Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Another Bet Between Them

Lin Beixiu hung his head, a picture of dejection, making Qin Muxue’s heart skip a beat, her grip involuntarily loosening.

Not to mention, his waist wasn’t bad either.

“I’ve never had anyone care about me like this.”

Lin Beixiu’s defiance faltered under Qin Muxue’s gaze, deflating like a punctured ball.

He didn’t dare to rebel anymore.

Qin Muxue, noticing his dampened spirits, got serious.

“It’s precisely because no one has looked after you that I need to. You have to change those bad habits.”

The teacher walked in, and Qin Muxue reluctantly stopped.

Lin Beixiu’s face was full of resentment as he rubbed his waist.

She’s so annoying, Lin Beixiu regretted bringing her home during the National Day, not expecting his grandfather to like her so much, resulting in him being so strictly monitored now.

Even so, Lin Beixiu found himself increasingly irritable, realizing he didn’t entirely dislike this way of interacting, perhaps even enjoying it?

It’s said that people yearn most for what they lack, and Lin Beixiu hadn’t realized this was the most accurate description of his inner self.

Throughout the class, Lin Beixiu pondered, occasionally glancing at Qin Muxue, who pretended not to notice.

If Lin Beixiu didn’t object to her, she’d intensify her approach, making him get used to her presence.

Truthfully, it was exhausting. She had been single since birth and had no clue how to chase a boy, especially a silly childhood friend like him. Every step had to be taken cautiously, or she might lose a boyfriend she barely had.


Why did others have military strategist best friends, while her cheap best friend was only good for gossiping?


In another classroom, Zhang Tingting sneezed, mumbling to herself.

“Who’s speaking ill of me?”

In the classroom, both of them unknowingly mirrored each other, propping their chins, lost in thought.

After class, they hurried home, relieved not to have encountered Zhang Hao, the persistent annoyance, these past few days.

“Do you want fish for lunch?”

Lin Beixiu nodded, “Yeah.”

Their tastes were quite similar. Lin Beixiu liked spicy food, but after realizing Qin Muxue couldn’t handle spice, he started cooking milder dishes. He had even begun to enjoy fish, influenced by her.

“Why don’t you cook? Didn’t I teach you last time? Give it a try.”

“Let’s try then.”

Back home, after Lin Beixiu finished cooking, he looked at Qin Muxue’s attempt, his lips twitching.

“You added too little water; the rice is too hard.”

Qin Muxue’s face was a picture of embarrassment. “What do we do now?”

It was a mishap on her first attempt.

“It’s okay, we can mix it with some sauce.”

Lin Beixiu was nonchalant. “It’s your first time; you’ll get the hang of it with more practice.”

Qin Muxue chewed on the dry rice, inwardly cursing herself.

In the evening, Qin Muxue stared down Lin Beixiu, remembering she had yet to settle the score with him.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Lin Beixiu turned away awkwardly.

“Hurry up, you must have plenty of stash. Hand it over.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, blocking his room’s entrance to prevent Qin Muxue from entering.

Qin Muxue reached out, and Lin Beixiu instinctively covered his waist, wary of her.

Qin Muxue laughed, making Lin Beixiu blush.

“Let’s make a bet.”

Lin Beixiu was puzzled. “For what?”

“You like to fight, right? Let’s fight. If you win, I’ll stop bothering you.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head without hesitation. “I don’t hit girls.”

Qin Muxue was dissatisfied, labeling him as overly chivalrous.

“Heh, are you scared?”

“Maybe you can’t even beat me.”

Lin Beixiu gritted his teeth, tempted, unable to stand being looked down upon by a girl.

“What if I lose?”

Qin Muxue knew he had agreed and smiled. “I’ll compensate you.”

Lin Beixiu: ???

He doubted his hearing.

“Say that again? I didn’t catch it.”

Was this somehow beneficial for her?

“I was joking. If I win, you have to listen to me and change your bad habits.”

“Fine, but can we do it a week from now? I need to prepare.”

“Agreed, it’s settled.”

Qin Muxue turned to shower, leaving her silhouette in Lin Beixiu’s mind.

“I’ll compensate you.”

That sentence…

Lin Beixiu’s face flushed, he shut his door with a bang.

The next day, Qin Muxue, up early, saw Lin Beixiu ready to leave, dressed in sportswear.

“You’re up early.”

Qin Muxue teased, curious about Lin Beixiu’s plans.

Lin Beixiu stiffened, caught like a child stealing candy.

“I… uh…”

“Go on, good luck. If you win, no one will bother you.”

Qin Muxue headed to the bathroom, her words encouraging Lin Beixiu, who then left the building.

His plan was to run around the neighborhood, preparing for the fight against Qin Muxue, not taking his chances lightly.

A battle for freedom.

From the balcony, Qin Muxue watched Lin Beixiu pass by, impressed.

Satisfied, she went downstairs, crossing paths with Lin Beixiu, who barely glanced at her before continuing.

Qin Muxue waved, “Go for it, Lin Beixiu.”

“Work on your endurance, don’t get beaten too badly.”

Lin Beixiu stumbled, clenched his fists, and sped up without a word.

He wouldn’t lose.

Qin Muxue prepared breakfast for two, rushing home, texting Lin Beixiu to come back after his morning exercise.

Sitting at the dining table, she enjoyed her noodles. Soon, Lin Beixiu entered.

“I bought breakfast. Change and come eat.”

Lin Beixiu paused, then nodded.


Qin Muxue watched him with a satisfied smile; at least he was trying to improve.

They had time before school and ate together.

Lin Beixiu dashed off after class, leaving Qin Muxue puzzled by his quick departure.

What was that boy up to now?

Lin Beixiu, meanwhile, bought a milk tea from the canteen, then returned to the academic building. It was just after class for second-year students.

He stopped a female student. “Excuse me, is Zhang Tingting from your class here?”

“Tingting, someone’s looking for you.”

The girl’s tone was teasing and curious, sizing up Lin Beixiu, making his heart race and sweat form.

The tension was thankfully broken.

“Lin Beixiu?”

With others present, Zhang Tingting refrained from calling him by his nickname.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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