Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 22.2

Qin Ruqing closed her eyes and said firmly, “I don’t care. If you don’t give me a discount, I won’t exchange.”

“Wait…” the system seemed to sigh, which felt odd for an entity that usually operated like a robot.

Could a system have so many expressions?

“I can grant you permission one more time, but this is truly the last chance. Don’t bring this up again in the future. If the main divine space finds out, I could be penalized or even lose my system status,” the system cautioned.

In her consciousness, Qin Ruqing nodded decisively, “Okay, okay, last time!”

…Right, as if, she thought.

The system rarely spoke the truth.

It had claimed before that it was the last time, but clearly, it had made an exception just now.

People who claimed to have nothing left often had a trick or two up their sleeve!

Qin Ruqing agreed confidently, but in her mind, she was already plotting how to take advantage next time.

In the end, after some “friendly negotiation,” the system gave Qin Ruqing a 30% discount.

This allowed her to exchange for the high-grade spiritual cultivation technique while still keeping some points.

Once she obtained the high-grade technique, Qin Ruqing studied it carefully.

She wanted to understand how this expensive purchase differed from the mid-grade one.

To her surprise, the content of the high-grade technique was simpler than the mid-grade one.

It didn’t require rare materials; instead, it focused on a technique called the “Breath of Heaven and Earth.”

This technique claimed to enhance innate qi and achieve innate perfection.

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but ask, “System, are you giving me a fake just because you had to give me a discount? This doesn’t look like a Nurturing spiritual cultivation technique but more like a martial arts manual.”

The system responded, [The system store never deceives. Everything is genuine.]

Hmm, “never deceives”? Qin Ruqing thought, most sellers who claimed that usually had hidden agendas.

However, Qin Ruqing recalled something Ancestor had mentioned during their basic lessons: “Low-grade techniques nurture the meridians, mid-grade techniques cultivate the spirit, and high-grade techniques nurture the soul.”

Now, looking at this Breath of Heaven and Earth technique, which enhanced innate spiritual energy, it seemed to align with what Ancestor had taught about nurturing the soul.

From this point on, Qin Ruqing had no more doubts.

Instead, she began to feel fortunate.

If the high-grade technique really required rare treasures, she might not have been able to gather them.

Now, by combining the mid-grade spiritual cultivation pills with this breathing technique, she could achieve effects similar to a top-grade technique.

So, while Qin Ruqing appeared to be using the mid-grade spiritual cultivation technique outwardly, secretly, she was also incorporating the Breath of Heaven and Earth technique to absorb innate qi.

Spiritual Energy.

Time passed like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, another year went by.

Throughout this year, Qin Ruqing diligently cultivated her spiritual energy day after day.

The term “diligently” is quite literal here because the potion brewed from the mid-grade spiritual cultivation technique she used this time had to be ingested directly.

And let me tell you, it was truly bitter! Drinking it every day even turned her face green.

Not only did Qin Ruqing have to drink it, but she also had to ensure not a drop was wasted.

This stuff was expensive! Every drop wasted meant wasting many spirit stones.

So, every day, Qin Ruqing tearfully gulped down a large bottle of it.

Drinking bitter medicine daily was one thing, but what bothered her more was that while Qin Qirong had already begun cultivating his energy, she was still cultivating her spirit.

Yes, a few days ago, Qin Qirong had finished his spiritual cultivation period and successfully began absorbing qi, becoming a true Qi cultivation practitioner.

His physique had also rapidly improved under the nourishment of massive treasures.

According to their ancestor, even intermediate-level Qi cultivators would find it hard to break through his defenses.

Watching Qin Qirong’s rapid progress while she continued to cultivate her spirit made Qin Ruqing anxious.

However, she had no choice because extending her spiritual cultivation period was her ancestor’s suggestion.

The ancestor had said, “Though your Dao physique is showing initial signs, it hasn’t truly awakened yet. The awakening of the Dao physique requires a catalyst, usually occurring during significant bodily changes. I have thought about it; when you start absorbing qi and officially enter the path of cultivation, it should be the best time for your Dao physique to awaken.”

Qin Ruqing nodded and asked, “How does extending my spiritual cultivation period relate to this?”

The ancestor kindly replied, “Silly child, while awakening during the absorption of qi is ideal, it doesn’t guarantee the awakening of your Dao physique.

The spiritual cultivation technique you’re using is lacking, so your body still needs to be perfected before everything falls into place.”

With tears in her eyes, Qin Ruqing asked, “Then, how will I know when my physique is considered perfected?”

The ancestor smiled and said, “Your body will tell you the answer.”

In short, it was all mystical!

Qin Ruqing thought, “Well, I’m cultivating immortality now, so delving into the mystical is normal.”

She began to wait for the legendary moment when her body would be perfectly ready.

Two more years passed.

By this time, Qin Ruqing had surpassed the traditional period of spiritual cultivation.

While other children underwent two years of cultivation, Qin Ruqing had doubled her time.

By her twelfth birthday, even her parents were anxious.

They suggested to the ancestor that they shouldn’t wait any longer and should let her start absorbing qi.

This time, the ancestor’s attitude wasn’t as firm as before; it was hesitant and tinged with concern.

Finally, sighing, she said that if Qin Ruqing hadn’t reached that threshold in six months, they would allow her to start absorbing qi.

With these words, Qin Deming and his Lou Xian felt somewhat relieved, but as for Qin Ruqing… well, she completely relaxed.

She was in a state of “love me, love me” indifference.

Perhaps it was this mindset that affected her because one stormy night, while Qin Ruqing was sleeping peacefully, she suddenly opened her eyes.

It seemed like she had touched upon the sensation of her body being perfectly ready.

Her entire body felt like an inflated balloon about to burst.

Also known as spiritual energy.

Children in the spiritual cultivation period may not have absorbed qi into their bodies, but it doesn’t mean there’s no spiritual energy inside them.

On the contrary, the essence of spiritual cultivation is to nurture the ‘innate spiritual energy’ within them, aiming for a state where their spiritual body is pure and resonates harmoniously with the spiritual energy in the air.

Now, Qin Ruqing felt her body filled with ‘innate spiritual energy,’ almost overflowing.

In an instant, Qin Ruqing knew what to do.

She immediately guided this ‘innate spiritual energy’ to flow through her meridians, following the operation diagram of the mid-grade spiritual cultivation technique, completing a circulation.

It seemed like a heavy blow struck somewhere in her chest and abdomen with a bang, an invisible door opened, and then, a vast surge of spiritual energy rushed in.

Just moments ago, Qin Ruqing felt her body was swollen, about to burst, but now she felt famished.

She eagerly and swiftly absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy, gradually losing track of time…

The ancestor was a Peak foundation-building cultivator and immediately sensed something amiss when Qin Ruqing started absorbing external spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy around her rapidly converged towards a point and then vanished in an instant.

The rate of spiritual energy consumption was astonishing, as if there was a high-level cultivator nearby.

But how could that be possible?

The Qin family no longer had any foundation-building cultivators.

Wait… The ancestor swiftly rose from the meditation cushion.

It wasn’t someone building foundations; it was Qingqing!

The ancestor quickly pushed open Qin Ruqing’s door and saw her sitting cross-legged in a five-heart facing the sky posture, involuntarily thinking, “Indeed.”

Indeed, she was about to absorb qi into her body.

In the dead of night, so sudden and without warning, the ancestor had no doubts; Qin Ruqing had touched upon the realm of innate perfection.

For those who reached this realm, there was no need to deliberately absorb external spiritual energy; their innate energy could sufficiently support the circulation of qi, and their body would naturally open the door to cultivating qi.

People who opened the door to cultivating qi with innate energy would greatly enhance their affinity with spiritual energy, and their cultivation speed would then advance by leaps and bounds.

Most importantly, according to messages from Yingzhou, those ancient books often mentioned that those who could perfect their Dao physique often reached the realm of innate perfection during childhood.

It was said that elites from ancient noble families pursued this realm relentlessly, even spending ten years in spiritual cultivation.

After achieving perfection, they soared to great heights.

The Qin family had long since declined and lacked the resources and confidence to push children into ten years of spiritual cultivation.

Nevertheless, after a year or two, the ancestor felt that she still had the face to intervene for the child.

That was the reason for Qin Ruqing’s extended spiritual cultivation period.

The ancestor hadn’t expected her to really cultivate to perfection; she had only hoped that she could come as close as possible to that realm.

Unexpectedly, Qingqing was even more outstanding than she had thought.

She actually did it!

The ancestor was both shocked and joyful.

Soon, she calmed down and began to rapidly examine the surrounding environment, then set up an isolation formation.

With her presence here, not even a mosquito could disturb the child today.

The ancestor kept a close watch on Qin Ruqing’s body changes, feeling worried.

Because when it came to the Dao physique, everything was just speculation for them.

As long as Qin Ruqing’s Dao physique did not awaken, they remained anxious.

Qin Ruqing had outstanding talent, and with four years of spiritual cultivation, absorbing qi into her body was an effortless task.

Soon, she reached the first level of Qi cultivation.

However, strangely enough, her absorption speed of spiritual energy did not slow down.

The spiritual energy in the world continued to flow towards Qin Ruqing as if being swallowed by a whale.

Huh? The ancestor noticed this phenomenon, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

Could it be that Qingqing still had more power to spare?

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