Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

After careful nurturing, Dahei gained a little more weight and its fur became smoother.

It lounged around in the yard, basking in the sun, patiently waiting for the next meal.

It was at this moment that Feng Yao entered the rented house with some people.

Seeing a two-star beast lying in the yard, he was taken aback, “It’s been a while, Yun Shan even has a battle pet now?”

Sensing the scent of strangers, Dahei’s lazy demeanor suddenly vanished. It swiftly stood up, assuming a vigilant stance, and began to growl, attempting to drive away the intruders.

“Where’s Yun Shan? I’m her friend,” Feng Yao explained that he meant no harm.

Dahei didn’t listen, blocking the strangers, forbidding them from getting any closer.

“Calm down, we’re on the same side, don’t make a move,” Feng Yao tried to pacify the wolfhound.

He hoped to smoothen its fur and improve their relationship, drawing from his experience in petting dogs at a friend’s house.

—Feng Yao had never encountered a battle pet before and assumed it was similar to a household pet, not realizing how much fiercer battle pets could be. Yun Shan had just started raising this one, and it hadn’t even formed a bond, so its temper was even worse.

Seeing the stranger lingering, Dahei’s eyes quickly turned bloodshot.

In an instant, it became extremely aggressive, without hesitation, it lunged forward and snapped its jaws.


With the sudden turn of events and the close proximity, Feng Yao was a split second too slow and was about to be bitten.

Luckily, he had brought bodyguards.

The NPCs almost instantly appeared in front of Feng Yao and intercepted the attack.

Dahei, with its eyes still crimson, attempted to lunge again even after being repelled.

“Dahei, stop!”

A familiar voice echoed in the air. The crimson color gradually faded from its eyes, and Dahei calmed down.

Feng Yao, a little shaken, said, “Your dog is too aggressive.”

Yun Shan held Dahei in her arms, comforting it softly, and then said, “Just bought it, it’s not trained yet. It’ll be fine after a while.”

“Why did you decide to raise a battle pet?” Feng Yao couldn’t distinguish between battle pets and beasts, assuming Dahei was a battle pet. “I’ve heard that battle pets generally have a big appetite and can bankrupt their owner. It’s generally beyond the means of ordinary people.”

Dahei suddenly froze.

Yun Shan smiled, “I’m not good at fighting, I can only rely on it to guard the house.”

“You can only be online for a maximum of four hours a day. Feeding might be inconvenient,” Feng Yao reminded her.

“It’s not a problem, I can be online in different time slots,” Yun Shan replied succinctly, then turned the conversation around, “Why did you come?”

Feng Yao brought up the matter excitedly, “I’ve managed to get another batch of purple grass!”

Yun Shan looked surprised, “Another batch?”

“Yes,” Feng Yao explained the situation, a smile barely concealed at the corners of his mouth, “Last time, the NPC tricked me into buying, but this time I forced him to sell, so that evens things out.”

“At a price of 0.1 points per plant, I bought 72 plants. It’s definitely a great deal!”

“The NPC said there were more low-quality purple grass, but due to severe illness, they had withered, so I didn’t take them.”

“Because we paid and signed a contract, even if he finds out we’ve cured the herbs and made ointments to sell, he can’t do anything about it.”

“This transaction is entirely voluntary, legitimate, and valid!”

Ever since being duped by the NPC, Feng Yao had been nursing a grudge. Now, not only had he turned the tables, but he had also obtained even more purple grass, making him feel immensely relieved.

“Not taking them was the right choice,” Yun Shan advised him, “The dead herbs can’t be saved.”

Feng Yao cleared his throat, “Now that we have the raw materials, what do you think about the business of purple grass ointments?”

“Continue as before,” Yun Shan grinned, “We’ll still split the profits fifty-fifty.”

After all, you can never have too many points.


“Have you found out the results?” Manager Lin asked sternly, his expression grim.

Steward Zhang kept his head down, avoiding eye contact, “Yes, we have. Not long ago, the Cheng family’s kid sold 30 plants of speckled purple grass, and shortly after, the premium purple grass ointment appeared on the market.”

“Are you suggesting that the premium ointment was made using inferior herbs? 30 plants produced 300 boxes?” Manager Lin chuckled in disbelief.

Such an outrageous claim, only this person could say such a thing.

“The fact is indeed as such,” Steward Zhang’s face turned ashen, “And there’s another thing. It’s been heard that the Cheng family kid sold all the inferior purple grass he had, a total of 72 plants, all within the last couple of days.”

72 plants!

Manager Lin’s vision darkened, and he nearly struggled to catch his breath.

Due to the fantastic reputation of the premium purple grass ointment, Miachun Hall’s business had been struggling for some time. They were still reeling from the blow of the initial 300 boxes, and now there were 700 more about to be sold.

If this was true, what would Miachun Hall do?

Who would they sell the made purple grass ointments to?

Manager Lin had never imagined worrying about the sales volume of the purple grass ointment. Wasn’t it supposed to be produced and sold based on demand?

“Manager,” Steward Zhang cautiously suggested, “How about lowering the price?”

Although the profit per box would be reduced, selling at a lower price would significantly increase overall profits.

“Lowering the price is easy, but raising it again in the future will be difficult,” Manager Lin pondered for a moment, “You should personally visit the heads of the major medical halls and tell them I have an important matter to discuss, inviting them to come and meet me.”


Loosening the soil, transplanting herbs, wiping leaves, and feeding Dahei, life passed by simply yet fulfilling.

However, there was one thing—

Yun Shan was puzzled to see that more than half of the rice cake cut into pieces was left in the bowl, “Don’t you have an appetite? Why are you eating so little?”

Dahei whimpered, indicating that it was fine, just full.

“Strange, that’s not right,” Yun Shan wondered, “I originally fed you to about 70% full, planning to give you an extra meal when you were feeling better. How come you can’t even finish this? Are you sick?”

Dahei stubbornly insisted that it wasn’t hungry.

As soon as it finished speaking, its stomach grumbled in protest.

Remembering that Dahei seemed to have started dieting since the day Feng Yao left, Yun Shan chuckled, “You wouldn’t believe his nonsense, thinking that eating too much would bankrupt the owner, would you?”

Dahei lay silently on the ground.

It could eat more, and its temper was not good. If it didn’t show some restraint, it would surely be disliked.

“No, you won’t,” Yun Shan patted its head, earnestly saying, “You getting full and getting better is a great help to me.”

Dahei perked up its ears, visibly moved. Really?

“Really,” Yun Shan brought the food bowl in front of Dahei, “Eat as much as you want, there’s no need to hold back. I have money, I can afford to feed you.”

Only then did Dahei come over eagerly, gulping down the remaining rice cake in no time.


After playing the game for a long time, Han Jiaqing realized that high realism wasn’t always a good thing.

When fighting beasts, the pain from their attacks felt very real.

When hungry, the sensation of hunger was particularly realistic.

Even being bitten by mosquitoes felt incredibly itchy.

After being bitten, a few large bumps on his arm was so itchy, he scratched three times in a row, wishing he could break the skin to relieve the itch.

“Bad move,” Han Jiaqing self-reflected, “If I had known the premium purple grass ointment would only be sold once, I should have stocked up more earlier.”

The ointment sold by the NPC was expensive and not very effective, with its itch-relief effects lacking.

If Han Jiaqing hadn’t used Yun Shan’s specially crafted purple grass ointment, he could have made do with the NPC-sold one.

However, since he had used it, there was no turning back…

“After selling out the 300 boxes of ointment, I haven’t heard of any further sales, and I can’t find it at the trading market,” he thought, yet his feet seemed to have a mind of their own, stubbornly walking in that direction.

The trading market hall.

A crowd had gathered around the self-service machines.

Clicking, searching through the sections, but not finding the needed items. A long sigh, a disappointed expression, and leaving empty-handed.

Several NPCs were doing the same thing. Their actions were so uniform, as if they were programmed with the same sequence.

Seeing this, Han Jiaqing realized, “It seems the premium purple grass ointment isn’t available for sale anymore.”

Between “making do” and “seeking help outside the game,” he hesitated for a second and decisively chose the latter.

Exiting the game, removing the holographic helmet, he found the premium game group and opened a conversation window.

Han Jiaqing inquired, “Do you have any extra premium purple grass ointment? Price is negotiable.”

Yes, as a wealthy person, when faced with difficulties, he immediately thought of using his financial ability. This was a basic professional quality.

Yun Shan happened to be online and responded quickly, “I have 8 boxes, but I can give you a maximum of 3 boxes at 2000 yuan per box.”

For Han Jiaqing, any problem that could be solved with money was not a problem.

He didn’t hesitate, “Deal.”

Then promptly transferred 6000.

Yun Shan: “After coming online, I’ll go to the East District to rent a house, and then I’ll give you the ointment.”

Han Jiaqing looked at himself, sometimes able to use his financial ability, sometimes not, unable to even buy some points with money. He didn’t know when he’d be able to live a good life.

Then he looked at Yun Shan, who had started from scratch, and her crafted ointment was sought after by players and NPCs, making her a big shot.

He couldn’t help but sigh, feeling a sense of regret. They had entered the game on the same day, so why was there such a big difference?

Feng Yao: “Others encounter luck, get the ointment formula. Our luck? Getting cheated by NPCs or having things stolen by NPCs. Can they be compared?”

Yun Shan didn’t mention it, and she didn’t ask, but she guessed a little bit.

After all, as an old player, what big scenes hadn’t she seen?

Han Jiaqing: “…”

You make a good point.


NPC Mr. Zhao has recently developed a new habit.

After work, he first takes a stroll at the trading market before heading home.

Lately, the purple grass ointment has been surprisingly in stock, available in various pharmacies. But as for its effectiveness, only those who use it would know.

As Mr. Zhao stepped into the hall with a bit of secret hope, just in case there was another sale of premium purple grass ointment…

Before he could ponder further, he noticed a long line forming at the counter, each person with an inexplicably excited smile.

Mr. Zhao was slightly taken aback and, upon reaching the self-service machine, he saw:


Name: Purple grass Ointment

Quantity: 1

Price: 8 points

Seller: Yun Shan (Grey Name)

Name: Purple grass Ointment

Quantity: 5

Price: 40 points

Seller: Yun Shan (Grey Name)

Combined, there were nearly 800 boxes available for sale.

His persistence had finally paid off!

Mr. Zhao’s mouth curved into a wild smile, eagerly snapping up 5 boxes, afraid that he might miss out if he delayed.


300 boxes of purple grass ointment were sold out in less than a week.

After being listed, the 800 boxes of purple grass ointment were sold out by the third morning.

The speed at which it sold out left people speechless.

Residents who missed out on purchasing the premium purple grass ointment crowded the counter, demanding answers, “When will it be available again? Can you post a notice before listing or put up a board to inform us?”

The staff explained tirelessly, “Listing is a private action, and we don’t know when the next one will be available.”

“We did inform! As soon as the premium purple grass ointment arrived, we put up banners in the hall to notify everyone! Those who came to the trading market earlier saw it.”

Residents: “No wonder it sold out so quickly, it’s all your fault!”

Staff: “…”

  1. Anazu Salted Fish has spoken 2 months ago


  2. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Damned if you do damned if you don’t.


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