Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Revelation of Identity”

Because of the alcohol, Qin Muxue spoke without restraint, sharing many things with Lin Beixiu, her eyes quickly welling up with tears.

“I want to join the army, but my mom won’t allow it.”

“Why?” Lin Beixiu asked.

After talking for so long, this was the first time Lin Beixiu had asked her about her life. Indeed, this girl had had a tough life, and now he felt the need to console her.

“I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a soldier.”

Lin Beixiu was silent for a long time, unsure how to start speaking, piecing together her previous sleep-talking, he could guess a bit.

“But… your family does it for your good. What will your mom do if you leave, and what about the home?”

Seeing her troubled look, Lin Beixiu got up and sat next to her, his hand hanging in the air, finally pulling her into his embrace.

“Let it out if it hurts. Will that make you feel a bit better?”


Qin Muxue couldn’t hold it in anymore and cried in his arms.

“I… I know, so… I won’t blame my mom anymore, but I’m so tired, so lonely.”

Lin Beixiu gently patted her shoulder, his own eyes unwittingly beginning to tear up, as he too had felt the same way.

The two, resonating with each other, could easily guess each other’s feelings.

“Little Bei, keep drinking, let’s not talk about this anymore.” Qin Muxue wiped away her tears and forced a smile as she raised her glass.

Lin Beixiu didn’t know what comforting words to say, only trying to distract her.

“Alright, no going home until we’re drunk.”

Lin Beixiu picked up the can and drank with her, easing her sad memories.

Soon, the beer made its way into their stomachs, and they sat tipsy in their chairs.

Lin Beixiu was alright, but looking at someone who had passed out on the table, he shook his head helplessly.

Getting up, he carried Qin Muxue toward her bedroom.

Qin Muxue made no movements in his arms, the sadness still visible on her face, truly pitiable.

“Little brother Lin, why did you leave me? I hate you.”

Her words contained much information.

Lin Beixiu froze in place, suddenly looking down at the person in his arms.


Could it be that Qin Muxue was the sister Mu from his childhood?

Lin Beixiu’s eyes flickered with confusion and thought, but he really couldn’t link the beautiful lady before him with the chubby little girl from his childhood, yet it was true, Qin Muxue had admitted it herself.

Lin Beixiu sighed, returned to her room, placed her on the bed, covered her with a blanket, and didn’t leave but crouched beside the bed to carefully examine her face.

“Sister Mu, is it really you?”

Lin Beixiu’s hand slowly reached forward, grabbing her hand, his voice trembling.

Recalling their interactions, no wonder there had always been a familiar feeling, no wonder he didn’t reject her closeness.

No wonder she also liked the song “The Sea,” no wonder she was so emotional after that concert; it was she who had taught him that song.

“Sister Mu?” Lin Beixiu said softly.


In her sleep, Qin Muxue’s lips curled slightly in response.

Lin Beixiu seemed even more certain now, a fond smile appearing on his lips.

This girl, older than himself, calling him brother, probably had started suspecting who he was that day at the concert, recognizing him from the necklace, yet she kept it hidden from him for so long.

It’s also his fault for being so foolish, not recognizing her.

“Fool, I won’t lose you again this time.” Lin Beixiu’s face was gentle, filled with the image of that girl.

Qin Muxue seemed to hear his words, her lips slightly curving up, their clasped hands tightly entwined.

It turned out that the person he had been looking for was always right under his nose; the world really is small.


Lin Beixiu left her to rest alone and went outside to clean up the mess.

Everything was eaten, Lin Beixiu moved the pots and dishes to the kitchen, packed up the remaining trash, and washed the dishes.

Carrying the honey water he had made, Lin Beixiu entered Qin Muxue’s bedroom; the girl was still peacefully asleep.

“Qin Muxue, wake up, I made you some honey water. Drink it.”

Ultimately, Lin Beixiu still didn’t know how to face Qin Muxue, deciding it was best to interact with her as he had before, his heart still in turmoil.

Qin Muxue mumbled a response, Lin Beixiu set down the honey water and helped her sit up.

“Mu Xue, wake up, drink this then go back to sleep.”

Eventually, Qin Muxue was woken by Lin Beixiu, her eyes opening groggily.

“Little brother Bei.”

Hearing this nickname again felt really different.

Lin Beixiu’s lips slightly curled up, he spoke softly, “Drink the honey water first, then go back to sleep, or you’ll feel terrible tomorrow.”


Qin Muxue nodded cutely, took the bowl, and drank it all.

“Goodnight, sleep early.”

Lin Beixiu was about to leave when Qin Muxue grabbed his hand, he turned around.

“I… I still want to sleep with you.”

“Then do you want to sleep here or in my room?” Lin Beixiu asked with a smile.

Qin Muxue paused, surprised by how much he had changed.

But Qin Muxue didn’t think much about it, stretching her arms for a hug, “To your room.”

Without hesitation, Lin Beixiu lifted her up and headed to his room.

Qin Muxue looked up at him, suddenly asking, “Are you pitying me?”

Lin Beixiu looked into her eyes without speaking, then looked away, which in Qin Muxue’s view was an acknowledgment.

Qin Muxue felt devastated; having her most beloved person pity her was something she couldn’t accept, her heartfelt words fueled by alcohol resulted in this.

It felt as though she had given her diary to her most trusted brother, only for him to spread it to every classmate, a truly heartbreaking feeling.

Qin Muxue’s eyes filled with tears again, then Lin Beixiu set her down, but…


Qin Muxue: !!


Feeling the pain from her bottom, Qin Muxue cried out in pain, incredulously looking up, meeting Lin Beixiu’s eyes.

“Qin Muxue, what are you thinking? We’ve lived together for so long, how could you think that? Do you have a wooden head?”

“We’re not just classmates now, are we? We’re also friends. You can vent all your emotions to me, and I will quietly listen, just like I was your most loyal audience just now. Why would you think that?”

Lin Beixiu’s voice was calm, not loud, or rather, since knowing she was sister Mu, he felt only tenderness towards her.

But even so, he was still a bit angry.

So foolish, to be so stubborn, deserved a spanking.

Qin Muxue laughed, then cried, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes, appearing somewhat comical.

Qin Muxue suddenly hugged his waist tightly, not forgetting to pinch his side, “You meanie, bad Little Bei, jerk.”

“You’re scolding me, even hitting me.”

Her tone was playfully fierce, without any real harm, just a bit of pain in her side.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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