Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The New Class

When he woke up, it was already evening. Lin Beixiu checked the time, it was almost seven o’clock, and his stomach was protesting with hunger.

He hadn’t expected to sleep for so long.

Lin Beixiu turned off the looping music, walked out of his room, and saw that the living room was lit. The girl was sitting on the sofa, having removed her mask.

Lin Beixiu was momentarily stunned upon seeing her face, even though he had guessed it before. Seeing her face in reality, he was still taken aback. Her face was stunning, like a peeled egg, smooth and seemingly capable of dripping water at a pinch—an angelic face with a devilish figure.

However, after his moment of astonishment, Lin Beixiu decided to go out, as he was still hungry.


As Lin Beixiu was about to leave, he heard her voice from behind. He stopped and turned around to see her looking at him.

Her eyes were quite beautiful, Lin Beixiu thought.

“Do you have a moment? Let’s talk,” the beauty said with a cool voice.


Since he wasn’t in a hurry, Lin Beixiu sat down on the sofa next to her, waiting for her to continue.

“Now that we are living together, it’s good to establish some rules, don’t you think?”

Her tone was icy, carrying a unique sense of pressure.

Yet, Lin Beixiu, expressionless, nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Common areas are shared, personal items should not be left there, cleaning is to be taken turns, bringing strangers over for the night is not allowed, touching each other’s belongings or entering each other’s rooms without permission is prohibited. No loud noises at night that could disturb the other party either.”

After finishing, the beauty just looked at him.

“Fine, I have no objections. You can suggest anything else later on, I’ll respect it,” Lin Beixiu stood up, heading out. “I’m hungry now, going to get something to eat.”

“Also, my name is Lin Beixiu.”

His actions caught the beauty off guard, making her question her own confidence and slightly lowering her guard.

She finally responded.

“Qin Muxue.”

Thus began their cohabitation.

When Lin Beixiu left his room, there was no one in the living room. He didn’t care much, as he was running late. Grabbing his backpack, he ran to the school, buying two buns on the way.

He had stayed up late playing with his phone the previous night, forgetting the time, which made him wake up late today.

Arriving at the classroom out of breath and seeing the teacher hadn’t arrived yet, he sighed in relief.

Fortunately, he was on time.

Lin Beixiu’s arrival caught the attention of his classmates, as his appearance was striking.

“Wow, is this guy also in our major? What a great addition.”

“I’ll ask for his WeChat after class.”

Hearing her friends’ encouragement, a pretty girl blushed.

“But I’m too scared.”

The other male students, hearing these comments, felt jealous and some mockingly greeted him.

Lin Beixiu simply nodded stiffly and headed to the back of the classroom.

Ignoring the stares and whispers, he chose a seat at the last row by the window, eating his breakfast while looking outside.

Then, he heard another round of exclamations from the boys, but Lin Beixiu remained immersed in his own world, not even turning his head.

Until the sound of footsteps approached him, along with a passing scent, Lin Beixiu glanced sideways and then froze.

It was her.

Qin Muxue. Lin Beixiu hadn’t expected to see Qin Muxue here, a student at Tianxing University, and in the same class as him.

Now, she wore black trousers and a white short-sleeve shirt, still radiating charm as she walked past him to sit in front.

Lin Beixiu shook his head and continued to look out the window.

Then came another round of gasps. Lin Beixiu was almost annoyed by the noise and looked towards the door, seeing a beautiful woman with glasses and high heels entering.

“Alright, quiet down.”

The beauty stood at the podium, raising her hand to silence them.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Li Yuwei. I hope we can get along well in the next four years. If you have any problems or difficulties, feel free to come to me, and I’ll do my best to help.”

Afterward, she went over various notices and the upcoming military training, encouraging everyone to get along and avoid fighting.

Then it was time for self-introductions. As each student went up, it was soon Qin Muxue’s turn.

Qin Muxue walked up, capturing the boys’ attention.

“I’m Qin Muxue.”

After her brief introduction, whispers erupted below.

“Could she be from the Qin family?”

“It’s uncertain, but my brother is from this school, and she was in the same year as him, supposedly a sophomore who took a break, causing quite a stir.”


“Yes, she was also the top beauty of the school, still unbeaten.”

Lin Beixiu listened to their discussions, frowning slightly. He hadn’t expected his roommate to be so influential, possibly even a heiress of the Qin family.

Why would she need to rent a place?

Lin Beixiu shook his head, pushing aside these thoughts. It wasn’t his business to pry.

Then it was his turn to introduce himself. The girls’ eyes followed Lin Beixiu, who, along with Qin Muxue, seemed to be the most attractive in the class.

His introduction was as brief as Qin Muxue’s.

“I’m Lin Beixiu.”

Both maintained a cold demeanor.

Lin Beixiu was the last to introduce himself. Li Yuwei then announced their class size: 40 students, 19 boys and 21 girls.

Li Yuwei asked a few boys to fetch textbooks, and Lin Beixiu was chosen due to his height.

Walking to get the textbooks, Lin Beixiu remained silent, following behind. The other five boys turned their attention to him.

A muscular boy turned to Lin Beixiu, smiling, “Hi, Lin Beixiu, I’m Hu Feng, nice to meet you.”

Lin Beixiu nodded, remembering him.

“I’m Li Bin.”

“We’re all in the same dorm.”

Lin Beixiu, overwhelmed by their friendliness, suppressed his rising irritation.

“Yes, I know,” he replied coolly, slowing his pace, his clenched hands revealing his discomfort.

The group noticed his behavior, puzzled.

Hu Feng then changed the subject, “Did you know, a new guy in our dorm is from the drama department. We were surprised.”

“Looks like the vacant bed is yours. Did you go to another dorm because you were late?”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, “I have health issues, so I’m living off-campus.”

“Oh, I see.”

After that, the conversation dwindled, mainly because Lin Beixiu was not much of a talker. They returned with the textbooks and distributed them to the class under Li Yuwei’s direction.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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