Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 21.2

They had never heard of this Dao physique before.

“It’s normal that you don’t know. Even in the Eastern Region, the Qinglian Dao physique is rarely seen. People from Yingzhou combed through ancient texts and found traces of this Dao physique in scattered legends passed down from the Central Region.”

“According to legend, ancient powerhouses with this Dao physique could fight three opponents alone and had extremely strong survival abilities.

Unless dealt a killing blow, they were difficult to kill. Most notably, when developed to its fullest, this Dao physique could even regenerate from a drop of blood.”

In simpler terms, you couldn’t kill them in a fight, and even if they died, they could come back to life.

Qin Ruqing squeezed her little fist beside him, feeling both excited and puzzled.

She asked her own question:

“But, ancestor, there are rumors of body possession in the immortal world.

Even if an immortal dies, if the soul remains, it can still become a ghost cultivator.

So, being able to regenerate from a drop of blood doesn’t seem like such a powerful ability.”

The adults looked at her, all showing a kind and gentle smile.

Luo Xian spoke gently, “Silly child, can body possession be done at will?”

Qin Deming casually stroked his beard and added, “As for ghost cultivation, they can no longer be considered human and face severe limitations in cultivation. The trials they must face for advancement go far beyond just the test of inner demons.”

The Ancestor summed up, “Your Qinglian Dao physique, with its ability to regenerate from a drop of blood, operates within the rules of heaven and is not constrained by anything.”

Qin Ruqing: Got it.

Body possession and becoming a ghost cultivator might sound like gaining an extra life, but these are rare and risky occurrences, exploiting loopholes in the laws of heaven.

Even if successful, consequences from heaven will follow.

However, regeneration from a drop of blood is different; it’s a “skill” of the Dao physique that falls completely within the rules of heaven.

— Heaven permits this ability for your Dao physique:

Qin Ruqing finally began to grasp the incredible extent of this Dao physique.

Ahem, so does this mean I might have more than one life?

Is this skill a one-time use only maybe not?

Haha, suddenly feeling much safer.

The ancestor sighed, sounding both envious and contemplative as she said, “That’s why those with a Dao physique are heaven’s favorites, without exception.”

“But…” She furrowed her brow.

Qin Deming and Luo Xian immediately grew tense. “But what?”

The ancestor continued, “To alter fate and be reborn is going against heaven, so it must not be used lightly.

The news from Yingzhou suggests that the Qinglian Dao physique has three stages.

Only when the Dao physique is developed to the final stage is it possible to employ such a divine skill against fate.”

“What are these three stages?” Luo Xian asked eagerly.

The ancestor spoke slowly, “The first stage is Dao Awakening, known as Qinglian. At this stage, the holder of the Dao physique possesses extremely strong vitality and regenerative abilities. Their blood can heal wounds, akin to a sixth-grade elixir.”

“The second stage, Qinglian Evolution, transforms into Yulian. At this stage, the Dao physique approaches maturity and begins to awaken innate talents.”

“And the third stage?”

The ancestor shook his head slowly. “This type of Dao physique is too rare, and very few people have developed it to the third stage. Therefore, what the third stage is called and its specific characteristics remain unknown, even to the people from Yingzhou.”

“It’s speculated that a divine skill like regeneration from a drop of blood can only be used in the third stage.”

Qin Deming and Luoxian couldn’t hide a hint of disappointment in their expressions.

It wasn’t disappointment in the ancestor, but rather a natural human reaction.

Seeing their expressions, the ancestor left some words unspoken.

The evolution of a Dao physique requires a vast amount of resources.

Not to mention the third stage, even achieving the second stage would be difficult under the current circumstances of the Qin family.

After a pause, the ancestor turned to Qin Qirong. “Regarding this child, after hearing about his situation, the people from Yingzhou have suggested two possibilities.”

“One is that he has awakened the bloodline of a gluttonous beast.”

“The gluttonous beast is an ancient divine beast. Those who awaken its bloodline can devour the heavens and earth. Its rarity is no less than that of a Dao physique.”

“The second possibility is that he has awakened a special physique called ‘Devour.'”

“There are rumors that the Devour physique is a primitive form of the gluttonous beast. If we can find the key to evolving into a gluttonous beast lies in awakening,” the ancestor explained.

“Those who awaken the Devouring Physique often find cultivation simple and rapid. They don’t need additional methods; they just need to devour. By consuming large quantities of spiritual materials and treasures, they can swiftly advance their cultivation.”

“Both physiques share the characteristic of ‘devouring,’ but judging by Qirong’s appearance, he seems more inclined towards the second type,” The Ancestor added, casting a glance at Qin Dexin. “However, this is already quite rare.”

Qin Qirong listened with a mix of confusion and understanding, sensing vaguely that he was quite formidable.

Meanwhile, his mother, Qin Dexin, was much more profoundly shaken.

She clearly understood the meaning behind the ancestor’s final glance at her.

While not possessing the bloodline of a gluttonous beast, Qirong’s physique was already remarkably rare—obviously, the gluttonous beast’s bloodline was a step above the Devouring Physique.

The ancestor feared her potential dissatisfaction with this outcome.

However, how could she be dissatisfied?

Qirong awakening to a special physique was already a pleasant surprise.

Moreover, according to the ancestor, this physique was extremely extraordinary; it only required absorbing energy from spiritual and earthly treasures, essentially simplifying the most difficult aspects of cultivation into mere treasure gathering.

This wasn’t just something anyone could do… Ahem, well, it did cost a bit.

Yet, even so, Qin Dexin felt that her son’s future was bright.

She was already considering where to gather spiritual and earthly treasures for him.

The ancestor deliberately gave them time to digest the information they had just heard before continuing, “The fact that both children have such opportunities is their fortune and the fortune of the Qin family. However…”

The ancestor paused noticeably.

Qin Deming and the others all turned inquiring looks towards him. However, what?

“However, although they possess exceptional talent, they require countless spiritual and earthly treasures for cultivation. Moreover, ordinary treasures may not suffice; they might need the particularly precious parts of spiritual and earthly treasures.”

“As for Qirong, he should have enough of the spiritual materials gathered from the Secret Realm for his short-term needs. However, for Qingqing, there might be some complications.”

As soon as they heard there might be an issue with their children, Qin Deming and his wife immediately grew anxious. Luoxian quickly asked, “Ancestor, what’s the problem?”

“As mentioned before, Qingqing’s Dao physique has three stages. The Dao physique itself is extraordinary, and if developed to the final stage, it becomes terrifying. However, this is an extremely difficult task and requires laying a solid foundation for the Dao physique’s advancement from the nurturing period.”

The ancestor finally touched upon the crux of the issue. “Previously, Qingqing was set on a regimen using a lower-grade nurturing secret method. Although this is the best resource the Qin family can provide, it may not be sufficient for Qingqing at present.

If she continues to be nurtured with a lower-grade secret method, it might be difficult for her to even advance to the second stage of developing her Dao physique…”

Luo Xian and her husband felt their hearts sink.

So, that was the case.

If they continued to use a lower-grade nurturing secret method, Qingqing might not even advance to the second stage of her Dao physique?

Wasn’t this tantamount to guarding a treasure mountain and accomplishing nothing, thereby delaying their child?

Luo Xian hurriedly said, “But, Ancestor, the nurturing secret methods are mostly controlled by major families and are rarely circulated. Where can we find a higher-grade one for her?”

“Where is the secret technique?” she asked eagerly, looking at the Ancestor, hoping for a reassuring answer.

But the Ancestor shook his head.

“I have no clue either.”

“I will instruct people from Yingzhou to continue paying attention to the cultivation secret technique. You can also gather more information in the Southern Domain.”

And so, the matter of Qin Ruqing’s secret technique remained a mystery to everyone.

Two more months passed.

During this time, the Qin family had found many treasures in the secret realm, but most were used by Qin Qirong.

Because Qirong had a strong constitution and the ability to “devour,” he could withstand the energy impact of these treasures.

But it was different for Qin Ruqing.

She had not yet cultivated her qi and could only take extremely gentle spiritual medicines.

The Luo Xian was worried sick about this.

However, just a month later, things took a sudden turn.

People sent out by Qin Deming discovered that a high-level cultivation secret technique had appeared at a Southern Domain’s auction!

They were overjoyed!

Qin Deming’s couple couldn’t wait to rush over, and even the Ancestor, who came upon hearing the news, wore a pleased expression.

The Ancestor confirmed the news.

“People from Yingzhou say that this kind of high-level cultivation secret technique is hard to find in the Eastern Region, where major families gather.

Even if it appears, it’s quickly taken by powerful families, and smaller factions have no chance.

But in the remote region like the Western and Southern Domains, where major families are fewer, such high-level techniques are more likely to circulate.”

Indeed! Did this mean the news from the Southern Domain’s auction was likely true?

With urgency, the Ancestor quickly discussed with the other elders and decided on the trip to the Southern Domain.

With the itinerary set, the next task was choosing who would go.

Initially, the participants were the Ancestor, Qin Dexin, the Grand Elder, and Qin Deming.

This list was quite reasonable. Both the Ancestor and Qin Dexin were at Foundation Establishment stage, ensuring the safety of the journey.

Furthermore, Qin Deming was the clan leader and Ruqing’s father, and the main purpose of this trip was to acquire high-quality cultivation techniques for Ruqing, making his presence essential.

However, there was a last-minute change to the travel list. It all stemmed from a casual remark by Qin Ruqing in front of the Ancestor, “I really want to go see the auction!”

Auction events were a staple in many cultivation novels! Who wouldn’t want to see one?

Qin Ruqing sighed regretfully because she was too young to attend.

Unexpectedly, the Ancestor overheard her muttering and chuckled, “You want to go too?”

Qin Qirong sitting next to Qin Ruqing perked up his ears and quickly raised his head, hoping Ruqing would say something that would convince the Ancestor to take him along too.

Qin Ruqing awkwardly shrank her neck and said responsibly, “Qingqing knows she can’t go. I was just saying.”

“Oh?” The Ancestorr became curious, “Why can’t you go?”

“Isn’t it said that auctions might involve life-and-death struggles? It wouldn’t be convenient to bring us two children along, right?”

What kind of books did this child read usually to have such novel ideas?

The Ancestor said strangely, “Who told you there would be life-and-death struggles at auctions? Those who can bid for valuable items are usually from major families, not likely to engage in such things.”

“Between major families, they wouldn’t easily tear each other apart, and even lone cultivators dare not provoke major families,” the Ancestor said, causing Qin Ruqing to blush.

Novels misled me!

Every time they write about auction scenes, whether the protagonist wins or not, there’s always some ‘dog-eat-dog’ plot, with fights breaking out,

She thought to herself. ‘It turns out it’s not like that at all!’

The Ancestor continued, “It’s not entirely impossible for you and Qirong to go. This place in Nanling County… it’s indeed small. Going out to see the world would benefit you both.”

“However, it would be noticeable to have two children in the group.”

After some thought, the Ancestor took out an item from his storage ring. “This is an Illusion Shroud, commonly used in the cultivation world to conceal one’s appearance and aura. If you and Qirong want to go, wear this. Luo Xian can then take you as a separate group, blending in with the common folk. That should keep you safe.”

Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong’s eyes lit up. “Really!”

With this adjustment, the travel plans were set.

The Ancestor, Qin Deming, and the Grand Elder formed one group.

Luo Xian and Qin Dexin led the two children incognito as another.

Upon reaching the auction site, Qin Dexin, as a Foundation Establishment cultivator capable of controlling the situation, would reunite with the Ancestor’s group.

With everything planned, the group departed as scheduled.

Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong, wearing the Illusion Shrouds, looked like two little adults.

It was their first time leaving the Qin family’s territory.

Before departure, Qin Ruqing had already asked her mother about it.

The Southern Domain auction was held in Beiling County.

As for where Beiling County was, it involved discussing the entire Southern Domain.

The Southern Domain was divided into Nanling and Beiling by the Sunset Mountains.

Beiling was relatively more prosperous, while Nanling County… well, it was the most remote place in the entire Southern Domain.

Starting from the Qin family’s territory, heading north through the Sunset Mountains, they entered the vicinity of Beiling County.

Sitting in the flying ship, Qin Ruqing saw the ship land in a bustling town.

“This is Zhongxing City, the most prosperous place in Beiling County, not under any major family’s control but directly managed by the Bureau of Celestial Sect,” Luo Xian explained, emphasizing the words “directly managed by the Bureau of Celestial Goods.”

Qin Ruqing understood what her mother meant by this. The Bureau of Celestial Sect was a very special and important institution in this world.

Major families were the direct ruling class in this world.

However, there were also strict hierarchical divisions among them.

Their Qin family in Nanling, though a major family, had only recently risen to prominence.

Above them were the Silver-tier families, and even higher, the Gold-tier families.

The highest tier among the major families was the Celestial-tier families.

Celestial-tier families, with “Celestial” in their name, were recognized by the Heavenly Dao and had the responsibility of managing the entire cultivation continent.

Qin Ruqing had learned about this during her common knowledge classes at the family academy.

She privately believed that rather than ruling the entire continent, Celestial-tier families maintained order and peace.

During demonic incursions, Celestial-tier families had the responsibility to gather major families to protect ordinary people.

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