Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Failed Door Invasion

Qin Muxue: …….

“Brother Bei.”

Hearing the aggrieved voice outside the door, Lin Beixiu remained unmoved.

“Older sister Qin, go back to your room and sleep.”


Qin Muxue pouted and gave up on knocking.

This jerk, no wonder he wanted to shower first, it was all to keep her out, how excessive.


Seeing that there was no more noise outside, Lin Beixiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That girl, he really couldn’t have stopped her if she had come again.


The next day, just as Lin Beixiu opened the door, he was startled to see Qin Muxue standing at the doorway, looking at him with a mournful expression.

“You scared me, how long have you been standing there?”

She had just arrived.

Despite her mournful look, Lin Beixiu, seeing her puffed-up appearance, couldn’t help but pat her head.

Qin Muxue shook her head, “Don’t pat me, you won’t even let me on your bed.”

Lin Beixiu: ……

Don’t say things like that, it sounds so lewd.

Lin Beixiu withdrew his hand and walked towards the bathroom, but Qin Muxue sprinted ahead of him and shut the door, leaving Lin Beixiu with no choice but to give up and head to the kitchen instead.

“Keep an eye on the steamed buns, don’t let them overcook.”

After Qin Muxue came out, Lin Beixiu reminded her before going in himself.


She turned to look towards the bathroom where Lin Beixiu was, assuming he would be quick and she wouldn’t be needed.

“They’re about done, you can turn off the heat.”

Qin Muxue turned off the stove and used tongs to take out the steamed buns, then went to her bedroom to get two bottles of milk.

Lin Beixiu sat down to eat, and regarding the milk from Qin Muxue, he didn’t say anything; the two were so familiar that many things were shared.

Neither cared much about money, and there was no need to make things formal; Qin Muxue, like before, split the meal costs with Lin Beixiu, even giving him a little extra as a hardship fee.

“Let’s go, time for class.”

In the classroom, Qin Muxue looked embarrassed as she turned towards Lin Beixiu.

“I forgot my book.”

She had realized she had taken the wrong book.

Lin Beixiu: ……

“You’re so silly.”

Lin Beixiu, annoyed, nudged the book towards her. Qin Muxue stared at him, and Lin Beixiu felt embarrassed.

“Okay, let’s drop it.”

“You’re the silly one.”

Qin Muxue huffed back at him, even looking a bit cute.

“Denying you’re silly?”

Qin Muxue stomped on his foot, attempting to do it again, but Lin Beixiu quickly moved his foot away after feeling the pain.

Qin Muxue was relentless, and the two started a skirmish under the table.

On the podium, Li Yuwei coughed.

“The ones in the back, it’s class time, pay attention.”

The two stopped their antics, Qin Muxue embarrassingly lowered her head, and Lin Beixiu also turned quite red.

Finally, unable to resist, Qin Muxue gave him another kick.

Lin Beixiu: !!

“Are you still at it?”

He worried about his shoes; indeed, girls were creatures not to be provoked.

Lin Beixiu didn’t argue further, and Qin Muxue also stopped bothering him.


After class, Lin Beixiu packed up his things, ready to leave, and Qin Muxue returned his book, planning to walk with him.

“What’s for lunch?”

“I’m feeling lazy, want to eat out.”

Qin Muxue thought about it, and that seemed fine.



As finals approached, their daily class schedules were reduced, and everyone spent time studying, so both of them stayed at home. Qin Muxue was okay; sometimes she had club activities, but Lin Beixiu had nothing extra to do, just lounging at home.

In his words, he had given up; he had the capability to do so.

Just after getting off work, Lin Beixiu was already lying on his bed playing with his phone. Qin Muxue wasn’t home tonight; she had taken leave for training and to accompany a girlfriend.

Then, Lin Beixiu heard some noise outside the door, knowing it was Qin Muxue coming back.

Then his room door was knocked on, and Qin Muxue peeked in, smiling.

“Little Bei, come out for a bit, there’s food.”

Lin Beixiu got up, and on the table outside, there was a bowl of fruit and some skewers.

“Come, have whatever you like, and we can chat.”

Lin Beixiu sat down, looking at the spicy skewers, their boxes dripping with red oil, very appetizing.

“Zhang Tingting that stinker treated me, so I freeloaded all this stuff.”

Qin Muxue started eating the fruit, “Tonight’s training was really tiring.”

Lin Beixiu picked up a skewer and began eating, “Aren’t you going to rest first, already eating?”

“Food is the quickest way to replenish energy,” Qin Muxue said nonchalantly.

Lin Beixiu could see the sweat stains on her clothes, not knowing what else to say, just continued eating. It would be nice to have a drink at this moment.

“Oh right, knowing you like spicy food, I asked the owner to make it insanely spicy.”

Lin Beixiu: !!!

No wonder, one bite and his mouth was numb, it was unbearably spicy.

“I do like spicy food, but I can’t handle that much.”

Qin Muxue stuck out her tongue apologetically, “Hehe, didn’t think that much.”

“I’ll get you a drink.”

When Lin Beixiu saw the beer in front of him, he was startled.

“Did you buy this too?”

“No, it’s your leftovers,” Qin Muxue said with a teasing look, resting her chin in her hand.

She hadn’t touched his remaining beer, saving it for him.

Lin Beixiu: …….

“You might as well give it all back to me.”

“That’s not happening. I’m worried you won’t be able to control yourself. Now I manage how much you drink to prevent you from overdoing it.”

Lin Beixiu tentatively asked, “So how often can I drink?”

“Depends on your behavior. If you can’t quit, it’s better to drink less.”

Lin Beixiu fell silent, contentedly eating his food, while Qin Muxue nibbled on some fruit and a non-spicy skewer.

“What are your plans for winter break?”

Lin Beixiu hesitated, shaking his head.

“Just the usual, no real plans.”

It was just him and his grandfather at home, that’s how they would spend it.

Lin Beixiu eyed her suspiciously, “What are you scheming now?”

Qin Muxue’s lips twitched, “Am I that bad?”

Lin Beixiu nodded emphatically, “You’re not planning to come to my house over the New Year again, are you?”

Qin Muxue looked awkward; she actually had that idea, but quickly continued.

“What’s wrong, can’t I? I even have your grandfather’s phone number. I’ll call and explain, he’d probably welcome me, right?”

Lin Beixiu: ……..

“Older sister Qin, enough already.”

Qin Muxue smiled, “Alright, just kidding. I’ll come over after the New Year then.”

“Being with you is quite interesting.”

Lin Beixiu took a sip of his beer, his face full of gloom, “I’m the one who suffers, better go home early to avoid your nagging.”

Qin Muxue: …….

“Brother Bei, you disdain me, yet I even treated you to barbecue.”

Seeing Qin Muxue starting to act spoiled again, Lin Beixiu turned his face away, blushing. “Those are two different things, I’ll treat you next time.”

Qin Muxue rolled her eyes at him, “Let’s eat, no more of this.”

The two chatted off and on, and soon, other than the fruit, they had finished everything else.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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