Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 44

Chapter 44: The Slight Gestures of a Drunk Qin Muxue

Lin Beixiu was incredulous, especially seeing that Qin Muxue also had a can in her hand.

“What’s this about?”

“I’m drinking a little with you. I don’t believe this stuff is any good.”

In Qin Muxue’s view, this was probably Lin Beixiu’s last time drinking alcohol, so she indulged him this once.

Qin Muxue poured herself a small cup of the alcohol, took a sip, and immediately frowned.

“So bitter, so hard to drink.”

Lin Beixiu, however, was happy, taking a big gulp.

“It’s your first time, best to take it slow.”

“Just like life.”


Lin Beixiu didn’t catch what she said at first, only to see Qin Muxue’s expression turn melancholy, muttering to herself as she looked towards the street.

“No wonder so many people like drinking. Alcohol numbs the nerves, allowing one to escape from themselves and find brief happiness.”

Lin Beixiu was utterly confused by her sudden shift to emo mode.

“No, sis, it’s not even time yet.”

Because she always called him little brother, Lin Beixiu sometimes called her sis in return.

Qin Muxue glared at him fiercely, this brat.

“Besides, everything has its good and bad sides. Moderation is key, and no matter how much you try to escape, you eventually have to face reality,” Lin Beixiu advised her as he took another big gulp.

Qin Muxue pondered, then the food they ordered arrived.

Seeing her in a bad mood, Lin Beixiu pushed the dishes towards her.

“When you’re feeling down, turn your sorrows into appetite. Eat up.”

Qin Muxue began to eat and drink more with Lin Beixiu. Despite her initial resistance to him drinking, she now drank merrily, more boldly than Lin Beixiu, finishing a can all by herself.

Lin Beixiu watched her, nervous she might throw up any second.

Her face flushed with a hint of rosiness, her eyes misty.

Drunk from just one can?

Lin Beixiu: ???

He ventured, “Qin Muxue?”


“You’re drunk.”

“No, I’m not.”

Qin Muxue, with a grand wave, grabbed some barbecue and started eating.

“Absolutely not.”

Lin Beixiu: …….

She seemed to be in a peculiar state, perhaps another drink would have her completely drunk.

“Slow down with the eating, no one’s competing with you,” Lin Beixiu said anxiously.

“Little brother.”

“Hmm, I’m here. Should we head back?”

Lin Beixiu worried about her condition, having lost his appetite.


Just as she agreed, she leaned on the table and fell asleep.

Lin Beixiu sighed, took out his phone to call the waiter.

“Bill, please.”

Muttering to himself as he looked at the bill,

“We agreed you were treating, and now you’ve gotten yourself drunk.”

Then, standing beside Qin Muxue, he hesitated, unsure how to proceed.

It wouldn’t be right to leave her here, but it also wasn’t right to just pick her up.

Sighing, Lin Beixiu decided to carry her on his back and head home.

Qin Muxue was surprisingly well-behaved on his back, quiet. Lin Beixiu, on the other hand, felt that familiar unease, the second time he had to carry Qin Muxue.

The first time was to her room, and now, back home.

“Qin Muxue, you really are my nemesis. What do I owe you?” Lin Beixiu grumbled.

Now wasn’t easy for him, feeling the warmth of her body against his, her breath on his neck, ticklish and unsettling.

Wasn’t this asking too much from him, a man?

“Mmm… Dad.”

Lin Beixiu froze, turned his head to look, and saw Qin Muxue frowning in her sleep, a tear rolling down her cheek.

That pitiable look.

“Dad, I miss you so much…..”

Qin Muxue murmured again, Lin Beixiu swallowed his words, ultimately sighing deeply, and hastened home.

It seemed she was having a nightmare.

Back home, Lin Beixiu placed her on the sofa, covered her with a small blanket to avoid catching cold, then went out again.

Lin Beixiu headed to a nearby supermarket, bought some honey and ingredients for a hangover soup, and rushed back.

Entering the door, thankfully, Qin Muxue hadn’t moved, still sleeping quietly on the sofa.

Lin Beixiu went into the kitchen to make the soup.

After serving it, he gently woke Qin Muxue.

“Wake up, drink some soup.”


Qin Muxue woke up, sat up groggily, and obediently opened her mouth. Lin Beixiu fed her spoonful by spoonful.

This serene scene calmed Lin Beixiu’s heart, perhaps affected by Qin Muxue’s lingering sadness.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m upset,” Qin Muxue pouted softly.

Lin Beixiu had to admit, his heart melted at this endearing side of her, a stark contrast to her usual fierceness, stirring protective instincts within him.

“Finish this, and sleep off the unhappiness.”

Lin Beixiu wasn’t sure how else to comfort her, given her family situation, which he knew little about.

Piecing together her experiences, it was clear her father wasn’t around, and her mother was busy, likely leaving her alone. Hence her current state.

Truly, she was a resilient girl, Lin Beixiu felt somewhat inferior.

After finishing the soup, the soothed Qin Muxue fell back to sleep.

Lin Beixiu sighed, again in this position.

Reluctantly, he carried her to her bedroom, his previous embarrassment now replaced by familiarity.

Tucking her in, turning off the light, tidying up the kitchen, then finally taking a shower and going to bed.


The next day, Qin Muxue stretched lazily in bed, feeling better thanks to Lin Beixiu’s care and the fact that she hadn’t drunk much.

She checked the time; it was already past eight. She had slept quite long.

Stepping out, she assumed Lin Beixiu was still asleep. She glanced towards his room, her lips curling into an ambiguous smile.

Then, after freshening up and enjoying a relaxing bath, she dressed, put on her shoes, and left.

Lin Beixiu, still enjoying his rest, eventually woke up, checked his phone, and got dressed. Finding the living room empty after freshening up, the door opened just as Qin Muxue returned, carrying a bag of food.

“Up already?”


Sitting at the dining table, Qin Muxue spread out their breakfast of buns, soy milk, and dough sticks.

Lin Beixiu started eating a bun, while Qin Muxue dipped her dough stick in soy milk, savoring the combination.

“Did I get drunk last night?” Qin Muxue asked, embarrassed.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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