Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Sparring with Qin Muxue

In the evening, as they both left work and walked together, Lin Beixiu carried her backpack and glanced at Qin Muxue drinking water behind him, unable to resist urging her.

“Hurry up.”

“I’m tired, and I’m hungry again.”

Qin Muxue stood in place, pouting pitifully, before hastening her steps to catch up.

Lin Beixiu couldn’t really say anything, “Let’s go home, I’ll make you noodles. We won’t eat out.”

“Mm, okay.” Qin Muxue’s face lit up with joy.

Once home, Lin Beixiu made her a bowl of noodles, then went to take a shower. By the time he came out, the pot was spotlessly clean.

Big eater.

“Are you a pig? How could you eat all that?”


Qin Muxue paused, embarrassed, “Did you want some too? Sorry.”

“No, just marveling. I made extra because I was worried it wouldn’t be enough, but I didn’t expect you to actually finish it.” Lin Beixiu shook his head and went back to his room.

“Clean up the bowl.”


Qin Muxue watched him go into his room, then took the bowl to the kitchen to wash it. As she washed, she realized something was off.

Did that little rascal just call me a pig?

Realizing this, Qin Muxue puffed up with indignation.

That fool, he’s the pig, hmph.

Qin Muxue looked towards Lin Beixiu’s room, considering barging in, but although she was angry, she decided against it.

She couldn’t have barged in anyway; Lin Beixiu had gotten wise and locked his door that night, she would only have been met with a locked door.

The next day, they both went to school early as usual to attend classes.

Lin Beixiu was listening intently to the lecture, while Qin Muxue occasionally stole glances at him.

Her future boyfriend was indeed handsome.

During the next class in a large lecture hall, Zhang Tingting shamelessly took a seat next to Qin Muxue again, and the two started chatting.

Zhang Tingting was still as gossipy as ever, inquiring about their relationship progress. It wasn’t until class started that Qin Muxue got her to shut up.

As for Lin Beixiu, he looked miserable. He had wanted to sit by himself for a while, but Qin Muxue forcibly dragged him over, making it awkward for him, a grown man, to sit between two girls and listen to their conversation.

Lin Beixiu, bored, lay his head on the desk and fell asleep, mainly because the teacher was too laid-back, and he felt it made no difference.

Qin Muxue noticed Lin Beixiu dozing off after a while. Hadn’t he slept well last night? He seemed so sleepy.

Qin Muxue, resting her chin in her hands, just watched him, causing Zhang Tingting next to her to flash a knowing smile.

Just before the class was about to end, Lin Beixiu finally woke up and stretched.

“Class is almost over, are you a pig?”

Lin Beixiu, too lazy to argue, retorted, “If you think so, then sure. But who’s the one always fed like a pig and eats even more than one?”


Qin Muxue, fuming, waved her fists, “Looking for a beating, huh, Little Bei? I’ll treat you to some real hard punches.”

Lin Beixiu’s lips twitched, “Alright, no more joking, keep it.”

But Qin Muxue didn’t let him off, playfully hitting him on the arm a couple of times.

Lin Beixiu, resigned, just took it, “…….”

His usually expressionless face showed a trace of disturbance.

After class, Zhang Tingting made an invitation.

“Lin Beixiu, Muxue has training this afternoon. Do you want to come and visit our club?”

Lin Beixiu didn’t want to go, and just then Qin Muxue also turned to look.

“You could come and see.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, “Can I not?”


Seeing Qin Muxue’s expression, Lin Beixiu knew she was about to use their bet to coerce him, and finally, he said helplessly,

“I’ll go.”

Zhang Tingting watched, stunned, “Man, sister, that look of yours really works wonders. Just one glance and your man is tamed.”

Qin Muxue smiled and patted his shoulder, “A bit of exercise is good for you, don’t just stay home and play with your phone.”

In the afternoon, after a nap, Lin Beixiu followed her reluctantly to school.

They went to the Taekwondo club, which Lin Beixiu had visited before; yeah, he got beaten quite badly.

The other club members, seeing this unfamiliar face so close to their idols, were quite curious.

Of course, some recognized that Lin Beixiu was Qin Muxue’s boyfriend.

The club president, a handsome guy named Lu Feng, didn’t say much upon Lin Beixiu’s arrival. He greeted everyone and started them on warm-ups before training began.

Lin Beixiu was reluctantly pulled into joining, and then they were paired off two by two for training.

Lu Feng walked over to Lin Beixiu in the rest area, a friendly smile on his face.

“Hi, I know you, Lin Beixiu who became famous on the forum. I’m Lu Feng, nice to meet you.”

Lin Beixiu managed a wry smile, “Hello.”

He didn’t know how to explain himself at this point and decided not to. Besides, that incident was long past.

“You’re really something to have won Qin Muxue over. We old students understand, it must have been hard for you.”

As president, he was well aware of Qin Muxue’s combat prowess; several bigger guys didn’t want to spar with her.

Lin Beixiu’s mouth twitched, Was Qin Muxue really that fierce?

“I’ll just sit here for a while. She insisted I come, and I don’t even know what I could do.”

Before Lu Feng could say anything, Qin Muxue came over, and his expression changed.

“I have something else to do, gotta go.”

Lin Beixiu: ??

He turned his head to see Qin Muxue approaching in her white training outfit, her hair tied up in a high ponytail, and she was carrying a mat.

“You’ll be my assistant, come spar with me.”

Lu Feng, hearing this from a distance, sent a sympathetic glance.

Lin Beixiu hadn’t yet grasped the situation and nodded.

“Uh, okay.”

Lin Beixiu took the mat from her, standing opposite on the soft mat. When their eyes met, he saw ferocity and fighting spirit in hers, which made him shudder.

He finally understood why Lu Feng had been so anxious. If he were in his shoes, he’d be anxious too.


Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Muxue charged with a whip kick, and Lin Beixiu hastily raised his hands to block.

Lin Beixiu took a step back, his face filled with shock.

“You’re being too much.”

Qin Muxue smiled, “What do you mean? I only used a bit of strength.”

Lin Beixiu looked incredulous, but Qin Muxue’s next charge shut him up as he focused on defending.

The other people occasionally glanced at them. If Lin Beixiu knew, he would realize Qin Muxue wasn’t lying; after all, she did have a shining record of kicking someone out of the ring.

They were pretty jealous, indeed; it was different when it was your boyfriend and not just someone else.

With his first experience behind him, Lin Beixiu was able to steady himself and sync perfectly with her.

Zhang Tingting watched the two of them coordinate silently, feeling a bit sour inside. Previously, the boys had been unwilling to partner with Qin Muxue, and it had always been her and Qin Muxue together. Now there was a change, and their coordination was even better than hers, a feeling hard to describe.

This best friend of hers, guarding the relationship so tightly, she still didn’t know exactly how far the two of them had progressed, which was driving her crazy.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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