Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Returning

This time, it was Qin Muxue who helped out, and the two had a conversation.

“Girl, you’re leaving tomorrow, right?”

Thinking about the start of school the day after tomorrow, Qin Muxue nodded in agreement.

“Hehe, Grandpa wants to ask you for a favor.”

Qin Muxue nodded obediently, “Grandpa, please tell me.”

“I can feel that little Bei really treats you quite specially. His childhood was difficult, which has shaped his character. Since you’re living together, please be more patient with him. If he does anything wrong, just tell me, and I’ll scold him.”

Old Zhang chuckled and gave her his phone number. Qin Muxue found it a bit odd, feeling like she had been recognized by a parent.

“Alright, Grandpa, I understand.”

Qin Muxue saved the number. At least Lin Beixiu was a gentleman. When they first met, she didn’t notice anything amiss, except for a depressive demeanor and his reluctance to interact with others.

“That’s good. little Bei is in your care then.”

For some reason, instead of going back to her room, Qin Muxue glanced at Lin Beixiu’s room and decided to enter. Lin Beixiu was already asleep under the influence of alcohol, lying quietly on the bed, quite obediently.

Qin Muxue smiled helplessly, covered him with a blanket, and left.

The next day, after they finished helping out at the breakfast shop and packed their things, they prepared to leave.

Old Zhang watched them go with reluctance, “Study hard.”


Like before, they took the subway home. The crowd wasn’t as dense as last time, but it was still significant. They stood side by side in the middle of the train.

Qin Muxue occasionally glanced at him, and inexplicably remembered what happened on the subway on their way here, her cheeks turning slightly red.

Now, she couldn’t tell if she felt relaxed or lost.

Finally, they arrived home safely. Taking the elevator to the eighth floor, they opened the door to their long-missed apartment. Qin Muxue casually dropped her luggage in the corner and sat on the sofa to rest.

“I’m dead tired. When are we eating?”

“There’s nothing in the fridge. What do you want to eat?”

“Let’s go buy something.”

Lin Beixiu commented sarcastically, “It’s not even dinner time yet. Why are you in such a hurry?”

“I’m tired. I’m going back to sleep.”

She had been up early in the morning and hadn’t rested much since then. She was very tired.

Qin Muxue didn’t say anything more. Although she hadn’t gotten up as early, she was still a bit tired.

She lazily lay on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest.

When the two of them woke up, it was already past one o’clock, and their stomachs were growling.

“Little brother Lin, come out and cook.”

Qin Muxue knocked on the door, and soon, Lin Beixiu came out, yawning, moving as if he was opening the door while putting on his clothes.

Qin Muxue was glad she hadn’t just barged in. After all, their relationship had progressed quite a bit while staying with his grandfather, and she almost overlooked it.

“I’m hungry.”

Lin Beixiu sighed, “There’s nothing left. Let’s go down to the convenience store and get some instant noodles to make do.”


Qin Muxue followed him downstairs, casually buying two packs of instant noodles. Seeing the bread and other snacks on the shelf, she also bought some. After paying, they returned home.

Sitting in the living room, eating instant noodles, Qin Muxue browsed the school forum. In just a few days without checking, there were several hot posts, all discussing the performance competition.

Qin Muxue quickly found a post about Lin Beixiu. Many people were trying to woo him, given how well he sang and his handsome looks.

Seeing those people vying to be Lin Beixiu’s boyfriend, she couldn’t help but get angry. Before, it didn’t bother her much, but now, she wanted to pursue Lin Beixiu, win him over, and then severely punish and retaliate against him for abandoning her back then.

Her childhood sweetheart was hers!

Thinking this, Qin Muxue found the instant noodles in front of her unappetizing, her entire being filled with a sense of grievance.

Lin Beixiu, eating his food, suddenly felt the air around him drop a few degrees.

Brr, it’s really cold.

Lin Beixiu looked up at Qin Muxue, “What are you looking at? What’s wrong?”


Qin Muxue put down her phone. She couldn’t let Lin Beixiu know about this.

Lin Beixiu didn’t think much of it. He rarely browsed the forum anyway.

In the afternoon, they stayed at home until it was time for dinner when they went to the market to buy some vegetables. Qin Muxue picked out the produce, with Lin Beixiu following behind.

“Don’t buy so much. Isn’t this enough?”

“No, to save you, lazy pig, from forgetting to buy groceries next time.”

Lin Beixiu: …

“We just got back, of course, there’s nothing. Didn’t you say so yourself?”

“I didn’t mention that. Haven’t you forgotten before? I had to buy it for you.”

Lin Beixiu slapped his forehead, “You’re right, okay?”

Qin Muxue smiled, “Of course.”

When it was time to pay at the checkout, Qin Muxue, while Lin Beixiu was busy taking items out of the shopping cart, glanced at a row of neatly packaged boxes on a small counter nearby. The boxes were pretty but had no words on them.

Curiosity led her to pick one up and examine it closely until she saw the English description on the back.

Lin Beixiu, having paid, turned to see her holding a box, zoning out. He didn’t think much of it.

“Hey, let’s go. What are you looking at?”

As a high-achieving student, Qin Muxue could easily translate the text, her face burning as she put the box back and hurriedly followed Lin Beixiu.

The box turned out to be… condoms.

On the street outside, Qin Muxue followed behind Lin Beixiu, still not over the shock.

“What’s wrong? What was that?”


Qin Muxue paused, “You don’t know?”

“Should I? What was it?”

It wasn’t surprising Lin Beixiu didn’t know. He rarely went shopping and didn’t understand these things; he was indeed as innocent as a blank slate.

Qin Muxue looked at him oddly, “Nothing…”

Originally, she thought Lin Beixiu would tease her upon seeing it, but his reaction was quite the opposite, leaving her somewhat incredulous and even a bit relieved.

Back home, Lin Beixiu started cooking, and soon, the meal was ready, including Qin Muxue’s favorite fish.

During their stay at Old Zhang’s place, he had also cooked fish for her, but she still preferred the taste of Lin Beixiu’s cooking, unsure if it was a psychological effect or a matter of taste preference.

The next day marked the beginning of the new semester.

Qin Muxue found it annoying that Lin Beixiu had reverted to his habit of oversleeping.

“Little brother Lin, get up. You’re going to be late again.”


Lin Beixiu moaned in pain, glancing at his phone.

“It’s only seven, and class doesn’t start until eight.”

“I was worried you’d oversleep. Get up and make breakfast.”

Lin Beixiu yelled, “Qin Muxue, get lost! Don’t disturb my sleep.”

“I’m coming in.” Qin Muxue stood at the door, testing the waters.

“Get lost!”

Qin Muxue touched her nose at his temper.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

1 comment
  1. Flowerboyy has spoken 7 months ago

    cant wait till he know


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