Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 12

Seeing the second elder seemingly stunned and silent for a long time, Qin Ruqing deliberately asked, “Second Elder, didn’t I say it right? This must be the Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb!”

She used an innocent, playful tone to show that she didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation, treating finding the Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb as a bit of fun.

This way, even if they suspected something was off later, they wouldn’t doubt her.

The second elder coughed to steady himself and replied, “You little rascal, you sure have good luck. This…well, it truly is the Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb.”

Qin Ruyu’s eyes widened in surprise, “Second Elder, really?”

The second elder stroked his beard leisurely, “Indeed.”

He crouched beside Qin Ruqing and pointed at the herb with four rounded leaves, explaining to them, “Not every herb with four leaves is a true Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb. Growing four leaves only indicates it has started to mutate.”

“To determine if this Lingzhi Herb has fully mutated, we need to examine its roots, which can’t be seen with the naked eye and require spiritual sense to observe.

The roots should be thick, three times longer than a normal Lingzhi Herb’s, and with aerial roots indicating mid-stage mutation.”

“Finally, the leaves should become thicker, darker in color, and brimming with spiritual energy, signifying a complete mutation into a true Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb.”

Following the second elder’s description, Qin Ruyu compared these features with the herb and found them all to match perfectly.

He couldn’t help but exclaim, “It really is a Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb! Second Elder, I’ve heard the Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb is the main ingredient for refining Foundation Establishment Pills. Does this mean…”

He left the last part unsaid, finding it too fantastical to voice out loud.

The second elder, stroking his beard, seemed both delighted and wistful. “Indeed, the Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb is the main ingredient for Foundation Establishment Pills, and it’s the most crucial and rare component.

Unfortunately, to refine a Foundation Establishment Pill, you need at least three Four-leaf Lingzhi Herbs. We’ve only found one, and who knows when we’ll find the rest.”

Qin Ruyu couldn’t hide his disappointment.

Indeed, the main ingredient for Foundation Establishment Pills wasn’t so easily gathered.

While the second elder and Qin Ruyu fell silent, lost in their thoughts, Qin Ruqing remained oblivious and continued looking around.

The second elder raised an eyebrow and asked, “What are you doing now?”

Qin Ruqing, without lifting her head, replied, “I’m looking for more Four-leaf Lingzhi Herbs!”

The second elder couldn’t help but laugh, “You child, do you think Four-leaf Lingzhi Herbs grow in patches just because you found one?”

“Who knows? Maybe!”

Qin Ruqing’s pigtails bobbed as she searched, “Second Elder just said it was impossible, but didn’t I find one? Maybe the caretakers overlooked some new Four-leaf Lingzhi Herbs because they had the same mindset!”

Despite her childish words, the second elder felt a subtle truth in them.

Indeed, if it were completely impossible, how did this Four-leaf Lingzhi Herb appear without the caretakers noticing? Maybe there were indeed more to be found.

Without saying more, the second elder released his spiritual sense to search the garden.

Inch by inch, they searched through the medicinal field.

Seeing this, Qin Ruyu joined the search party.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Ruyu frowned slightly and hesitantly spoke up, “Second Elder… this one seems to be a Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herb too.” Her tone was uncertain.


When the Second Elder saw the one Qin Ruyu pointed out, he scanned it with his spiritual sense.

His body stiffened as he began to doubt himself like never before.

—This one is also a Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herb!!

Was he dreaming?

It turned out, it wasn’t a dream.

Because the Second Elder himself also found a Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herb in the medicinal garden.

Three plants! My goodness!

So, the main ingredient for the Foundation Establishment Pill…

The Second Elder yanked his beard hard, his expression turning more serious than ever.

Without any further hesitation, he turned and instructed Qin Ruqing and her brother, “You two stay here and guard this place. I will report this matter.” Still worried, he added, “Do not touch the three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs. Just watch them and make sure no one else comes near.” With that, he hurriedly left.

Watching the Second Elder’s swift departure, Qin Ruqing finally showed a secretive smile.

Things were almost done now; they just needed to be patient.

The discovery of three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs in the family medicinal garden!

This news shocked the entire Qin family leadership.

Everyone’s first reaction was disbelief.

The Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herb is an extremely rare mutated medicinal herb.

Among the three main ingredients for the Foundation Establishment Pill, it is the hardest to obtain.

So, when someone suddenly says that three of them appeared in the family garden, who could believe it?

But the fact was undeniable because the Second Elder said it himself.

He even mentioned that if anyone doubted him, they could go to the garden and see for themselves.

Thus, an extraordinary sight unfolded—all the elders and high-ranking members of the Qin family rushed to the garden.

At that time, Qin Ruqing was squatting idly by the field ridge when she suddenly found herself surrounded by a crowd, staring at her.

Qin Ruqing blinked and thought, here they come.

Qin Deming, ignoring why Qin Ruqing and her brother were there, anxiously asked, “Qingqing, where are the Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs?”

Qin Ruqing pursed her lips and pointed to the medicinal field.

Everyone’s gaze followed, and Qin Ruqing felt countless invisible threads brushing over her and then falling into the field.

This should be the elders’ spiritual senses… Alas, she hadn’t reached the Qi Refining stage yet and couldn’t release her spiritual sense.

How frustrating.

While Qin Ruqing was lost in thought, she saw the elders, including her own father, looking increasingly excited.

Who wouldn’t be excited? It’s the Foundation Establishment Pill.

After confirming, the elders carefully transplanted the three mutated Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs using spiritual soil and a spirit-gathering array, and then preserved them securely.

Afterward, the other elders conducted a thorough search…

They scanned the medicinal field dedicated to cultivating Lingzhi herbs thoroughly, even expanding the search to the entire inner garden.

After confirming there were no oversights, they sighed and departed.

Qin Ruqing followed her father, knowing from their serious and heated gazes that the matter was far from over.

Discovering Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs was certainly a major cause for celebration.

However, having exactly three of them was enough to complete the most elusive ingredient for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Now, the question arose—how should these three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs be handled?

Should they be sold to enrich the Qin family’s treasury, or should they be used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill? Most importantly, if they were to refine the pill, how would it be distributed?

Qin Ruqing sensed a tough battle ahead.

Indeed, upon returning, her father reported the matter to the ancestor.

Upon hearing it, the ancestor personally inspected the medicinal garden—not to verify the authenticity of the herbs, but to examine the surrounding environment.

Had there been any mutations in the field to explain the sudden appearance of three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs?

Even with the ancestors’s thorough inspection spanning several kilometers, no abnormalities were found.

Ultimately, they attributed it to heavenly favor.

This wasn’t particularly surprising to them because the mutation of spiritual herbs was inherently mysterious and beyond human control.

In the most secretive council chamber of the Qin family, the ancestor, elders, and other high-ranking members were now in a meeting.

“The three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs discovered this time—how do you intend to handle them?” The ancestor’s voice was calm, showing no intention to beat around the bush.

Handling them meant using them to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Feeling the fiery gazes from those below him, the ancestor added nonchalantly, “If we refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, the quantity of Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs found this time is only sufficient for one attempt. Currently, with my injuries and diminished strength, even if I were to refine it personally, the chances of success would not exceed fifty percent. If the refinement fails…”

She left the rest unsaid, but everyone guessed—failing would mean wasting the precious three Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs that were so difficult to obtain.

“Not exceeding fifty percent” meant at best thirty to forty percent.

It was like a high-stakes gamble.

Win, and the Qin family’s power would soar; lose, and everything would be lost, squandering the three valuable Four-Leaf Lingzhi Herbs.

Understanding this, the fervor in everyone’s hearts was doused as if with a bucket of cold water.

The council chamber fell silent. No one spoke up, and no one dared to.

Seeing their hesitation, the Ancestor remained calm. “This matter is of great significance. We cannot rush into a decision. Return and discuss it. After three days, we will decide.”

Before disappearing, the Ancestor left one more thing, “If we are to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, you should also consider in advance who will receive the pill.”

Who will receive the Foundation Establishment Pill…

Although the ancestor had left, those remaining in the chamber did not move an inch.

The Foundation Establishment Pill would only be given to those at the ninth level of Qi Refinement or even the Peak Qi Refinement stage, as only they could potentially break through their bottlenecks and achieve Foundation Establishment.

Currently in the Qin family, those at the ninth level of Qi Refinement included the patriarch Qin Deming and second brother, Qin Dehao.

At the Peak Refinement stage was only the Grand elder and Qin Dexin.

This meant that the selection for the Foundation Establishment Pill would be limited to these four.

Qin Deming from the first branch occupied the position of family head, and if he could achieve Foundation Establishment, he would better lead the Qin family.

The second branch had Qin Dehao and the Grand elder.

The Grand elder not only had reached the Peak Refinement stage but was also highly respected in the Qin family.

Qin Dexin from the third branch achieved Peak Refinement Stage at a young age, showing limitless potential.

Each had reasons to receive the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The question remained: how would they decide?

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