Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 22

Chapter 22:

In the evening, after the training session, Coach Hu’s legs seemed to instinctively lead him to the trading market.

The reason was simple – the effect of the Concentration Incense was just too incredible!

Coach Hu longed to re-enter that mysterious and inexplicable state once more.

However, the reality was that he couldn’t even buy a single stick of Concentration Incense.

He thought about the good benefits of Feng Yao’s guild. Perhaps if he accompanied them in their training, he might have the opportunity to benefit from the incense. But unfortunately, he had no surplus to offer.

For several training sessions, Feng Yao had come and gone empty-handed. Forget about the incense, he even carried a sweaty odor.

Coach Hu felt utterly hopeless. He found himself making three, four, or even five trips to the trading market each day, hoping to stumble upon a listing for the Concentration Incense and buy it in time.

On this day, he walked into the trading hall as usual. Before reaching the self-service machine, he noticed that the atmosphere in the hall was off…

Several residents were clicking away at a speed so fast that it made one worry if the self-service machines might crash.

In a corner, at least six people were operating black wristwatches, seemingly sending messages to their friends and family.

Could it be…

Coach Hu’s heart skipped a beat. He quickly walked up to the self-service machine and searched for “Yun Shan.”

The next moment, numerous listings appeared.


Name: Concentration Incense

Quantity: 1 (stick)

Duration: 30 minutes

Effect: Concentration and Serenity, Improves Focus

Price: 10 points

Seller: Yun Shan (Whitelisted)


Name: Concentration Incense

Quantity: 5 (sticks)

Duration: 30 minutes

Effect: Concentration and Serenity, Improves Focus

Price: 50 points

Seller: Yun Shan (Whitelisted)

There were still quite a few listings for 10 points, but there were only 4 listings left for 50 points.

At this moment, Coach Hu’s potential erupted. Relying on his quick reflexes, he successfully grabbed one 50-point item and four 10-point items.

After refreshing, the listings disappeared, and the “Concentration Incense” was sold out.

“I’ll have to set aside time to specifically train my speed,” Coach Hu resolved inwardly.

“Trading market has ‘Concentration Incense’ listings, come quick!!”

Receiving a message from a friend, He Yuanqiu immediately dashed to the trading market at a hundred meters sprint speed.

His luck was good. At this time, the trading market wasn’t too crowded, and there were still vacant self-service machines.

He Yuanqiu’s heart pounded wildly, thinking that the goddess of luck favored him, and he immediately, with suppressed excitement, typed in “Concentration Incense.”

The next second, the page refreshed, showing “0 items found.”

He Yuanqiu thought he had mistyped and, in disbelief, changed it to “Yun Shan.”

The result remained the same, “0 items found.”

At this moment, his friend’s second message arrived, “It’s over, did you manage to grab one?”

He Yuanqiu felt like cursing.

He had run to the trading market eight times in a day, yet the “Concentration Incense” appeared precisely when he wasn’t there.

Upon receiving his friend’s notification, he rushed over without delay. But he didn’t see anything and the item was gone.

At this moment, he really wanted to have a talk with the staff about life.

However, before he could take action, angry customers had already surrounded the staff.

“How long from listing to selling out? Is someone manipulating this in the dark?”

“I’ve seen guild members taking turns to watch over the trading market, 24/7. As soon as ‘Concentration Incense’ is listed, they immediately sweep the goods. Can’t you do something about it?!”

“For other items, fine, but can’t there be a fixed time for ‘Concentration Incense’ to go live? I can’t stand it because of my bad luck, not being able to buy it.”

The staff were close to tears.

Heavens! To ensure customers have a better shopping experience, when “Concentration Incense” is stocked, they didn’t even dare to secretly inform relatives and friends.

If someone wants to splurge, can they stop them? The trading market has never had such a rule.

As for the demand for a fixed stocking time, that’s even more difficult. Their manager personally communicated, but it was all in vain.

People are just free-spirited, irregular. They go today if they feel like it, and they might not go the day after tomorrow.

If the other party isn’t a trading market employee, they can’t set the rules and force the other party to comply.

The staff looked up with faces full of despair. Helpless and pitiful beyond belief.

—Mission Hall.

Han Jiaqing eagerly posted two job advertisements.


Workplace: Head Chef at a restaurant

Job Description: Cooking

Salary: 10 points/hour, paid weekly

Benefits: 1 Concentration Incense gifted weekly

Requirements: Outstanding culinary skills, ability to cook specialty dishes

Number of positions: 1

Contact: Contact player Han Jiaqing


Workplace: Wilderness

Job Description: Ensuring the safety of team members

Salary: 100 points/day, paid daily

Benefits: 1 Concentration Incense gifted weekly

Requirements: Three stars and above, combat-oriented talent preferred

Number of positions: 3

Contact: Contact player Han Jiaqing

The Genesis Guild he established operated with a very simple model.

Purchase land, cultivate, harvest each season.

Team up for hunting, deliver the prey to the restaurant daily for the next day’s ingredients.

Operate the restaurant, turning crops and game into delicious dishes to sell.

With the guild’s earnings, they could buy more land, expand the farming area, or equip guild members to attempt hunting higher-level beasts.

With this virtuous cycle, over time, the guild would naturally grow.

Originally, the guild was developing steadily, and there wasn’t much to worry about. By chance, they acquired a batch of Concentration Incense this time, which could be used to make connections with NPCs. Han Jiaqing then had the idea to hire a highly skilled chef to manage the restaurant.

Wilderness hunting was a high-risk activity. If there were three-star experts accompanying them, the team members would undoubtedly be much safer. In case they encountered high-level beasts, they wouldn’t need to flee in panic, and they could even counter-hunt.

Additionally, he knew the frequent whereabouts of the Black Striped Boars and could take people specifically for hunting them.

Just then, the black wristwatch made a “beep beep beep” sound.

Seeing several three-star experts reaching out proactively, Han Jiaqing beamed with delight, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Perhaps due to the 300-point incentive, the shopkeeper acted swiftly. In just two days, he had gathered 44 two-star wolfhound pups.

Upon inspection, Yun Shan found that they were indeed in good condition.

Friendly, good-tempered, and full of vitality.

Yun Shan readily paid the points.

The shopkeeper inquired, “Where did you get the sauce bones you gave me before? Do you sell them?”

“What’s the matter?” Yun Shan countered.

“That bone is quite popular! Many mother wolfhounds lose their appetite, but when they catch the scent of the sauce bone from a distance, they immediately come over,” the shopkeeper marveled. “I’ve never seen such a popular food. If used as a reward during training, no matter what the pet owner says, how could the battle pet disobey?”

“I took the sauce bone to people’s homes, and they all asked me where it came from, but I don’t know either! So, I came back to ask you.”

Yun Shan chuckled, “I made the sauce bone myself, and I don’t sell them.”

Before the shopkeeper could respond, Yun Shan added, “You’ve helped me a lot this time. In a couple of days, I’ll have a few pounds made and sent to you, free of charge.”

“How can I accept this kindness…” the shopkeeper wanted to decline, but ultimately couldn’t bring himself to refuse.

“It’s nothing, it’s not worth much.”

Yun Shan was chatting amicably with the shopkeeper, while Lu Liu watched with a pensive look as the yard was filled with 50 two-star wolfhound pups.

The divine doctor had claimed to have the ability to tame multiple magical beasts, and she thought she could handle at most a dozen, never expecting to end up raising 50 at once…

In the bamboo house, Lu Ming walked to the window and quietly watched the wolfhound pups playing.

Although his expression remained unchanged, Lu Liu immediately said, “The pups are too noisy. I’ll send them away now.”

Saying this, she called for Zuo Xin, and together they carried the pups to a distant place.

“What’s going on?” Yun Shan bid the shopkeeper farewell and turned around to see the wolfhound pups being carried away, feeling completely puzzled.

Zuo Xin explained, “The Lord doesn’t like noise. With them around, it’s hard to get good rest.”

Yun Shan, “…”

As if without the wolfhound pups, he could rest well.

After some thought, Yun Shan said, “Stop carrying them around. They’re living creatures, they can run.”

“Then what should we do?” Zuo Xin looked worriedly at the lively and active pups scattered on the ground.

Yun Shan replied, “Call the craftsmen, have them move the bamboo house and add an extra fence around it.”

That way, the pups wouldn’t be able to get close.

Zuo Xin’s eyes lit up, “Great idea! I’ll go now!”

Lu Liu watched Yun Shan, intending to advise, but she felt it unnecessary—based on their interactions during these days, the divine doctor was cautious and definitely wouldn’t joke about her safety.

Since it’s done, it must be certain.

In contemplation, Yun Shan asked, “Where is Lu Ming?”

Lu Liu replied, “Inside the house.”

“I’ll go find him.”

Saying this, Yun Shan knocked on the door and entered.

However, just a moment ago, Lu Ming had been watching the pups play by the window, but now he was lying down with his eyes closed, taking a nap.

Lu Liu had to explain, “The lord is seriously ill, and within a day, he will switch between consciousness and unconsciousness. I hope the divine doctor can understand.”

Yun Shan remained silent.

If he was seriously ill, how could he seem so eager to sleep? Clearly, he closed his eyes to feign sleep, just to avoid her.

It’s been several days, and he’s still shy?

Yun Shan didn’t expose the ruse, instead, she took out a sachet. “This is specially prepared for him. Make sure he carries it with him at all times.”

Lu Liu’s expression was quite strange. She cleared her throat lightly before saying, “The divine doctor and the lord indeed share a deep bond of friendship.”

Yun Shan: She didn’t throw the lord into a dark room and seize power for herself, her actions have already proven everything (not really).

Yun Shan place the sachet near Lu Ming, then turned to Lu Liu and said, “Since he’s asleep, let’s go out.”

Lu Liu nodded calmly, “Alright.”

The sound of the door closing echoed.

Lu Ming had no drowsiness, yet he lay motionless on the bed, eyes closed, resting.

Gradually, a faint, pleasant scent lingered around his nose, somewhat resembling medicinal fragrance.

Lu Ming’s breathing steadied, and he unknowingly drifted into slumber.

After a while, Manager Zhou realized that Yun Shan was someone who stood by her word.

When she said “whenever convenient,” she truly meant it—3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 7 days, depending on her mood. Morning, afternoon, evening—whenever she remembered, whenever she had time, that’s when she’d make a trip.

Perhaps irregularity was the greatest regularity.

Customer complaints were incessant, almost to the point of wanting to dismantle the trading market.

The staff were besieged daily, demanding explanations, some even feeling desperate.

Seeing the situation about to spiral out of control, Manager Zhou made a difficult decision.

On this day, as usual, Yun Shan took 300 sticks of incense to the trading market to list her items.

The staff informed her, “The trading market has changed its regulations recently. The items received today will be listed together at noon tomorrow.”

“No problem,” Yun Shan agreed.

The staff continued, “Additionally, there’s a unified rule that each listing can only have one item.”

Yun Shan hesitated for a moment.

Whether it was a misconception or not, she felt the new regulations of the trading market were quite targeted.

“And each person can only place a maximum of three orders per week for each item,” the staff said, especially sincere. “All these changes are for everyone’s benefit, and we hope you don’t mind.”

Yun Shan replied, “It’s fine, I don’t mind.”

No matter how the rules were changed, the items would sell out in an extremely short time, which had no impact on her.

“Good to hear,” the staff said, looking up at Yun Shan with utmost respect as they spoke.

This was the woman who single-handedly changed the entire trading market’s listing rules! It’s a wonder if one could ever encounter another in their lifetime…

  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    I’m glad the trading has become more fair.


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