Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Oh No! This Censor’s Big Brother Plays with Young Men!


Complete silence.

Utterly profound silence.

Even the emperor’s thunderous anger paused, his gaze fixating peculiarly on Cui Yi’s face.

Some ministers who were familiar with Cui Yi wanted to say something to help, but they couldn’t find the right words and choked on the spot. Meanwhile, they couldn’t help but think—

No wonder when we visited, his wife refused our visit citing “too much illness.” It turns out you weren’t home at all back then!

The Minister of War glanced at the bewildered and shocked Minister of Revenue beside him, whispering, “I remember after his sick leave, when Censor Cui returned to court, his left eye was bruised, there were scratch marks on his right cheek, his lip was split, and there was a large bruise on his right wrist?”

The Minister of Revenue looked at him, surprised.

This man has quite a memory, remembering exactly where Cui Yi was injured half a month ago.

After his surprise, he eagerly joined the discussion, “That’s right, he also said that a brick fell at home, startling their pet cat, which scratched his face. In his panic, he missed a step and ended up with a bruised face.”

Minister of War: “I didn’t expect it to be…”

Minister of Revenue: “A tigress at home.”

The two exchanged a knowing glance and smiled mischievously.

Meanwhile, Cui Yi, after being mercilessly stabbed by Xu Yanmiao’s inner voice, remained calm.


He continued with firm resolve, particularly steady, as if he had planned to say this all along: “However, the majesty of the royal family cannot be violated. I believe that while others may be spared from death, they cannot escape punishment. However, Liu Yi must be executed to serve as a warning to others!”

His stance was righteous and his voice steady and powerful, his words loud and clear.

Xu Yanmiao was in awe—

【So this is the skill level of someone who can reach the fourth rank, the ability to adapt to the situation is impressive.】

Facing the subtle glances and occasional disdain from other censors, Cui Yi remained unfazed.

What does it mean to adapt to the circumstances? Does that exist? As for the disdain…

Cui Yi ground his teeth silently and sneered.

Just wait, it’ll be your turn eventually!

“Your Majesty!”

Another censor, like a snake raising its neck, glanced disdainfully at Cui Yi before stepping forward proudly and speaking with a meaningful tone, “There is nothing that I cannot speak of to others!”

Xu Yanmiao scratched his cheek, feeling a strange sense of incongruity with the situation.

How did it suddenly shift from Cui Yi adapting to the circumstances to “nothing I cannot speak of to others”?

【I get it!】

Xu Yanmiao mentally clapped his fists, a knowing look appearing in his eyes.

【Just now, in a corner I didn’t notice, the emperor must have subtly hinted to Cui Yi that he had leverage over him, and Cui Yi submitted!】

【And this new censor, seeing Cui Yi being threatened, stood up to signal to the emperor that he isn’t afraid of threats!】

Cui Yi: “…”

The process is right, but the target is wrong.

The Emperor: “…”

What does this have to do with me! You bear your own guilt! Don’t randomly blame others! It’s always the ministers who take the fall for the emperor, not the other way around.

A barrage of thoughts rushed through his mind, nearly forming a scrolling text.

The newly emerged censor maintained a respectful posture but spoke with a firm tone, “I believe that though the princess is noble, once married, she should not rely on her father to oppress her husband. As it is said, men are heaven, women are earth, men are yang, women are yin, men are strong, women are gentle; the husband should be respected, and the wife should be humble, which is the proper custom.”

“Do you not see, in the previous dynasty, Emperor Taizong’s beloved Princess Fangling kept several male concubine, humiliating the prince concubine outside the bedchamber. When discovered, her lovers were either executed or exiled, and the princess was imprisoned.”

“Do you not see, five hundred years ago in the Chu dynasty, Emperor Zhongzong chose a husband for Princess Danyang, the prince concubine was the famous General Yu Che of Chu dynasty. However, the princess despised warriors, considering the prince concubine foolish, and did not share a bed with him for six months after the wedding. Upon hearing this, Emperor Zhongzong deemed her behavior unfitting for a wife, tarnishing the royal dignity, and ordered their separation, subsequently marrying her to the gentle and virtuous Princess Nanping.”

“The previous emperor, even in his incompetence, understood that a princess must adhere to the virtues of a wife, maintaining the ethics of a woman—gentle, respectful, frugal, and harmonious. Your Majesty, are you not even as wise as a mediocre emperor, intervening in marital disputes and harshly punishing the prince concubine for defiance?”

Just as he finished speaking, a voice full of wonder and surprise rang out—


The old emperor, about to rise and slap the censor, paused at the familiar voice and leisurely sat back down.

After this new censor spoke, Xu Yanmiao again nudged the hapless Ministry of War clerk: “Who is this person?”

The clerk wiped his tears, “Mr. Xu, if you remember my help in passing you information, please ensure a memorial tomb for me in the future.”

Xu Yanmiao was puzzled, “Huh?”

The clerk eagerly leaned in and explained with a smile, “This old man’s name is Wen Xingai. His elder brother is an attendant to the Crown Prince, and his son married the emperor’s eighteenth daughter.”

Xu Yanmiao’s head and shoulders moved slightly as he nodded.

“I see.”

The more detailed, the better for digging up the system’s gossip.


Xu Yanmiao’s eyes gleamed as he pretended to pay attention to court matters while actually enjoying the gossip.

【No wonder this person insists that a princess must follow the rules of the husband. It’s because Princess Xiangyang never respects him.】

Previously feeling dejected by the criticism, Princess Wanshou looked blankly at Xu Yanmiao.

After returning from the prince concubine’s manor yesterday, she had pondered and observed. She realized that the sounds Xu Yanmiao made with his mouth closed weren’t ventriloquism but his inner voice.

Now, this inner voice mentioned her eighteenth sister.

“Xiangyang…” Princess Wanshou thought of Empress Dou.

Princess Xiangyang was the empress’s youngest daughter, pampered by the emperor and empress, with four elder brothers and two elder sisters treating her like a treasure, naturally making her arrogant.

When Xu Yanmiao mentioned Princess Xiangyang, the previously unyielding Censor Wen’s face turned red, as if the court was severely lacking oxygen.

He saw the civil and military officials all perk up their ears, obviously more interested in his family affairs than whether the princess’s prince concubine should be imprisoned.

His face turned even redder, likely with his blood pressure shooting up to 180.

The old emperor noticed his expression and sneered.

If you like to pry into royal family affairs, let others pry into yours.

Xu Yanmiao scrolled through the system, freely indulging in the gossip.

【Let me see, let me see. When the princess just married, this Wen Xingai demanded that the princess, like an ordinary woman, should bathe and change clothes on the second day of marriage and perform the ceremony to acknowledge her in-laws to gain their acceptance.】

【Then, Princess Xiangyang immediately turned around to leave, wanting to return to the princess’s residence. This frightened the Wen family, fearing the emperor would learn of it. They begged Princess Xiangyang to get off the carriage, and the in-laws performed the ceremony for the princess to appease her.】

Officials: Wow!

And then, and then?

Unexpected… Xu Yanmiao was right, people always emphasize what they lack. Isn’t the Wen family the same? Encountering a strong princess, they criticize the princess for not being gentle.

Tsk tsk.

【Then, then!】

【Originally, when a husband dies, the wife mourns for three years, but the husband only needs to mourn for the wife for one year. The same applies to a princess’s death. But three months ago, Princess Qiyang passed away, and Princess Xiangyang directly threatened Qiyang’s prince concubine to mourn for her sister for three years.】

【Wen Xingai, knowing this, tried to exercise his authority as a father-in-law to reprimand Princess Xiangyang for tarnishing Qiyang’s virtue, disturbing her peace after death. Princess Xiangyang retorted that if she died, she wouldn’t inconvenience her prince concubine to mourn for three years; she’d take him down with her.】

【Hahaha, my goodness, this princess is formidable! Wen Xingai was completely speechless.】

Officials: Wow! Wow!

It must be said, the private affairs of others are truly entertaining, and it’s impossible to stop listening.

Who would have thought that this old conservative could be so afraid? Why is he so harsh on Princess Wanshou?

Isn’t this just bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

The mocking glances of the officials drifted towards Censor Wen one by one. His neck turned almost completely red, but he kept his face taut and his neck stiff.

He had anticipated that Princess Xiangyang’s issues might come to light, but facing the reality, he realized just how unbearable those pointing fingers, whispers, and strange looks could be.


It’s the princess who is at fault for being disrespectful. My Wen family strictly adheres to propriety. What is wrong with that? It’s the princess who should be embarrassed, not my family! What’s wrong with these people? Shouldn’t they be criticizing the princess for not adhering to the virtues of a wife?

Of course, the old conservative couldn’t stand it, but he couldn’t stop Xu Yanmiao either.

— Even if he shouted “shut up,” Xu Yanmiao wouldn’t realize it was directed at him. And if he shouted “Xu Yanmiao,” the officials closest to him would probably rush to cover his mouth before he could finish.

The benefits brought by Xu Yanmiao’s inner voice were significant. For instance, the revelation of the Nanyue Kingdom’s rebellion yesterday allowed for preemptive measures. The rebels were unprepared, and the rebellion would be perfectly suppressed with minimal casualties. Already, ten or so noble families had sent their children into the army to gain military merits.

Wen Xingai could dream of ruining everyone’s interests.

What made Wen Xingai want to die was that Xu Yanmiao’s inner voice hadn’t stopped!

He was still digging up his family’s dirt! And it wasn’t just about the princess and her prince concubine!

【Tsk tsk, there’s so much gossip about this family. His elder brother, the Crown Prince’s attendant, got an STD from playing around with young male courtesans.】

Officials: Ew!

Who would have thought the Crown Prince’s attendant would engage with male courtesans? Truly, people can’t be judged by their appearances!

Prime Minister Dou: “…”

It took him a moment to react, drawing a sharp breath.

“Mr. Wen?!”

Censor Wen’s eyes widened, and he mumbled, “My elder brother…but he’s seventy-five!”

The Crown Prince, hearing this shocking news, choked on his own saliva, coughing violently: “Cough, cough, cough!” After coughing, he muttered, “Still going strong, huh.”

This was even more impressive than his father, who at sixty-three, had an affair with a young woman.

Explosive! Too explosive!

He liked it!

…Isn’t this inappropriate?

The Crown Prince touched his remaining conscience, recalling how he usually disliked this attendant who always lectured him with moral principles and often passionately advised against his roguish behavior, saying it was unbecoming of a prince.

Thinking this, he immediately discarded his conscience.

The gossip was delicious, hehe!

At least he himself never messed around with his private life!

The officials, having gotten a huge scoop, couldn’t help but chatter in the court.

“Mr. Wen is too irresponsible, getting sick from such activities.”

“I told you, their family always acts high and mighty, there must be some hidden scandal. And now, it’s all been exposed.”

“Pfft— I’m just waiting for the show. After today, who knows if he’ll still be the Crown Prince’s attendant.”

“Forget being an attendant, Princess Xiangyang might need a new prince concubine.”

Some busybodies glanced at the old emperor, finding his face indeed darkened, his expression particularly bad.

Xu Yanmiao didn’t notice. He was still digging.

His eyes gleamed like flashlights.

The eyes of the royal family and officials also shone like flashlights.

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