Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Han Jiaqing directly messaged through the small window, “Are you there? I have money, do you have points?”

Feng Yao felt extremely frustrated, “No, I don’t have any.”

Han Jiaqing was persistent, “I’m almost starving to death! If I die, I won’t be able to play the game anymore, you know? You’ll lose a big client.”

“Do you have 20 points? How about 10? Or even 5 points?”

Feng Yao replied, “…But I’m almost starving too.”

“Don’t fool me,” Han Jiaqing didn’t believe it, “With your skills and the time spent in the game, you don’t have any savings? Tell me, who did you sell them to? I’ll pay double.”

The two often traded and were as familiar as friends, speaking straightforwardly.

Feng Yao sighed bitterly, and had to reveal that embarrassing history, “I got scammed by an NPC.”

“I saved someone, and in gratitude, they offered to sell a batch of top-notch purple grass at a low price. I thought it was a reward for saving a life, so I trusted them. Turns out, the jerk sold me herbs that were all spotted and unusable.”

“The trade contract clearly stated that it was voluntary for both parties. All my savings went down the drain, and there’s no way to seek justice. If I hadn’t met an acquaintance who gave me some food, bringing my hunger level back from zero, I would’ve quit the game today.”

“I’m seriously starving, I’m not joking with you.”

Much later, Han Jiaqing sent an ellipsis.

Feng Yao thought his experience was embarrassing, but to his surprise, the other person messaged, “Didn’t expect you to be as unlucky as me.”

Feng Yao responded, “???”

He was shocked.

Han Jiaqing began recounting his miserable experience, “I just registered my account today and joined a team to fight beasts in the game.”

“Midway through, I saved an NPC, thinking I’d gain some favor or special rewards, but I was careless and got my loot stolen.”

“My stamina was dangerously low, hunger at just 12. I quickly logged out and ran offline for help. If I couldn’t buy points, my fate would’ve been sealed; a glorious death on the first day of the game.”

“This won’t do, I haven’t sought revenge yet! Even if I quit the game, I’ll take down that NPC who stole my loot and betrayed my kindness!”

Feng Yao: No wonder the resentment was intense; turns out, he’s had a tough time too.

“I know someone who has points. Wait a moment, I’ll ask her; she might be willing to sell.”

Saying this, he opened another window to seek help from Yun Shan.

At that moment, Han Jiaqing turned into Sherlock Holmes, guessing who “she” was from a single word.

He directly approached Yun Shan, “It’s time for a simple, pure monetary transaction.”

Yun Shan misunderstood, “Are you planning to take over my ‘Divine Retribution’ account?”

“Divine Retribution” was another online game she had played before.

Yun Shan planned to sell the account, items, and equipment separately. But if someone was willing to take everything, she didn’t bother splitting it up.

Han Jiaqing said, “No, no, no. I want to buy ‘Doomsday Camp’ points at a high price. Take a look at the group messages.”

Just then, Feng Yao sent a lengthy explanatory text.

Yun Shan quickly grasped the situation.

Considering their past frequent monetary transactions, she said, “I just entered the game today, and these points are crucial. I can sell you a maximum of 10 points.”

Han Jiaqing wasn’t a novice in gaming. He knew well that in the early stages of a game, having starting funds was crucial. Being short by 10 points early on might mean lagging behind later.

So, he took the initiative and transferred 2000 yuan to Yun Shan, saying, “10 points it is for 10 points. When can we meet?”

Yun Shan thought for a moment, “I’ve maxed out my online time today and can’t enter the game. How about tomorrow morning?”


With the deal settled, Yun Shan turned to Feng Yao, “The NPC sold you spotted purple grass? How many?”

In the explanation, Feng Yao inadvertently spilled the beans about how he got scammed. Figuring it might help to share the misery, he didn’t retract his words.

“At the Mission Hall, it’s 2 points per stock for purchase, 2.5 points per stock at the pharmacy. I bought a total of 30 stocks at my buying price of 1.4 points per stock.”

The memory of that bitter experience was vivid for Feng Yao. He had thought of making a net profit of 18 points by trading at the Mission Hall, only to end up at a significant loss.

Yun Shan did some calculations and proposed two options, “First, sell me the 30 stocks of purple grass at 1.4 points per stock, and I’ll take all of them.”

“Second, let’s collaborate. You provide the materials, and I’ll bring in the expertise and equipment. We split the earnings fifty-fifty in the future. But the specifics will be decided by me.”

Though their interactions were limited, Feng Yao had heard others speak highly of Yun Shan.

Steady, reliable, wouldn’t engage in uncertain ventures.

Considering that things couldn’t get much worse, he made a decisive choice, “I choose the second option.”

“Fortune favors the bold; nothing big happens without courage.”

“Alright, I’ll contact you before logging in tomorrow,” Yun Shan said.


The next day.

As soon as she logged in, Yun Shan noticed a drizzle in the camp.

The misty rain created a beautiful ambiance.

After a night’s rest, her status bar displayed —

Stamina: 100/100%

Hunger: 92/100%

Stamina automatically restored to full, while hunger remained the same as when she logged off.

Walking through the rain, Yun Shan’s clothes got damp, but luckily, she reached her destination soon.

Han Jiaqing had just logged in and was seeking shelter from the rain at the blacksmith’s. He was thrilled to see Yun Shan arrive.

Han Jiaqing was the benefactor in the game’s group.

During account registration, player accounts were automatically linked to their IDs, so players used their real names in the game.

Without a word, Yun Shan transferred 10 points to his wristband. “Done.”

Moved by this non-pushy, customer-centric service, Han Jiaqing added her as a friend and left a quick “Thanks.”

Then, he hurried out in the rain to buy food.


In the gaming world, all senses feel incredibly real, including hunger.

Han Jiaqing swore he had never been so ravenously hungry since birth.

Even having a satisfying meal was challenging, giving off a distinctly post-apocalyptic atmosphere!


After Han Jiaqing left, Yun Shan headed to the pharmacy. Half an hour later, she rendezvoused with Feng Yao at the rented house, carrying the newly bought tools.

“What’s this?” Feng Yao looked puzzled.

“Pharmaceutical tools,” Yun Shan pointed at each piece, explaining, “Mortar and pestle for grinding and crushing. A sand pot for making soups. And this…”

Feng Yao’s lips twitched, “Even if the purple grass recover, I’m worried selling the herbs won’t make enough to cover the cost of these tools.”

Yun Shan shrugged it off, “It’s not just a one-time thing.”

Feng Yao pondered, “Is this a long-term money-making plan?”

“Exactly,” Yun Shan confirmed. “What about the purple grass?”

“Stored in the warehouse,” Feng Yao felt troubled mentioning this, “After the trade, the NPC told me the retrieval method and asked me to go alone. At that time, I didn’t think much, assuming it’d be simple; I’d just take the herbs to the Mission Hall. But when I got them, I realized the herbs were flawed. Spotted purple grass don’t last long and can’t be used as medicine.”

“Fortunately, the NPC had paid storage fees, giving a grace period of over 7 days. Otherwise, without points and no one to borrow from, I’d have had no choice but to discard them.”

“Alright, go fetch the purple grass,” Yun Shan held a newly bought small hoe, ready to loosen the soil in the garden.

Remembering the previous agreement, Feng Yao didn’t ask anything and simply followed the instructions.

Before long, all 30 stocks of purple grass were brought to the rented house and planted into the soil.

“Transplanting, planting, and healing the purple grass will take four days, and the pharmaceutical process will need three days, so altogether about a week. I’ll contact you once I’m done with these tasks,” Yun Shan explained.

“Hold on, pharmaceuticals?” Feng Yao sensed something amiss.

Yun Shan nodded, “Selling raw herbs doesn’t fetch high prices. It’s more profitable to turn them into ointments.”

“Purple grass are the main ingredient for making a healing ointment. It’s effective for bruises, minor swelling, insect bites, itching, you name it. Apply a thick layer, and within a couple of days, it heals.”

“Due to the Grand Canyon’s unique geographical environment, Red Maple Camp has a lot of mosquitoes. The purple grass ointment has become a must-have for every household.”

“As long as it’s made, there’s no worry about selling it.”

Feng Yao initially wanted to ask, “Can you make it?”

But upon second thought, that question seemed a bit silly — wouldn’t she be able to manage this?

At this point, all he could do was trust Yun Shan. “If you need help, just let me know.”

“Okay,” Yun Shan replied with a smile.

For the next few days, she was constantly busy.

She worked on the garden, transplanted the herbs, and logged in at different times to prepare the concoction, wiping the leaves of the purple grass three times a day.

There was never-ending work every day.

On the first day, there was no noticeable change in the purple grass.

By the second day, the spots had significantly faded.

On the third day, the majority of the purple grass returned to normal.

By the fourth day, the remaining herbs had fully recovered. The herbs were vibrant and full of life.

Yun Shan harvested the purple grass, purchased the necessary ingredients, and began making the purple grass ointment.


At the logging site,

Feng Yao held the axe provided by the NPC, chopping at the trees, one after another.

It was a physically demanding task, monotonous enough to feel tiresome.

If he hadn’t been in dire straits, he wouldn’t have done this work at all.

In the past, he had used the logging site as a stepping stone to get a decent part-time job. Unfortunately, after saving a bit of money and planning to start a small business, he had quit.

But after being scammed and left with no other options, the only job available immediately was as a lumberjack.

Reluctantly, he had to return.

After working for two hours straight, Feng Yao sat down to rest and casually mentioned, “I’ve heard about a type of ointment called purple grass ointment. They say it’s really effective. Is that true?”

Based on past gaming experience, the higher the NPC’s favorability, the more likely they were to give detailed answers to players’ questions.

If the favorability was low, they either wouldn’t respond or would provide vague answers, leaving people in confusion.

Since entering the game, Feng Yao had spent almost half a month altogether at the logging site, becoming acquainted with three NPCs. He hoped they’d share a few words, even if just one of them did.

Surprisingly, when he mentioned the purple grass ointment, the NPCs showed great interest, quickly engaging in a lively conversation.

“In the camp, mosquitoes are numerous and venomous. Purple grass ointment is a must-have for every household.”

“I remember last year, I forgot to buy it in advance. When the ointment ran out, I realized. I rushed to five different stores but couldn’t find a single box of purple grass ointment. Got bitten on the way, and the itchiness, oh, couldn’t sleep half the night.”

“Purple grass mature every three months, and the raw materials are limited. The ointment is always in short supply. To avoid running out, I always stock up. As soon as I’m down to one box, I start purchasing in advance.”

“Me too! Without one or two boxes at home, I can’t sleep properly.”

The NPCs got carried away in conversation, revealing quite a bit of information.

Listening for a while, Feng Yao couldn’t help but feel moved.

Listening to this conversation.

So much like life!

So realistic!

The immersion was incredibly strong!

He almost believed that these NPCs lived in a place called “Red Maple Camp,” worrying about daily life trivialities.

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