Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Jealousy

Lin Beixiu looked over at Qin Muxue with a complex expression. She was curiously watching the girls play Werewolf.

She sat quietly, every move exuding tranquility, and she looked exceptionally beautiful today.

Thinking this, Lin Beixiu’s face reddened.

What was wrong with him? Why did he always subconsciously think of her?

“Hello, class president.”

Lin Beixiu turned, startled, to see a petite girl standing next to him. He recognized her as Chen Zhenzhen, a rather introverted girl who seldom spoke.

“Aren’t you going to play with them?”

Chen Zhenzhen blushed and said, “I don’t know how to play, so I didn’t join.”

“Oh, what can I do for you then?”

“Class president, I really liked the song you sang at the freshman social. Could you sing it again?”

“I thought you might choose Dare.”

Then, blushing, Chen Zhenzhen waved her hand, “If it’s too much trouble, never mind. I just really like hearing you sing.”

Lin Beixiu hadn’t thought about that long-past event, and he was surprised that someone still remembered it.

Seeing the girl’s uneasy demeanor, Lin Beixiu found it hard to refuse.

“Alright, I’ll sing.”

“Thank you, class president.”

Lin Beixiu approached the TV, which was still displaying music options. He picked up the microphone and chose a song.

Qin Muxue noticed his actions, especially as he walked over with Chen Zhenzhen to where a few girls who weren’t playing the game were sitting on the couch using their phones.

This made her start to feel jealous.

As the music started, Lin Beixiu began to sing slowly.

“In the night sky, the brightest star, can you hear clearly…”

“I pray for a transparent heart and eyes that can cry…”

“Oh, to surpass the lies and embrace you.”

“Whenever I can’t find the meaning of existence.”

“Whenever I get lost in the night…”

Lin Beixiu’s unique voice perfectly rendered the song, with each lyric resonating deeply, clearly filled with emotion.

Those who heard Lin Beixiu’s voice stopped their games to look in his direction.

Qin Muxue watched him with bright eyes; he was really singing beautifully.

Lin Beixiu was completely absorbed, his eyes moistening.

What does repeating a year really mean?

For repeaters, the pressure is even greater. As a group who failed their initial college entrance exams and bravely tried again, they faced their parents’ expectations and bore immense pressure.

Worrying about whether he could pass the exam, worrying about wasting the money his parents paid, worrying about all sorts of things…

Lin Beixiu was like this too, cramming three years of knowledge into one year, a daunting mission. He had to work harder and more desperately than others.

His rest time was limited; he wrote essays until midnight. Old Zhang thought about enrolling him in a cram school, but Lin Beixiu refused. He didn’t want his grandfather to spend so much money, so he decided to study on his own.

During that year, he was constantly tense, truly exhausted, but he didn’t want to worry his grandfather, so he said nothing, bearing it alone, nearly slipping into depression.

The first time he heard this song was at a school concert meant to motivate students for the college entrance exams, performed by younger female students.

When the day of the college entrance exam arrived, the whole world made way for these future pillars of society. It was the first time Lin Beixiu truly felt the warmth from society.

People offered him water, and kind shop owners gave it for free…

On the day the exams ended, he walked quietly along a riverside street, letting the streetlights shine on him, with “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky” playing in his earphones.

Lin Beixiu felt that the lyrics really resonated with him. That day, he cried for the first time in a long while, unable to hold back any longer.

He felt relieved and relaxed. At that moment, he didn’t want to think about anything else; he just wanted to relax.

All his grievances were released with the end of the college entrance exams.

Perhaps this is the power of music. When we are worn out from life, music can sometimes preserve our last refuge.

As the song ended, Lin Beixiu bowed his head, taking a long time to come back to himself.

It was a past he didn’t want to revisit. If he had to do it over, he wasn’t sure he could endure it again.

Applause slowly started around him. People listened to Lin Beixiu’s song with genuine admiration, stars shining in the girls’ eyes.

Chen Zhenzhen sat nearby, deeply feeling his emotions, and sincerely said,

“That was really beautiful.”

Lin Beixiu nodded, emotionally affected, and handed the microphone to her.

“Do you want to try singing?”

“Can I… really?”

Lin Beixiu nodded, “It doesn’t matter if it’s not good, didn’t someone sing off-key earlier? It’s all just for fun.”

Chen Zhenzhen then gathered her courage, chose a song she was good at, and began to sing.

Her voice was clear, but it also had a unique style.

Qin Muxue sat at a distance, feeling even worse. She was jealous and wanted to punch Lin Beixiu.

That big straight guy, never talking to her much, but chatting and singing with another girl.

Qin Muxue angrily grabbed a bottle of unopened wine from the table and took a big swig, venting her frustration.

Since she wasn’t much of a drinker, she nearly choked.

After the song ended, Lin Beixiu smiled and encouraged her.

He always felt this girl was somewhat like him, with a shy personality, seeming to struggle even to speak.

“Thank you, class president.”

Chen Zhenzhen sincerely said, “I wish you and Qin Muxue happiness, you two are a good match.”

After saying this, she walked away, sitting not far off, obviously shy.

Lin Beixiu: …….

Where was all this coming from?

As Lin Beixiu was bewildered, Qin Muxue sat next to him.

Lin Beixiu frowned, sniffing, especially noticing her slightly flushed cheeks.

“Did you drink?”

Qin Muxue nodded, “Yes, sing with me.”

Saying this, she picked up the microphone, her eyes intently on him.

Lin Beixiu, unable to bear it and feeling inexplicably guilty, asked, “What do you want to sing?”

“The same song you just did, sing it with me.”

Hearing her resolute tone, he queued up the music again, and Qin Muxue led off as they sang the song together.

Watching the duet, everyone else cheered, including Chen Zhenzhen clapping along.

She knew she had no chance, but she was very thankful to Lin Beixiu. After all, as class president, he had helped her with a minor issue before, and she mostly wanted to be friends with Lin Beixiu.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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