Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Shi Jing cursed under his breath while running. Why on earth would a three-star creature appear in a one-star leveling area? Isn’t there any distinction between different levels?

But no matter how vehemently he cursed, it couldn’t alter the stark reality of impending danger.

In this moment, Shi Jing forgot he was playing a game. He felt an inexplicable panic, as if he were truly in a post-apocalyptic world, pursued by beasts, constantly on the brink of demise.

Taking a couple of quick steps, he chanced upon a gray-named female player not far away, named “Yun Shan.”

Shi Jing pondered. The camp wasn’t too far from here. If someone could just distract the beast, perhaps he could make a getaway.

As the thought crossed his mind, a three-star Crimson-Bellied Pheasant pecked him, drawing blood, and instantly, Shi Jing turned into white light.

Yun Shan calmly squatted down, gathering two herbs.

The blue-named beast strolled past her as if it hadn’t seen her at all.

[Affinity (non-upgradable): 1. Animals find you remarkably amicable, significantly reducing their inclination to attack. 2. You can effectively soothe animals.]

Although it was a non-combat talent, it proved exceedingly useful at times.

For instance, right now, as she was gathering herbs in the wilderness, it was akin to strolling through her own backyard garden.

“Calming Grass usually grows by the lake; I should check Mirror Lake,” Yun Shan remarked with clear intent, striding purposefully ahead, only to encounter a one-star Crimson-Bellied Pheasant lying on the ground halfway there.

After expending a great deal of effort to kill beasts and finally discarding the loot, this was something usually only new players did.

At the moment of departure, it defaulted to “Discarded Loot.” Beasts would eat it if they saw it, NPCs would pick it up, and seasoned players would either consume or take it away.

“Lucky,” Yun Shan picked up the Pheasant and turned back toward the camp.


Mission Hall.

Behind the counter stood an attractive young lady with black floating text above her head, “Miss Jin.”

She was marked as an NPC.

After a thorough check, she said, “2 points for Purple Grass, totaling 2 plants; 1 point for Cloud Mushroom, 1 plant; a fine-condition one-star Crimson-Bellied Pheasant, weighing 3 pounds, exchangeable for 24 points.”

“Total of 29 points, please confirm.”

“No problem.”

After verifying everything, the black wristband extended, and Miss Jin transferred 29 points to Yun Shan.

“The items will be handed over to the quest issuer; you may leave,” Miss Jin said.

Yun Shan clicked on the status bar to check.

【Today’s accumulated online time: 43 minutes.】

Stamina: 85/100%

Satiety: 88/100%

Seeing that everything was in good condition, Yun Shan set out once again.


Having played the game for three years, Yun Shan had long memorized the surroundings of the Red Maple Camp. Even without looking at the map, she knew the most efficient and time-saving routes.

Aside from discovering herbs, she occasionally stopped to dig, but the rest of the time, she hurried along.

Suddenly, a rustling sound reached her ears.

Yun Shan silently heightened her alertness. When she saw several gray-named Tiger-Striped Rabbits grazing nearby, she relaxed.



With a low shout, two gray-named female players appeared.

One of them was named “Xie Yanxin,” wielding a simple knife and swiftly slaying two rabbits in succession.

The other, named “Mu Jin,” approached her, smiling reassuringly. “It’s okay now.”

Yun Shan felt that the situation was now even more precarious than before.

“Are you a newcomer?” Mu Jin kindly advised, “The wilderness is very dangerous. Don’t venture out alone in the future.”

Catching a glimpse of the miscellaneous weeds in Yun Shan’s hand, she exclaimed in surprise, “Is that… Silver Needle Grass?”

Silver Needle Grass, a low to mid-level herb, 3 points per plant.

Not wanting to cause trouble, Yun Shan took the initiative. “Thank you for saving me; please accept this plant as a token of gratitude.”

“No need, no need,” Mu Jin waved her hand hastily. “I was just surprised when I saw it. I don’t need it; you keep it.”

Yun Shan relented.

Meanwhile, the battle had ended.

Xie Yanxin had fought three beast single-handedly, showing no sign of weakness, and even managed to kill another Tiger-Striped Rabbit.

Yun Shan was amazed, “She’s really skilled.”

There weren’t many girls who could fight like her.

“That’s right,” Mu Jin beamed proudly. “Yanxin has been practicing martial arts and swordsmanship since she was young and has won major competitions!”

Yun Shan was even more surprised. “Do you know each other in real life?”

“Yeah,” Mu Jin nodded emphatically, “We’re childhood friends.”

“Did you plan to join the game together?”

“Not really. About a month ago, Yanxin entered the game first. After playing for a while, she said that playing the game for an extended period made her more energetic, improved her physical fitness significantly, cleared up her acne, and even enhanced her skin quality. So, she dragged me into this pit.” Mu Jin was straightforward, answering whatever was asked.

It was evident she didn’t take her childhood friend’s words seriously, thinking it was just a joke.

Observing Mu Jin, Yun Shan thought of a phrase: (“Fools are lucky…”)

A moment later, Xie Yanxin defeated five Tiger-Striped Rabbits and suggested, “Shall we head back to camp together? It’s on the way.”

Yun Shan was deeply moved but declined, “You go ahead; I’d like to wander around some more.”

“Be careful. If you die once, you’ll lose your gaming privileges,” Mu Jin reminded.

“I know.”

Yun Shan didn’t want to wander aimlessly in the wilderness, but without any points, everything was inconvenient.

She calculated that with a bit of luck, running through this cycle seven or eight times would basically amass enough startup capital.

Then she wouldn’t have to take risks anymore.


“Since you’re not willing to join us, we won’t insist. Perhaps we’ll meet again someday,” Xie Yanxin said plainly.

Yun Shan pondered for a moment. “Have you seen that patch of pale yellow flowers? If you’re interested, pick some and take them back. They’re herbs and can be sold.”

Although they were worth only 0.5 points per plant and gathering them took considerable time, they were still a source of income.

Mu Jin watched Yun Shan leave and was completely bewildered. “But aren’t those just flowers? How do they turn into herbs that can be sold?”

That was the trouble with harvesting herbs.

To the average person, there was no distinction between medicinal herbs and ordinary flora. It often led to jokes about people trying to dig up herbs but ending up with useless plants. Over time, most people didn’t bother with the effort.

Xie Yanxin vaguely sensed, “She probably didn’t just randomly wander out of the camp; she’s knowledgeable about pharmacology and went out specifically to gather herbs.”

“She’s kind-hearted, but unfortunately, we don’t need it,” Mu Jin beamed. “With you around, we’re not short on food or points.”

Based on gaming experience, if someone was laid-back, they wouldn’t spend much on buying food.

Xie Yanxin had a sudden idea. “No, we should dig them up, and you’ll do it yourself.”

Mu Jin was taken aback.

“Do you remember when I told you that spending a long time in the game improves your skin quality?” Xie Yanxin asked.

“Wasn’t that just nonsense?” Mu Jin had logged into the game for eight consecutive days and hadn’t noticed any improvement in her skin.

“I’m also puzzled why it works for me and not for you. Thinking about it now, it’s probably because I engage in combat and slay enemies while you follow behind and do nothing. Let’s try gathering herbs first. If it doesn’t work, I’ll take you to fight beasts,” Xie Yanxin said earnestly.

Mu Jin stared at Xie Yanxin, realizing she was actually serious, and found herself at a loss for words. Playing a game should not feel this emotionally intense…


After picking up the Crimson-Bellied Pheasant, Yun Shan came across a Tiger-Striped Rabbit. Plump and quite sizable, it weighed around four pounds.

With Silver Needle Grass in her left hand and the rabbit in her right, Yun Shan found herself in a bit of a predicament.

Returning to the camp involved a convoluted route, consuming quite a bit of time.

Carrying them wasn’t convenient; it would be challenging to dig herbs while lugging these items around.

In reality, the camp had backpacks for sale. Carrying one of these would make it much more convenient for herb picking or hunting.

But Yun Shan was broke and couldn’t afford one.

Earlier, she had decided against carrying more due to the difficulty, opting to take the Pheasant back instead. She hadn’t expected this situation to arise just after a short while outside.

Should she make a few more trips solely for collecting prey and selling them?

As the thought crossed her mind, a white-named Arctic Wolf sneaked up behind her, its eyes fixed on the Tiger-Striped Rabbit in her hand.

Seeing Yun Shan noticing its presence, the Arctic Wolf licked its lips and trotted closer. Its intention was clear: to share the spoils.

Yun Shan hesitated.

Because of her affinity talent, the creature didn’t perceive her as a stranger. Similarly, due to her affinity talent, she didn’t see the creature as an outsider either. Sharing and consuming together had become routine.

“Wait a moment, let me think,” Yun Shan took a step back.

She hadn’t decided yet whether to take the Tiger-Striped Rabbit back to camp as planned or to give it to the Arctic Wolf and proceed with her original plan to gather herbs.

The Arctic Wolf gazed eagerly, displaying its desire for the rabbit.

The standoff between Yun Shan and the wolf persisted.

Suddenly, the Arctic Wolf’s nose twitched as if catching a scent.

In the next moment, it darted off in another direction.

Yun Shan wondered what had caused this sudden change and followed the wolf’s path. She spotted a white-named female player squatting and harvesting grass nearby.

Beside her was a gray-named Tiger-Striped Rabbit, innocently munching on grass, looking particularly tender.

Yun Shan was taken aback, unsure of what to make of the situation.

Yun Shan wasn’t particularly suited for teaming up with others, especially as the sole female member. While she stayed close, she remained unharmed, but her teammates were prone to encountering danger.

For instance, at present, it was evident that the Arctic Wolf had been lured by the Tiger-Striped Rabbit in her hands. Seeing that she refused to let go and being truly hungry for meat, the wolf chased after other rabbits.

Upon hearing the commotion, a white-named female player, An Xiaomo, looked up and paled, “How did we encounter a two-star Arctic Wolf!”

She grabbed the Tiger-Striped Rabbit and dashed away.

Feeling guilty, Yun Shan threw the rabbit on the ground, “Over here.”

The Arctic Wolf noticed the meat and stopped pursuing other prey, rushing over to tear into the rabbit.

Quietly slipping away, Yun Shan continued on her path. After walking for a while, she encountered An Xiaomo, still visibly shaken. “Thank goodness you were there just now.”

The instigator, Yun Shan, replied hesitantly, “You’re welcome.”

After a moment of thought, An Xiaomo retrieved a palm-sized pouch from her backpack. “Take this; it’s suitable for storing spices or herbs.”

Yun Shan shook her head, “No need.”

The whole incident had stemmed from her actions, and An Xiaomo was merely caught up in it.

“Then… let me share some information with you?” Without waiting for Yun Shan’s refusal, An Xiaomo swiftly continued, “I was among the first batch of players, joined the game in early January.”

“Back then, there were more male players and fewer females, approximately eight to two. After two months, among experienced players, the male-to-female ratio became almost equal. It’s because female players tend to be cautious while males tend to be reckless, resulting in a lot of deaths.”

“When playing this game, it’s better to be cautious. When it’s time to run, run quickly, don’t hesitate, don’t be indecisive, and don’t try to show off.”

“I understand. Thanks for the advice,” Yun Shan replied with a gentle smile.

An Xiaomo held the Tiger-Striped Rabbit in her arms. “This one is my pet. Once, while I was in the wilderness, I found it severely injured and helped bandage its wounds.”

“After waking up, it willingly formed a bond with me and became my combat companion.”

“Don’t be fooled by its appearance; among one-star creatures, it’s quite capable. But two-star Arctic Wolves are too challenging to handle. If you encounter one, it’s best to avoid them.”

“Congratulations,” Yun Shan congratulated. “Getting a combat companion is indeed lucky.”

An Xiaomo sensed something odd. She had sincerely shared information, yet regardless of what she said, the other party showed no surprise, smoothly continued the conversation, almost as if already aware of it all.

Gritting her teeth, she added, “I’ve been in the game for two months and usually take part-time jobs at the mission hall. Recently, my overall rating suddenly became two stars, and my name changed from gray to white.”

“I’m not sure why, but from my gaming experience, there are various ways to level up besides fighting.”

“Unfortunately, players like me who reach two stars still can’t fight; it’s just a facade.”

An Xiaomo waved goodbye. “It’s a bit far from the camp here. Stay safe; I’ll head off first.”

Author’s note: Later on, to prevent Yun Shan from quitting the game…

NPC (Eager Salesperson): Hey, dear player! Playing games can get you a boyfriend! Check out our Lord, is he handsome or not?

The received Lord: …

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Lmaooooo. Game matchmaking


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