Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Qin Muxue’s Unease

While Lin Beixiu was eating, Qin Muxue came out again.

“It’s rare to have a weekend, and you still disturb me.”

“You can’t even shut your mouth when you’re eating,” Qin Muxue said irritably. “You never think to change your bad habits.”

Qin Muxue was still pondering over Su Yun’s matter. Given Sister Yun’s intelligence, she must have guessed something. Now, all she could do was take one step at a time.

She didn’t know that her mother was already aware of most of their affairs.

When Lin Beixiu finished eating, he saw Qin Muxue scrutinizing him, causing him to sweat profusely.

“Cough, why are you looking at me like that?”

“What happened yesterday?” Qin Muxue asked, puzzled.

Lin Beixiu: ……

How should he explain?

“I remember feeling very tired and then falling asleep?”


Lin Beixiu finally admitted, “I dried your hair, and then you fell asleep. I carried you back.”

After speaking, he carefully watched her reaction, wondering if this would be considered inappropriate for a woman.

However, Qin Muxue simply nodded, “Mm, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lin Beixiu breathed a sigh of relief, grateful she didn’t probe further, rendering his prepared excuses unnecessary.

Qin Muxue found Lin Beixiu’s awkwardness amusing. She had intended to scare him, but fearing he might become even more timid, she decided against it.

Lin Beixiu shrugged and went back to his room, planning to read.

“You entered my room yesterday; I want to see yours.”

Qin Muxue followed, but Lin Beixiu quickly shut the door before she could enter.

“Wishful thinking.”

Qin Muxue: …….

“It’s not fair; you saw my room.”

“If it weren’t for me, you’d still be sleeping on the sofa.”

Lin Beixiu’s voice came from inside the room.

Reluctantly, Qin Muxue stopped her further attempts, realizing it would take time.

Inside, Lin Beixiu, hearing her footsteps fade, still felt relieved.

Was this woman so bold?

It wasn’t that his room had secrets; he just wanted some time alone. His heart was racing, unsure if it was from the breakfast or because of….

By noon, Qin Muxue’s voice was heard again.

“Little Brother Beixiu, it’s time to cook.”

Lin Beixiu closed his book, rubbing his eyes.


Upon opening the door, Lin Beixiu couldn’t help asking, “Do you really not know how to cook?”

“I really don’t, and I like your cooking.”

Qin Muxue had always lived a pampered life and seldom did chores. She once thought about cooking, but after Su Yun agreed, she nearly blew up the kitchen.

Since then, Su Yun sternly forbade Qin Muxue from entering the kitchen, and the maid was to keep an eye on her.

“You know how to use a rice cooker, right?”

Qin Muxue shook her head, “Actually, I don’t know the rice-to-water ratio.”

“I’ll teach you.”

Lin Beixiu took the inner pot, washed the rice, explained the proportions.

Qin Muxue listened and nodded.

“It seems simple.”

Lin Beixiu nodded, “Alright, you’ll cook next time. It’ll save me some worry.”

“Really, why did I agree to cook for you? I could have ordered takeout and saved the trouble.”

It was too late.

Qin Muxue thought resentfully, then said, “Hehe, it’s better to eat less of that. It’s not hygienic.”

“I eat it every night,” Lin Beixiu countered.

“That’s because I chose the restaurants. They should be clean.”

Lin Beixiu: …….

Such a double standard. What does “should” mean?

“Forget it.”

Qin Muxue watched him, “What are you muttering? Get cooking.”

“Why haven’t you left?”

“I’m learning to cook.”

“What are you learning? Get out.”

Lin Beixiu waved her off irritably, nearly touching her. He almost forgot the rule about men and women not touching each other.

“You haven’t even mastered cooking rice yet, and you want to learn how to cook? Don’t aim too high; I’m afraid you’ll blow up the kitchen.”

Qin Muxue pouted, not as bad as he thought, although she had caused an explosion before….

“Next time, I’ll cook for you.”

Lin Beixiu stopped what he was doing, turning to look at her incredulously.

Qin Muxue clenched her fists, “Give me a chance. I don’t believe I can’t do it.”

“We’ll see next time.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t refuse outright but gave a non-committal answer.

The weekend passed, and it was time for classes again.

Lin Beixiu was woken up by Qin Muxue again, forced to prepare breakfast. It had been a while since Qin Muxue had his breakfast.

After eating, they headed to school.

As soon as Lin Beixiu sat down, Hu Feng leaned over.

“Brother Lin, be careful. I heard Zhang Hao has it in for you and plans to make a move.”

Lin Beixiu raised an eyebrow, “You know about this too?”

“Of course. I know everything. Just be careful and stick to crowded places after class.”

It was nice to have someone care. Lin Beixiu nodded with a smile.

“I got it, thanks.”

Qin Muxue, sitting quietly inside, listened to music, obviously missing their conversation.

But when Lin Beixiu looked her way, she took off her headphones, “Do you want to listen?”

Lin Beixiu was about to refuse when Qin Muxue insistently placed the headphones in his ears, causing him to lean back.

“Stay still.”

Hearing Qin Muxue’s reprimanding tone, Lin Beixiu froze, surprisingly obedient and even a little expectant, allowing her to put on the headphones.

The familiar lyrics of “The Ocean” filled his ears.

Lin Beixiu’s expression was odd, then relaxed, quietly listening to the music.

Qin Muxue saw his reaction, smiling slightly and leaning a bit closer, which Lin Beixiu noticed. She defended, “The data cable is short.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t say more. Aside from this old song, she seemed to like Jay Chou’s music, all of which were beautiful.

After class, Lin Beixiu thought for a moment and said to Qin Muxue.

“You go back first; I have something to do.”


Lin Beixiu smiled, “Just a little thing. I’ll be back soon. You can try cooking.”

“Oh, okay.”

Suddenly, Qin Muxue felt an ominous premonition, a suffocating sensation, small but enough to furrow her brow.

Lin Beixiu, after leaving the school and turning the corner to a less crowded path lined with poplar trees, stopped and stood by the road, revealing a sinister smile.

Cold, ruthless, decisive.

“Kid, are you that so-called campus heartthrob?”

Lin Beixiu turned to see a group of people, not students from the university.

“Are you deaf?”

The men, seeing Lin Beixiu’s lack of response, moved forward to provoke him.

Lin Beixiu remained silent, hands in his pockets, the veins on his arms throbbing excitedly, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

It was excitement, a rush of adrenaline.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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