Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Caught in the Act

Grandpa Zhang had a peculiar expression, “Girl, you don’t need to be so nice to this boy. When he needs a scolding, just scold him. Grandpa supports you.”

“Is that so?”

Qin Muxue looked at Lin Beixiu mockingly, “This lazy boy, just doesn’t like to walk.”

“Right, right, even during vacations, he just stays at home, doesn’t even leave his room all day.”

The two of them, one on each side, made Lin Beixiu feel utterly embarrassed.

“Stop nagging, I was wrong.”

Lin Beixiu looked miserable, what kind of human suffering was this.

“Alright, you go to the kitchen and cook, I did it yesterday.”

“Okay, okay, right away.”

Qin Muxue watched enviously as the old and the young bickered; this little home really had a loving atmosphere, especially since Grandpa Zhang called her “girl,” which she really liked, indicating a special affection from the old man.

Qin Muxue cheerfully stood next to Lin Beixiu, playing the assistant.

“Are you still mad? I didn’t mean to tease you.”

Lin Beixiu rolled his eyes, his hands continuing their mission.

“What’s the point of saying this now? Besides, I don’t care, you have to listen to what the elders say.”

“Why don’t you listen then? My goodness, staying in your room all day, aren’t you afraid you’ll spoil yourself?” Qin Muxue said irritably.

Lin Beixiu: …

“When I’m not by your side, all your bad habits come back.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t know what to say and could only awkwardly wash the vegetables. After so long, seeing Qin Muxue’s fierce side again was… kind of nostalgic.

“I’m going to cook, you go out.”

Qin Muxue turned and left the kitchen, continuing to chat with the old man in the living room. The little interaction between the two had been observed by the old man, who smiled without saying a word.

The old man had bought a lot of good ingredients, especially prepared for Qin Muxue.

After Lin Beixiu finished cooking, Qin Muxue was responsible for serving the dishes; the two cooperated well, looking more and more like a married couple.

Qin Muxue glanced at her phone’s messages; it was from the nanny, Wang Ma. Qin Muxue had told her family that she was going to a classmate’s house, and now it was noon. Wang Ma was asking if she was coming back for lunch.

Qin Muxue decisively replied: Not coming back, eating at a friend’s place.

“Girl, come and eat.”


Qin Muxue raised a smile and walked over.

“Girl, eat more, this is nutritious.”

Grandpa Zhang cheerfully put several pieces of chicken on her plate.

Qin Muxue quickly declined, “That’s enough, Grandpa, that’s enough.”

Her bowl was full of meat, which made Lin Beixiu quite envious.

Damn grandpa, playing favorites.

Qin Muxue, seeing his annoyed face, couldn’t help but laugh and gave him a piece of chicken from her bowl.

“Here, for you.”

Lin Beixiu was stunned for a moment. Although grandpa didn’t dote on him, he had Muxue.

“Hehe, thank you.”

Grandpa Zhang didn’t say anything, and the three of them happily finished their meal.

When it was time to wash the dishes, Qin Muxue insisted on helping. The two had no choice but to let her, but Lin Beixiu still gave her a pair of gloves, to keep her hands from freezing.

At noon, Grandpa Zhang simply tidied up a room for Qin Muxue to rest in.

However, as soon as Grandpa Zhang went to his own room to rest, Qin Muxue sneakily slipped out and went to Lin Beixiu’s room.

Lin Beixiu saw her sneaking around and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

“What are you doing, Older sister sneaking into my room again?”

Qin Muxue pouted, “Don’t call me that, that’s no way to talk to a girl.”

“Then I’ll call you little sister, that sounds nice too,” Lin Beixiu said, holding back his laughter.

“I want to sleep here.”

Lin Beixiu pointed inside, “Sleep inside, but don’t cross the line.”

Of course, that was just talk.

Qin Muxue sat on the bed, took off her shoes, then walked inside and lay down, looking at his back.

This boy had really changed, he usually wouldn’t let her on the bed.

“Come out with me this afternoon.”

Lin Beixiu: …

He said helplessly, “Sister, give me a break, when are you going home?”

“A bit later.”

“I’ll walk with you then, but let’s make it quick, look at how much my grandpa dotes on you.”

Qin Muxue couldn’t help but laugh, “How about that, do you have time to visit my home?”

“Better not, that might be awkward.”

Qin Muxue thought for a moment, afraid her mother might make it difficult, and let the idea drop.

Before long, the two of them were lying on the same bed taking a nap.

After a good sleep, Lin Beixiu was still immersed in a beautiful dream when he felt a pain on his cheek.

“Beixiu, wake up.”

Lin Beixiu was exasperated, opening his eyes to see Qin Muxue kneeling beside him, her hands mischievously pulling at his face.

“Let go of me.”

Qin Muxue obediently stopped her actions, “Slept enough? Get up, we’ll go for a walk.”

“It’s so cold, why walk?”

“Exercise more, and you won’t fear the cold.”

“Let’s go.”

Lin Beixiu went to the bathroom, washed his face, and then went out with her.

Walking on the road, the season was definitely cold, but this year’s temperature had risen slightly, and their clothing, though not much, was enough to keep warm.

Feeling the cold wind, Lin Beixiu turned his head to see Qin Muxue’s face had turned red from the cold.

“Aren’t you cold?”

“I’m fine, not cold.”

Lin Beixiu rolled his eyes, “Your face is almost frozen like a red apple, and you’re not cold?”

He then reached to pull her hoodie over her head, Qin Muxue was stunned for a moment, not expecting him to be so proactive, and then she smiled.

“Thanks, Beixiu.”

“Such a cold day to come out and suffer,” Lin Beixiu muttered.

Qin Muxue pretended not to hear, “Come on, Beixiu, let’s run to warm up.”

“Don’t rush me, I’m coming.”

Lin Beixiu’s mouth twitched as he looked at her holding a small twig, and said teasingly, “Isn’t that a bit much?”

“Hurry up, before you start slacking off again.”

Lin Beixiu, seeing her like this, playfully teased her.

“I’m wearing thick clothes, it won’t hurt.”

Qin Muxue gritted her teeth, “Wanna try?”

Lin Beixiu turned and ran, and Qin Muxue followed, aiming for the less clothed areas of his legs.

The two of them made a big scene again, everything as before.

Exhausted, they sat on a bench to rest.

“Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Lin Beixiu breathed a sigh of relief, finally escaping the clutches of this little witch, though he was also a bit nostalgic, just like the childhood games of chase, besides, her hits weren’t really painful.

Qin Muxue nodded and followed him.

“Look at you, you obviously didn’t eat enough, so weak.”

Before Qin Muxue could react, the already doomed Lin Beixiu had run off.

“Lin Beixiu, don’t run!”

“Not running is foolish, catch me if you can.”

“Ow, let go, I was wrong.”

Qin Muxue, with a mischievous face, pulled on his ear with a slight force.

“Run then, weren’t you quite pleased with yourself just now?”

Lin Beixiu, with a sheepish smile, pleaded, “I was wrong, merciful female warrior.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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