yet?” Hu Feng teased.

Lin Beixiu’s mouth twitched, and he coldly chuckled, “You’ll understand once you find a girlfriend. Then you’ll know everything.”

“Hey, women only slow down my sword. Being single is better,” Hu Feng remarked with a meaningful look.

“If you can’t find one, you can’t find one,” Lin Beixiu replied confidently.

Having a girlfriend seemed to boost Lin Beixiu’s confidence in speaking.

“Lin, you’ve changed,” Hu Feng lamented.

In the corridor, Hu Feng looked mysterious.

“Lin, I have something good for you. Remember to check it out later. It’s my collection, absolute premium,” he said, taking out his phone and showing Lin Beixiu something. Lin Beixiu was puzzled.

When he returned to his seat, he found a message from Hu Feng with a link, accompanied by an exclamation mark.


Perplexed, Lin Beixiu decided to stop overthinking and put away his phone to focus on the class. Qin Muxue also put away her earphones and began to pay attention to the lesson.

Well, no fighting this time.

After class, Lin Beixiu was about to leave when Hu Feng approached him again.

“Lin, I forgot to mention something. Remember to open it in the browser, not directly,” he said mysteriously before quickly leaving.

Lin Beixiu was puzzled. What could this be?

“What did he want?” Qin Muxue asked curiously, having observed their secretive conversation.

“Who knows,” Lin Beixiu replied.

Back at home, they cooked together. Qin Muxue sat on the sofa, waiting to be fed, hugging Mantou.

“Stop playing around and wash your hands before eating,” Lin Beixiu reminded her.

“Coming,” she replied, heading to wash her hands. During the meal, she scolded Mantou playfully.

“Sit there and behave. Don’t come here,” she said.

Lin Beixiu didn’t mind and urged her to sit down and eat quickly.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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