Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 14

Seven days later, the Ancestor, Qin Wenxuan ( Ancestor’s Name ), began the alchemy process in the most secretive alchemy room of the Qin family.

Before entering, she said, “There will be results in three days. Just wait.”

The Ancestor was well-prepared for this attempt.

She was injured and in poor condition, so she took a Recovery Pill to restore her strength.

Although the pill temporarily alleviated her injuries, it had a potent and harsh effect, worsening her condition after a period.

Hence, she rarely used it, knowing it would ultimately burden her body more.

However, to increase the success rate of making the Foundation Establishment Pill, she chose to bear this cost.

Initially, the Qin family members tried to dissuade her from taking the pill.

But the Ancestor said, “You all know the current state of our family. The treasury is tight, but more importantly, the Zhang and Han families are eyeing us.

With the Recurrent Secret Realm about to be developed, if we lack strength, the Zhang and Han families might join forces to exclude us.”

Hearing this, everyone’s faces darkened.

A year ago, a third-level secret realm was discovered in Nanling County, where the Qin family resided.

The three dominant cultivation families—Qin, Zhang, and Han—agreed to develop it together.

They had to join forces because none of them had the power to dominate the others or handle the secret realm alone.

Among these families, the Qin family had the least seniority, and with the Ancestor injured, they weren’t at their best.

Thus, the Ancestor’s fear that the Zhang and Han families might unite to exclude them from the Recurrent Secret Realm was very real.

The Qin family desperately needed a new Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The Ancentor’s words silenced everyone.

She then resolutely took the Recovery Pill before entering the alchemy room.

Three anxious days followed.

The Qin family members practically lived outside the alchemy room, constantly glancing at the ancient bronze door.

Finally, on the third day, the Ancestor hadn’t appeared yet, causing even more worry.

What had happened?

Did something go wrong?

They were almost tempted to use their spiritual senses to check but refrained, knowing it could disturb the alchemy process.

Finally, at dawn on the fourth day, there was movement inside the room.

The ornate copper door opened, and the Patriarch, dressed in white, walked out slowly.

She looked calm, her robes clean and neat, but her face was pale, showing clear signs of exhaustion.

Ignoring everyone’s anxious looks, she raised a small jade bottle with a slight smile and said, “There was a complication, but thanks to heaven’s favor, our Qin family has obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill.”

A Foundation Establishment Pill!

It had actually succeeded!

Some elders were so overwhelmed with joy that they cried and knelt to thank the heavens.

No one mocked their outburst because everyone was equally ecstatic.

The Ancestor watched them with satisfaction.

After a moment, she sternly said, “This must not be publicized.”

She turned to Qin Dexin and instructed, “Prepare yourself well in the coming days. Once you’re in your best condition, start your secluded breakthrough.”

So urgent?

Everyone was surprised but quickly realized it was necessary.

The Zhang and Han families might be watching them.

Celebrating too openly could arouse suspicion and lead them to investigate.

If they found out about the Foundation Establishment Pill and caused trouble, it would be disastrous.

Staying low-key was the best strategy.

Everyone’s previously relaxed mindset became tense again.

Qin Dexin was about to undergo a crucial retreat to establish her foundation.

Whether the Qin family could secure their right to develop the Recurrent Secret Realm largely depended on her success.

Although the Foundation Establishment Pill significantly increased the chances of success, it was not a guarantee.

The elders were all on edge, and so was Qin Dexin’s son, Qin Qirong.

On the day she began her retreat, Qirong, unable to hold back his worry, cried in front of Qin Ruqing.

“Little sister, if my mother fails to establish her foundation, will she die?”

Qin Ruqing could only comfort him, “Third Aunt is very skilled. She won’t fail. Don’t worry, she’ll succeed.”

Qin Qirong, still teary-eyed, asked, “Really?”

Without waiting for a reply, he nodded, “Okay, you’re smarter than me. If you say she’ll succeed, then she will.”

Qin Ruqing thought to herself: You’re quite aware of your own limitations.

She also wondered why the system hadn’t given her any rewards yet.

Considering she had successfully handed over the four-leaf Lingzhi plants and helped the family produce a Foundation Establishment Pill, she expected at least some points.

After thinking it through, she guessed the system was waiting for the outcome of her aunt’s foundation establishment to reward her.

So, Qin Ruqing returned to her normal school life.

Reflecting on her father’s reaction after the family meeting, she recalled his intense gaze and hesitation.

Although he didn’t say anything, she felt like he had stamped her with the label “extraordinarily intelligent.”

This almost made Qin Ruqing want to confess: Dad, I’m not as smart as you think.

The recent events seemed like she had orchestrated everything, but Qin Ruqing knew it wasn’t her intelligence but her perspective.

Being an outsider allowed her to see things clearly.

Her father must have thought of using the three four-leaf Lingzhi plants to make the Foundation Establishment Pill.

His hesitation was due to the high risks and costs involved.

Giving up the opportunity wasn’t because he didn’t know the pill would likely go to her third aunt.

He just found it hard to relinquish his own slim chance.

Qin Ruqing concluded that her ability to make calm and decisive choices came from not being fully integrated into this world.

She still thought of herself as a “tramigtator” rather than a “Qin family member,” which allowed her to make decisions without emotional attachment.

She realized that this detachment had its advantages.

Actually, this mindset could be a hidden danger.

Having the mentality of an Outsider inevitably leads to thoughts like “I’m the only one who’s clear-headed” or “I know I’m different from all of you.”

This doesn’t lead to clarity, but to arrogance.

In her previous life, arrogance might have been bearable, but in this world of cultivation, it often comes with a deadly price.

Qin Ruqing decided to adjust her mindset, to forget her previous life and the notion of being a transmigrator, and to remember only that she was a member of the Qin family, that she was Qin Ruqing.

A month passed.

Qin Ruqing noticed that even her parents were getting anxious.

In the cultivation world, retreats often lasted five or ten years, but her third aunt’s retreat was different.

She had taken the Foundation Establishment Pill at the peak of Qi Refining, meaning she could potentially come out in three days if everything went smoothly.

But now, a month had passed without any sign from the secret room.

How could this not worry everyone?

One day, Qin Deming received a message and hurriedly left.

Qin Ruqing was in class, and next to her sat a gloomy Qin Qirong.

Half a month after his mother’s retreat, the little chubby boy could no longer hold back his anxiety.

He didn’t dare to ask the elders, so he asked Qin Ruqing every day when his mother would come out.

Today, it was time for him to ask again.

Resting his chin on the desk and playing with his chubby fingers as if counting something, Qin Qirong furrowed his brows and then turned to Qin Ruqing:

“Little sister, when will my mother come out?”

Qin Ruqing sighed internally, thinking, here we go again.

She was about to give her usual vague answer when she suddenly heard a familiar ding in her mind.

She knew that sound very well.

It was the sound the system made when settling rewards.

Her eyebrows raised, and a smile appeared on her lips.

She didn’t rush to check the reward but instead turned to the little chubby boy beside her and said:

“Don’t worry, I have a feeling that Third Aunt will come out today. Do you believe me?”

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