Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Nearly Misunderstood

“I need to talk to you, can you come over?”

Zhang Tingting eyed the milk tea in his hand, raising an eyebrow.

What is this brat up to? Could it be?

On the campus path, walking together, Lin Beixiu hesitated, and Zhang Tingting, seeing his dilemma, chuckled.

“Handsome Lin, you didn’t call me out just to walk with you, did you?”

“Cough, it’s to treat you to milk tea.” Lin Beixiu handed over the milk tea, but Zhang Tingting, shocked, didn’t accept it.

Could it really be what she thought? That they broke up and this brat has turned his sights on her?

She hadn’t expected him to be such a scoundrel behind his honest appearance, a true heartbreaker.

“No thanks, I won’t take the milk tea.” Zhang Tingting coldly declined.

“Doing this, how could you face little Xue? You scumbag.”

Lin Beixiu: ???

Zhang Tingting’s barrage left Lin Beixiu utterly confused. What did he do wrong? How had he suddenly become a scumbag?

“I just wanted to ask for your help with something. What are you talking about?”

Zhang Tingting: ???!!

Seeing Lin Beixiu’s bewildered face, Zhang Tingting felt a bit embarrassed, possibly having misunderstood him.

After Lin Beixiu’s explanation, Zhang Tingting took a sip of her milk tea to mask her awkwardness.

“Sorry, I misunderstood you. And, thanks for the milk tea.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, “It’s nothing.”

“Why are you suddenly asking about little Xue’s skills?”

“Just asking, since you’re her only best friend.”

Zhang Tingting found it strange but still shared, “Little Xue’s quite skilled. She’s even won a provincial taekwondo competition.”

Lin Beixiu: …

He knew that girl was up to no good.

Zhang Tingting had more to say but didn’t. Qin Muxue knew not just taekwondo but many other things too. The reason? Zhang Tingting keenly sensed drama brewing between these two, ready to enjoy the show.

“That’s it? Why are you asking these questions?”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, “Just curious.”

He wouldn’t share their bet with her.

“Thanks, senior. I’ll be going now.”

Lin Beixiu turned and ran, leaving Zhang Tingting sipping her milk tea, puzzled.

“What are those two up to?”

Shortly after Lin Beixiu left, his phone vibrated with a call from Qin Muxue.

“Where have you run off to again? I’m hungry.”

“Almost there, I’ll be right back.”

After hanging up, Qin Muxue sighed, frustrated. The boy vanished right after class, despite her waiting at home with dinner ready.

Then, her phone rang again, it was her best friend. Upon answering, Zhang Tingting eagerly shared her observations.

“Sis, what are you guys up to?”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“Just that…”

After hearing Zhang Tingting’s account, Qin Muxue realized why Lin Beixiu was late; he was making preparations for their fight, even using milk tea as bait. Impressive progress.

Qin Muxue remained confident, smiling.

“I understand.”

“Sis, isn’t it nice of me to tell you? What are you plotting?”

Qin Muxue pondered, eventually deciding it didn’t matter since they’d need the taekwondo club’s venue. Just then, Lin Beixiu, out of breath, appeared at the door.

“Sorry, I’ll start cooking right away.”

Zhang Tingting: !?

From afar, she couldn’t hear clearly, but she recognized a man’s voice.

“Sis, what’s happening over there? Is there a guy?”

“No, you heard wrong.”

Qin Muxue dismissively ended the call, “I’ve got things to do.”

Zhang Tingting: …

Staring at the disconnected call, she twitched her mouth.

Everyone’s the same, choosing romance over friendship.

Soon, Lin Beixiu finished cooking, inspecting Qin Muxue’s overly watery rice.

“This time you added too much water.”

“It’s better than last time, easier to swallow at least.”

Lin Beixiu commented as they ate in silence, Qin Muxue knowing better than to pry into his affairs.

In the following days, Lin Beixiu squeezed in morning runs or night jogs, with Qin Muxue accompanying him. In the morning, Lin Beixiu trained while she bought breakfast; at night, they ran together along the streets.

Qin Muxue even gave him a few tips, all of which Lin Beixiu eagerly absorbed, finding them useful.

“Why are you helping me?”

Sitting on a bench in the park, they took a break.

Qin Muxue handed him a bottle of water.

“I don’t want you to lose too badly.”

Lin Beixiu: …

He turned away to drink, silent. Knowing Qin Muxue was a provincial champion spurred his fighting spirit, never one to concede without a fight, despite feeling victory was slim.

Qin Muxue wasn’t just provoking him; it was also a form of encouragement. She wouldn’t hold back for his sake.

Seeing him determined, despite knowing her strength, amused her.

Lin Beixiu stood up, ready to continue running, to escape her teasing.

“That’s enough. Overtraining is bad. You’ve done enough for this morning.”

Lin Beixiu trusted her, though reluctantly, he didn’t complain.

“Talk less, or I’m leaving,” Lin Beixiu glared at her.

“Okay, I’ll stop.” Qin Muxue covered her mouth, giggling.

How adorable he was.

The weekend, their agreed day for the challenge, was why Lin Beixiu had been so diligent.

Qin Muxue, contemplating in her room, considered postponing but knowing Lin Beixiu’s stubbornness, decided against it.

They stayed home on Saturday, playing around, and went for a night run again.

“Going out? My treat for late-night snacks,” Qin Muxue stood before him.

Lin Beixiu didn’t refuse, following her to a night market snack bar for skewers.

Qin Muxue ordered a variety of dishes, making Lin Beixiu anxious.

“Done ordering? Anything you want?”

Lin Beixiu forced a smile, shaking his head. “I’m fine with anything.”

Joking aside, she had ordered so much already; wasting food was a concern.

As they waited for their order, they sat in silence.

“Can you finish all this?”

Eventually, Lin Beixiu couldn’t help but ask.

Qin Muxue laughed, “This is nothing.”

Her regular exercise kept her in shape, unbothered by dieting like other girls, always welcoming good food.

Lin Beixiu glanced towards the fridge, especially at the rows of “Tsingtao” beers, yearning for a drink.

“What will you have?” Qin Muxue noticed his gaze and asked.

“Anything’s fine. I’ll have what you’re having,” Lin Beixiu said, deflated.

Qin Muxue’s lips curved slightly as she went to the fridge.

When Lin Beixiu came to his senses, a can of beer sat in front of him.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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