Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Sleeping Together

Lin Beixiu didn’t refuse and took it, and Hu Feng helped him light it up.

“I thought you didn’t smoke.”

“Just occasionally,” Lin Beixiu said casually.

This demeanor, this understated tone, my Brother Bei is just so cool.


In the end, after the dinner, there was a lot of food left over.

“Lin Beixiu, why don’t we pack it up? We can’t use high-power appliances in our dorm, so we wouldn’t be able to eat it if we take it back.”

“You take it back then, better than wasting it.”

Lin Beixiu took the bag, “Alright.”

“Better head back now, it’s getting late.”


Lin Beixiu, carrying the leftovers, returned home to find the living room light still on.

“Qin Muxue?”

There was no response, and Lin Beixiu thought she might still be out at this hour. After putting down his things, he opened his bedroom door, turned on the light, and jumped in surprise.

Sure enough, Qin Muxue was sleeping soundly on his bed.

“Qin Muxue, why are you in my room again?”

Lin Beixiu walked over with resignation and gently pushed her. Qin Muxue was sleeping deeply, but the furrowed brow indicated she might be having a nightmare.

Lin Beixiu couldn’t bear to wake her, sighing helplessly.

She’s so careless, but it’s not like there’s anything valuable in here. Lin Beixiu wasn’t too upset about Qin Muxue barging into his room; he just couldn’t understand it.

Is my bed softer?

Lin Beixiu didn’t think much of it; he just decided to take a shower first.

Just then, Qin Muxue happened to open her eyes and saw Lin Beixiu in front of the wardrobe.


“You’re awake?” Lin Beixiu said, annoyed.


Qin Muxue came to her senses and realized what she had done.

“I didn’t mean to enter your room.”

“It’s okay, I’m not that petty.”

Qin Muxue got up and walked towards him. Lin Beixiu was stunned, just standing there, watching her.

Qin Muxue stepped forward and suddenly hugged him. Lin Beixiu was startled, his body tensing up, standing there unsure of what to do.

“Don’t move.”

Just as Lin Beixiu was about to push her away, he heard Qin Muxue’s stern voice, leaving his hand helplessly hanging in the air.

“Sorry, I lost my composure, just let me hug you for a moment.”

Hearing her uneasy pleading, that helpless emotion, especially as Qin Muxue hugged him tightly.

She really felt insecure.

Lin Beixiu’s heart softened, and he gently patted her back a few times.

“What’s wrong?”

“I had a nightmare, I…” Qin Muxue’s voice trailed off into a sob; she couldn’t continue.

Lin Beixiu panicked but also felt at a loss, as he really had no idea how to comfort a crying girl.


In this awkward moment, Qin Muxue’s stomach chimed in, leaving them both stunned.

“Have you not eaten?”

Qin Muxue’s voice was weak, slightly embarrassed, “I didn’t want to go out, so I just ate a little.”

Actually, when Lin Beixiu had left, she had been very bored. Staying in her room, she didn’t know what else to do besides playing with her phone, thinking about Lin Beixiu.

She ate some leftover lunch and eventually entered Lin Beixiu’s room, feeling closer to him by being surrounded by his things, looking at his photos on the desk, and falling asleep.

At this moment, she realized how much she had grown accustomed to having Lin Beixiu around, no longer able to endure loneliness like before.

She had just finished speaking when a pain shot through her head; she held her head, looking aggrieved at Lin Beixiu.

Lin Beixiu knocked her on the head, annoyed.

“Are you an idiot? What if you make yourself sick?”

“You’re scolding me.” Qin Muxue felt even more wronged, her eyes quickly filling with tears, ready to fall at any moment.

Lin Beixiu: “!!! You… don’t cry, okay? I was wrong, alright?”

He was at a loss and then remembered.

“If you’re hungry, I still have some food outside.”

Qin Muxue didn’t speak but looked up at him critically, frowning as she noticed something off about him.

“You smell like smoke and alcohol, I really hate that smell.”

“Did you smoke?”

Lin Beixiu tensed up, stammering out,

“It might be the cigarette smoke from Hu Feng and the others lingering on me, I’ll take a shower in a bit.”

Qin Muxue narrowed her eyes, seeing his evasive gaze and knowing he was lying.

But now…

Qin Muxue sighed almost imperceptibly, then put on a smile, “What good food do you have?”

“I got some cake, you can have that for now.”

On the dining table, besides the packed meals, there was indeed a small cake. Qin Muxue hadn’t expected Lin Beixiu to bring her a cake, which warmed her heart.

“Thank you.”


Lin Beixiu felt awkward for a moment, mainly remembering how soft she felt when he was hugged.

He didn’t want to dwell on those thoughts anymore, put the packed meals in the fridge, then went to take a shower, even brushing his teeth to mask any lingering smells.

Qin Muxue was happily eating the cake.

Lin Beixiu came out of the bathroom, went to the living room to dry his hair, and was ready to go to sleep; he was extremely tired from the alcohol.

Just as Lin Beixiu lay down and closed his eyes, half-asleep, he felt something sneak in, bringing with it a waft of fragrance.

Lin Beixiu opened his eyes and was stunned. He and Qin Muxue were close, facing each other; Qin Muxue was lying not far from him, her face flushed with embarrassment.

“What are you doing?”

“Can I sleep with you?”

Lin Beixiu: ……..

Don’t say things that can be so easily misunderstood; besides, you’re already lying down…

“No, don’t you have your own room?”

“But I’m afraid of the dark.”

Lin Beixiu was speechless again; how did you sleep before then, finding such a poor excuse?

“What are we even doing?”

Lin Beixiu was also panicking, feeling awkward. He had never slept with a girl in the same bed before.

He stepped back a few paces, almost shrinking into the furthest corner of the wall, clutching the blanket tightly, causing Qin Muxue to secretly find it amusing.

Little Bei is really innocent.

Qin Muxue pointed to the middle, “Cough, I’ll just sleep on the outside, not crossing this line.”

“Just let me sleep with you.”

Seeing her act coquettishly, Lin Beixiu had no choice but to agree.

“Don’t come any closer, otherwise…”

Lin Beixiu hesitated for a moment, then said, “I’ll go sleep on the sofa.”

Qin Muxue almost laughed, but managed to hold it in.


The lights dimmed again, and Lin Beixiu was truly tired, almost asleep, when Qin Muxue spoke up again.

“Little Bei, are you asleep?”

“Almost, what now?” Lin Beixiu said wearily.

“Can you share the blanket with me?”

Lin Beixiu didn’t say anything, but Qin Muxue felt the blanket over her increase.

“Go to sleep.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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