Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 89

Chapter 89: A Little Help

The two bickered as they opened the door, Lin Beixiu headed into the kitchen, and Qin Muxue organized the groceries and put them in the refrigerator.

Each had their own missions, and both seemed accustomed to this arrangement.


After lunch, Lin Beixiu comfortably lay on the bed, finally able to take a nap.

He fell deeply asleep.


In just a few days, Mantou had completely warmed up to them, treating them like its own parents. It was very clingy and adorable.

When Qin Muxue and Lin Beixiu sat together studying, the little one would quietly lie on the bed or the table. Sometimes, Lin Beixiu, not noticing it, would flop down on the bed only to realize he had squashed the little guy beneath him when he heard meows.

This made Qin Muxue see, and she couldn’t help but scold him, then checked to see if Mantou was alright.

“Who told it to like climbing on the bed so much, those little short legs, I really don’t know how it gets up there,” Lin Beixiu said, exasperated.

“Hey, pay attention, stop playing with your phone.”

“Go, go, go, take it to your room, I’m going to sleep.”

Qin Muxue laughed as she picked up Mantou, saying, “Come on, Mantou, your dad doesn’t want you anymore.”


Lin Beixiu was struck by lightning, pointing at the Mantou in her arms, “What the heck, I’m its dad now?”

If he was the dad, then Qin Muxue…

Damn, always up to no good.

“Yeah, who told you to be its poop-scooper? It’s also considered our family member now,” Qin Muxue laughed, the teasing evident in her eyes.

Lin Beixiu rolled over and lay back down, turning his back on her, his thoughts unclear, but Qin Muxue, who knew him very well, laughed and left the room.

Little Brother Bei got shy again, probably understanding her hint.


Finally, it was time for the exams.

Qin Muxue got up early, filled a small bowl with milk for little Mantou, then went to Lin Beixiu’s room.

Seeing someone still fast asleep, she mischievously approached and began to pat his body, mimicking CPR.

“Little Brother Bei, wake up, it’s time for the exam.”

Lin Beixiu was almost annoyed to nausea, “Stop… stop pressing, you’re pressing on my stomach, if you were a nurse, you’d definitely be a menace.”

Qin Muxue gently patted his face, smiling, “Come on, get up.”

“Don’t make noise, I got it.”

It’s good that he didn’t have a bad temper upon waking, or he would have definitely punched her.

Lin Beixiu rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Only then did Qin Muxue get off his bed, “I’ve bought breakfast, you can eat after you wash up.”

As she left, she also ruffled Lin Beixiu’s hair.

Lin Beixiu froze, then came back to his senses, gritting his teeth.

“Older sister Qin!”

Coming out later, Lin Beixiu glared at her irritably, and Qin Muxue playfully stuck out her tongue at him.

“Little Brother Bei, don’t be mad, let’s have breakfast.”

Lin Beixiu: ……

What’s with this tone like soothing a child?

Ignoring her, Lin Beixiu turned and sat at the dining table, Qin Muxue smilingly sat opposite him.

After breakfast, the two went to school together, finding their exam venue, and Qin Muxue pulled him to the back row where they sat separated by just two chairs.

Lin Beixiu had no complaints about this arrangement; if she liked it, that was fine.

Soon, Hu Feng and a few others arrived, roommates, three of them, with one going to another venue.

“Lin Beixiu, you know the drill,” Hu Feng turned and said sneakily.

“I’ll treat you to a meal afterward.”

“Ah, we’re brothers, no need to say that, I’ll do my best.”

Hu Feng pounded his chest, displaying a relieved expression.

“Good brother.”

Soon, the teacher entered, asking everyone to hand in their phones and prepare for the exam.

Hu Feng first handed Lin Beixiu a blank sheet of paper, and once the test papers were distributed, everyone started writing noisily.

Hu Feng, having crammed a bit before the exam, managed to write some answers, but he got stuck on the longer questions and ended up looking around boredly.

As time passed, Lin Beixiu also filled up a full Part, then took out the blank sheet, copied his multiple-choice answers onto it, and while both teachers were in the corridor, he slid it under the table to Hu Feng.

Hu Feng, thrilled, grabbed it and began copying eagerly.

Lin Beixiu stood up and submitted his paper. Qin Muxue followed him out.

Hu Feng was still writing, especially after realizing he had gotten over a dozen multiple-choice questions wrong, he felt numb and started to doubt himself.


“Not bad, I bet you’re first again. I missed one multiple-choice question, not sure if I guessed it right.”

“Don’t belittle yourself, you’re quite good, passing is all that matters.”

Lin Beixiu thought for a moment and smiled, “How does that saying go? One point more is a waste, one point less is tears, long live sixty points.”

“If you think like that, what about the others?”


Qin Muxue laughed happily, “That might just be the worry of a top student.”

She wasn’t as eager for a scholarship as Lin Beixiu, so she didn’t need to worry like that, and she was just joking to make conversation anyway, as the exam paper was quite easy for her.

More importantly, Qin Muxue felt that Lin Beixiu had really changed a lot, now able to joke with her, and she enjoyed this relaxed atmosphere.

“What’s for lunch?”


Qin Muxue: ……

This infuriating guy.

“No way, we have so many groceries, and you want to eat takeout.”

“Then you cook.”

“I will then.”

Lin Beixiu backed down, “Iā€™m scared of you, let’s go home.”


The finance major’s exams lasted three days, but the whole school, to be precise, had exams over six days. Their major-specific exams were on the last day, which was annoying since some could go home early while they had to wait until the last day.


In the evening, Lin Beixiu headache-inducingly looked at the figure on the bed.

“Older sister Qin, you’re really outrageous, get out.”

“No way, no way.”

Qin Muxue was rolling around on his bed, acting extremely coquettish.

“Little Brother Bei, you’re used to it, aren’t you? Plus, the exams finish tomorrow, then we’ll be separated, just this one day, please?”

Lin Beixiu: ……

Seeing him waver, Qin Muxue continued to act spoiled, “I promise I won’t go over again.”


Both turned their heads toward the door, seeing Mantou walking in with tiny steps.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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