Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Wow! The Imperial Son-in-Law Annihilates Nine Clans!

[This vegetable…]

Xu Yanmiao wrinkled his face, his muscles tight.

The official from the Ministry of War beside him noticed that even his nose was wrinkled, his eyebrows knitted together, and his entire face radiating anxiety, as if he was troubled by some issue.

What was going on?

The Ministry of War official couldn’t help but stretch his neck towards Xu Yanmiao.

[Yellowed and wilted, how do you eat this?]

[I heard you can’t casually give away rewards from the Emperor. Such a hassle—well, I’ll just make a hotpot at home and finish it in one meal.]

[How can such a large royal family not have any fresh vegetables in winter? Look at these wilted leaves, and they still have the nerve to hand them out as rewards. So shabby…]


Xu Yanmiao turned his head in confusion, only to see the official from the Ministry of War, who seemed particularly timid before, had already collapsed on the ground, fainting.

He blinked.

[So moved by the Emperor’s grace that another one faints?]


He fainted from being frightened by you!

The entire court screamed in their hearts.

The Minister of War nervously wiped his sweat with his sleeve. Subconsciously, he sniffed his sleeve, the strong smell of sweat making him show a disgusted expression.

Up above, the old Emperor slapped the armrest of his throne, the green turquoise inlaid gold ring on his finger clashing with the wood, creating a clear, bright sound that echoed through the silent court.

Everyone looked towards the old Emperor.

The old Emperor’s face was flushed with anger.

What do you mean yellowed and wilted! What do you mean such a hassle! What do you mean just make do! What! Do you mean! Shabby!!!

Have you ever tasted fresh winter vegetables!

Such a great honor, and you don’t appreciate it—

[In Daxia, we only have boiled lamb, not hotpot lamb. I should get the chef to slice it up after work.]

[Luckily, chili peppers have already been introduced. Eating hotpot with red soup in winter is the best!]

[With steaming hot red chili oil, beef sliced thin like gauze, held firmly with chopsticks and dipped into the broth, quickly changing color. The beef, thin and tender, absorbs the spicy broth, then scooped out for a bite… that texture, it’s perfect!]

—Daxia bans the slaughter of oxen, but only plowing oxen, not meat oxen.

They had all kinds of ways to eat beef: pan-fried, boiled, grilled, made into meat paste, dried meat, jerky… Eating beef tendon, liver, brisket, tongue…

Thinking about it, Xu Yanmiao’s eyes glazed over, clearly lost in his fantasy, oblivious to the world around him.

[And lamb, sliced thin, tossed into the pot, listening for the sizzle, then scooped up to eat.]

[Have someone hand-roll a dozen or so fish balls, they must be plump for the best texture!]

[Then… lean meat slices, fatty meat slices, chicken slices, crystal noodles, fish tofu, tripe…]

[For condiments, make sure to have sesame oil and garlic paste!]


The old Emperor’s throat moved.

The anger on his face paused, drifting away with his thoughts.

“This Xu Yanmiao…”

The old Emperor imagined the delicacy called hotpot, unconsciously licking his lips, showing a bit of anticipation and enjoyment.

“He really knows how to eat.”

But… what are crystal noodles? Why haven’t I heard of them?

After the morning court, there was still the inner court, but that was for officials of the second rank or higher, unrelated to a minor official like Xu Yanmiao. He would usually just honestly go to work and handle his duties.

It should have been like this.

But today…


“Xu Yanmiao from the Ministry of Personnel, present yourself—”

The eunuch’s voice echoed from the sides of the golden platform, crossing the layers of steps. The sunlight cast shadows dividing the civil and military officials, who turned their heads one by one, looking back towards the end, their faces filled with astonishment, exchanging glances with the minor official from the Ministry of Personnel.

“Me?” Xu Yanmiao, who was savoring the memory of hotpot, was stunned when called, losing his train of thought and feeling bewildered.

The official from the Ministry of War who had fainted kicked Xu Yanmiao on the heel to wake him up.

Xu Yanmiao stumbled forward a few steps, suddenly realizing this was not the time to be daydreaming. He quickly adjusted his official hat and walked from the center of the ranks of officials towards the golden platform.

Passing the ninth-rank officials…

Passing the eighth-rank officials…

Passing the seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, and third-rank officials…

He walked from the back to the front, where the old Emperor had already left for the palace. Only the second-rank officials remained, each with a position that could overwhelm him.

Xu Yanmiao silently bowed. “Greetings, gentlemen.”

The Minister of War snorted. “Hmph.”

Xu Yanmiao looked at him openly, full of confusion.

[What’s going on? When did I offend him?]

The Minister of War: “…”


The other ministers also looked at Xu Yanmiao strangely.

Xu Yanmiao: “?”

Why did these people seem… unfriendly towards him?

“Xu Lang.” Someone suddenly called him. Xu Yanmiao looked up to see Prime Minister Dou.

The Prime Minister smiled slightly, nodding gently. Perhaps it was Xu Yanmiao’s imagination, but he even saw a hint of… gratitude in his eyes?

“The Emperor has summoned you, which shows he has high hopes for you. Don’t worry. When you meet him later, don’t be reckless…”

Then, the Prime Minister quietly gave Xu Yanmiao some tips on meeting the Emperor.

Xu Yanmiao was almost flattered.

Was the Prime Minister really this approachable?

The Minister of War glanced at the Prime Minister and stopped giving Xu Yanmiao a hard time.

The Minister of Rites tried to smooth things over: “The Emperor is still in the palace, colleagues, let’s go.”

The old Emperor sat in the Wuying Hall, handling state affairs. For the first time, he wasn’t absorbed in his work, occasionally looking at the hall door, making the chief eunuch puzzled.

Who was the Emperor waiting for?

A eunuch came running in to report: “Your Majesty, the Prime Minister and other ministers are here to see you.”

The old Emperor nodded, waited a few moments, but heard nothing further. He looked at the eunuch, who was bewildered and glanced at the chief eunuch for help. The chief eunuch was also confused.

A curtain in the corner fluttered, and the old Emperor said softly, “Is there anyone else?”

The eunuch suddenly understood and said, “Xu Yanmiao from the Ministry of Personnel is also waiting outside the hall.”

The old Emperor: “Summon him.”

The eunuch took a deep breath and announced, “Summon—”

Soon, the officials entered the hall.

The old Emperor followed the usual protocol: “Grant food.”

Palace attendants brought small tables and cushions, and everyone took their seats.

Xu Yanmiao carefully wrapped his official robe around him, his eyes burning as he stared at the tray carried by the palace attendants.

After each court session, the old Emperor would grant food to the officials, but the meals differed between the various offices and the Wuying Hall—now he had the chance to taste the food of the second-rank officials!

Then, as the tray was set down, Xu Yanmiao looked closely.

Tofu? Vegetables? Noodles? No meat, and at most two eggs in the noodles?

Xu Yanmiao: “…”

[This is worse than eating back at my office.]

The old Emperor pretended not to hear and casually remarked, “Ah, the imperial kitchen has been making the same few hundred dishes for decades. I’m so tired of them. I’ve lost my appetite these past few days and have been eating lightly, which has made it tough on you all to accompany me.”

The ministers: “…”

Not at all.

We wouldn’t dare.

Usually, someone perceptive would offer to present the Emperor with a new recipe they had recently tried, claiming it was delicious.

However, Xu Yanmiao had no reaction.

The old Emperor: “…”

Even though Xu Yanmiao seemed to be putting on a thoughtful facade, the old Emperor could see the confusion in his eyes—he had no idea how to read his superior’s intentions. And he wanted to be promoted?!

The old Emperor felt an unprecedented annoyance.

He had to eat that thing called hotpot today!

He whispered a few words to the chief eunuch. Moments later, the palace attendants brought out small partitioned pots for each table, each compartment filled with broth, the rich aroma of meat mingling with the scent of burning charcoal, making everyone drool.


Hearing Xu Yanmiao’s astonished thought, the old Emperor picked up his chopsticks, eating noodles while thinking: I knew it, you can’t eat hotpot without a pot of broth!

The warming pots were just small portable pots!

On the other side, Xu Yanmiao’s thoughts continued: [Oh, it’s not hotpot, it’s a warming pot used to keep dishes warm. Such a shame, this would be perfect for hotpot.]

“However, I thought it over, and you all work so hard, eating too lightly is bad for your health.”

The old Emperor’s smile was mixed with pride. “Whatever you want to eat, just tell the palace attendants to add it to the warming pot.”

Xu Yanmiao’s eyes lit up.

The other ministers also… their eyes lit up.

Xu Yanmiao: “First, two pounds of beef and mutton, both raw slices!”

Other ministers: “Yes, yes, beef and mutton, raw slices!”

Xu Yanmiao: “Add more charcoal, this little bit isn’t enough to boil the broth.”

Other ministers: “Mm, mm, mm, charcoal, bring us more too!”

Xu Yanmiao: “Pepper, salt, minced garlic, and oil… lots of oil…”

Other ministers: “Pepper…”

Xu Yanmiao looked back at them silently.

These second-rank officials, thick-skinned, pretended not to see his disdainful gaze.

The old Emperor: “Ahem, bring me a serving too.”

The chief eunuch whispered: “Your Majesty, should we send some to the Empress as usual…”

“Of course, send it…”

The old emperor paused.

The old Emperor grew irritated: “Empress? What Empress! Just because I have something, does it mean she has to have it too?”

His voice was slightly louder.

Xu Yanmiao was puzzled.

[What’s going on? Did they have a marital dispute?]

The old Emperor stiffened.

[Could it be that the old Emperor knows about the concubine wanting to beat the princess to death, and he wants to spare the concubine, but the Empress disagrees, and they argued about it?]


The Minister of Rites was drinking wine and spat it out, both spicy and choking, causing him to cough repeatedly.

“Cough, cough, cough—”

Beaten to death?

Who is being beaten to death?

Did he hear that right?

The old Emperor was stunned.

He couldn’t stay angry; instead, he was more perplexed by the absurdity of it all.

Did this concubine have a vendetta against his own clan?

He had twenty-one daughters in total, which concubine was reckless enough to be this suicidal?

The Emperor’s fifth daughter, Princess Wanshou, was also questioning her consort in a similar manner.

“Dragging me out to be beaten to death, this wicked woman?!”

Princess Wanshou looked at her concubine in shock.

“Does your entire clan know what you’re saying?”

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