Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Shock! This Person is Actually Stealing Gold!

The young eunuchs struggled as they carried the heavy chests, their arms stiff and aching, all the while crying out in pain and complaining loudly.

It was true that they served others, but typically no one would make eunuchs carry such heavy loads!

“Stop whining! What are you whining about?”

The head eunuch was furious. “We’re not complaining!”

Was he not tired? He was exhausted!

He looked up at the seemingly endless path ahead, and as he carried the chest, it felt as if his carefully maintained arms, legs, and spine were groaning in pain.

My Lord, instead of giving out copper coins and fabric, why don’t you reward Xu Yanmiao with a house instead!

The sound of knocking echoed again, and Xu Yanmiao thought, “…”

Who is it this time? Can’t I just enjoy my hotpot in peace?

The Ministry of War clerk, quick as lightning, snatched the last fish ball from the pot of spicy broth. His movement was so fast that the enticing aroma of the fish still lingered in the air.

“Judging by the footsteps, it sounds like there are a lot of people. Xu Lang, if you don’t remember inviting anyone, could it be your enemies? Did someone send thugs to your door?”

“How could that be? I’ve always been cautious and never had any conflicts with anyone. Why would I have enemies?”

Xu Yanmiao thought for a moment. It seemed like even the original owner of this body hadn’t offended anyone. So, who on earth could be outside the door?

While Xu Yanmiao was insisting that he had always been cautious, he didn’t notice the complicated expression on the Ministry of War clerk’s face.

“—Quick, eat some beef to calm your nerves!”

The Ministry of War clerk stuffed some beef into his mouth while keeping a close eye on the door. If something seemed off, he was ready to grab the small pot and throw the scalding hot broth at whoever came through.

Xu Yanmiao opened the door.

He saw a eunuch standing there, his shoes covered with a ring of mud and dirty water, likely from stepping into puddles on uneven ground.

The eunuch greeted him warmly, “Xu Lang.”

Then he added, “His Majesty has issued a decree. Please accept it.”

“Oh, oh!”

Xu Yanmiao hurriedly followed the formalities he recalled from memory, awkwardly receiving the decree. The Ministry of War clerk also rushed out of the house to pay his respects. The head eunuch recited the imperial decree rapidly, and as soon as Xu Yanmiao received it with both hands, the young eunuchs eagerly carried the chests inside.

“Dare I ask, where should we place these rewards?” one of them asked.

“Just find any corner,” Xu Yanmiao replied.

The chests were quickly dropped to the floor with a loud “thud,” a sound that oddly conveyed a sense of relief, as if the burden had finally been lifted.

The head eunuch suddenly said, “Xu Lang… this decree was personally written by His Majesty.”

“Ah, understood!” Xu Yanmiao responded quickly, noticing that the eunuch seemed a bit surprised by his reaction. Hesitantly, he added, “Thank you, Your Majesty… and thank you, esteemed eunuch?”

—In this context, “esteemed eunuch” was a respectful term for eunuchs who had earned the emperor’s favor.

The head eunuch smiled kindly. “I will convey your thanks to His Majesty,” he said, then led the young eunuchs away.

The Ministry of War clerk waited until they were out of sight, then jumped up and stretched lazily. “Finally, they’re gone!”

Meanwhile, Xu Yanmiao dashed back inside like a rabbit, his voice full of excitement, “Woohoo! I’m rich!”

The joy was clear in his thoughts.

Did the old emperor reward me for helping him deal with that Liu family son-in-law before?

I’m sorry, I’ll never secretly call you stingy again!

Three hundred thousand coins!!!

Now he could rent a better house!

The Ministry of War clerk gazed thoughtfully at Xu Yanmiao’s back. Knowing the emperor’s nature, it was unlikely that he would reward someone so generously from the private treasury for such a small matter. There had to be another reason.

It must be that Xu Yanmiao’s actions had resolved some pressing issue for His Majesty.

Moreover, the emperor’s personal eunuch had treated Xu Yanmiao with such respect, addressing him as “Xu Lang” and referring to himself humbly as “servant.” Such a display of affection from a eunuch suggested…

The Ministry of War clerk narrowed his eyes, smiling with a hint of satisfaction.

Xu Lang was clearly gaining favor in the emperor’s eyes.

For the third time, Xu Yanmiao picked up his chopsticks. Just as he was about to dip his food into the spicy red oil…

Knock, knock, knock.

For the third time, the door was knocked.

Ministry of War clerk: “…”

Xu Yanmiao: “…”

Xu Yanmiao threw down his chopsticks.

Damn it! This is too much!

Can’t I just have a proper meal?

But he still had to answer the door.

Xu Yanmiao opened the door for the third time, under the sympathetic gaze of the Ministry of War clerk. This time, it was a stranger, bathed in the last rays of the setting sun, looking humble. “Xu Lang, I am the steward of the Dou family. My master has specially invited you to a banquet. We would be honored by your presence.”

Xu Yanmiao was confused. “The Dou family?”

Prime Minister Dou?

“Did you find it?”

“Reporting to the master, no, we didn’t!”

“Did they confess?”

“Reporting to the master! All the servants and maids swear they are innocent. No one has admitted to stealing the eldest young master’s betrothal gifts.”

Prime Minister Dou silently stared at the storeroom door, reaching up to cover his ears.

The door was decorated with gold lacquer, beast faces, and tin rings, with a large fish head in the center. It had three layers of doors and three locks.

The first lock was a puzzle lock, designed like a fish head, with the keyhole hidden in the fish’s eye. Since fish were believed to never close their eyes at night, it symbolized vigilance.

The second lock was a silver lock shaped like a shrimp tail, also known as the “General Qian.” The lock curled like a shrimp, with its cylindrical body secured by three patterned iron bands.

The third lock was a poetic lock, engraved with seven characters. The lock could only be opened by aligning the correct characters.

In addition, guards patrolled day and night, with a small gap between each pair of doors, enough for five people to stand. Two guards were posted there, and every morning and evening, a servant would go in to count the valuables. Afterward, the servant would be searched before leaving…

Prime Minister Dou couldn’t understand—how could some of the betrothal gifts have gone missing!

The future father-in-law, an official of the Minister of Ministry of Rites, rushed to the Dou residence upon hearing the news. Without even stopping for a drink of water, he asked urgently, “What’s missing?”

“A pair of silver-gilded wedding robe clasps. A pair of white jade dragon hairpins. A pair of gold and jade earrings. A jade double-dragon heart pendant. Also, the jeweled crown originally had fifty-five gemstones, but now twenty are missing, which is very noticeable. There are also some small items missing that haven’t been fully accounted for yet.”

Although only a few items were missing, they were all listed on the betrothal gift registry! According to tradition, these gifts were supposed to be displayed outside the bride’s family’s home, with the bride’s steward announcing each item.

At that time, all the guests, as well as the relatives of both families, would witness it.

This was supposed to be a way to honor the bride’s family, showing how much the groom’s family valued her. But now, it had become their curse.

If it were discovered in front of everyone that the betrothal gifts were incomplete, not only would the bride’s family lose face, but the Dou family’s reputation would be ruined as well.

—Especially since this marriage was for his eldest son’s second wife. It couldn’t appear as though the Dou family was slighting the new bride.

Prime Minister Dou, already advanced in years and with a face full of wrinkles, looked increasingly troubled and exhausted. “There’s only half an hour left before the auspicious time for the announcement. It’s too late to replace the missing items or rewrite the gift list.”

Whoever stole the items had been very careful, taking only small, insignificant pieces. None of the large items were touched, which is why the theft hadn’t been noticed until now. But because they were small, it was hard to replace them. Who knew what might be missing next, or which piece of jewelry might have had its gems pried off?

The Lord of the Minister of Ministry of Rites roared in anger, “If I find out who did this, I swear I’ll have them skinned alive!”

While Prime Minister Dou’s family was dealing with the situation of marrying off a bride, his family was preparing for a wedding! A wedding!

The two exchanged a glance, then turned their heads away out of concern that showing their own distress would only add to the other’s worry.

“Perhaps the City Inspector could…”

“It’s just half an hour, there’s no time.”

“True. Although the City Inspector is responsible for investigating and arresting criminals in the capital, even the most skilled detective couldn’t solve this case in such a short time.”

“This is something only a deity could manage…”


Suddenly, they locked eyes, both seeing the certainty and excitement in the other’s gaze.

In unison, they exclaimed, “Xu Yanmiao!!!”


Xu Yanmiao rubbed his nose, glaring bitterly at the warehouse door.

[Damn it, they said it was a banquet! But they didn’t mention I had to work before the banquet!]

[But who in their right mind would ask someone from the Ministry of Personnel to solve a case!!!]

When he arrived, Xu Yanmiao realized that Prime Minister Dou hadn’t just invited him; he had sent invitations to every official in the Ministry of Personnel, summoning them to the banquet.

However, before the banquet, they had to help Prime Minister Dou locate the missing wedding gifts. And there was only half an hour…

Of course, everyone in the Ministry knew they were just there for show.

One by one, they pretended to be investigating, but in reality, they were all sneaking glances at Xu Yanmiao.

Meanwhile, Xu Yanmiao was slacking off while grumbling furiously in his mind.

[Why are we, the Ministry of Personnel, being asked to find things? What are the City Inspectors here for? If that doesn’t work, why not get the Ministry of Works to check if someone used some hidden mechanism or secret passage to sneak in!]

[The Ministry of Personnel solving a case? Ridiculous!]

[And making us work overtime after hours, without any overtime pay! Too much! And yet, with such tight security measures, how did someone manage to steal the items?]

Xu Yanmiao glanced around, realizing that everyone seemed to be paying attention elsewhere. He quickly shifted his position, leaning casually against a pillar, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he opened the system interface.

Let the show begin!!!

Here it comes!

The officials from the City Inspector were holding their breath, careful not to disturb Xu Yanmiao. Many were craning their necks, trying to catch a glimpse of the action.

Damn, who could this master thief be? So bold as to steal wedding gifts, and all in one night! They hadn’t noticed anything amiss during the last six months of inventory checks.

Finally, they were about to find out.

Prime Minister Dou was bending down to examine the lock when he suddenly stood up, stepping onto some scattered coins on the warehouse floor. His anger was so intense that he crushed them underfoot with a loud crack.

The Lord of the Minister of Ministry of Rites took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, the breath turning into a white mist in the winter air.

The torture methods he had prepared were about to come in handy.

[I found it!]

Xu Yanmiao excitedly clicked on a page in his mind.

[Wait a minute…]

He froze, eyes widening in shock.

[This, this, this—]

The others: What is it? What happened?!

They all strained their necks even more.

And then, Xu Yanmiao let out a voice filled with awe, shock, and admiration—

[You can steal like this?!]

[They smuggled those small treasures out of the warehouse by… using that place… But those luminous pearls aren’t small; doesn’t it hurt?!]

Everyone perked up their ears, their movements frozen in anticipation.

What, what? Who hid it? Where? What hurts? What hurts? Hurry up and say it!

Xu Yanmiao: [They used their rear end to hide the gold!!!]

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