Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Lin Beixiu’s Small Movements

Lin Beixiu moved closer, carefully picked her up, and Qin Muxue lay quietly in his arms, the tear stains at the corners of her eyes showing she had cried.

Lin Beixiu felt that he really was a bit of a bastard, his heart harshly tugged.

Lin Beixiu didn’t want to just sleep in her room, so he carried her to his own bed, covered her with a blanket, and lay down on the outside.

There was no helping it; it seemed like she only calmed down when she slept with him, so Lin Beixiu came up with this idea.

“I give up, Older sister Qin.”

After his complaint, Lin Beixiu closed his eyes.

He felt increasingly unable to resist her.

Before long, as he was about to fall asleep, there was movement beside him.

Lin Beixiu sleepily opened his eyes, only to be startled, as Qin Muxue had snuggled closer to him, hugging him like a pillow.

Lin Beixiu dared not move at all.

Qin Muxue whispered again, her tone full of longing, “Dad…”

Lin Beixiu felt conflicted and stopped his initial intent to push her away, allowing her to cling to him and even wrapped his arms around her.

At this moment, he had no ill intentions, only sympathy for a little girl missing her father, and he comforted her a little.

Why did he care about her so much? Could it be that he really had feelings for her?

In her sleep, Qin Muxue dreamed of her dad again, comfortably nestled in her father’s arms.

Little Muxue said childishly, “Daddy, I can’t sleep.”

“Do you want Daddy to tell you a story?”

“No, I want to see the ocean again. I don’t remember things from when I was little, and you never took me back there.”

Qin’s father laughed and rubbed her little head, “Okay, when Dad’s not busy, we’ll go.”

Little Muxue, nearly asleep, still held out her little finger, “I don’t believe you, promise, or you’re a fool.”

“Okay, promise, a hundred years no changes.”


Meanwhile, Lin Beixiu was nearly strangled to death, did she have to hug him so tightly?

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.


Qin Muxue slept very soundly and securely that night, without the fears and worries she had when falling asleep.

The next day, Qin Muxue slowly opened her eyes, feeling a different sensation on her head and body, and was momentarily stunned.

She was resting on Lin Beixiu’s arm, still hugging him, particularly with one of Lin Beixiu’s hands on her back, and the other, astonishingly, on her buttocks.

Qin Muxue’s face turned bright red, this, this, this…

Qin Muxue surveyed her surroundings; this was in Lin Beixiu’s bedroom.

She only remembered feeling down and going back to her room to sleep poorly the previous day, then dreaming about her dad and unconsciously holding on tightly.

Yesterday, Lin Beixiu’s movements were very gentle; she hadn’t felt it at all until she woke up to this scene.

It seemed he had carried her over.

Qin Muxue’s lips curled into a smile, “This bad guy, so you do know how to care for someone.”

Turns out she wasn’t dreaming; she was hugging Lin Beixiu.

Qin Muxue looked at his cheeks and, seeing his dark circles, still couldn’t believe he hadn’t slept well.

Of course not, if she knew she not only held him tightly but also wriggled around, what would she think?

Qin Muxue slightly lifted her head, her thoughts becoming active, why not kiss him?

She really wanted to kiss her Little brother Bei, not daring to kiss on the lips but maybe on the cheek… but it was her first kiss, she didn’t want to rush it, maybe a kiss on the lips was better.

Eventually, she abandoned the idea.

Qin Muxue reached out to touch his face, then pinched it.

Hehe, such a fun little brother.

Lin Beixiu seemed to feel it too, his hand that was on her butt moved to grab her hand and pull it to his chest, then he continued sleeping.

Qin Muxue was startled but then relaxed, not withdrawing her hand but instead lay satisfied in his arms, re-experiencing last night’s feeling and deciding to go back to sleep.


When Qin Muxue woke up again, she glanced at the time and was shocked.

“We’re going to be late.”

Qin Muxue quickly got out of bed, not forgetting to push Lin Beixiu.

“Beixiu, get up, we’re going to be late.”

Lin Beixiu, who was very comfortable sleeping, was reluctant to get up, just grunted and stayed still.

Qin Muxue was anxious and had to go to the bathroom to wash up herself. Just after brushing her teeth, Lin Beixiu was still asleep, so she urgently climbed on top of him and tapped his face not too gently.

“Beixiu, get up, you lazy pig, get up.”


Lin Beixiu roared and sat up suddenly, which unfortunately carried Qin Muxue with him, causing her to fall back onto the bed.

Lin Beixiu rubbed his eyes and looked at Qin Muxue, who had fallen onto his legs, and said irritably.

“What’s all the noise, I haven’t slept enough.”

“We’re late, and you’re still sleeping.”

Qin Muxue got up, reaching out to knead his face, morphing it to help him wake up.

Lin Beixiu swatted her hand away, “Stop it, stop it, I’m getting up.”

Qin Muxue finally let him be, preparing to put on her shoes.

“Quick, only ten minutes left, we can’t even make it by walking.”

Qin Muxue stood at the door urging Lin Beixiu, who was slowly putting on his shoes, then she grabbed him and dashed outside.

“Slow down.”

“No time for breakfast, hurry up.”


Finally, both panting, they stood at the door, Qin Muxue shouted.


This immediately drew the attention of the whole class, mainly because of the two of them…

Qin Muxue was a bit disheveled and flustered, but Lin Beixiu looked like he hadn’t woken up, or rather, like he hadn’t slept well, standing tiredly behind Qin Muxue.

“Come in,” the substitute teacher didn’t make it difficult for them and let them in.

They sat at the back of the class, Qin Muxue leaning on the chair, exhausted.

Lin Beixiu directly lay down on the desk and fell asleep; Qin Muxue didn’t disturb him, filled with emotion. If it hadn’t been for her, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.


They barely made it through the class, and Qin Muxue carefully moved around Lin Beixiu to leave the classroom.

Lin Beixiu finally rested well, mainly because the desk was too hard and uncomfortable to sleep on.


Lin Beixiu turned to see Qin Muxue pulling out a bag of bread.

“You haven’t had breakfast yet, eat this first.”

She had run to the school store to buy it during the break while Lin Beixiu was still sleeping, having eaten a little herself.

“Mm, thanks.”

Lin Beixiu took the bread and started eating, Qin Muxue resting her chin in her hand, watching him.

“Little Bei, was it you who carried me to your room last night?”

“Cough, cough.”

Lin Beixiu choked, almost suffocating.

Qin Muxue took out a bottle of water she had prepared earlier and handed it to him.

“Slow down, no one is competing with you.” Qin Muxue’s face was still full of smiles.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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