Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Late

She saw Lin Beixiu coming out of his room and glared at him unhappily.

Lin Beixiu felt awkward and looked away.

“There won’t be a next time. I’ll be careful.”

Qin Muxue saw his admission of fault was decent enough, so she didn’t make a big deal out of it and went into the bathroom to wash up. Then, she heard Lin Beixiu’s voice.

“After all, you didn’t lose out, right?”

Qin Muxue: !!

Her anger surged, and at that moment, she really wanted to hit someone.

“Lin Beixiu!”

Lin Beixiu flinched and immediately stepped back a bit.

“Cough, I didn’t say anything.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t know how he had managed to say something like that given his personality.

Qin Muxue snorted coldly and slammed the door shut.

Lin Beixiu touched his nose guiltily, feeling like he had annoyed her.

With Qin Muxue inside, he could only wait to go in later, sitting on the sofa, bored and waiting.

Soon, he realized something was off while playing with his phone. How long had she been in there?

It seemed like over ten minutes.

Lin Beixiu went to the bathroom door and knocked.

“How long have you been in there? You’re still not out.”

“I haven’t even washed up yet. You’re making me late.”

Inside the bathroom, Qin Muxue, hearing the voice at the door, smiled. She was getting back at Lin Beixiu, looking at the time with a cunning smile.

Outside, Lin Beixiu paced back and forth anxiously, finally knocking frantically, “Sister, big sister, my lady, please come out. I can’t hold it anymore.”

He regretted provoking her. Why did he do that?

Inside, Qin Muxue could no longer laugh at Lin Beixiu’s words, thinking, “Big sister? Am I that old?”

When it was about time, Qin Muxue came out of the bathroom. Seeing her, Lin Beixiu didn’t even look at her before hurrying in and slammed the door shut.

Qin Muxue stood at the door, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter.

Serves him right!

Let him get a stye in his eye.

Thinking about yesterday’s incident, Qin Muxue spat lightly, her face heating up.

She didn’t understand why she felt this way, finding it interesting. She was usually not talkative but had made exceptions several times for a boy she hadn’t known for long, even covering for him in front of a teacher.

Perhaps it was the interaction over the past few days with Lin Beixiu that didn’t make her feel disgusted, or maybe it was his cooking, or…

Qin Muxue felt a familiar sensation around him.

Qin Muxue stopped pondering, changed into her military training uniform, glanced towards the bathroom with a light laugh, and left for school.

On Lin Beixiu’s side, after washing up and changing into his military training uniform, he saw the time and knew being late was inevitable. He wanted to cry.

Lin Beixiu then hurried out, also needing to buy breakfast on the way. When he entered the classroom, it was already four minutes late.

Lin Beixiu, disheveled, holding a military cap in one hand and a bun in the other, bent over and gasping for breath, stood at the doorway.

The class whispered among themselves, as if they had discovered some great secret.

Even handsome guys can be late.

Sitting at the back, Qin Muxue couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the scene.

Li Yuwei’s expression was also not good, as it was just the first day of military training and someone was already late.

“Tell us, my class president, what happened.”

Lin Beixiu glanced at Qin Muxue in the back row, meeting her smiling eyes. He had to admit, she looked quite attractive when she smiled.

“Sorry, I overslept.”

Lin Beixiu couldn’t bring himself to snitch.

He was lectured by Li Yuwei, promising it wouldn’t happen again, before being allowed into the classroom.

Walking to the back, Lin Beixiu realized the last row by the window had already been taken by her. He glared at her fiercely, and Qin Muxue glared back unflinchingly, with a challenging smile.

Lin Beixiu could only sit in the second to last row, in front of her, and started his breakfast in frustration.

Li Yuwei continued discussing military training precautions on stage. When it was time, she led everyone to line up and head to the parade ground.

On the parade ground, everyone lined up in their class’s designated area, waiting, while Li Yuwei talked with their instructor.

Lin Beixiu saw their military training instructor, about his height, with dark skin and a strong build.

Their class of 40 people was arranged in eight rows of five.

The three extra boys and five girls formed a new row, including Lin Beixiu, next to Qin Muxue.

The other two boys refused to stand next to Qin Muxue, feeling she was too intimidating. Eventually, Lin Beixiu was pushed out by them to stand next to her.

This row was specially arranged by the instructor, choosing the tallest eight people in the class. The girls weren’t as tall as the boys, with Qin Muxue being the tallest among the girls, slightly shorter than Lin Beixiu at about 1.76 meters, while he and the other two boys were about the same height.

“Alright, remember your positions and who is next to you. Next time, I want you to assemble as quickly as possible, got it?”

Hearing their loud response, the instructor nodded in satisfaction.

“Introduce myself, my surname is Zhang. You can call me Instructor Zhang.”

“Who’s the class president? Step forward.”

“I’m the class president.”

Lin Beixiu took a step forward, standing out from the lineup.

Instructor Zhang looked at the tall and handsome boy, nodded, and then decided to make things difficult.

“If anyone behind moves while standing at attention, you’ll do ten push-ups for each one.”

Lin Beixiu: !!! Oh no.

Hearing this, the class tried hard to suppress their laughter, realizing their class president’s fate was in their hands.

Qin Muxue, watching the scene, couldn’t help but smile.


Lin Beixiu wanted to say something, but Instructor Zhang cut him off.

“Speak after reporting.”



Lin Beixiu grimaced, “Why though?”

Instructor Zhang smiled, “You look quite handsome. Just giving you some training.”

“Ha ha ha.”

With that comment, everyone burst into laughter.

“Alright, quiet down and stand properly.”

Everyone resumed their positions, and Lin Beixiu was called back to the lineup.

Within half an hour, several people moved and were called out by the instructor, resulting in Lin Beixiu reluctantly doing thirty push-ups.

After a summer break of laziness, the class struggled with the intense training, leading to Lin Beixiu doing extra push-ups.

Fortunately, he was in good shape, and the exercise was relatively easy for him


Instructor Zhang nodded in approval, impressed with the young man.

During the break, the class scattered to find shade and rest, while Lin Beixiu sat alone under a large tree nearby.

Qin Muxue sat beside Lin Beixiu, watching him with an indescribable emotion in her eyes. Lin Beixiu, completely unaware of being observed, drank his water alone.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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