Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Helping with Moving

“Didn’t you lock it up?”

“No worries, this little guy should be house-trained by now.”

As she spoke, Qin Muxue picked it up and cuddled it in her arms.

There was no need to worry about hygiene issues, as they had taken the little one for vaccinations recently, so being on the bed was no problem.

Lin Beixiu sat on a stool, watching the two who had taken over his bed, and shook his head helplessly.

“Mantou, go play with daddy.”

Qin Muxue mischievously handed Mantou to him, and Lin Beixiu had no choice but to take it. Mantou meowed in his arms, melting his heart with the undeniable affection in his eyes.

He gently stroked it over and over, and Mantou comfortably rolled around in his arms.

Qin Muxue had never seen Lin Beixiu this tender before, except maybe when he was drunk, so now she felt jealous of a cat again,

Qin Muxue sulkily lay down on the bed and pulled up the covers.

Lin Beixiu, unaware of her mood, continued to pet the cat, eventually getting up intending to put the little one back in its cage.

“Where are you going?” Qin Muxue asked as she heard movement, her voice tinged with worry that Lin Beixiu wouldn’t sleep with her.

“I’m not sleeping on the sofa; I’m going to put Mantou back in its cage.”

Damn that sofa, so hard and cramped; he didn’t want to sleep on it ever again.

Qin Muxue finally breathed a sigh of relief and lay back down to wait for him.

Soon after, Lin Beixiu returned, lay down on the bed, and turned off the light.

Exhausted from two days of exams, Lin Beixiu could barely pay attention to Qin Muxue beside him.

“Goodnight, sleep well.”

Qin Muxue murmured a “Goodnight” in response.

Actually, she wanted to chat with Lin Beixiu, but seeing how tired he seemed, she decided not to disturb him.

Qin Muxue quietly shifted closer to Lin Beixiu, not sure if he was asleep and trying not to make too much noise, eventually falling asleep herself.


The next day, Lin Beixiu opened his eyes and immediately saw Qin Muxue, who was still asleep, very close to him. Her hair was spread out carelessly, and she looked beautiful even without makeup, like a sleeping beauty.

Time really flew by. It wasn’t long until they had to part ways temporarily. He remembered the first time they had brushed past each other at the entrance of their complex, then becoming roommates, the first time he invited her to dinner, and all the moments that followed… all memories of their time together.

Unbeknownst to him, his lonely and solitary heart had been completely filled by this young woman, and even his personality had changed significantly.

They didn’t seem like just friends anymore, more like family, especially with Qin Muxue calling him “brother” so casually, which stirred something deep within him.

He truly craved familial love, whether it was gaining a sister or brother. Perhaps subconsciously, he saw taking care of Qin Muxue as a brotherly duty.

Under Qin Muxue’s subtle influence, he had come to see himself as a brother, treating her like a silly little sister who needed looking after.

The young man who had lived in the dark now found himself yearning for a bit of light.


Qin Muxue smacked her lips, then opened her eyes to find Lin Beixiu’s gaze fixed intently on her, her cheeks instantly flushing.


“Little Brother Bei, how long have you been watching?”

Lin Beixiu greeted her, his eyes darting away, “Not long, I just woke up too.”


Qin Muxue showed no intention of getting up, casually broaching a topic.

“We have an exam this afternoon, let’s stay in bed a bit longer.”

Lin Beixiu was surprised; usually, Qin Muxue would have been up early and also waking him up by now.

Yeah, calling him lazy, and then waking herself up in the process.

Catching Lin Beixiu’s gaze, Qin Muxue sheepishly said,

“Cough, it’s the last day, let’s be lazy just this once.”

Lin Beixiu had no objections; the bed was comfortable, and he had often skipped breakfast before Qin Muxue forced him to change that habit.

“Little Brother Bei, when are you planning to leave?”

Lin Beixiu thought for a moment, “Tomorrow, I guess. I’ll pack up in the morning and then head out.”

“How about we have a nice dinner together tonight, just the two of us?” Qin Muxue ventured.

It was just a small request, and with Qin Muxue’s pleading tone, Lin Beixiu found no reason to refuse.

“Sure, that sounds good.”

“Great, thank you, Little Brother Bei.”

Fool, what’s there to thank for? So easily pleased….

After the afternoon exam, everyone cheered, finally free. The school gates were lined with cars, parents coming to pick up their children.

“Lin Beixiu, are you free? Come over and help me out?”

Lin Beixiu had just returned home to rest when Hu Feng called him back.

Lin Beixiu tapped on the keyboard in annoyance, “I’m already home, and now you want me to come help you move stuff?”

“Just because you finished your paper so early. I’m coming to pick you up, give me your address.”

Hu Feng: Red packet 【Errand fee】

Lin Beixiu: ……

Tsk tsk, rich folks are so down-to-earth.

Lin Beixiu silently accepted the red packet and got ready to leave.

Seeing him about to leave, Qin Muxue curiously asked, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going out to help Hu Feng move some stuff. Do you want to come?”

“No need, how much stuff can he have? I won’t disturb you guys.” Qin Muxue cuddled Mantou, continuing to play with it.

Lin Beixiu said nothing more, grabbed his things, and left for the address Hu Feng had sent him.

Before long, a BMW pulled up in front of him, the window rolled down to reveal Hu Feng.

“Lin Beixiu, get in.”

“Sure thing, Hu Feng.” Lin Beixiu couldn’t help but compliment him as he got into the car.

“Hey hey, thanks for this. Those old guys, they all packed up while I was asleep yesterday, disappeared as soon as the exams were over, ran off real fast.”

“My computer is still a desktop, it’s a hassle to move, you know, money can solve everything.”

“Why are you so lazy, it would have been good to pack up earlier.”

Lin Beixiu curiously asked, “Doesn’t your family have another computer? You’re so rich.”

“Eat when you need to, spend when you need to, just one computer, why buy so many, one is enough.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head helplessly, still not understanding the mindset of the wealthy.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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