Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

The fried fish bone balls were both fragrant and crispy. Lu Liu quickly finished a bowl.

Noticing this, Yun Shan made fish meatballs.

The fish meat was minced, shaped into balls, and then boiled in boiling water with added seasonings to create fish meatballs.

Unlike the fish bone balls, the fish meatballs were resilient, white, tender, and smooth, with a satisfying elasticity. Even the broth used to cook the fish meatballs was exceptionally delicious.

Lu Liu finished another bowl of fish meatballs and then, feeling satisfied, casually mentioned, “Just now, that was a three-star magic beast. You’re lucky I happened to pass by and was able to rescue you.”

Yun Shan: You’re making things up, and I’m pretending to believe you. We all understand each other without saying it aloud.

“Thanks,” Yun Shan changed the subject, “Do you have a place to stay at the moment? If not, would you like to stay in the estate? There are many vacant rooms here.”

Lu Liu: ???

Something’s not right about you!

But could she refuse? No, she couldn’t.

Lu Liu frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said, “If it’s convenient, I’d like to stay here temporarily.”

“Then it’s settled,” Yun Shan decisively stated, “You can choose any vacant room to stay in.”

Is this person so unguarded? Using the debt of gratitude from saving her life as a way to establish a connection with her, although rare, was not unheard of.

Just as Lu Liu was about to give a warning, she heard Yun Shan say, “By the way, do you know any farmers? Those who are good at farming, willing to lease land, with a seventy-thirty split, and are honest and hardworking.”

The abrupt change in topic caught her off guard.

Lu Liu felt that something was off. This seemed… not like the attitude one would have towards someone who had saved their life. Instead, it was more like feeling indebted and needing to find a way to repay the favor.

“No, I don’t,” she responded coldly.

Little did she know—

“There should be, think about it again,” Yun Shan said with anticipation, “Help me with this, and I’ll treat you to some delicious food in the future.”

Lu Liu: “…”

“I’ll inquire around,” she stiffly changed her response.


Lu Liu said she would inquire, but within two days, she had brought back three young boys.

“One is fourteen, the other two are fifteen. They’re strong and capable of farm work,” Lu Liu explained, “If you provide them a place to stay, they’ll take care of themselves. They’ll work the fields, and in return, receive thirty percent of the harvest, and the rest will be taken care of, so you won’t have to worry.”

The land in the Red Maple Camp was fertile, yielding three harvests a year. Thirty percent of the yield was not a small amount. In the future, with four harvests a year and more advanced farming tools, a thirty percent share would be enough for them to live quite well.

This was akin to ancient tenants, living off the landowner’s land.

It was also similar to the medieval European peasants and their lords.

“Thank you.”

Yun Shan had already prepared farming tools and crop seeds, and immediately set the three individuals to work.

Loosening the soil, digging holes, watering—their movements were adept, clearly accustomed to farming.

Yun Shan was very satisfied and led Lu Liu to the kitchen. “Mapo Tofu, specially made beef and mushroom sauce, both freshly prepared. Help me thank him.”

…Who is he? Who is she?

She knew nothing at all.

Lu Liu, with a cold expression, carried the wooden food box away, wearing a cool “all of this is mine” expression.


For several consecutive days, Lu Ming had been sleeping peacefully, and his complexion had noticeably improved, even the dark circles under his eyes had faded considerably.

On this day, after finishing half a bowl of rice, Lu Ming gestured for the meal to be taken away.

Seeing that Lu Ming had barely touched the vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes and the soup, Zuo Xin couldn’t help but advise, “Sir, at least have a little more to eat.”

“No appetite,” Lu Ming said indifferently, as if it were routine.

While the symptoms of insomnia were slowly improving, the loss of appetite remained the same as before.

Zuo Xin sighed helplessly and proceeded to clear the dining table.

At that moment, Lu Liu requested an audience.

“Let her in,” Lu Ming said.

“Lu Ming,” Lu Liu presented the food box, “This is a thank-you gift from the female doctor for you.”

Lu Ming glanced at Zuo Xin.

Zuo Xin understood and swiftly opened the food box.

Instantly, a pungent and spicy aroma filled the air, exceptionally inviting. Inside, on the left, was Mapo Tofu, with white and tender tofu drizzled with a layer of red chili oil, looking extremely appealing. On the right was the beef and mushroom sauce, rich in mushroom flavor, tantalizing the taste buds.

Lu Ming suddenly felt hungry, “Go get me another bowl of rice.”

“Huh?” You Yi was momentarily stunned before he grasped the situation.

Upon learning that Lu Ming had regained his appetite, he hurriedly ran out, “I’ll go get it!”

The Mapo Tofu was spicy and tender, while the beef and mushroom sauce was flavorful and delicious, with each bite having a satisfying chew. Lu Ming ate three bowls of rice in one go, accompanied by these dishes.

Zuo Xin was delighted, “Today, Sir, you have an exceptionally good appetite!”

Lu Ming felt an overall sense of relief and tranquility, “Where did this come from?”

Lu Liu responded, “The female doctor cooked it herself.”

“In the future, when I pick up the medicinal soup, why not pick up the meal as well?” Zuo Xin suggested.

“This is a thank-you gift,” Lu Liu stated coldly.

What does a thank-you gift mean?

It’s a special gift given for doing something worthy of thanks.

Just this once.

Zuo Xin disagreed, “This dish can treat loss of appetite, it’s clearly medicinal cuisine! Doctors prepare medicine to save lives, it’s only natural.”

Lu Liu couldn’t be bothered to argue with him and said, “The food has been delivered. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

“Wait,” You Yi stopped her and intentionally asked, “Have you noticed anything odd about her behavior during these days you’ve spent together?”

Lu Liu corrected him, “It’s not just one thing, everything is odd.”

You Yi felt a twinge of unease, “What do you mean?”

Lu Liu gave an example, “She proactively tells me when she’ll be home, bids me farewell before leaving, invites me to eat every time, cooks delicious meals, and is skilled at farming.”

You Yi paused, “…”

“When the doctor handed the food box over to me, I didn’t say anything,” Lu Liu said earnestly, “From her, I don’t sense any malice.”

“As long as she can cure the illness, the rest doesn’t matter,” Lu Ming glanced at You Yi.

“Understood,” You Yi said. If the female doctor had no ill intentions, he naturally wouldn’t do anything to her.

It’s just that… he couldn’t fully trust those travelers from other realms, naturally adding a hint of caution.


Within the estate, there were a total of sixteen plots of land. The new tenants were allocated six plots and five plots, responsible for growing crops such as sorghum, corn, and potatoes.

After signing the land lease contract, Yun Shan took the three individuals to a bamboo house, allowing them to choose their accommodation.

Once the three individuals were familiar with their surroundings, Yun Shan truly left them to their own devices, allowing them to farm and move their belongings. Meanwhile, she went out with Dahei to make purchases.

She bought a bag of sorghum and a bag of corn for storage.

At the meat stall, she bought two pounds of pork, and at the vegetable stall, she purchased a large cabbage, preparing to make dumplings.

Yun Shan also made a special trip to the Red Maple Pharmacy to buy materials for making Healing Potion and Revitalizing Elixer.

While she could grow her own herbs, large-scale cultivation would require a significant amount of effort. Moreover, it would take quite a long time from planting to usability.

Unwilling to expend that effort, she chose to buy directly from the pharmacy.

After finishing her purchases, Yun Shan, loaded with bags, hurried back home.

While on her way, the system prompted, “Congratulations on leveling up.”

Upon opening the attribute panel, the data showed—

Name: Yun Shan

Stamina: 87/100%

Satiety: 85/100%

Overall Strength Evaluation: Two Stars.

Her game ID shifted from gray to white.

Even while carrying so many things, she felt much lighter than before.

“Two stars…”

In other games, as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort, crafting a character with full skills and high combat power isn’t just a dream.

However, in “Doomsday Camp,” how far one can progress depends significantly on innate talent.

Take Yun Shan, for example. Despite her desire for offensive capabilities, she was more of a support talent. Not to mention reaching two stars, even if she were to advance to three stars, she wouldn’t win against a one-star combat talent in a direct confrontation.

So, she had to find another way, like mass-rearing magical beasts for group battles.

“Reaching two stars should probably add another hour to my game time; that’s a good thing to consider,” Yun Shan contemplated.


Near the farmland, the newly arrived tenant NPCs were diligently working, immersed in their labor.

In the kitchen, the cooking smoke wafted, and the aroma of the food filled the air.

Dahei squatted at the door, patiently waiting for mealtime.

Lu Liu secretly protecting without making it too obvious. She stayed indoors and pretended to be indifferent, but she was constantly monitoring the activities outside.

Yun Shan made pork and cabbage dumplings and, after cooking them, served a bowl to Lu Liu.

Suddenly, a figure swiftly flew by—it was the bandit White Falcon.

Dahei, “???”

It’s you again!

It howled for a while, its voice filled with vigilance.

The howling alarmed Lu Liu.

She appeared cold as ice and swiftly rushed out of the room.

At the same time, Yun Shan noticed that the White Falcon was holding a nearly dead tiger-striped rabbit in its mouth. When it landed, it set down the rabbit and, in an appeasing manner, nudged it in Yun Shan’s direction.

Its demeanor was no longer as domineering as when they first met.

Yun Shan felt a stroke of luck, “A trade?”

Before the falcon could respond, Lu Liu arrived.

Upon seeing her, the White Falcon panicked and fled immediately. In its haste, it even left the tiger-striped rabbit behind.

“Are you hurt?” Lu Liu hurried over.

Yun Shan shook her head, “No.”

“It’s the White Falcon again,” Lu Liu’s eyes turned cold, exuding a chilling aura.

“It wasn’t trying to attack, it was just hungry and came over to exchange for some food,” Yun Shan explained.

Lu Liu was slightly puzzled.

“This tiger-striped rabbit is the one it gave me,” Yun Shan pointed to the ground.

Lu Liu remained cautious, “The world is not peaceful. Caution is paramount.”

Exiting the game, the system prompt appeared right on schedule.

【Today’s accumulated online time: 300 minutes (5 hours), already reached the limit.】

【Your physical condition is in good shape.】

【Starting tomorrow, daily online time will increase by 1 hour (total 6 hours).】

【Players are advised to balance work and rest, and play games moderately.】

“Starting over, progress is much faster than the first time,” Yun Shan was very pleased.

During the first playthrough, she had no gaming experience. She had worked as a lumberjack, done part-time clearing, tended to herbs in the medicinal garden, and even tried leading a monster hunting team in the wilderness. It was a struggle to save even a little bit of money.

She never wanted to experience that kind of hardship again in her lifetime.

The next day, as soon as she appeared online, Lu Liu approached with a big and four small white falcons, asking, “How many white falcons are here? Do you want them?”

Yun Shan, “…”

Just because the white falcons all look similar, she couldn’t recognize this one as the one she had encountered yesterday!

“Where did they come from?”

Lu Liu casually said, “The white falcons have appeared more than once. I guess there’s a nest nearby. They rely on their small size and fast speed to fly around the camp. I went out overnight to clear out the safety hazards, luckily no mishaps.”

Yun Shan thought to herself, Lu Liu truly lives up to her reputation.

“This adult white falcon was originally a pet of the camp residents. After its owner died, it returned to the wild. It’s not as aggressive as other beasts, and its temperament is quite gentle. I heard it even brings prey as a sign of gratitude for the help it receives from the residents,” Lu Liu said. “If you like it, you can keep it at home.”

Yun Shan was puzzled, “Then why did it…”

“For the sake of its children,” Lu Liu turned her gaze to the chicks. “These few young white falcons have a problem with picky eating and are all underweight. If they suffer from long-term malnutrition, they will not survive.”

No wonder. Yun Shan suddenly understood.

Earlier, she had been puzzled about why the beasts were attacking her. It turns out, it was for their own children, which made sense.

“The adult white falcon used to be a human battle pet, gentle in nature, and won’t harm people. The young white falcons are still young and can be easily raised with a little care. If you’re lucky, they may even be willing to form a bond with you,” Lu Liu directed the five white falcons towards Yun Shan, “I suggest you take them in. It won’t be a loss.”

“Give them to me,” Yun Shan gently caressed the heads of the five white falcons with her index finger, speaking in a coaxing tone, “You all need to listen to me from now on. I’ll take care of you.”

An adult white falcon at three stars, and the white falcon chicks at two stars. Once they were well nurtured, they would be of great assistance.

The white falcon mother had mixed feelings.

“Voluntarily moving house.jpg”

Feeling sad about even the nest being moved.jpg

Fortunately, the new owner was a great cook, and the food she made might be something the chicks would be willing to eat.

Thinking this way, the white falcon mother felt that moving wasn’t such a bad thing. When facing Yun Shan, her attitude was very friendly.

“If you don’t like them, there’s no need to force it. I can find another place to settle them,” noticing Yun Shan’s unusual expression, Lu Liu added.

Yun Shan shook her head, “I don’t dislike them.”

She just felt that this style of gift-giving was very much like someone else’s.


Author’s Note: Within the estate, there are cultivated lands, the lord’s residence, and farmer residences, etc. The land belongs to the lord, while the farmers are responsible for cultivation. There are mutually agreed-upon rights and obligations—farmers provide labor, cultivation, and taxes, while the lord must allocate land and provide protection.

A typical estate has a large house or castle, surrounded by fields, farmhouses, pastures, and woodlands, often being self-sufficient. Some estates also produce cheese, pork, wine, or vegetables.

—Excerpt from Baidu Baike

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Mom falcon is real


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