Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The Four Ways to Write the Character 回!

【There’s hostility!】

Xu Yanmiao suddenly shouted loudly.

The entire court was startled.

They could usually ignore Xu Yanmiao’s less important grievances, dealing with official business, impeachment, and arguments as usual.

But the “hostility” was truly terrifying.

The officials, while maintaining their composure, quickly glanced around with their peripheral vision.

Hostility? Where? There isn’t any?

The Commander of the Royal Guards, standing on the west side of the Emperor’s throne, almost instinctively reached for his sword to protect the Emperor. After realizing what was happening, he shot a resentful glance in Xu Yanmiao’s direction.

Could you not be so alarmist? This is the court!

Xu Yanmiao looked around, still enjoying herself.

【Wow, maybe it’s an illusion? But this line is really cool, I’ve wanted to say it for a long time!】

She was cheerfully and obliviously carrying on.

The old Emperor glanced at Xu Yanmiao slowly, a hint of a sneer on his face.


I’ll show you whether it’s an illusion or not!

“Xu Yanmiao!”

Xu Yanmiao was startled and nervously stepped forward: “Your Majesty?”

The old Emperor: “I’ve heard you have quick wits.”

Xu Yanmiao: “?”

【Who said that? Haven’t I been lying flat and doing nothing?】

The old Emperor pretended not to hear and continued: “Do you know the literary leader of the late Zhou Dynasty, Quan Yingzhang of Tianshui?”

Xu Yanmiao nodded thoughtfully: “I’ve heard of him.”

【Who is this? Literary leader sounds quite prestigious.】

The old Emperor: “…”

The officials: “…”

Just being polite, you really don’t know?

After the imperial exams, did you throw away all your knowledge?

The old Emperor’s mood was irritated, and his rising momentum was abruptly interrupted as he had to explain: “Quan Yingzhang was an official in the Zhou court, managing court documents and leading the literary scene for twenty years. After the fall of Zhou, he resided in Tianshui, wrote books and established theories, and refused multiple invitations from the court, clearly stating that a minister should not serve two masters.”

Xu Yanmiao nodded earnestly: “Mm-hmm!”

The old Emperor: “I’ve heard that you have quick wits, so I’m entrusting this matter to you. Go to Tianshui and persuade Mr. Quan to come into the court and serve our Great Zhou.”

【So who said I have quick wits? How infuriating! I hope I don’t find out who said it!】

【It’s winter, and with the New Year approaching, who wants to travel to Tianshui now!】

【Moreover, if he doesn’t want to be an official, he doesn’t want to. Forcing him is like pushing someone into prostitution!】

The old Emperor was initially pleased that he finally got Xu Yanmiao into some work.

—You like to slack off? I’ll send you to do some real work.

And then, he was caught off guard.

What do you mean by pushing someone into prostitution! Can’t you speak properly! Just because you have a mouth!

The old Emperor angrily stroked his beard.

I thought that since many scholars from the previous dynasty were wronged, I’d give each wronged scholar a place!

As for the officials, they were stunned by the “prostitution” comment and could only glare at Xu Yanmiao in silence.

Xu Yanmiao, looking obedient and compliant, addressed the old Emperor: “I will follow your orders.”

Xu Yanmiao then asked sweetly: “Your Majesty, can I use any method to persuade him to come, as long as he comes voluntarily?”

The old Emperor: “Yes, but it must be voluntary. He must not be coerced.”

Xu Yanmiao: “Mm-hmm!”

【What if I burn down his house and he chases me back with a big knife—wouldn’t that be considered voluntary?】

The old Emperor: “…”

He ground his teeth, feeling itchy: “It must be voluntary!”

The emphasis was on “voluntary.”

Xu Yanmiao: “Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm!”

【Strange, why does the old Emperor’s tone seem a bit odd?】

The old Emperor’s face was expressionless: “You can leave now. The carriage is ready.”

Of course, Xu Yanmiao wasn’t sent alone. Tianshui was over a thousand miles away, so the old Emperor arranged a team of Royal Guards for his safety.

When Xu Yanmiao finally arrived in Tianshui, he was so sore he could hardly walk and nearly fled from the carriage.

The Royal Guards asked if he wanted to rest at an inn, but Xu Yanmiao declined.

“Get this done quickly so I can go home!”

He stood at the entrance of the scholar’s residence, knocked respectfully, and was greeted by the scholar’s grandson instead of the scholar himself.

The grandson said politely: “Please go back, my grandfather is too old to serve the Emperor anymore.”

Xu Yanmiao didn’t follow up on this but simply offered a shy, demure smile: “I’ve heard that Mr. Quan adheres strictly to traditional learning and excels in classical literature. I’ve come to seek his guidance.”

Quan Xie was quite surprised: “You study classical literature— I mean, what do you wish to consult with my grandfather about?”

It was no wonder he was surprised; nowadays, most scholars focused on Confucianism, which was divided into the modern and classical schools. In the public sphere, there was much debate between the two, but in the court, the modern Confucianism had the upper hand.

The difference between modern and classical Confucianism is essentially “Confucius is the best, Confucius reformulated ancient traditions” versus “Confucius is great too, but the Duke of Zhou is the best, and Confucius was just expounding on the Duke’s ideas.”

Modern Confucianism aims to apply teachings to current needs and adapt theories to political requirements.

Classical Confucianism seeks a correct understanding of the texts and focuses on textual analysis and annotation.

Xu Yanmiao: “I’d like to ask Mr. Quan…”

He looked at the gossip in the system interface, “Quan Yingzhang is eavesdropping on Xu Yanmiao’s conversation with his grandson,” and displayed a mischievous smile.

“How many ways are there to write the character ‘回’?”

Quan Xie was baffled: “What?”

What kind of question is this?

Xu Yanmiao spoke sincerely: “I heard from court officials that scholars of classical Confucianism often study texts meticulously and are skilled at textual analysis. I’m very curious about the different ways to write the character ‘回,’ so I took this opportunity to ask.”

The words are nice, but upon closer examination…

Quan Xie tightened his grip on the teacup. If he hadn’t remembered that the person opposite was an imperial envoy, he would have already hurled the teacup.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the side room: “Impertinent child!”

—Who are you being so sarcastic towards!

An elderly man, leaning on a cane, stormed out angrily and glared at Xu Yanmiao: “Who told you that classical Confucianism is so obsessed with minutiae?”

Xu Yanmiao replied briskly: “That’s what everyone in the court says.”

He cheerfully called out: “I’ve met Mr. Quan!”

Quan Yingzhang glanced at him. Even though he knew it was a provocation, he couldn’t help but feel his school of thought was being slandered: “Go back and tell them, modern Confucianism is the language of the common people, a frog at the bottom of the well. How could it understand the true essence of classical Confucianism?”

As for serving in the court? It was just a provocation; this kid was too dismissive of him.

“Mm-hmm! I’ll make sure to pass that on!” Xu Yanmiao’s eyes were bright: “So how many ways are there to write the character ‘回’?”

Quan Yingzhang replied coldly: “We have never studied that.”

“But classical Confucianism exhaustively studies the origins of sounds and words, including textual interpretation…”

“Such crude learning! Textual interpretation is for philology and textual criticism, seeking truth from facts. You deride it as obsessing over a single character—ridiculous! You modern scholars are just flattering the Emperor, using the classics to curry favor with the powerful. You only seek to extract meaning to serve your own ends!”

“Mm-hmm!” Xu Yanmiao nodded seriously.

Quan Yingzhang waited for him to refute.

After a few moments, Quan Yingzhang frowned: “You have nothing more to say?”

Xu Yanmiao shook his head honestly and said, “I don’t understand this.”

Quan Yingzhang: “…” It felt as though he hadn’t released his frustration, but it had been stifled.

Xu Yanmiao continued: “Also, they say that ‘The Rites of Zhou’ is a book of conspiracy, based on the feudal system and implementing a land system similar to the ‘well-field system.’ Such ideas are very appealing to the wealthy families.”

“Rubbish about my ancestors!” Quan Yingzhang was furious: “‘The Rites of Zhou’ was originally named ‘Zhou Guan.’ It is neither a classic nor a tradition but a detailed description of the official system of the Zhou Dynasty, meant to help people understand the ancient system.”

Quan Yingzhang was particularly spirited in his retort: “Only because you modern scholars covet power, often distorting the teachings of the sages to implement policies and please the Emperor, is there such a misunderstanding. You are only interested in politics, not in the true essence of governance.”

He looked disdainfully at Xu Yanmiao: “Modern scholars? They are vulgar works of the vulgar!”

Xu Yanmiao: “Mm-hmm!”

He kept nodding vigorously: “You’re so impressive!”

Quan Yingzhang: “…”

Although he agreed with the principles of classical learning, Quan Yingzhang felt particularly frustrated.

Quan Yingzhang: “Is that all you want to say?”

Xu Yanmiao was very sincere: “I don’t understand these things. I can’t discern the classics, but I feel that what you said makes a lot of sense! It’s very profound!”

Quan Yingzhang could not be pleased at all, feeling even more stifled.

Xu Yanmiao: “Also, also…”

Quan Yingzhang interrupted angrily: “If you don’t understand the classics, why are you asking?”

“Ah?” Xu Yanmiao spoke very cautiously: “I asked precisely because I don’t understand… Is that not allowed? Everyone in the court says such things about classical Confucianism, and I just want to verify the facts…”

Quan Yingzhang took a deep breath: “I am tired. You should leave now. If you need to consult further, we can discuss it next time.”

“Alright!” Xu Yanmiao left happily.

Quan Xie glanced at his grandfather: “Grandfather, he’s doing this on purpose to provoke you.”

Quan Yingzhang nodded: “I know. Such an obvious provocation won’t fool me.”

In the middle of the night.

Quan Yingzhang sat up in bed, increasingly furious.

“Impudent scholar!”

“Vulgar scholar!”

“Common scholar, ignorant and stubborn! Ignoring the facts! Heretical views! Nonsense!”

It seemed that while he had managed to counter the malicious arguments of modern Confucianism against classical Confucianism today, Quan Yingzhang felt the frustration of attacking the ignorant, as if his words had hit thin air.

He lay awake all night, and the next day—

“I can’t stand this!”

Quan Yingzhang sought out Xu Yanmiao: “I’ll go with you, but not to serve in the court; I’ll go to debate the classics!”

Xu Yanmiao nodded, still looking obedient: “Alright, Mr. Quan.”

When Xu Yanmiao reported back, the old Emperor was dumbfounded: “How did you manage to invite him?”

Xu Yanmiao: “Mr. Quan is here to debate the classics.”

At least you managed to invite him! In the past, invitations to debate the classics were always politely declined.

No matter.

The old Emperor was very surprised: “Xu Yanmiao, you really do have quick wits.”

I just said that offhand!

Xu Yanmiao: “Ah?”

The old Emperor: “Oh, I mean, many people have tried to invite Mr. Quan, but you succeeded.”

Xu Yanmiao’s gaze flickered for a moment: “Your Majesty, I used a few tricks and told a few lies… Please forgive me, my colleagues.”

The officials: “???”

A sense of unease.

After a while…

An eighty-year-old man with a dark expression stood before them, angrily striking his cane.

“Who is slandering my classical Confucianism! Step forward!”

The officials: “????”

Wait, when did we…

Although we study modern Confucianism, why would we attack classical Confucianism? There’s no one studying classical Confucianism in the court; who has the time to bring it up?

Xu Yanmiao whistled a melodious tune in his mind, looking innocent.

  1. ManhuaFan has spoken 4 weeks ago

    so is this story abandoned or something? dropped?

  2. Luck has spoken 2 months ago

    Why have the updates stopped?

  3. Wunwun has spoken 2 months ago

    It’s distracting reading the pronouns used on MC when MC is a man 😔


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