Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

The four falcon chicks were small in size and looked weak, as if suffering from malnutrition. To help them recuperate, Yun Shan deliberately made egg custard.

The egg custard was delicate, smooth, and fragrant, making it quite appetizing.

Yun Shan scooped up a small piece and offered it to the falcon chicks.

The one on the far left blinked, moved in but didn’t rush to eat. Instead, it sniffed the aroma before trying a bite upon realizing it wasn’t unpleasant.

The spoon wasn’t large, and the custard was gone in one bite.

As it chewed, the chick’s eyes sparkled brighter, and the whole bird became lively.

Yun Shan scooped up more custard and fed the second one, saying, “You try.”

Perhaps seeing its sibling’s hearty appetite, the second chick, especially curious, eagerly swallowed the custard. As it ate, its gaze involuntarily followed the spoon – it was really delicious!

“Your turn,” Yun Shan fed the third chick.

As the spoon approached, the third chick opened its mouth, but the fourth one jostled in and snatched the custard.

The third chick was stunned.

Normally, the falcon mother would chew the food into a paste before feeding it to the chicks.

In its brief bird life, it had only seen the mother feed, the siblings indifferent, none wanting to eat. It had never encountered the cruel scene of siblings fighting for food, and certainly didn’t know about this thing called “plastic brotherhood.”

“Why are you so silly?” Yun Shan fed another spoonful.

The third chick looked particularly bewildered as it ate its share of custard.


So, so, delicious!

After a taste, the third chick’s eyes widened in disbelief, its face expressing utter astonishment.

Seeing all four siblings fed, the first one on the left impatiently fluttered its wings – Is it my turn now? Will it be my chance to eat?

Yun Shan had intended to feed another round, but before the spoon could reach the chicks, the second and fourth ones pounced simultaneously.

One held the spoon, attempting to change its direction.

The other, more direct, simply moved its beak to the spoon and swallowed the custard in one go. Afterwards, it nonchalantly looked at Yun Shan, waiting for the next feeding.

The two chicks, quietly waiting in place, were utterly shocked.

To think one had to fight to eat!

What a treacherous world!

Yun Shan intended to train the chicks’ reaction, hence didn’t intervene in their scuffle.

The spoon moved unpredictably, prompting the chicks to flap their wings and even fly at times to get a bite.

After a while, the fourth chick was full and lazy, not bothering to move.

The first and second chicks ate to about ninety percent fullness and were now snuggled together, drooping their eyelids, ready to sleep.

However, the third chick, having just eaten to half-full, was still struggling with the spoon.

Whenever Yun Shan held the spoon slightly higher, it couldn’t reach the food.

It stared longingly at the custard, but even on tiptoes, it couldn’t reach it. Flapping its wings vigorously didn’t help either, leaving it frustrated.

Noticing this, Yun Shan calmly poured some water, lowering the spoon bit by bit.

Finally, the chick managed to reach the spoon, barely eating its fill.

After finishing, it sat down, too tired to move. Its exertion seemed as if it had just run several laps.

“Keep exercising, strive to grow,” Yun Shan encouraged, holding the chick’s fuzzy head, smiling.

The chick tilted its head, rubbing against her finger, emitting a very soft “cheep.” It seemed both coquettish and promising.


A week flew by in the blink of an eye.

On the reexamination day, Lu Ming arrived promptly with Zuo Xin.

“Recently, the Lord has been sleeping much better, the headaches have reduced, and the appetite has improved. He can eat a bowl of rice every day,” Zuo Xin praised. “Miss Yun Shan, you truly are a Divine Doctor! Among all of us at the Red Maole Camp, your medical skills are the best!”

Yun Shan was taken aback and asked Lu Ming, “How many hours has he been sleeping daily these past few days?”

“Three to four hours, varying,” Lu Ming replied.

Yun Shan looked at Zuo Xin speechlessly, “Sleeping much better?”

Zuo Xin looked skyward, “Comparatively, it’s quite good compared to before.”


“Remember to take the Tranquilizing soup daily, focus on a nutritious diet, try to maintain a peaceful mindset, and take a medicinal bath during the weekly check-up. After a month, I will adjust the herbal medicine according to the situation,” Yun Shan outlined the treatment plan.

Zuo Xin, looking sheepish, asked, “Divine doctor, do you have any appetizing medicinal dishes? Something to aid digestion?”

Yun Shan raised her gaze, “Yes, I do.”

“Could I also have some when I pick up the soup medicine daily?”

“Of course.”

Surprised at Yun Shan’s accommodating nature, Zuo Xin respectfully bowed, “Thank you, Divine Doctor.”

Feeding a wolfhound is one thing.

Feeding four falcon chicks is another.

Adding a four-star patient isn’t much of a problem.

She had known from the start that the combination of medicinal soup and medicinal dishes would yield the best recovery results.

The reason she hadn’t brought it up earlier was due to the NPC’s guarded nature.

She proposes, and the other party hesitates.

When the other party proposes, things become much simpler.

It’s still true that gaining an NPC’s trust is more challenging than treating an illness.

“Are you busy after this? If not, I’ll prepare a herbal bath, which will take about an hour,” Yun Shan said.

Lu Ming replied calmly, “No, Divine Doctor, please proceed.”


Yun Shan stored some commonly used herbs in the cabinet and, upon hearing this, took a suitable amount, sliced, ground, and powdered them. After processing, she mixed the various herbs and placed them in a large cloth bag.

While she was busy, Zuo Xin was sent to boil water.

Zuo Xin wasn’t sure how much water was needed. In the spirit of “more is better,” he ended up boiling several pots.

Once the water boiled, it was poured into a wooden tub, and the herbal bag was submerged.

Before long, the water turned a deep brown, emitting a strong herbal scent.

Yun Shan gestured, “Soak for an hour, not more, not less.”

“What will happen if it’s longer, or if it’s shorter?” Zuo Xin hurriedly asked.

“Too long and the body can’t handle it, too short and the medicine won’t be fully absorbed,” Yun Shan informed him.

“Our patient is strong, a little longer soaking won’t hurt…” Zuo Xin felt the medicinal liquid was beneficial and wanted the patient to recover as soon as possible.

Yun Shan remained silent, watching him quietly.

As Yun Shan didn’t spoke, he suddenly fell silent.

Somehow, he recalled the scene of himself insisting on brewing the medicine. Not only was it futile, but it also caused more suffering for the patient.

“I’ve said it before, remember to follow the doctor’s advice in the future,” Yun Shan’s voice was gentle, but Zuo Xin couldn’t help shivering.

“Listen to the doctor,” Lu Ming added.

Zuo Xin admitted his mistake, “It’s my fault, it’s all because of my reckless idea.”

“Go outside,” Yun Shan said and then walked out of the bamboo house.

“But sir!” Zuo Xin didn’t want to leave.

“Go out. I’ll call you if needed,” Lu Ming ordered.

“Oh…” Only then did Zuo Xin follow, leaving.

Lu Ming removed his clothes and immersed himself in the medicinal liquid.

As he entered the water, he grunted, feeling a burning sensation all over his body.

Lu Ming gritted his teeth and endured in silence.

Gradually, a warm sensation spread throughout his body, and the discomfort gradually dissipated.

Eventually, the brown medicinal liquid lightened. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and some hidden injuries seemed to be healed, leaving him feeling unprecedentedly comfortable.


Outside the house, Yun Shan and Zuo Xin chatted idly.

“Shall I prepare some medicinal dishes for him? Are there any specific foods he avoids?” Yun Shan inquired.

Zuo Xin earnestly replied, “The Lord is not picky, he eats everything and doesn’t have any taboos.”

“Is there anything he particularly likes?” Yun Shan asked again.

Zuo Xin opened his mouth but couldn’t find the words.

Yun Shan inwardly disdained, thinking to herself: A close attendant, but knows less than she does…

After much thought, Zuo Xin finally answered with absolute certainty, “Mapo tofu and beef with mushrooms and sauce! Yes, the Lord will definitely like these two dishes.”

He had three bowls of rice with those dishes that day.

Observing Zuo Xin, Yun Shan remarked, “So, Lu Liu is under Lu Ming? Did he also help me find the tenant? Did he receive the gift of thanks?”

Zuo Xin froze. When he realized what he had said, he felt like crying – this conversation had truly reached an deadlock!

Most capable people have their quirks. Therefore, Lu Ming sent Lu Liu to secretly protect, without wanting Yun Shan to know.

Who knew that on the first day, they encountered a sudden attack by a falcon, forcing Lu Liu to reveal herself in order to save someone.

Later, she stayed temporarily at the estate. The situation was unclear, but at least she managed to keep it under wraps.

Zuo Xin never imagined that Lu Liu, who hadn’t even revealed her identity, would inadvertently let the secret slip before him.

He wore a look of utter despair, as if saying, “I’m finished.”

“You don’t have to be like this. Lu Liu can handle a three-star monster, I had already guessed her background wasn’t simple.” In truth, Yun Shan knew exactly what their relationship was. Pretending to fish for information was just toying with fools.

Zuo Xin remained silent.

“The herbal bath will take an hour, you could at least keep me company until then,” Yun Shan prodded.

“Divine Doctor, forgive me, I must ensure the Lord’s safety,” Zuo Xin said, using the pretext of protecting the Lord and steadfastly refusing to engage in further conversation.

He had realized that the less he said, the better.

Seeing his unwavering silence, Yun Shan simply went to the kitchen to prepare something delicious.


An hour later.

The herbal bath ended.

Lu Ming, dressed, was just about to leave when he saw Zuo Xin kneel before him. “I spoke out of turn, I beg for your forgiveness, sir.”

Lu Ming paused, “What’s the matter?”

Zuo Xin, with a stiff expression, said, “Earlier, the Divine Doctor asked me about the Lord’s likes and dislikes. In a moment of urgency, I ended up telling her that the Lord likes to eat mapo tofu and beef with mushrooms and sauce…”

“What was her reaction?” Lu Ming inquired.

“The Divine Doctor said she had already guessed…”

But guessing and confirming are two different things! Zuo Xin felt a pang of sadness and wanted to cry.

“Is she angry?” Lu Ming inquired.

Zuo Xin paused, “No, she didn’t seem to be.”

“Good,” Lu Ming remained composed. “Having Lu Liu protect secretly was only due to concerns about whether the Divine Doctor would approve. If she doesn’t mind, Lu Liu can openly follow in the future.”

“You’ve made a mistake, but also contributed. The merits and demerits balance each other out. Stand up.”

Was he not going to be punished?

Zuo Xin hesitated before standing up, feeling somewhat apprehensive.

“Be careful with your words in the future,” Lu Ming said calmly.

“I will remember, sir.”

“Are you done soaking?” Yun Shan approached, carrying a food box.

“Thank you, Divine Doctor. I feel much better,” Lu Ming’s eyes sparkled with a subtle smile.

“Today’s medicinal dishes,” Yun Shan said as she opened the food box.

“Ba Xian cake, prepared by simmering medicinal ingredients and adding glutinous rice flour and sugar, steamed to treat poor appetite.”

“Spicy duck collar, fresh and spicy, suitable as a snack.”

“Beef with mushrooms and sauce, best served with rice.”

She remembered it after saying it once, she was truly attentive.

Lu Ming gazed into the distance, “Last time, there was only one wolfhound, but this time, there are five falcons. It seems the Divine Doctor enjoys raising beasts.”

Yun Shan admitted, “Not only do I enjoy it, I also have a great need for it.”

A true hero dares to face their deepest desires.

Lu Ming nodded, bid farewell, and left.

Zuo Xin took the food box and followed.

Unconsciously, Yun Shan drifted into her thoughts.

Her luck had never been great, it was below average.

But in her previous life, after getting to know Lu Ming, she started to experience a change in fortune.

She would stumble upon rare herbs while walking, four-star beast chicks would be left at her doorstep, waiting for her to pick them up, if she casually mentioned wanting something, she would have it in her hands within a few days.

At one point, she thought her luck had turned for the better. It wasn’t until later that she realized it wasn’t good luck at all, someone deliberately liked to leave things for her on her path and made it appear coincidental.

“Long-distance relationships are tough enough, let alone interdimensional ones… Why do I always make things difficult for myself and challenge high difficulties?”

Finally, thousands of words turned into a sigh.


“Hacker: 5 bottles of Healing Potion, price negotiable. @Yun Shan”

“Expert at groveling: Thomas, 360-degree spin, looking to buy, sell me the potion first! @Yun Shan”

“Bigwig: Euro-god, check me out. Weak and pitiful but with money, wanting to buy potions. @Yun Shan”

Yun Shan was taken aback.

Seeing the words “Euro-god,” she had a gut feeling that her guildmates had a profound misunderstanding about her.

“Yun Shan: How many do you need?”

“Hacker: I’m not greedy, just need 5 bottles.”

“Expert at groveling: 3 bottles.”

“Bigwig: 10 bottles.”

“Yun Shan: We have stock, let’s discuss in private.”

“Enviously Crying: …So you’ve made another batch of potions? Yun Shan’s point-earning speed is faster than robbery.”

Yun Shan inadvertently caught sight of it, thinking, “Well, after all, it’s cheating.”


The falcon chicks’ picky eating wasn’t too severe. After Yun Shan carefully nurtured them for a week, the four little ones gradually regained their health.

The falcon mother was overjoyed. For three days in a row, she brought almost lifeless two-star Rufous-bellied Seedcrackers to Yun Shan as a token of gratitude. Then, she formally began teaching her offspring how to fly and hunt.

Every time she logged in, Yun Shan could see the falcon mother conducting special training for her four little falcons. They flapped their wings, spun, and maneuvered sideways, looking quite adept.

Dahei, on the other hand, lounged lazily while basking in the sun.

Yun Shan gave Dahei a check-up and, after a while, expressed satisfaction, “It’s back to normal, it won’t lose control again.”

Dahei stuck out its tongue and licked Yun Shan’s palm. Its eyes were moist, clean, and tender.

Yun Shan had the least resistance to wolfhounds.

Back then, she had raised dozens of three-star wolfhounds, each obedient and responsible, displaying exceptional self-management skills, requiring little of her attention.

“Hello, I’m Mu Chen. I just rented the adjacent land yesterday.”

The voice interrupted Yun Shan’s thoughts.

Looking up, she saw a gray-named male player standing outside the fence, attempting to strike up a conversation with her.

“I’m Yun Shan. We’re neighbors from now on,” Yun Shan greeted him with a smile.

“How do you have so much land?” Seeing the sixteen plots connected together, the bamboo house relocated and neatly arranged, Mu Chen couldn’t help but be curious.

“I made some money by making Purple Grass Ointment and plan to stock up on land to become a landlord.”

“Purple Grass Ointment?”

Mu Chen was initially taken aback, then suddenly realized, “So it’s you, the ruthless person who defeated the entire camp’s infirmary.”

Just hearing the name “Yun Shan,” he hadn’t immediately recalled.

But the mention of Purple Grass Ointment immediately brought to mind the fervent sales of the premium ointment and its original creator, “Yun Shan.”

“I was fortunate,” Yun Shan modestly replied, then asked, “What made you come here to rent a house?”

Mu Chen puffed out his chest proudly, saying, “I plan to make high-efficiency fertilizer. When spread on the ground, it can increase yield by 20% to 40%.”

Yun Shan was highly interested, “Have you done this before, or are you just starting to research it?”

“As a professional, I put my learning into practice,” Mu Chen said confidently. “Although there’s a shortage of raw materials, with some adjustments to the proportions, it should work.”

“Wishing you success,” Yun Shan said.

“I will,” after exchanging greetings, Mu Chen returned to his bamboo house to focus on his research.

“Neighbors…” After he left, Yun Shan’s gaze became distant.

She had encountered this type of neighbor before.

But ever since she had raised hundreds of beasts at home, people in the neighborhood had been moving quite frequently.

Later, when the two-star beasts became three-star, their daily frolicking and brawls made the neighbors run even faster.

When Lu Ming fell seriously ill, she officially took over his treatment. Unnoticed, the remaining households also disappeared.

This allowed Yun Shan to buy the entire piece of land and dominate the eastern area.

Yun Shan was not particularly suited for teaming up with female players or male players, nor was she suited to be a neighbor.


The first reexamination.

The second reexamination.

The third reexamination.

The fourth reexamination.

The fifth reexamination.

Cooperating with the treatment, Lu Ming’s condition significantly improved.

Previously, he would inevitably have an episode every month, but it had been over a month since the last one. He was clear-headed, showing no signs of losing control.

“During this period, the Divine Doctor has worked tirelessly. A mere token of appreciation is not enough.”

The so-called “token of appreciation” was the ten plots of land adjacent to the estate, which almost equaled half of her fortune.

Yun Shan did some calculations.

By recently selling Healing Potions, she had acquired enough points to buy four new plots, bringing the total under her name to twenty.

If she added the recently acquired ten plots, it would make a total of thirty plots.

—With this speed of accumulating wealth, it was much faster than openly selling medicines in the trading market.

More importantly, curing Lu Ming would earn her the protection of a lord, ensuring that she wouldn’t be as constrained in her actions as before.

“Thank you,” Yun Shan calmly accepted the consultation fee.

“Until our next reexamination,” Lu Ming nodded slightly and left with his attendant.

Yun Shan had just considered logging off for a rest when she saw the four falcon chicks struggling towards her, collectively carrying a tiger-striped rabbit and stumbling along.

One of the chicks was so clumsy that it accidentally fell. After a moment’s pause, it got back up and continued on its way.

The falcon mother watched from the side, encouraging the chicks with her gaze.

The chicks stopped in front of Yun Shan. They placed the rabbit on the ground and chirped excitedly.

“For me?” Yun Shan was surprised.

In response, the chirping grew louder.

Yun Shan couldn’t help but be moved.

For the falcon chicks, hunting was an essential skill. They often learned under the supervision of their parents and would present their first catch to their parents.

Now, the falcon chicks had chosen to present their first catch to her.

The falcon mother understood and instead of getting angry, she accompanied the chicks.

Yun Shan’s heart warmed instantly.

She rolled up her sleeves, “It’s time to make a stir-fried rabbit dish for dinner!”

The chicks gazed at her with admiration, their mouths watering profusely.


Exiting the game, the system prompt sounded once again.

【Today’s accumulated online time: 360 minutes (6 hours), has reached the limit.】

【Your physical condition is detected to be good.】

【Starting tomorrow, the daily online time will be extended by 1 hour (totaled 7 hours).】

【Players are advised to balance work and rest and play games in moderation.】

It was mid-May in 2205, just two months since she started playing the game. Her progress was more than twice as fast as other players.

Yun Shan decided to treat herself to a good meal at a restaurant.

If she had known what would happen later, she definitely wouldn’t have gone out that night.

But she didn’t know, so she changed into fresh clothes, cheerfully left home, and even called for a ride.

The result—

When Yun Shan woke up, she was bewildered.

She was wearing a hospital gown, feeling weak and powerless, unable to summon any strength. The electronic clock displayed: July 13, 2206, 09:15.

It had been over a year and two months since she last logged in.

Yun Shan, “…”

This reincarnation was definitely a lonely one.


“When she was brought to the hospital, her condition was not very good. It’s truly fortunate that she survived,” the doctor said after reciting a string of medical terms.

Yun Shan threw out her most concerned question, “Doctor, when can I leave the hospital?”

“There shouldn’t be anything serious, but it’s best to undergo a physical examination and stay for observation for a week,” the doctor said, handing her the bill. “These are the hospitalization expenses, please settle them within three months.”

Yun Shan glanced at the numbers, and suddenly found it hard to breathe, feeling lightheaded, as if she was about to collapse.

Gathering herself, she resolutely said, “I remember buying insurance before the accident.”

“This is the portion that the individual must bear after deducting the expenses covered by the insurance company,” the doctor smiled. “According to federal policy, patients are first treated upon arrival at the hospital, and payment is made later.”

“If after recovery the patient is unable to clear the debt, the staff has the right to auction off assets under your name.”

“If the auction proceeds are still insufficient to clear the debt, the debts will be recorded, and you will be required to repay once you have sufficient savings. Until then, your movements will be restricted, and you will be unable to indulge in luxury spending.”

Yun Shan, “…”

For a moment, she genuinely felt that lying in the hospital was worse than instant death.

As an orphan, with no family or relatives, where would she get the money to repay such debts? The long string of zeros in the bill almost felt like a physical blow to anyone who saw it.

“Take good rest,” the doctor, oblivious to the impact of his words, left with a gentle admonition.

Author’s Note:

A natural disaster novel—

The lord (male lead) gains a system and summons residents from another world to engage in construction.

The summoned individuals (such as Feng Yao) project their consciousness into the other world, believing they are in a game. They behave uncontrollably.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    That was abrupt as hell


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