Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Shock! Concubine Qin Is Pregnant with the Heir’s Child!

“Ah… Your Highness… don’t do this…”

“Ah Zheng, my dear Ah Zheng, it’s my fault, I can’t live without you. Please come back to me.”

“No, Your Highness, I am already in the palace as the Emperor’s concubine. If the Emperor finds out about us… no… we can’t…”

“Ah Zheng, you smell so good… Can the Emperor satisfy you? He’s so old!”

From the rock garden came sounds that would make anyone blush.

Outside the rock garden, the old emperor’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. A group of eunuchs followed him, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, not daring to breathe loudly, pretending to be invisible.

“Drag them out!”

With the old Emperor’s command, the eunuchs rushed in like wolves and tigers. Screams from a man and a woman echoed from inside. Shortly, they were dragged out, their hair disheveled, outer robes hastily thrown on, belts undone and hanging loosely.

The Crown Prince’s teeth chattered, “Grand… grandfather…”

The old Emperor’s aura was imposing as he strode forward and slapped the Crown Prince hard. The Daxia Dynasty had only been established for about thirty years, and the old Emperor had fought tooth and nail for the throne. A slap from such a military-bred Emperor was not something the pampered Crown Prince could withstand.

Immediately, the Crown Prince was sent rolling, and when he got back up, one side of his face was swollen and there was a bloody tooth on the ground.

“You beast!”

The old Emperor’s face contorted with rage, “She is your grandmother!”

The Crown Prince clutched his face, standing straight with difficulty, “Grandfather! She is my mistress! You have taken her by force!”


The old Emperor’s eyes narrowed with disdain, “The world belongs to me. Even if she’s just a mere mistress, or even you, the Crown Prince, if I want, you will do as I say.”

For the first time, the Crown Prince experienced the harsh realities of life, standing there dumbfounded, his expression blank.

The old Emperor said coldly, “Qi’er, you are not the Emperor yet.”

“Guards, strip the Crown Prince of his fine clothes and dress him in rough burlap. He is to be taken to the Ministry of Justice’s prison in a wooden cart!”

The Crown Prince stood with his mouth open, unable to speak.

Was this really the grandfather who had always been so kind to me?

To actually send me to prison in a cart? How could Grandfather do this to me? Being sent to prison like this would be a huge blow to my reputation!

Suddenly, a person rushed forward, clinging to the old Emperor’s pants: “Your Majesty! It is not His Highness’s fault! I seduced him! Please, do not imprison His Highness! He is the Crown Prince, sending him to prison would be a public humiliation!”

The Crown Prince’s eyes welled up with tears: “Ah Zheng…”

The woman looked back, her tear-filled eyes gazing at him. Then, as if making a firm decision, she turned sharply, her expression tragic but resolute: “Your Majesty! This has nothing to do with the Crown Prince! I entered the palace seeking riches and glory, and after entering, I coveted the Crown Prince’s talents. It was I who seduced him. The Crown Prince is young and was bewitched by me, leading to our indiscretion…”

“Ah Zheng!!!” The Crown Prince cried out in both pain and sweetness, dropping to his knees with a thud, and pleaded, “Grandfather! Your Majesty! We love each other!”

The old Emperor looked coldly at the “star-crossed” lovers, showing no pity.

His grandson’s reputation? When he was indulging in debauchery with his grandfather’s concubine, did he think about his grandfather’s reputation?

Especially when the entire court now knew he had been cuckolded!!!


If he truly loved her, why didn’t he openly and honorably marry her as the Crown Prince’s concubine? Even making her a concubine would have been acceptable. Instead, he degraded her as a mistress and still dared to claim they were in love?

Did he think his grandfather was senile?

“What are you waiting for,” the old Emperor said coldly, his chest heaving with anger. “Drag them away!”

The rough hands of the eunuchs, hardened by years of labor, clamped down on the struggling Crown Prince, his clothes and legs dragging on the ground with a “scraping” sound. Qin Zheng’s body shuddered, a deep fear welling up from within her. She felt a chilling gaze sweep over her, and the earthy scent of dust in the air filled her nose…

Qin Zheng trembled even more.

If the Emperor wouldn’t spare his own grandson, how could he possibly spare her!

“Your Majesty—”

The cold wind cut through her throat like a knife, making her voice shrill and desperate.

“I am carrying the Crown Prince’s child!”


The Crown Prince was stunned. Then, he felt a surge of joy.

The old Emperor’s vision darkened.

This wasn’t just about being cuckolded anymore, but…

【Oh my god! That Concubine Qin is pregnant with the Crown Prince’s child! It’s been a month!】

With the old Emperor away, Xu Yanmiao certainly wouldn’t stay idle. He continued to gather gossip, and he had just gotten a big scoop.

【Oh my! Does this mean that if the old Emperor hadn’t caught them, he would have been raising someone else’s child?】

Exciting! So exciting!

Xu Yanmiao’s throat was dry with excitement, and he swallowed hard.

The entire court: “!!!”

Everyone’s ears perked up.

Everyone loves gossip. Quick! Tell us more, we love to hear it—usually, who would dare to spread royal gossip!

The court was dead silent, the only sound being the crackling of the surrounding fireplaces, burning dry wood and releasing a faintly sweet scent.

Minister of Rites, Zheng Peng, heard faint gurgling sounds from around him, and he nervously swallowed. He was just short of shaking Xu Yanmiao’s shoulders to make him quickly use his “system” artifact.

【How did they meet? Let me check.】

Here it comes!

The ministers’ eyes glowed with interest.

【Oh! A life-saving debt! The Crown Prince fell off a cliff, was seriously injured and feverish, and was saved by Concubine Qin, who was then a farm girl. With no men in her family, she had to take care of him herself. As she cared for him, they ended up together.】

Minister of Rites: Ugh!

He looked disdainful.

A life-saving debt, and you repay her by making her a mistress? Is your life worth so little? At least make her a concubine!

The Minister of War shook his head.

It seems he wasn’t injured seriously enough.

Recently, he had caught a cold and was too weak to even get up, yet the Crown Prince still had the energy to seduce a farm girl.

【Wait, wait! This can’t be! Oh—this is…】

After a long pause, the ministers were anxious to know what he was thinking.

【No wonder Concubine Qin entered the palace. It turns out the Crown Prince was negotiating a marriage with the Dou family, and when Concubine Qin found out, she ran away. The Crown Prince initially saw her as just a plaything, but once she left, he realized he couldn’t live without her and chased after her, determined to marry her.】

【”The Dou family girl is spoiled and unruly, talentless and virtue-less, and always clings to me. Even if you begged me to marry her, I wouldn’t, as my heart belongs to you.” Tsk tsk tsk, he really dares to say this. If he had the guts, he’d say it to the Empress’s face and see if the old Emperor doesn’t slap him.】

Several discreet glances were cast towards Prime Minister Dou Qing. His face was livid.

The Dou family was part of the imperial family, and the Emperor and Empress had a deep bond. There was no need for further ties with the royal family to avoid excessive closeness. If it weren’t for the Empress wanting to strengthen the connection, the Dou family wouldn’t have agreed to their eldest granddaughter becoming the Crown Princess.

If he truly loved someone else, he could have asked the Empress to annul the engagement and maintain harmony between the families. Instead, he insulted the Dou family’s daughter behind their backs?

Prime Minister Dou was so furious he felt dizzy, and he had to pinch his palm to stay conscious.

The engagement must be annulled!

Such a son-in-law was beneath his daughter’s dignity!

The Minister of War slightly bowed his head, wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and secretly slipped a candy into his mouth, using his robe to hide it.

The sweet taste of honey spread between his lips and teeth, almost making him hum a tune.

That was close, too close. Before the Crown Prince’s marriage negotiations with the Dou family, His Majesty favored his youngest daughter. Luckily, the Empress later took an interest in the Dou family’s daughter, and Prime Minister Dou readily agreed.

The Minister of War looked at Prime Minister Dou: Thank you! Thank you! May you have a long and prosperous life!

The Minister of Rites seemed uninterested in the outside turmoil, standing still with closed eyes, seemingly meditating.

In reality, his ears were strained tight, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest—

Hurry up! Xu Yanmiao, are you incapable or what? You’re holding a divine artifact, yet you’re taking forever to tell a royal scandal! What about the rest? The Crown Prince said he wouldn’t marry anyone but her, and then what? How did that Concubine Qin enter the palace?


The faces of the entire court suddenly lit up.

Here it comes!

Xu Yanmiao reached into his sleeve and pulled out the remaining half of a steamed bun. His fingers felt the warmth of the bun’s skin, slightly greasy to the touch, causing his mouth to water uncontrollably.

【I’m such a fool! With the old Emperor away, I could’ve sneaked a bite! I’m starving! It’s all that Minister of Rites’s fault, suddenly coming to talk to me, I didn’t even finish eating.】


【Wuwuwu, this steamed bun is so delicious, even when it’s cold.】

It was like suddenly having a pair of hands grab your throat and squeeze—

The entire court: “…”

What about the rest!

You should’ve released the rest before eating!

The Minister of Rites choked, coughing: “Cough, cough, cough!”


Xu Yanmiao looked up suddenly, swallowing the savory bun in his mouth, not caring about the grease seeping through, swiftly stuffing it into his sleeve, then alertly scanning the surroundings.

【Is the old Emperor back?!】

At the same time, he lightly touched his sleeve, making sure there were no traces left behind.

The Minister of Rites: “!!!” Immediately stopped coughing.

Prime Minister Dou: “!!!” Immediately forced a smile.

The Minister of War: “Ah—” bit his tongue while quickly swallowing the candy.

The distracted officials also held their breaths.

For a long time, there was no movement.

Bravely lifting their heads, they saw no sign of the Emperor.


Xu Yanmiao turned his head and saw the official who had been crying earlier, giving him a bewildered look.

“You—Did you fake a royal decree?”

Xu Yanmiao, puzzled: “Huh?”

The official: “…”

Oh, forgot, this guy doesn’t realize his thoughts can be heard by court officials.

He looked at Xu Yanmiao with a hint of resentment.

You might feel relieved after venting in your mind, but for us who are forced to listen to your thoughts, it’s like preparing a coffin in our homes.

Are these things something we should be hearing!

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Ok wait they can hear his thoughts?


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