Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Rain

Lin Beixiu rested for a long time, and eventually, Qin Muxue couldn’t help but urge him.

“I’m hungry, hurry up.”

Lin Beixiu glared at her annoyed, “What’s the rush, wait.”

If it weren’t for the fact that he was no match for her, he wouldn’t listen to her. Now, Lin Beixiu was even considering renting another apartment to live on his own.

Eventually, he gave up on the idea mainly because there were no more convenient apartments available nearby, and they would be more expensive.

As for whether there were other reasons…

Deep down, Lin Beixiu realized he was somewhat reluctant, probably he himself hadn’t figured out where this emotion came from.

“Dinner’s ready.”

“Why is it all vegetarian?” Qin Muxue pouted, dissatisfied.

The table had just a dish of tomato scrambled eggs and another of cucumber stir-fried with pork.

“There, isn’t this cucumber stir-fry with pork meaty?”

“Just this one dish, and there’s so little meat.”

“You could also choose not to eat.”

Lin Beixiu served himself a bowl of rice, sat down, and started eating leisurely.

Qin Muxue had no choice but to sit down and eat as well.

This rascal was definitely doing it on purpose, skimping on her food. For someone who loves to eat, this was almost like being stabbed in the heart.


As the weekend passed, the two got up as usual and went to school.

Because Lin Beixiu had lost a bet before, now Qin Muxue brazenly came over to bother him. Lin Beixiu’s biggest regret now was making that bet with her.

Qin Muxue looked at the two slices of bread in front of her, topped with a fried egg and some greens, which was breakfast.

“Is this all we’re eating? You cut my rations yesterday, can’t we eat something better today?”

“This is retaliation, I want to protest.”

Lin Beixiu yawned, “Protest what, I’m eating this too.”

Qin Muxue saw that he was also eating bread, pursed her lips, but said no more.

Arriving at school, the two sat in the back waiting for class to start. The first period was fine, but later, the weather outside suddenly turned gloomy, and the wind made the curtains rustle.

Qin Muxue frowned and nudged Lin Beixiu next to her.

“Did you bring an umbrella? It looks like it’s going to rain.”

Lin Beixiu looked outside, then turned his gaze back to her, his empty hands spread out.

“Do I look like someone who would bring an umbrella?”

Besides Qin Muxue’s small shoulder bag, Lin Beixiu had brought nothing but his phone and the books needed for class.

“What do we do then, getting soaked in the rain will make us sick.”

“Then you’d better hope your bad luck doesn’t kick in.”

Qin Muxue: …….

How infuriating.

Qin Muxue angrily stomped on his foot. Lin Beixiu almost cried out in pain and turned to look at Qin Muxue, who was acting as if nothing had happened and was reading a book.


A flash of lightning streaked across the sky, followed by a drizzle that turned into a torrential downpour.

The students in class all whispered among themselves at the sight.

“Damn, who cursed us with this downpour?”

“How are we supposed to go home in this rain?”

“Guess we’ll end up soaked chickens.”


Qin Muxue also looked helpless; it really did rain, and with it pouring this heavily, they couldn’t leave any time soon.

After class, a bunch of students stood on the first-floor platform, looking helplessly at the rain outside, except for a small number who had umbrellas and took their friends along.

Of course, some guys were picked up by their girlfriends who didn’t have class, under the envious gaze of others.

Qin Muxue and Lin Beixiu stood on the stairway of the corridor, watching him play on his phone. Qin Muxue kicked him.

“Stop playing, think of something.”

“What can I think of, should I point at the sky and tell it to stop raining?”

Qin Muxue: ……

She imagined the scene, Lin Beixiu pointing at the sky, shouting commandingly…


“Uh haha.”

Lin Beixiu was extremely frustrated, he’d spoken offhand, and Qin Muxue took it seriously.

Qin Muxue stopped laughing, “Hurry up, think of something. Where are your friends, can’t they help?”

After class, the two had left slowly, and their friends had run off.

Lin Beixiu thought for a moment, opened WeChat, and entered their group chat.

“Hu Feng, do you have an umbrella? We’re stuck here.”

After a while, Hu Feng replied,

“Lin, I was taking a shower, didn’t see it.”

Lin Beixiu glanced at his phone, tapping the screen.

Lin Beixiu: Bring two umbrellas over.

Hu Feng: Oh.

Back at the dormitory, Hu Feng and a few others had run back without umbrellas. He was the first to take a shower. Now that Lin Beixiu was in trouble, naturally, he had to help.

But looking at the hallway’s umbrella, somehow, thinking of Qin Muxue always by Lin Beixiu’s side, he chuckled, picked up two umbrellas, and went out.


Lin Beixiu turned to look at Qin Muxue, “What’s wrong, you didn’t catch a cold, did you?”

Qin Muxue shook her head, “Should be fine.”

Soon, Lin Beixiu saw Hu Feng’s figure through the misty rain.

“Lin, here you go.”

Hu Feng handed him an umbrella, and Lin Beixiu was surprised.

“Just one?”

“Cough.” Hu Feng nodded, a bit choked.

“Yes, those big guys didn’t have any umbrellas, this one’s mine, and the one in my hand is from the next dorm.”

Lin Beixiu’s face showed resignation as he took it.

Hu Feng gave him an encouraging look, “Good luck.”

After he left, Lin Beixiu still stood there, puzzled. What did that look mean?

Qin Muxue, watching him from behind, covered her mouth and snickered, inwardly feeling helpless.

It seemed like the whole world knew about their relationship, even his brothers were keenly helping out, yet this fool didn’t realize his good fortune. The road to confession was long and arduous.

“Let’s go, we’ll share the umbrella.”

Lin Beixiu had no choice but to open the umbrella under the eaves and stepped into the rain with Qin Muxue. The umbrella Hu Feng gave was a bit small, forcing them close together, and one of them was bound to get wet.

“Get a little closer.”

Qin Muxue moved closer to his side, and they immediately pressed together. The subtle fragrance coming from her made Lin Beixiu quite uncomfortable.

“Slow down, you’re almost pushing me out.”

Qin Muxue spoke flatly, “Hold it properly.”

Her side was mostly soaked.

Lin Beixiu complied, looked towards her, noticed her shoulder was wet, and tilted the umbrella more towards her, naturally getting himself wet in the process.

Qin Muxue noticed and although it was cold outside, her heart was warm. This guy was really good.


Lin Beixiu didn’t speak, but his expression betrayed him, and Qin Muxue almost burst out laughing again.

How could he be so adorable?

In the misty rain, a young boy and girl walked together, occasionally joking, filling the air with laughter…


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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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