Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Borrowing a Computer”

Li Yuwei glanced over at them and coughed.

“Back there, keep it down.”


As the teacher resumed the lesson, Qin Muxue glared fiercely at Lin Beixiu, who spread his hands in a gesture of innocence.

But his amusement was short-lived as Qin Muxue stepped on his shoe, grinding it repeatedly without lifting her foot.


Lin Beixiu, in pain, said, “Lift your foot, will you?”

After Qin Muxue vented enough, she finally lifted her foot. Lin Beixiu winced, shaking his foot to ease the pain.

“It was just a joke.”

Qin Muxue snorted coldly, ignoring him.

Across the aisle, Hu Feng gave Lin Beixiu a thumbs-up.

“Awesome, class president. You even dare to tease the campus belle.”

Although he didn’t know what they had said, hearing Qin Muxue’s “you dare” filled with ambiguity was enough to spark speculation.

Lin Beixiu rolled his eyes, too lazy to engage further.

“Why don’t I sign you guys up for a hot dance performance?”

Hu Zhifeng laughed and pushed Hu Feng forward, “Go ahead, class president, it’s all him, not us.”

“What happened to brotherhood, you traitors?”

Lin Beixiu ignored their banter, leaning back in his seat, boredly scrolling through his phone. Qin Muxue also looked at her phone, uninterested in the boys’ conversation and unaffected by Hu Feng’s words, maintaining her expressionless demeanor.

Lin Beixiu caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eye but said nothing, wary of further irritating this little ice cube.

Quickly, the morning passed, and the two walked together in silence after class.

Lin Beixiu pondered; some classmates had signed up, and he needed to organize the list for the teacher.

“Still upset?”


Lin Beixiu sighed in relief, “Good, my foot still hurts.”

Qin Muxue’s mouth twitched, almost breaking into a laugh.



In the afternoon, with only a short class scheduled, Lin Beixiu went to the milk tea shop early, while Qin Muxue headed to club training.

That evening, as Lin Beixiu idly watched the shop, two people walked in, Zhang Tingting and Qin Muxue.

“Hi, handsome Lin, we meet again.”

Since browsing the forum, Zhang Tingting had learned the name of the handsome guy in front of her and greeted him familiarly, causing Lin Beixiu’s insides to cringe.

Do I know you?

Qin Muxue, embarrassed by her friend, stood a bit away, signaling she didn’t know her.

Zhang Tingting ordered at the counter, “Two cups of grapefruit green tea.”

“Coming up.”

“I’m heading next door.”

Qin Muxue said casually and walked out.

This round was on Zhang Tingting.

Zhang Tingting, seeing this, didn’t follow but leaned on the counter, watching Lin Beixiu work.

“Handsome Lin, how did you and little Xue meet?”

“Ask her.”

“She doesn’t want to say.”

Lin Beixiu casually replied, “Then I shouldn’t randomly talk. What if it ruins the girl’s reputation?”

“Just don’t ask me.”

Zhang Tingting snorted, “You two are the same.”

“You must be hiding something.”

The more evasive they were, the more Zhang Tingting suspected their relationship wasn’t simple.

Lin Beixiu placed the drinks on the counter, “That’ll be 24.”

After Zhang Tingting paid and took the drinks, she left for the next door, finding Qin Muxue already at the counter, changed into her work uniform.

“Sister, you’re working here?”

Zhang Tingting only now learned of Qin Muxue’s part-time job. Their workplaces being so close made her gaze even more suspicious.

“Is it for Lin Beixiu?”

Qin Muxue ignored the insinuation, taking her favorite grapefruit green tea and started to shoo her away.

“It’s getting late. If you’re not buying anything, don’t block the way.”

Zhang Tingting yelped, feigning sadness. Qin Muxue knew she was acting and didn’t give her another glance, leaving Zhang Tingting no choice but to leave.

Qin Muxue shook her head as she watched her leave.

Such a gossipmonger.

At closing time, Lin Beixiu, as usual, came to pick her up. Walking home, Lin Beixiu spoke first.

“I need a favor. Do you have a computer?”

Qin Muxue shook her head, “No.”

Lin Beixiu expressed regret.

“What do you need it for?”

“To make a spreadsheet. It’s inconvenient on a phone.”

“Sorry I couldn’t help.”

“It’s okay,” Lin Beixiu dismissed: “I can still do it on my phone.”

It was just a bit troublesome with the small screen.

Back home, Qin Muxue went to shower, and Lin Beixiu, in his room, jotted down the names of those performing, eventually leaning back in his chair, exhausted.

Being class president was troublesome.

Lin Beixiu got up, ready to shower. Qin Muxue, still in her pajamas, sat on the sofa, presenting another scenic view.

Seeing him emerge, Qin Muxue blushed. The hairdryer was in the living room, so she stayed, unusual for her, who usually went straight to her room after showering. This was the first time wearing that outfit in front of Lin Beixiu.

Lin Beixiu noticed her reaction, finding her adorable, but that was all.

After Lin Beixiu entered the bathroom, Qin Muxue went back to her room.

Lin Beixiu, peeking through a crack in the door and seeing no one in the living room, walked out shirtless back to his bedroom.

This was more comfortable and convenient.


The next day, as Lin Beixiu was deeply asleep, a knock came at the door.

“Lin Beixiu, get up, or you’ll be late.”

“Mm,” he responded lazily.

Qin Muxue, exasperated by his lethargic response, knocked harder.

“I’m not joking; we’re really going to be late.”

She was ready to leave, having planned to wait for Lin Beixiu to make breakfast, but now there was no time.

After calling him one last time, Qin Muxue left, especially since they had a class with Teacher Li Yuwei, and being late was not an option.

Lin Beixiu finally got up, checked his phone, and realized he was indeed running late but still had time.

He rushed out after a quick brush and tidy up, finding the living room empty and hurried off to class.

Arriving breathlessly at the classroom door, he nearly collided with the instructor but managed to stop in time.

Li Yuwei, startled by his sudden appearance, recognized the flustered Lin Beixiu and regained her composure, maintaining her authoritative teacher demeanor.

“Why so panicked? Are you late again?”

Lin Beixiu smiled, “I shouldn’t be late, there are still a few minutes to spare.”

Li Yuwei, aware of his responsibilities with the performance list, let it slide after a few words and urged him to hurry inside.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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