Delayed Affection is Cheaper than Grass; Why Cry When I Depart?
Delayed Affection is Cheaper than Grass; Why Cry When I Depart? Chapter 257

Chapter 257: A Child Carrying Gold Through the Bustling Market…

The date written was May 6, 2010. On that day, Xu Mo had just turned fifteen and had been back at the Xu family for just over a year.

He wrote this in his QQ diary!

At that time, no one knew about it.

The hospital room was silent, except for the soft, rhythmic beeping of the medical equipment, which made the silence even more pronounced.

Xie Bingyan stared intently at the words on the document. She tried to lift her hand as if to do something, but her hand was too weak to move. Tears blurred her vision, streaming down her face as her breathing grew rapid.

The doctor noticed Xie Bingyan’s distress and quickly gestured to Xu Wanting, signaling her to keep Xie Bingyan calm and avoid further agitation.

Xie Bingyan’s condition was deteriorating.

Xu Wanting saw this, nodded gently, her eyes filled with tears. She turned the page and then closed the document.

That page contained quite a bit of writing. Xu Wanting had originally planned to show it to Xie Bingyan, but when Xie Bingyan first received it, she had treated it like trash, dismissing it with a wave of her hand.

Now, it seemed she had been searching for it for a long time.

The ECG fluctuated violently, resembling a roller coaster ride. Seeing that Xie Bingyan was starting to tremble, the doctor quickly held her hand to stabilize her and administered a sedative through an injection in her arm.

“It’s frightening! So frightening!”

“What did she just see? Why did her heartbeat become so erratic?” The doctor asked Xu Wanting as the ECG began to stabilize with the sedative.

“Nothing, nothing!” Xu Wanting replied, seeing Xie Bingyan gradually calm down. With tearful eyes, she took a deep breath and put the document away.

Perhaps it was too late to see these things now.

If she had seen them years earlier, things might have been different.

She turned around and quickly left the emergency room, realizing she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.

Xu Junzhe secretly contacted Gao Cai’er and discovered that there was indeed no significant activity at the Xu family.

Recently, Gao Cai’er hadn’t returned to the Xu family either.

It was rumored that Xie Bingyan was hospitalized, probably due to a car accident. Xu Junzhe chose not to get involved; his focus was on instructing Gao Cai’er to sell off the shares in Fengxiang Jewelry and transfer the money to his own account.

Since Fengxiang Jewelry had not yet managed to push through the board reforms, the only option was to sell the shares as quickly as possible. After all, no one knew what might happen with the Xu family.

The sooner he got the money, the better. Xu Junzhe needed to sever all ties with the Xu family.

When Gao Cai’er received his message, she was clearly surprised and asked where he was. Xu Junzhe couldn’t tell her his exact location yet; he didn’t trust anyone at the moment.

“Currently, in my name, I hold approximately 25% of the shares in Fengxiang Jewelry. Your stepfather holds around 25% as well. Fengxiang Jewelry is operating very well right now. I’ve already found a buyer for the shares. You need to represent me and sign the contract with him!” Xu Junzhe said.

Gao Cai’er was surprised, “Who is it?”

“The Chen family! Chen Anxiong. He has agreed to buy all the shares I hold, but we need to sell them to him at a 20% discount, which is around 4 billion yuan. Once the acquisition is complete, he will have full control over Fengxiang Jewelry,” Xu Junzhe explained.

“Does the Xu family agree?” Gao Cai’er asked.

“Whether they agree or not, I need to get the money as soon as possible! Chen Anxiong has already informed me that his team will contact you tomorrow!” Xu Junzhe said.

Concerned about money laundering, Xu Junzhe was eager to offload the shares quickly. Nothing else mattered right now—what was most important was how much money he could secure.

“Only when the money is in my hands will I be at ease!”

Gao Cai’er was silent for a moment before replying, “Alright! I can contact him. But what about the shares stepfather owns? If you’re not around, the stock price of Fengxiang Jewelry will definitely plummet, and he will suffer significant losses!”

“I’ll compensate him for his losses later! Tell him not to worry! Right now, we need to get the money as quickly as possible!” Xu Junzhe said impatiently, not wanting Gao Cai’er to ask too many questions.

Gao Cai’er didn’t want to see Liu Kaikang suffer losses, but it seemed there was no other choice at this point.

Xu Junzhe had already cut ties with the Xu family, and staying involved with Fengxiang Jewelry was clearly no longer an option. It was better to cash out and bring in the Chen family to compete with the Xu family.

The only question left was what Xu Mo would do. Would he just watch as the Xu family’s ancestral assets slipped away?

Gao Cai’er considered her options and decided to send a message to Xu Mo. After all, Xu Mo had promised her a substantial amount of money, exceeding what Xu Junzhe had offered her.

With Xu Junzhe’s 25% share in Fengxiang Jewelry to be sold, and given the company’s current market value of over 20 billion yuan, even with a discount, she would only get around 4 billion yuan. Splitting that amount, she would get at most 2 billion yuan. Xu Mo had promised her that she would receive more than 2 billion yuan.

She started making arrangements.

Xu Mo had some suspicions about Xu Junzhe’s situation, as the police had not yet found Xu Junzhe’s body. Considering Xie Bingyan’s physical condition, it was highly unlikely she could have killed Xu Junzhe.

He could anticipate Xu Junzhe’s moves. Xu Junzhe would likely not return in the near future, so selling off the shares in Fengxiang Jewelry became the best option.

With the shares now in Xu Junzhe’s hands, not even Xu Deming would be able to stop Xu Junzhe from selling them. It seemed likely that Chen Anxiong would buy them at a low price.

For Xu Mo, this was not a concern. To him, the 4.5 billion yuan in assets was insignificant; if needed, he could fully acquire Fengxiang Jewelry without any issue.


“Chen Anxiong is really despicable! He probably wants to not only enter Fengxiang Jewelry but also use it to coerce Xu Xuehui or Xu Manni…

“What should we do?” Gu Huanxi asked him.

Xu Mo pondered and replied, “It’s a bit difficult to trip him up right now; we’re still lacking a bit of leverage! Most importantly, I’m worried that any action we take could affect our own development. The Chen family is a very large clan! Besides, Xu Junzhe is still alive.”

“We can’t resort to killing!” Gu Huanxi said, fixing him with a serious look.

Xu Mo glanced at her and smiled, “What are you thinking? I definitely won’t resort to killing! Murder is against the law!”

“That’s good!”

Gu Huanxi felt relieved.

“But… do you think Liu Kaikang might resort to murder?” Xu Mo asked.

Gu Huanxi was taken aback.

“With Xu Junzhe no longer holding shares, after cashing out, his bank account will contain a large sum of money—at least 3 to 4 billion yuan! That’s a substantial amount. Isn’t Liu Kaikang likely to covet it?” Xu Mo said with a slight smile, casually playing with his cup.

Gu Huanxi thought for a moment and replied, “It’s difficult!”

“Yes, it’s difficult, but it’s still a possibility, isn’t it? As long as Xu Deming and others don’t interfere, the likelihood of it happening is quite high!” Xu Mo said with a cold glint in his eyes. “A child carrying gold through a bustling market… is bound to end badly!”

Gu Huanxi sighed, “To achieve that, we first need to deal with Chen Anxiong! Only when the support is removed will Liu Kaikang lose his backing and might then take action.”

Xu Mo looked at her, nodded, and agreed wholeheartedly.

“Then… let’s start with Chen Anxiong. I’ve found him quite repugnant! I’ve been tolerating him for some time now!”

Hearing this, Gu Huanxi’s lips curled into a slight smile. She understood Xu Mo’s thoughts well.

If Chen Anxiong did acquire Xu Junzhe’s shares and entered Fengxiang Jewelry, he would undoubtedly become an enemy. Even if they were still a bit short of their goal, Xu Mo had to find a way to take him down first.

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