Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Shock! Such Unspeakable Deeds at a Sacred Buddhist Site!

After the morning court session, the old emperor summoned Ji Sui to the Wuying Palace.

“This time, during the disaster relief, you must have killed quite a few landowners who refused to release their slaves, right?”

Hearing the emperor’s question, Ji Sui silently nodded.

“Did you find her?”

Ji Sui shook his head.

“…Over the years, you’ve sacrificed too much for that child, nearly exhausting seventy percent of your energy in the search. You haven’t even had another child with Qinghe. Why do you insist on this? It’s been so many years…” the old emperor said softly. “Zainian, the Ji family needs an heir.”

“Zainian” was Ji Sui’s courtesy name.

Ji Sui’s tone remained firm. “Your Majesty, she was my first child. I lost her during the chaos of war, and I must find her!”

The old emperor sighed, “I know. And in these years, I don’t even know how many noble families and gentry you’ve offended in your quest for this child.”

Recalling Ji Sui’s actions over the years, the emperor had to admit that they were almost insane.

All because of a belief that “in chaotic times, a woman’s best chance of survival is to sell herself into servitude or be sold to a brothel.” Ji Sui had fought tooth and nail to accumulate enough merit to push for the implementation of a law:

Anyone who wished to leave servitude, as long as they claimed to be from a good family, regardless of whether it was true or not, should be set free.

Moreover, considering that some women might be imprisoned or threatened, preventing them from making appeals, he would occasionally visit the homes of those powerful families to check.

Because of Ji Sui’s high status, those powerful families had no choice but to comply, at least on the surface, presenting their servants as free individuals under an employment relationship. At most, they relied on using government slaves who were not covered by the law.

But some dukes and marquises, with their extraordinary status, openly declared that they would continue signing slave contracts.

As a result, his relationship with these powerful families became strained, and the nobility had many grievances against him.

Over the years, Ji Sui had also shut down many brothels. For each brothel girl, he meticulously found them new livelihoods, fearing that if he made one mistake, he might regret it for life if one of them turned out to be his daughter.

The old emperor hesitated, but finally couldn’t hold back. “You’re aware of Xu Yanmiao’s abilities. Now that you’re back from disaster relief, why not subtly ask him? He might be able to…”

Ji Sui paused and then slowly replied, “Thank you for Your Majesty’s kindness.”

“But…” Ji Sui closed his eyes, suppressing the anxiety and gloom that had surged in him ever since he heard about his daughter from Xu Yanmiao. “But I don’t dare.”

After more than thirty years, he feared that his daughter had already perished in the chaos of war. He feared hearing from Xu Yanmiao that his daughter was long gone.


Ji Sui’s eyelashes trembled as he emphasized once again, requesting the emperor, “Your Majesty, I beg you to show mercy and not mention my daughter in front of Xu Yanmiao.”

—He would ask himself, but not now.

Ji Sui was still determined to help his nephew, not just because of their years of close relationship, but also for one crucial reason: his nephew and his daughter were born on the same day, albeit in different years. Thinking of his poor daughter, he felt more compassion and love for this nephew.

Thus, half a month after failing his “essay assignment,” Ji Sui returned to the palace.

Important note: He chose a time when Xu Yanmiao was not around.

This time, things went smoothly. He invited the old emperor to Yulong Temple in Luoyang County, where, years ago, after the first visit to the temple to pray, the empress had shown signs of pregnancy later that evening, leading to the birth of the current crown prince six months later.

And he had prepared someone in the temple…

“Xu Yanmiao?” The old emperor gently put down the incense and asked in surprise, “You’re not married, so why are you here praying for a child?”

Ji Sui staggered slightly.

No! That’s not it!!!

Xu Yanmiao turned around in surprise. “Your Maj—”

The old emperor quickly covered his mouth, whispering, “I’m incognito.”

—He no longer expected that a single glance from him would be enough to make Xu Yanmiao obediently close his mouth. It was safer to silence him manually.

Xu Yanmiao blinked hard.

The old emperor released him, then disdainfully wiped his palm with his sleeve.

Xu Yanmiao, with a calm expression, continued, “Well, I have a friend, Lian Hang, who came to pray for Buddha to bless him with a chubby son. I just tagged along! Lian Hang said the vegetarian meals at this temple are delicious!”

Xu Yanmiao pointed, and the old emperor and Ji Sui instinctively looked over, only to see the abbot of Yulong Temple supporting a lady who was offering incense. After murmuring a few words, the abbot took a willow branch dipped in water from a nearby vase and gently sprinkled the water over her head. Following behind the abbot was the Ministry of War’s clerk.

The old emperor’s eyes widened. “That woman?!”

Although the lady was middle-aged, she still possessed a charming allure, but it was obvious she and the clerk were not of the same generation! She looked almost forty!

Xu Yanmiao was stunned for a few seconds, then immediately said, “No, no! Not this one!”

The old emperor’s eyes regained their sparkle.

Thank goodness, he almost thought his official had a strange attachment to older women. Twenty years old and forty years old—he couldn’t accept that!

—This from an emperor who at sixty-three had taken a sixteen-year-old girl as a concubine.

Then, as he watched, the lady, after receiving the purification ritual, turned around, and with an alluring glance at the clerk, she curved her red lips in a flirtatious smile.

The old emperor looked back at Xu Yanmiao with a raised brow. “Are you sure it’s not?”

Xu Yanmiao, determined to protect his friend’s reputation in the emperor’s eyes, firmly stated, “Of course not!”

The lady noticed the commotion and, turning her gaze, her eyes lit up upon seeing the emperor. She walked gracefully toward them, her eyes fixed on the emperor’s strong frame.

“Old Emperor: ‘…’

When he finally managed to get rid of the woman, he turned around and nearly laughed in exasperation.

Xu Yanmiao and Ji Sui were both avoiding eye contact—one was staring intently at the floor tiles as if counting them, and the other had turned away, pretending to admire the murals on the wall. Neither of them was going to step in and help him out!

When he looked at them, that little rascal Xu Yanmiao was even thinking in a daze: ‘Is it over so soon?’

Over? Over what? Do you really want to see if the emperor and that flirtatious woman would have any sort of beginning?

A moment later, the official from the Ministry of War also received the water blessing, then approached and bowed slightly instead of giving a full formal greeting: ‘Greetings, my lord.’

—’My lord’ can refer to someone of high rank, as well as an elder or a respected person, so it wasn’t out of place in this context.

Xu Yanmiao glanced over and noticed that the abbot had already led the woman out of the main hall, likely to perform other rituals. He was particularly curious: ‘Is just sprinkling some water enough? Does it really work?’

‘I’ve heard that many wives of high-ranking officials come here to offer incense,’ the official from the Ministry of War replied with a smile. ‘If you believe, it works.’

Xu Yanmiao thought he understood: ‘Oh, oh! It’s…’

The official quickly covered Xu Yanmiao’s mouth.

They were still in the temple! He didn’t want to get beaten out with sticks!

Xu Yanmiao felt particularly wronged.

‘What’s with all the excitement! Do you think I’m so tactless that I’d ruin their business in their own temple!’

The three of them twitched at the corners of their mouths, not wanting to say anything.

The old emperor, hearing Xu Yanmiao mention that the vegetarian dishes at this temple were famous, got interested and suggested that they eat together.

Dining with the emperor is an honor many would dream of.

The old emperor smiled.

Having received such a favor, Xu Yanmiao would surely…

‘…Wait? No way! Eating with the emperor means I’d have to be on my best behavior, paying attention to etiquette and conversation. What if I accidentally grab a dish the emperor wants… Ugh, who would want to eat with the boss!’

‘I’d be too nervous to eat or drink properly; a single meal would probably give me a stomachache.’

‘But refusing would be like defying an imperial command… Can I say I have a stomachache?’

The emperor’s smile stiffened.

The official from the Ministry of War nearly coughed to remind Xu Yanmiao.

At least pretend… Oh, he was pretending.

Seeing Xu Yanmiao’s face light up with what seemed like genuine joy, ready to accept, the emperor felt a pang of frustration, as if he were forcing someone into something.

‘Oh, by the way, Xu Yanmiao,’ the emperor said with a forced smile, ‘I’m traveling incognito today, so everything will be simple. Just eat as you like—whatever you want, however you want!’

He wasn’t that petty! Hmph!

And this time, Xu Yanmiao was genuinely delighted.

‘Thank you, sir!’

The official from the Ministry of War turned away, pained.

He really didn’t get that it was just a polite gesture.

Ji Sui, on the other hand, didn’t want to get involved anymore. His mind was entirely focused on…

The person I brought here… Are they still in the back of the temple? They shouldn’t have left already, right?

Xu Yanmiao’s cheerful voice interrupted his thoughts: ‘Hey! Lord Ji, why aren’t you eating? Why are you just holding that teacup?’

The emperor nearly choked on his tea, trying not to laugh.

The official from the Ministry of War covered his face, pretending he hadn’t seen anything.

There’s a phrase… called ‘offering tea to see the guest out,’ but Xu Yanmiao probably hadn’t realized that at all.

Ji Sui took a deep breath: ‘I’m letting the tea cool before I drink it.’

‘Oh! Is this a new way to drink tea? I’ve never heard of it before!’

Ji Sui forced a smile: ‘Yes.’

‘No wonder he’s such a big shot! Even the way he drinks tea is so sophisticated!’

Ji Sui closed his eyes briefly, swallowing down his irritation as he drained the warm tea in one gulp.

No. I’m sending someone off!

Now he could only sincerely hope that the person in the back of the temple hadn’t left yet.

Behind the Yulong Temple.

A gentleman was enjoying a cup of tea.

He sat in front of a finely crafted small table, a delicate silver box beside him. Inside the box, the tender green tea leaves glimmered under the sunlight.

Using tweezers, he picked up a small pinch of tea leaves, dropping them into the teapot. A breeze carried the tea’s aroma through the air.

When the water reached the perfect temperature, he gently tilted the teapot, pouring the tea into a Yixing clay teacup engraved with floral patterns, his movements as fluid and graceful as a melody played on a guqin.

The tea was clear and bright, releasing a subtle fragrance. The gentleman took a sip, his lips curving into a slight smile as he savored the flavor.

His half-lowered eyes conveyed tranquility and elegance, his demeanor like a painting, making those who saw him feel as if they were in a serene paradise.

The gentleman thought to himself…

‘Lord Ji, didn’t you say the emperor was coming soon? I’ve already had three pots of tea and I can’t hold it in anymore—I need to use the restroom!’

Just as he was about to burst, the emperor finally arrived, dressed as a farmer in rough linen clothes. The gentleman pretended not to recognize him as the emperor, inviting him over for tea.

Ji Sui frantically signaled with his eyes.

Wrong, wrong! Who invites a farmer over for tea right away? You should start with small talk, making it seem like you’re enjoying the conversation, and then invite him over…

Behind the small desk, the gentleman anxiously crossed his legs, pretending not to notice Lord Ji’s signaling eyes, and enthusiastically invited the “farmer”: “Old man! It’s fate that we’ve met, why not have a drink?”

The old emperor gave him a meaningful look. “Alright.”

However, they soon genuinely hit it off.

It turned out that this gentleman was the author of Nüjie (Admonitions for Women), who was quite articulate about the virtues of obedience and the Three Obediences and Four Virtues for women, while the old emperor was a strong believer in traditional male authority. The two of them were practically kindred spirits…

[They’re a match made in heaven!] Xu Yanmiao nodded seriously.

The old emperor, Lord Ji, and the Ministry of War official all pretended they didn’t hear anything.

While those two were deeply engrossed in conversation, Xu Yanmiao rested his chin on his hand, bored out of his mind, and started digging for gossip.

[Wow, a monk at Yulong Temple accidentally mixed a pot of spiked tea with the vegetarian banquet, and now the entire temple is trying to figure out who drank it.]

Xu Yanmiao was amused. [Spiked? With what? Is it croton oil? Who’s the unlucky one? Fortunately, I don’t like tea, didn’t touch a drop!]


Someone accidentally ingested croton oil?!

In just seven simple words, the old emperor’s attention was instantly drawn away. As for what the gentleman was saying, he could no longer care less.

Who could be so unlucky as to accidentally ingest croton oil in a place like this!

If it hadn’t been discovered, imagine the embarrassment of having diarrhea in front of so many people—people who came here for offerings were all of high standing. They’d probably have to move their entire household at least 500 miles away from Luoyang County.

In that moment, the old emperor almost couldn’t suppress the schadenfreude on his face.

The gentleman, unaware that anything was amiss, continued with a reserved smile, “Women are inherently incomplete.”

No response from the old emperor.

The gentleman raised his voice slightly, “Therefore, women must regard their husbands as their heaven!”

Old emperor: “…Ah, right.”

When it’s not their own business, people really do enjoy gossip. The old emperor was getting increasingly anxious.

Xu Yanmiao, why aren’t you saying anything? Who’s the unlucky one? Tell us!

The gentleman gritted his teeth, raising his voice another notch, “After the death of her husband, a woman should regard her son as her heaven.”

Old emperor: “…”

The old emperor barely managed to refocus for a moment. “Ah, yes, yes.”

But the next moment, he was itching to move closer to Xu Yanmiao.

One eye said, “Xu Yanmiao, hurry up, why are you so slow?” The other said, “Tell me who it is already, I want to see this unfold!”

The gentleman finally realized something was wrong and looked over at Lord Ji, who had invited him over, desperately trying to make eye contact.

Lord Ji! What’s going on with His Majesty? We were talking just fine, so why is he distracted now?

Lord Ji?

Lord Ji??? Why is your face turning green!

The gentleman nearly strained his eyes from trying so hard, but Lord Ji, suffering from extreme germophobia, was lost in his own worries about accidentally witnessing something unspeakable and filthy later on. Despite the gentleman’s best efforts, it was like casting flirtatious glances at a blind man.

—Lord Ji!!!

The moralistic gentleman was on the verge of collapse.

What on earth is happening?!

What are you all distracted by? What are you thinking about? At least let me know! This is so frustrating… I can’t hold it in anymore!

Xu Yanmiao kept flipping through the endless sea of gossip.

[Damn it, who was it that ate the croton oil? I can’t find it!]

Xu Yanmiao was getting increasingly anxious, and so were the three others who could hear his thoughts. They were practically itching to help him search.

—It’s torture to only get half the gossip.

[Wait a minute?]

Xu Yanmiao froze.

[No wonder I couldn’t find it—it wasn’t croton oil…]

Xu Yanmiao’s excitement reached new heights.

[It was an aphrodisiac!!!]

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