Distinctive Mark
Distinctive Mark Chapter 6 (End)

The words he said probably suffocated me more than “just good friends” ever would.

I couldn’t take the risk.

I could never again allow myself to experience a relationship that was unacknowledged and kept in the shadows.

After I said that, there was no trace of disappointment or frustration on Duan Heng’s face.

He simply chuckled and said:

“My liking you is my business. You just be yourself.

“But I will prove with my actions that I’m different from him.

“When that time comes, you can decide whether or not to respond to my feelings.”

My heart pounded as I looked up and met his deep gaze. It was like a vast ocean, luring me inch by inch to drown in it.

Duan Heng knew exactly what I was worried about. And that made sense—he was so smart that from my brief conversations with Jiang Yi, he had likely deduced the reasons for our breakup.

But what did he mean by proving it?

A tiny glimmer of expectation sprouted in my heart.

After that night when I left Duan Heng’s house, we went back to our usual way of interacting.

He was still the same tolerant and caring boss, and I was still learning how to be a competent assistant.

Luckily, I was making good progress.

By now, I wasn’t making any major mistakes, but I did find myself occasionally staring at my boss’s profile in a daze.

Somehow, Duan Heng always noticed.

Like now.

He turned his head, met my gaze, and gave me a slight smile.


Thank you, I’ve been captivated.

Time passed neither quickly nor slowly.

Before I knew it, the company’s anniversary gala had arrived, marking its fifth year since its founding.

Duan Heng decided to throw a large banquet, inviting not only employees and their families but also many business partners.

In the grand hall, distinguished guests gathered.

Duan Heng was chatting with a few of the CEOs from our partners while I stood behind him like a backdrop.

After a while, one of the CEOs asked him, “President Duan, you’re so successful and accomplished—how is it you’re still single? Have you thought about starting a relationship?”

Questions like this were usually a prelude to matchmaking.

Unconsciously, I pricked up my ears.

And then I heard that familiar voice say:

“I already have someone I like. I’m pursuing them now.”

The breath I had been holding slowly released.

Sure enough, the CEO’s face showed a trace of disappointment, but he quickly masked it and laughed heartily:

“The person who managed to captivate someone as outstanding as you must be a great beauty.”

Duan Heng’s faint smile remained, but he corrected the man:

“He’s a man.”

He’s a… man?

The CEOs looked momentarily stunned, and I froze as well.

Duan Heng had just openly stated his sexual orientation to some of the company’s most important business partners. Was that really okay?

As it turns out—when the person in question doesn’t see a problem, others won’t, either.

Seeing how calmly Duan Heng handled the situation, the CEOs quickly regained their composure, smiling and saying, “Oh, I see!”

The atmosphere didn’t grow awkward because of this small incident.

However, I couldn’t recover as easily. I mumbled an excuse to Duan Heng and retreated to a corner to sit down and rest.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed.

At that moment, a hand appeared in front of me.

I looked up and into a pair of eyes, deep and focused, holding only my reflection in them.

Duan Heng bent slightly, maintaining the posture of offering his hand. A charming smile tugged at his lips:

“Assistant Qin, may I have this dance?”

Every year at the company’s annual gala, there’s a segment where men invite their partners or someone they fancy for a dance, which livens up the atmosphere.

Normally, the boss would open the dance floor.

But as I’d heard from Fang Mingrui before, Duan Heng never participated in this.

Yet today, he was inviting me.

Looking past Duan Heng’s shoulder, I saw countless familiar faces glancing in our direction.

Some of their gazes were full of shock, others of curiosity.

But there were also a few with expressions that said, “I knew it.”

Under their scrutiny, I slowly extended my hand and placed it in Duan Heng’s palm:

“You may.”

I heard my own voice, steady and certain.

Duan Heng broke into a wide smile.

At that moment, I finally understood.

Some people love in secret, hiding away, while others love boldly and openly.

Like the line in Flipped:

“Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss…but every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”

(End of the main story)

CEO’s Diary Excerpts – Extra Chapter

August 7
The new assistant’s name is Qin Fan. I noticed him immediately during his interview. His eyes were so clear, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Quite special.

August 10
When leaving work today, he said, “CEO, it’s going to umbrella tomorrow, don’t forget to bring rain.”
He blushed like crazy when he realized his slip-up.

August 13
He’s a bit scatterbrained, always making small mistakes at work. But every time he looks at me with those eyes, all my frustration vanishes.
Is this what they call being “blinded by love”?

August 14
Turns out he has a boyfriend.

August 16
It’s my birthday today. My childhood friend gave me a golden stamp for pork inspection, calling me the “Stamp Master.” They also got me drunk.

August 17
Seems like I slept with a stranger last night after getting drunk.
By the time I woke up, they were gone.
I’m too scared to find out who it was, afraid it might be someone I regret.

Alcohol is dangerous.

August 18
Still regretting it.

August 19
Still regretting it.

August 20
Endless regret.
But today, I overheard some good news. He’s single now.

August 22
No more regrets.
Turns out, the person from that night was him. When he accidentally sent a video during a work report, I saw the familiar stamp on his lower back.
I knew it. I don’t make mistakes—drunk or sober.

August 23
Should I tell him?
He doesn’t seem to know the person that night was me.

August 24
Maybe not yet. I don’t want to scare him off.
Yes, I’ll wait for the right moment.

August 25
I think I understand now why I stamped him.
Maybe, deep down, I wanted him to be mine.

September 15
Today, his ex told him, “I’m more responsible now. If we get back together, I’ll announce it to my friends right away—no more hiding.”
Ha! Who cares?
I have way more friends than him.

October 15
He discovered the stamp.
I confessed everything to him.
I was nervous.
Afraid he wouldn’t be able to accept it, afraid he’d push me away.
But thankfully, he didn’t.

November 29
Today, I caught him staring at my profile again.
I smiled at him.
He blushed.

December 30
I hope every year from now on, I’ll get to dance the first dance with him.

-The End-


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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