Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Qin Muxue’s Unusual Emotion

The melodious accompaniment started, followed by Lin Beixiu’s magnetic voice.

“From that distant shore, you slowly disappear.”

“The originally blurred face, surprisingly becomes clearer.”

Lin Beixiu’s gaze gradually softened, falling into memories, like a tranquil spring, silent.

The audience, listening, didn’t find it unpleasant. Instead, there was an indescribable sentiment, especially with Lin Beixiu’s heartfelt singing.

“If the sea could bring back the love that once was, let me wait a lifetime. If the deep affection of the past, you no longer cherish, let it drift away with the wind.”

As everyone was immersed in his voice, Qin Muxue’s eyes had reddened, and she silently sang along, her lips moving without sound.

“If the sea could take away my sorrow, just like it does with every river, all the hurt suffered, all the tears shed, my love, please take it all away.”

When the last word of the song was sung, Lin Beixiu still stood there, lost in thought, slightly looking up before finally putting down the microphone.

The host came over, smiling, “Didn’t expect our junior to be quite skilled. The seniors are going to fall for you.”

Lin Beixiu’s expression remained unchanged, offering a polite response.

“Thank you for the performance you’ve brought us.”

“This is a little gift for you, prepared in advance for the participants.”

Lin Beixiu thanked her, ignoring those sour glances, and walked down. Returning to his spot, he saw Qin Muxue looking down and took the box from her hands.

“Thank you.”

Neither of them noticed Qin Muxue’s unusual state. As the performance ended, the crowd began to disperse.

Zhang Tingting tactfully left first. Lin Beixiu glanced at her.

“Let’s go, Qin Muxue.”


A feeble, mosquito-like voice came through, Lin Beixiu barely hearing what she said but didn’t care, continuing forward.

As Lin Beixiu walked, a jade hand naturally grasped his left arm. Lin Beixiu was startled, forcefully stopping himself from jumping away.

“What are you doing?”

Had he not known it was Qin Muxue, he might have reacted defensively.

Even so, being grabbed by a girl for the first time, his face quickly heated up, his ears turning red. He wanted to pull his hand back, but Qin Muxue’s grip was tight.

Qin Muxue’s eyes were misty, in the darkness, Lin Beixiu couldn’t see it, only feeling her mood was off.

“What’s wrong?”

“That song, can you tell me why you chose to sing it?”

Lin Beixiu’s mood darkened, “I only know that song. Someone taught it to me. It has a special meaning to me.”

“Is that person very important to you?”

Qin Muxue stared at him, her tone more serious than ever.


Lin Beixiu perhaps recalled something, his mood worsening, no longer caring about their current situation.

“It’s a pity I left her, without even saying goodbye.”

Qin Muxue clenched her teeth, feeling a heavy weight in her heart, her hands trembling slightly.

Lin Beixiu subtly withdrew his hand, feeling odd about being so close to someone of the opposite sex.

“Let’s go.”

Qin Muxue hesitated but eventually followed.

“What’s wrong, you seem off.”

Qin Muxue shook her head, brushing it off, “Just in a bad mood.”

Her gaze, laden with complex emotions, fixated on Lin Beixiu’s back, lost in thought.

Lin Beixiu, Lin Beixiu, little brother Lin, is it really you?

She compared the figure of Lin Beixiu with memories from her childhood, finding several similarities, even the name matched. The world was so big, yet such a coincidence.

“Hungry? I plan to make some food to fill up.”

Qin Muxue’s expression remained unchanged, finally taking a deep breath.

“A bit.”

A chicken leg and a cup of grapefruit tea were far from enough.

Lin Beixiu nodded, “Then, let’s have noodles.”

Back home, Qin Muxue sat on the sofa, her gaze lingering on Lin Beixiu’s busy figure in the kitchen, unable to look away.

Although she knew it was absurd to judge based on a song and a name coincidence, she wanted to verify it.

Once confirmed it was him, then she would…

Thinking this, Qin Muxue clenched her fists, wishing she could confront Lin Beixiu about the past and then give him a beating.

Eventually, reason pulled her back.

“Come have noodles.”


Qin Muxue approached, seeing two large bowls of noodles prepared, Lin Beixiu taking out his previously stashed beer to drink.

As Qin Muxue ate, her eyes kept drifting towards him.

“Stop staring. Have you looked at me enough? Is there something on my face?” Lin Beixiu looked up, exasperated.

“What if I stare at you?” Qin Muxue’s tone was harsh, retorting.

Lin Beixiu shook his head, feeling she had changed since he came down.

Qin Muxue realized her tone was harsh, then fell silent, quietly eating. Her thoughts were elsewhere.

After dinner, Lin Beixiu got up to wash dishes, and Qin Muxue headed to the bathroom for a shower.

Qin Muxue lay in bed, tossing and turning, the day’s events having a big impact on her, struggling to sleep. Meanwhile, Lin Beixiu, exhausted, fell asleep easily, listening to music.

The next day marked the start of the National Day holiday, an eight-day break for their school.

During class, Hu Feng approached.

“Lin Beixiu, going home for the holiday?”

“Going,” Lin Beixiu replied without hesitation.

He had been thinking of visiting his grandfather, taking care of the old man.

“Pity, our dorm isn’t going back. We planned to hang out during the holiday.”

Hu Feng had to abandon the idea of persuading Lin Beixiu.

Qin Muxue, listening to Lin Beixiu’s answer, pondered something.

At noon, while Lin Beixiu was cooking, Qin Muxue stood at the doorway watching him.

When Lin Beixiu turned to get vegetables from the fridge, he saw her, “Why are you standing at the door?”

“You’re going home for the holiday?” Qin Muxue asked.


“Why suddenly ask this?”

“Can I come with you?” Qin Muxue ventured.

Lin Beixiu stopped what he was doing, quickly standing in front of her.

“Qin Muxue, what are you thinking?”

His tone was full of disbelief, shocked by Qin Muxue’s sudden request.

A beautiful woman suddenly wanting to go home with him seemed odd.

Qin Muxue, knowing her request was abrupt, blushed, then pointed behind him.

“That, the food seems burnt.”


Lin Beixiu rushed back, “Qin Muxue, you’re such a jinx, my chicken!”

Qin Muxue turned her head away, deciding to wait before continuing the conversation.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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