Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Various Excuses

Qin Muxue had made up her mind to visit Lin Beixiu during the winter break, as it was more interesting to be with him.

After eating, Qin Muxue went to take a bath, leaving Lin Beixiu to slowly eat the remaining food.

After her bath, Qin Muxue returned to her room, and Lin Beixiu cleaned up the messy table and went to take a bath.

When he opened the door, he was stunned to see his empty room; he half-expected Qin Muxue to barge through his door.

So honest tonight?

Well, that’s fine too.

Lin Beixiu comfortably lay on the bed, and without the usual intellectual duels with Qin Muxue, he felt something was missing.

Due to upcoming exams, everyone was mournfully preparing to revise, and Li Yuwei along with the other teachers began to assign key points for study. Lin Beixiu listened and took serious notes.

Qin Muxue, on the other hand, was not so honest, doodling occasionally and spending more time sneaking glances at Lin Beixiu, unsure whether he knew and was letting her peek on purpose.

After two days of classes, all the key points had been covered.

In the evening, both off work and at home, Lin Beixiu sat at the desk reading. He didn’t react to a knock at the door because a second later, Qin Muxue walked in with a few books in hand.

Lin Beixiu felt her smile was up to no good.

Before Lin Beixiu could speak, Qin Muxue spoke first, “I came to ask you about the scope of the revision.”

Lin Beixiu looked at her speechlessly, “Didn’t you listen to the class?”

“Ah, I missed some parts, so I didn’t note them down. You’ll lend them to me, right, little brother Bei?”

Lin Beixiu helplessly slapped his forehead and took out a textbook from the shelf, “Which one do you want? Take it and look.”

“I’ll just stay here.”

After saying this, Qin Muxue grabbed a stool and sat next to Lin Beixiu.

“It’s good to ask you about anything I don’t understand.”

Lin Beixiu’s face darkened, “You, who rank second in our class, have something you don’t understand?”

“Then I’ll teach you if you have questions.”

Lin Beixiu: …….

He realized, this girl didn’t want to leave.

“Fine, as long as you’re happy.”

Lin Beixiu’s desk was very clean and long enough for two people to sit together without a problem.

This was the desk Lin Beixiu had changed to before, to accommodate some things better, and later it also provided space for a computer.

Qin Muxue also started discussing problems with him, and Lin Beixiu answered any questions she had.

“Political ideology needs to be memorized,” Lin Beixiu reminded her.

“Yeah, I know.”

After looking over the materials sufficiently, Lin Beixiu stood up, intending to take a bath, while Qin Muxue watched him leave, sensing another opportunity.

When Lin Beixiu came back and saw her still there, he said speechlessly.

“Why haven’t you gone back?”

“You know,” Qin Muxue said, resting her chin in her hands with a smile.

“Get out, really, go out.”

Qin Muxue watched him with a smile as he got angry, “Alright, thanks for the tutoring, good night.”

After saying this, she left, and Lin Beixiu didn’t forget to lock the door, finally sighing in relief.

Lin Beixiu comfortably lay on the bed, stretching across it fully, hugging his blanket and started scrolling through his phone.

On the weekend, Lin Beixiu was still lying in bed when Qin Muxue tentatively stood at the door and opened it, only to find it locked.

Qin Muxue, frustrated, thought, this darn kid, guarding against me so tightly.

She got ready, put on her shoes, and decided to go for a morning run.

After Lin Beixiu had slept enough, he opened the door, found no one in the apartment, didn’t mind it much, and after washing up, planned to go to a nearby snack bar, as it was already half-past nine.

When he was ready and waiting for the elevator, he saw Qin Muxue already inside; they stared at each other, both stunned for a moment.

Qin Muxue, dressed in her fitness tights, showing off her slim waist with a high ponytail that made her look vibrant yet commanding.

“Where are you going?” Qin Muxue asked first.

“Going to eat.”

Qin Muxue rolled her eyes, shaking the bag in her hand, “Lazy pig, I’ve already bought it for you, going back or not?”

“That works.”

Hearing that he didn’t need to go out, Lin Beixiu was naturally happy.

Qin Muxue looked at him and secretly found it amusing. She regretted not making him walk more.

“You eat first; I’ll change my clothes.”

Qin Muxue went to the bedroom, and Lin Beixiu took out the breakfast she had bought. There was quite a lot: buns and soy milk.

When she came out, Lin Beixiu then started eating with her.

“Why didn’t you eat first?”

Lin Beixiu said lightly, “Grandpa said to wait until everyone is present to start, and since you bought the food, I definitely had to wait for you.”

Qin Muxue laughed, “It’s okay, we’re so close; if you’re hungry, just eat.”

“Will you accompany me for a run this afternoon?”

Lin Beixiu: ……..

He didn’t want to go.

“You’re too lazy; you should exercise more.”

“Ouch, my leg hurts, I can’t run.”

Qin Muxue: ……

“Lazy to death.”

“I’m still very diligent when it comes to cooking; isn’t that enough?”

“That’s a different matter.”


Another morning of bickering.

In the afternoon, as the sun set and the air became less stifling, more people started to appear.

Lin Beixiu looked utterly dejected as the two started to play around at home, and ultimately, the loser, he was forcibly dragged out by Qin Muxue.

“Older sister Qin, we……”


Qin Muxue turned her head, looking genuinely good-natured.

Lin Beixiu couldn’t help but shiver, mainly from laughing so hard from being tickled; he never wanted to go through that again.

So embarrassing, being overpowered by a woman…

“Muxue, where are we going to run now?” Lin Beixiu asked tearfully, changing his title for her.

Qin Muxue almost burst out laughing, grabbed his hand, and pulled him along.

“Come on, I’ll take you somewhere.”

The two walked for over ten minutes and arrived at a riverside park.

“There’s a park nearby, how come I didn’t know?”

“Just like you, you lazy pig, never going out, how would you know?”

Lin Beixiu: ……

Alright, better not to talk and avoid being snapped at.

“Let’s walk around the park first, then we can start running.”

Lin Beixiu had no objections and walked with her.

It was similar to the park near his grandfather’s house; at this time, there were still exercising elderly, off-work young people, and families with children.

“Isn’t this much better than staying at home?”

Lin Beixiu didn’t speak, but his expression said it all.

“Yeah, it’s really nice.”

As Qin Muxue turned her head, Lin Beixiu resumed a normal expression.

“Let’s go, we’ve warmed up enough, time to run.”

The two started running around the park, but Qin Muxue had already completed two laps while Lin Beixiu was still lagging behind leisurely; if not for supervising him, Qin Muxue could have run even faster.

“Speed up, what’s the use of running so slowly?”

Lin Beixiu, panting heavily, stopped and stood in place, “I can’t do it anymore.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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