Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Another Intrusion

Qin Han’s demeanor instantly became fierce as she spoke in a cold voice.

“Let’s see, this requires further investigation, but make sure everything is centered around Little Xue, and don’t let her feel bored or annoyed.”

Qin Muxue was her most precious person, and she would not allow Qin Muxue to suffer any harm.

Their previous investigations of Lin Beixiu were only superficial since the two were just friends at that time. However, they were shocked by the content they later saw on a forum, where it was clear Qin Muxue had openly claimed to have a boyfriend.

Thus, they could not hold back any longer and planned to delve deeper into investigating Lin Beixiu, worried that Qin Muxue might be deceived.


After school, Lin Beixiu yawned as he returned home. It was truly uncomfortable not having a bed in the dormitory. Before coming back, he had sent a message, and Qin Muxue had told him he could return.

As soon as Lin Beixiu entered, he saw a mountain of snacks.

“What’s all this?”

“My mom bought them for me. We won’t order takeout tonight, just heat up this food and eat.”

Qin Muxue closed the refrigerator door and handed him a bottle of milk.

“Try this, my mom bought it for me.”

“It’s good. Where’s my key?”

Qin Muxue handed him his keys, and Lin Beixiu walked into his room, seeing clothes on the bed and his toothbrush and cup on the desk, which he put back in their places.

“Do you have to do this?”

Lin Beixiu resignedly put his things back in place and commented.

“Just in case.”

Qin Muxue was somewhat embarrassed.

Lin Beixiu, tired, didn’t feel like going to work that night and sent a message to Zhang Qingmin to take the night off.

Lin Beixiu lay on the bed, exhausted, and fell asleep immediately.

Qin Muxue saw his condition and didn’t disturb him, letting him rest.

She cooked dinner and heated up the food.


That evening, Lin Beixiu felt someone pushing him and opened his eyes groggily to see Qin Muxue standing by the bed.

“It’s time to get up, Little Bei.”

Lin Beixiu got up, and Qin Muxue continued.

“Dinner’s ready.”

Lin Beixiu was startled and just looked at her, instinctively asking.

“You cooked?”

Qin Muxue nodded, rolling her eyes at his reaction.

“What’s wrong, I can handle simple meals.”

Lin Beixiu followed her out, and sure enough, the table outside was set with several dishes, all specially prepared by Qin Han for Qin Muxue.

Lin Beixiu hesitated for a moment before starting to eat.

It felt odd eating food that someone’s mother had prepared specifically for her daughter.

But since Qin Muxue had invited him, it would be overly fussy to refuse.

“It’s delicious, your mom’s cooking is really good.”

Qin Muxue hummed in agreement, also relishing the meal as it reminded her of the dishes her mother used to make.

After dinner, Qin Muxue began to clear up, preparing to go out.

“I’m going to work now, aren’t you coming?”

“I took the day off, I’m too tired today.”

Hearing this, Qin Muxue looked apologetic.

“Alright then, I’m heading out.”



Lin Beixiu looked at the mess on the table and began to clean up, admitting, the food was indeed delicious; the culinary skills of someone’s mother were nothing to scoff at.

Lin Beixiu sighed, wishing for a moment that he had parents who cared about him as well, but he knew that was impossible.

He stood lonely on the balcony, unable to bear it any longer, and took out a cigarette to smoke. Looking up at the dark night sky.

In those smoke-shrouded eyes flashed confusion, resentment, and then helplessness.

Life was like this; sometimes we experience many setbacks and pain, but we must always believe, after the darkest night, dawn will eventually come.


That evening, Qin Muxue hurried home from work, opened the door, and went straight to Lin Beixiu’s room, knocking before entering.

She didn’t hear Lin Beixiu’s unfinished sentence.

“Wait a…..”

As Qin Muxue pushed open the door, she saw Lin Beixiu shirtless, and she was stunned. Then, without looking for long, Lin Beixiu quickly dove under the covers, his face full of anger.

“You really just come in whenever, huh?”

Qin Muxue swallowed hard, awkwardly saying, “I won’t knock next time.”

“Nonsense, you knocked but it’s like you didn’t.”

“It’s not like we haven’t seen it before.”

Qin Muxue muttered under her breath, yet Lin Beixiu still heard it.

“Older sister Qin, are you looking for a beating?”

Qin Muxue was serious, “But you can’t beat me though.”

Lin Beixiu: ……

He was momentarily at a loss for words and choked up.

Qin Muxue suppressed a laugh, finally giving this rascal a taste of his own medicine.

“Alright, let’s not talk about this.”

Qin Muxue stepped forward, shaking a container of double-layer milk in her hand.

“I’m treating you.”

Lin Beixiu looked puzzled, “Why are you being so kind all of a sudden?”

“To thank you for your sacrifice today, letting you suffer at lunch. I’ll make it up to you by inviting you out for a meal later.”

Lin Beixiu’s expression was complex, but he eventually smiled, “No need, I think your mom’s cooking is good enough, that was plenty.”

“I’ll take this then.”

Qin Muxue smiled and brushed her hair.


Qin Muxue went to take a shower, leaving Lin Beixiu to enjoy the double-layer milk pudding, falling in love with the flavor, which significantly lightened his mood.

While he was on his phone, Qin Muxue knocked and entered the room again.

“What now?”

Qin Muxue didn’t speak but locked the door first, then stepped towards Lin Beixiu.

Lin Beixiu felt uneasy as she locked the door, watching her with suspicion, especially her smile which seemed up to no good.

“What are you up to?”

The scene was like a cheeky girl teasing a boy.

Qin Muxue smiled, “Little Bei, did you miss me?”

Lin Beixiu’s mouth twitched, “It’s been just a few hours, miss you my foot, you’re so full of yourself.”

“Fine, then I missed you, come in a bit.”

Qin Muxue wasn’t angry but stood by the bed, looking at him.

Lin Beixiu: ??

Aren’t you even trying to hide it?

“Get lost, older sister, get out.”


After a strange noise…

Lin Beixiu was curled up at the very edge of the bed, his body twitching occasionally, a look of utter resignation on his face.

Damn, she really didn’t hold back, proving that boys need to protect themselves when outside.

Qin Muxue’s playful smile lingered as she pulled up the blanket and lay down on the bed.

“Really, can’t you be a bit more understanding?”

“Do you really have to sleep with me?” Lin Beixiu asked, exasperated.

She was tired from dealing with her mother all day, and now she just wanted a comfortable sleep next to Lin Beixiu.

“Yes, shut up, I’m going to sleep. If you keep talking, I’ll hit you.”

Lin Beixiu: …….

That familiar bossiness had apparently returned.

Lin Beixiu resigned himself to the reality, just as he closed his eyes, a hand reached over and grasped his.

Lin Beixiu sighed, “What now, holding hands to sleep?”

“To keep you from sneaking off to the sofa.”

“Why would I bother?”

Lin Beixiu then closed his eyes, “Let go first, it’s sweaty and uncomfortable to keep holding on.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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