Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The Fear Afterwards

“Hey, are you okay?”

Lin Beixiu looked at Qin Muxue, who was despondent, and spoke to comfort her.

Qin Muxue looked at the messy ground and complained with a hint of a cry in her voice, “My grapefruit tea.”

Lin Beixiu: ……..

He had thought she was upset because she was scolded, but it turned out she was worried about her food.

That girl really had a big appetite.

Lin Beixiu could only start by picking up the broom to clean up the spilled drink. Seeing this, Qin Muxue also stopped feeling sorry for herself and came over to help.

After cleaning up, Lin Beixiu saw that she still looked distressed and sighed helplessly.

“Wait here.”

Qin Muxue watched him leave, unsure of what he was going to do. For a food lover, losing a grapefruit tea after only two sips was naturally upsetting.

Before long, Lin Beixiu returned with a new cup of grapefruit tea, “Here you go.”

Qin Muxue stared at the grapefruit tea, stunned.


“Crybaby, here you go, it’s just a drink.”

Lin Beixiu was nonchalant, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you when he got physical?”

Qin Muxue took the drink from him, shaking her head, “I’m fine, just spilled the drink.”

Hearing his concern warmed Qin Muxue’s heart.

“Thank you, Little Bei.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, teasing, “See if you dare to slack off during work hours again, running off to buy milk tea.”

Qin Muxue: ……

Qin Muxue felt even more wronged, clutching the grapefruit tea in both hands, her head bowed like a scolded primary school student.

Seeing her about to cry again, Lin Beixiu panicked.

“Ah, don’t cry, I won’t say it anymore.”

Qin Muxue couldn’t help it and hugged him. Lin Beixiu stiffened, standing still, unsure of what to do.

As Lin Beixiu was at a loss for words, Qin Muxue’s voice came through.

“Little Bei, I was really scared. That bald man yelled so loudly and was so fierce, it frightened me.”

Feeling the unease and trembling in her voice, Lin Beixiu’s heart softened, and he hesitantly patted her back, soothing her.

“There, don’t cry.”

Qin Muxue only calmed down after a struggle, “Little Bei, if you hadn’t been there, my night might have ended very badly.”

Qin Muxue was more composed internally than she appeared. She was actually glad to have held him again, and his comforting was exactly what she wanted.

It was very comforting, and she did not want to let go.

Eventually, Lin Beixiu was the first to push her away, causing Qin Muxue to pout. She was not yet ready to let go.

The two of them looked at each other closely, Lin Beixiu noticing the moisture in her eyes and instinctively reaching out to wipe away her tears. Qin Muxue flinched at first, then allowed him to continue, feeling secretly delighted.

“Okay, let’s get back to work. I’ll head home.”


Qin Muxue nodded as he left, then returned to the counter to sip the grapefruit tea he had brought her, which tasted better than ever.

When the workday ended, Qin Muxue’s boss returned. Qin Muxue had been left to mind the store alone because her boss had been away. Little did she know this glutton would run off to buy milk tea.

Qin Muxue explained the situation to her boss and apologized. There was no loss, so the boss didn’t blame her but asked if she was alright.

Qin Muxue shook her head, indicating she was uninjured.

After work, when Lin Beixiu came to fetch her, they greeted briefly before heading out.

“Let’s go, Little Bei, let’s head home.”

Walking side by side, Qin Muxue reached out to lightly touch his hand, hoping he would take hers.

Unfortunately, Lin Beixiu didn’t grasp her intention.

He turned to her, “What’s wrong?”

Qin Muxue: ……

So clueless.

“I’m scared; I want to hold your hand.”

Before Lin Beixiu could respond, Qin Muxue took his hand first.

Lin Beixiu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head forward, Qin Muxue noting his ears turning red and his lips curling slightly.

He didn’t pull away, his reaction not as strong as before. This was the result of her persistent efforts.

Emboldened, Qin Muxue moved closer to him, their arms nearly touching.

Lin Beixiu could smell a faint scent from her and couldn’t help saying, “Don’t get so close to me.”

“Just let me hold it for a while; I was really scared tonight.”

Knowing he was shy, Qin Muxue took a step back.

Lin Beixiu said no more, finding this arrangement acceptable. They continued home, hand in hand, in silence.

Once home, Qin Muxue reluctantly let go of his hand, feeling the warmth lingering in her palm. Lin Beixiu found himself surprisingly reluctant to part.

After taking a bath, Qin Muxue boldly stood at the bathroom door and called out.

“Little Bei, can I sleep in your room?”

Silence fell from inside, and Qin Muxue tried again.

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as a yes.”

“Get out, no.”

Qin Muxue laughed and stepped back, then went to his room anyway.

“Hmph, didn’t hear you.”

Inside the bathroom, Lin Beixiu, hearing no more sounds, shook his head helplessly.

Looks like I won’t get much sleep tonight.

Lin Beixiu dressed and stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair before opening the door to his room. Sure enough, Qin Muxue was sitting at his desk, poring over an album.

As he entered, Qin Muxue turned to look at him and smiled.

“Little Bei, you wouldn’t really kick me out, would you?”

“I would.”

Lin Beixiu replied without hesitation, “So now, go back to your room.”

Qin Muxue’s smile faded to a look of loneliness and loss.


She almost ran out, not hesitating, which puzzled Lin Beixiu. Wasn’t she always persistent about staying? Why did she agree so quickly this time?

Confused, Lin Beixiu decided not to dwell on it and went to bed to try to sleep.

But he couldn’t. All he could think about was Qin Muxue’s disappointed look, which made him restless.

After an hour of tossing and turning, Lin Beixiu got up, annoyed at himself for caring so much about Qin Muxue.

He approached her door and knocked lightly; there was no response.

Carefully, Lin Beixiu pushed the door open. There, Qin Muxue lay curled up under the blanket, her uneasy demeanor visible even in the dark.

Seeing her sleeping face, Lin Beixiu felt a pang of sympathy.

She must have really been scared tonight. No matter how tough she was, such incidents could still shake her deeply.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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