Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Ah—

Who wouldn’t want to become a marquis! That’s a marquis!

At the beginning of the founding of the country, there were so many opportunities to earn military merit, but now there are only one hundred fifty-five marquises compared to one thousand one hundred eighty-eight officials, barely one in ten.

The value is exceptionally high.

Moreover, it was about conquering the world before! After the dynasty was stable, becoming a marquis is extremely difficult, and becoming a king is even harder.

And how much power a marquis can wield, Xie Luoshui has felt these days.

At this moment, the old yet authoritative Emperor held her hand and promised slowly, “I have heard from sea traders that there is a place overseas where three crops grow. If you can bring them back, I will make you a marquis. If you want the title of Kuaiji Marquis, I will grant it to you; if not, I will grant you a title in Luoyang County.”

Luoyang County is where Xie Luoshui’s adoptive parents lived; being given a title there would be like returning in glory.

In the winter, with little rain, it happened to rain today. The raindrops patted against the glazed tiles, resonating with the heartbeat, each sound a tremor.

Xie Luoshui stared blankly at the old Emperor, and with every word he spoke, the light in her eyes gradually brightened.

—That was the light of hope, the brilliance of the future.

The old Emperor announced on the spot that the Kuaiji Marquis was stripped of his title and sent to prison with Madam Du, awaiting execution after the autumn. As for the false heir, he was originally supposed to be sentenced for rape, but the old Emperor declared him guilty of murder instead, and since the victim was already dead, he would have to pay with his life.

The false heir trembled, trying to make his voice sound less fearful: “Who did I kill!”

Oh, still attempting to struggle as if at death’s door.

The old Emperor remained silent, and the Minister of Justice seemed to reluctantly “remind” him: “Wei Min, a fetus is also a person!”

With a long sigh, full of pity.

The false heir was choked by these words, his face contorted.

He wanted to shout and argue that if a miscarriage counted as murder, then there would be countless murderers in the world. But…

Looking at the Emperor not far away, the false heir’s legs, then his hands, and finally his whole body started to tremble uncontrollably. In the end, he collapsed and cried out desperately: “I was wrong! I know I was wrong! I really! Really won’t dare again!”

He wept bitterly, tears streaming down.

The old Emperor pointed at him, turned his head to look at Xie Luoshui, with a meaningful smile in his eyes.

“Minister Xie, look.”

From a two-year labor sentence, it changed directly to death penalty—

“This is power.”

Xie Luoshui’s heart skipped a beat.

The right hand, fingers slowly, slowly tightening as if trying to grasp something.

The old Emperor showed great mercy by only holding the Kuaiji Marquis’ family accountable and not punishing the Kuaiji Marquis’ nine generations.

The Kuaiji Marquis was even more devastated; he would rather the Emperor executed his entire family than spare his twin brother.

Moreover, he also hated—

“Xie Luoshui! Why! The position of Kuaiji Marquis was earned by my father through many life-and-death battles alongside the Emperor, winning several wars. Why do you get promised a marquis title so easily!”

He shouted loudly, with a heart-wrenching intensity, which caused Xu Yanmiao to hear.

Xu Yanmiao thought this person was inexplicable.

【It was your father who fought for it, not you. What does it have to do with you?】

“Haha—” The Minister of Justice laughed outright, showing no sense of restraint.

The Kuaiji Marquis didn’t know whether to glare at Xu Yanmiao or the Minister of Justice first, almost losing control in his anger.

Xu Yanmiao continued to unknowingly add fuel to the fire.

【And speaking of ease, isn’t your situation, where you only need to take the firstborn position to inherit the title, even easier?】

【No wonder, since the title almost went to your younger brother back then, it’s normal to be this devastated.】

【Fortunately, he doesn’t know that his father’s hesitation to give him the title was only partly due to his inability to bear children—after all, it would be easy to adopt a child from the Wei family.】

【If he knew that his father more so thought he was incapable, superficial, focused on fame, and merely boastful, he would probably be even more devastated…】


The Kuaiji Marquis let out a cry of indignation and fainted.

The imperial physician checked his pulse and reported to the old Emperor: “Extreme anger has likely caused him to faint for a while.”

【What? Did he faint from his own words? How petty.】

Xu Yanmiao remained oblivious.

The Minister of War looked at him, wanting to speak but hesitating, thinking: Enough already, Xu Yanmiao, be a decent person! He’s already fainted; there’s no need to make him faint again.

Soon, the fainted Kuaiji Marquis, along with his wife and false son, were thrown into the dungeon.

The Crown Prince glanced briefly, yawned: “Another one coming in.”

The former Prince Concubine observed the three new arrivals—no gender segregation in the prison. Noting the male was unconscious, the female was agitated, and the somewhat younger one was staring at the ceiling with a blank look, he decided to engage.

He slightly raised his enthusiasm and asked who they were and how they ended up there.

The false heir explained his family situation, and saw the reaction from the other side shift from stunned to grinning broadly.

The false heir fumed: “What are you laughing at!”

The former Prince Concubine: “Well, your parents are facing execution, but my parents were merely demoted to commoners! It seems our situation is much better than yours.”

The false heir: “…”

Wanted to hit someone.

The Crown Prince suddenly spoke: “Before you came in, did you hear any rumors?”

The false heir was stunned: “What?”

The Crown Prince pondered his words: “Any news about the royal family… like dealing with disruptive women in the palace—or did your adoptive father mention anything similar to you?”

The false heir: “No.”

The Crown Prince was delighted: “So, they haven’t been released…”

“Not that I know of,” the false heir answered based on his impression. “If anything happened in the royal family, my father… my adoptive father, would have informed me to avoid bad luck.”

The former Prince Concubine also said: “I didn’t notice anything before coming in either.”

The Crown Prince’s face showed a furrowed expression.

When the former Kuaiji Marquis woke up, he asked again. The former Kuaiji Marquis understood why he asked and replied: “The court only knows that His Highness was imprisoned and why, but there hasn’t been any news about the noble’s punishment…”

The Crown Prince’s face turned pale.

No news… Well, family scandals should not be aired, so Ah Zheng must have been secretly executed by grandpa!

Grandpa is too heartless…

A deep sense of resentment arose from the bottom of his heart, lingering for a long time.

After the court adjourned.

Xu Yanmiao lazily walked home, completely unaware of the complex gazes following her.

Several times, from the Emperor to the officials, they wanted to speak up, call out to her, and ask about the Americas, but various considerations piled up in their minds, and they couldn’t bring themselves to speak.

Xu Yanmiao slowly walked back home, and then…

“Damn, what is all this?!”

At the doorstep, there were boxes lined up one after another, with guards standing in alert around them. As soon as they saw Xu Yanmiao, their tense expressions relaxed: “Mr. Xu, you’ve finally returned.”

Xu Yanmiao: “What’s all this?”

“We are the close guards of Princess Wanshou, tasked with delivering these gifts as a token of gratitude for your righteous words.”

Xu Yanmiao was stunned.

“So many boxes, just to thank me for a few words?”

The leader of the guards nodded reservedly.

He was actually skeptical, but since the princess insisted, he had no choice but to comply.

“Please be sure to accept these. The princess said that you have rendered her a great favor, and these are just a modest token of her appreciation, far from matching the magnitude of your kindness.”

Xu Yanmiao: “Well… let’s put them in the house for now.”

One by one, the boxes were carried inside.

“The princess is truly generous.”

Xu Yanmiao was delighted: “I’m so glad the old Emperor pointed me out that day!”

He looked around as the room quickly filled up with boxes.

Xu Yanmiao scratched his head: “It looks like I’ll need to move to a new house soon.”

He looked down: “What’s this, a letter still hanging on the lock?”

Outside the window, the clouds were darkening, and night was approaching. Xu Yanmiao fumbled to light a candle and opened the envelope.

“Crown Prince’s uncle is about to return to the capital? He’s a person of high rank and has a close relationship with the Crown Prince?”

The candlelight revealed Xu Yanmiao’s innocent expression.

“But what does this have to do with me? I haven’t offended the Crown Prince.”

He pondered for a moment.

“I understand now!” Xu Yanmiao clapped his hands: “After the Crown Prince’s uncle returns to the court, he will definitely act based on the Crown Prince’s imprisonment. The court will surely be in turmoil. The princess is reminding me to keep a low profile and not get involved in the big players’ conflicts!”

The princess is truly a good person!


In the residence of Princess Xiangyang.

Under the princess’s commands—

“Move this Huanghuali burl cabinet!”

“Move this Huanghuali screen inlaid with yellow cloud stone!”

“Burn these quilts and satin pillows; who knows if he had the same disease as his uncle!”

“This set of blue-and-white tea bowls—did the former prince Concubine use them? Fine, leave them.”

When Princess Wanshou arrived, she saw the servants in the residence being directed around by Princess Xiangyang, moving or destroying items.

Princess Xiangyang was sitting on a swing, gently pushing back and forth, with a pair of delicate embroidered shoes lazily lying on a stone bench nearby.

“Shengxian, what is this…”

Princess Xiangyang turned around: “Fifth Sister?”

She didn’t get off the swing, holding the rope with one hand, and asked with a smiling face: “Why has Fifth Sister come to visit?”

Princess Wanshou explained her purpose.

— It turned out she wanted to ask the most favored princess to help rescue the servants who had been implicated by the former prince Concubine.

“They have never mistreated me, and their contracts are in Liu Yi’s hands. They are always afraid of being beaten or sold, so how would they dare to step out of line, let alone treat me well?”

Princess Wanshou seemed lost in thought, speaking slowly: “Blame only myself for not standing up back then; how could I blame them for not helping me?”

“Father, in his rage, imprisoned them and awaits execution after autumn. I hadn’t thought of this at first, but these past two days, while out on errands, I heard officials discussing their difficult lives and their struggles for survival. I thought, they are officials themselves, enduring such hardship, let alone those powerless servants.”

But compared to her autocratic and emotionally detached Emperor father, her gentle but rarely seen Empress mother, the first person who came to mind for help was her younger sister who used to run happily behind her before her marriage, calling her “sister” with joy.

The younger sister tilted her head on the swing, looking at her.

Princess Xiangyang always knew her Fifth Sister’s nature. Kindness was indeed there, but only towards “people,” not servants.

How long had she been in office? Could she already see the suffering of the servants?

Just being an official… could it change a person so much?

Princess Xiangyang suddenly developed a strong interest in becoming an official herself.

So, after easily persuading her father to release the servants, she naturally said: “Father! I want to be an official too!”

The old Emperor looked at her in confusion: “What can a girl like you do as an official? Is that something you’re capable of?”

“Fifth Sister is an official. I can handle accounting too.”

“Handling accounting is fine, but Fifth Sister was recruited temporarily. Moreover, she nearly got beaten to death by her former prince Concubine and needed something to do. Can you be like her?”

Princess Xiangyang began to consider the possibility of bringing back her recently divorced prince Concubine and forcing him to beat her to death.

Princess Xiangyang then said: “And that drum for the announcement of crimes…”

“I need her to go to sea.”

Princess Xiangyang was dissatisfied: “Father! I just want to be an official!”

This time, no matter how much she threw a tantrum, the usually compliant old Emperor refused to budge.

Princess Xiangyang stormed out of the palace: “I’m never speaking to Father again!”

Five days! She had begged her father for five whole days, and he still wouldn’t agree. He even forced her to copy “The Lessons for Women”!

“I’m so angry!”

“I’m so angry!”

Two voices echoed in unison.

Princess Xiangyang paused, looked up at the opposite side, and couldn’t help but let out a hiss.

What a handsome young man!

The other party was also surprised, looking at her.

“What are you angry about?”

“What are you angry about?”

The two spoke in unison. After they finished speaking, they exchanged glances and couldn’t help but laugh.

Princess Xiangyang: “I’m Gao Xiang. And you?”

“Gao? That’s quite a prestigious surname.” The other person smiled and said, “I’m Xu, Xu Yanmiao.”

The two sat in a lively tea house. Xu Yanmiao spoke with a cheerful and lively tone: “I’ve been searching for a new house these past few days, not to buy, but to rent.”

“I laid out my requirements, and the real estate agency assured me they would meet them, but it was all a lie!”

“I said I wanted a landlord who was easy to get along with, and they promised me that the landlord of the house they showed me would be very accommodating!”

“Instead, they found me a landlord who would demand the rent in advance and then increase the price opportunistically! Don’t think I don’t know—when the previous tenant’s mother came to the capital for a visit, the landlord deliberately took advantage of the situation and raised the rent by twenty percent.”

As he spoke passionately, he knocked on the table with his knuckles, like a drumbeat.

Princess Xiangyang’s eyes widened: “That’s outrageous! Such a landlord is unfit to live with!”

“Exactly, I think so too!”

“And then, another time, I said I didn’t want a house next to a ditch because rainwater would overflow into the yard. Even if there wasn’t any overflow, I don’t like damp places. They agreed and took me to see a house that was indeed not near any ditches, but it was a remote shack. They swore that the roof didn’t leak!”

“How could it not leak? I know… I know for a fact that every tenant before me had to bring out all their pots and pans during the rain!”

“And there’s more…”

Xu Yanmiao continued to rant, leaving Princess Xiangyang in awe, wanting to know how he gathered such detailed information—more reliable than the beggars’ gang in novels!

This made Princess Xiangyang want to vent her own frustrations.

So, after Xu Yanmiao finished complaining about his recent house-hunting experiences, she began to share her own grievances: “My father is such a stubborn old man. I said I wanted to work at a restaurant at home, but he absolutely refuses, saying it’s inappropriate for a daughter to be in the spotlight.”

“He also says I’m spoiled and wouldn’t be able to do any work. But I may not know how to run a restaurant, but I can greet guests at the door. Besides, I’m good at accounting. If he wanted to, he could definitely find a suitable position for me where I could work my way up!”

“He just doesn’t want to agree!”

Xu Yanmiao thought for a few seconds and then had an idea.

“I’ve thought of a plan, but it might be a bit unscrupulous.”

“It’s okay! Tell me!”

“Does your father have any cherished possessions or people he is particularly concerned about?”

“My mother.”

“Well, that’s easy! I’ll tell you, strike at the weak spot…”

Xu Yanmiao whispered, and the more Princess Xiangyang listened, the brighter her eyes became.

That evening.

In the Pepper Hall, the old Emperor happily held up a spoon: “Sister, you love this chicken soup the most. Let me feed you, ah…”

Empress Dou’s ears turned red: “How old are you!”

The old Emperor: “No matter how old you are, you’re still my sister. Come on, ah…”

Empress Dou was embarrassed but also very sweetly about to open her mouth.

Princess Xiangyang: “Ah—”

The old Emperor: “…”

Empress Dou: “…”

The old Emperor was horrified: “Gao Shengxian! What are you doing here!”

Princess Xiangyang held her face: “Just came to visit Mother.”

Empress Dou sprang up, her neck flushed red: “You all eat. I haven’t finished my duties today!”

The old Emperor quietly reached out, but Empress Dou left quickly, as if something were chasing her.

The old Emperor and Empress Dou were strolling in the Imperial Garden.

As they climbed the stone steps, the old Emperor pushed the palace servants aside: “Sister, let me support you!”

Empress Dou reached out her hand.

They were very close to each other.

Empress Dou gently said: “Fifth Brother, do you remember back then…”

The old Emperor was about to respond in agreement when he suddenly felt a chill. As the reigning Emperor, he had faced countless crises, and he immediately shouted: “Who’s there!”

Rustling noises came from the bushes.

The old Emperor was almost ready to kick them away.

Princess Xiangyang emerged: “Father! Mother! What a coincidence!”

The old Emperor: “…”

Empress Dou: “…”

Princess Xiangyang: “By the way, Mother, how did you and Father…”

Empress Dou cleared her throat and quickly recounted the events of the past, completely removing any romantic atmosphere.

The old Emperor: 🙁

After this happened a few times, the old Emperor could no longer tolerate it and gave Princess Xiangyang an official position: “It’s the New Year now, so it’s quite busy. You can start your duties after the New Year!”

“Great! You’re the best, Father! I’ll be staying outside the palace for the next few days!”

The old Emperor: “…”

The next day, the old Emperor attended the court.

He heard Xu Yanmiao’s cheerful voice.

【Finally found a landlord who is nice, with good terrain, no leaks, and friendly neighbors!】

【Indeed, good people get good rewards!】

【This must be the reward from heaven for the advice I gave Gao Xiang!】

【Gao Xiang said her father wants her to start work after the New Year and that he’s being stingy, making her work as a trial for three months without pay… Tsk, tsk, just as stingy as the old Emperor.】

On the golden platform, the old Emperor clenched his fists expressionlessly.

Xu Yanmiao, so it was you.

  1. ratuuu has spoken 2 days ago

    I’m curious, why did the Emperor call the Empress sister? And the Empress called him Fifth Brother? Are they biological siblings or just adopted? Or did they in incestuous relationship? I’m confused 😮‍💨

  2. Wunwun has spoken 2 months ago

    I dont understand. Wasnt the crown prince in court laughing about the famklt case? How is he now in prison? Thank you for the translation

    • VeldoraRengoku has spoken 2 months ago

      It was explained i n a previous chapter. The One who was laughing was the emperor’s son and the one in prison is the grandson


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